GNUnet 0.22.1
Collaboration diagram for GNS:


 GNS Record library
 Manipulate GNS record data.
 GNS Record plugin API
 To be implemented by applications defining new record types.
 GNS service
 GNU Name System.
 Name Cache service
 Store naming information on a GNUnet node.
 Name Cache service plugin API
 Plugin API for the namecache database backend.
 Name Store service
 Store naming information on a GNUnet node.
 Name Store service plugin API
 Plugin API for the namestore database backend.


file  gnunet_gns_service.h
 API to the GNS service.
file  gnunet_gnsrecord_json_lib.h
 API that can be used to manipulate JSON GNS record data.
file  gnunet_gnsrecord_lib.h
 API that can be used to manipulate GNS record data.
file  gnunet_gnsrecord_plugin.h
 Plugin API for GNS record types.
file  gnunet_namecache_plugin.h
 Plugin API for the namecache database backend.
file  gnunet_namecache_service.h
 API that can be used to store naming information on a GNUnet node.
file  gnunet_namestore_plugin.h
 Plugin API for the namestore database backend.
file  gnunet_namestore_service.h
 API that can be used to store naming information on a GNUnet node;.

Detailed Description

Martin Schanzenbach
Christian Grothoff