.. index:: single: GNS; name cache double: subsystem; NAMECACHE .. _GNS-Namecache-Dev: NAMECACHE ========= The NAMECACHE API consists of five simple functions. First, there is ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_connect`` to connect to the NAMECACHE service. This returns the handle required for all other operations on the NAMECACHE. Using ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_block_cache`` clients can insert a block into the cache. ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_lookup_block`` can be used to lookup blocks that were stored in the NAMECACHE. Both operations can be canceled using ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_cancel``. Note that canceling a ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_block_cache`` operation can result in the block being stored in the NAMECACHE --- or not. Cancellation primarily ensures that the continuation function with the result of the operation will no longer be invoked. Finally, ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_disconnect`` closes the connection to the NAMECACHE. The maximum size of a block that can be stored in the NAMECACHE is ``GNUNET_NAMECACHE_MAX_VALUE_SIZE``, which is defined to be 63 kB. .. _The-NAMECACHE-Client_002dService-Protocol: The NAMECACHE Client-Service Protocol ------------------------------------- All messages in the NAMECACHE IPC protocol start with the ``struct GNUNET_NAMECACHE_Header`` which adds a request ID (32-bit integer) to the standard message header. The request ID is used to match requests with the respective responses from the NAMECACHE, as they are allowed to happen out-of-order. .. _Lookup: Lookup ^^^^^^ The ``struct LookupBlockMessage`` is used to lookup a block stored in the cache. It contains the query hash. The NAMECACHE always responds with a ``struct LookupBlockResponseMessage``. If the NAMECACHE has no response, it sets the expiration time in the response to zero. Otherwise, the response is expected to contain the expiration time, the ECDSA signature, the derived key and the (variable-size) encrypted data of the block. .. _Store: Store ^^^^^ The ``struct BlockCacheMessage`` is used to cache a block in the NAMECACHE. It has the same structure as the ``struct LookupBlockResponseMessage``. The service responds with a ``struct BlockCacheResponseMessage`` which contains the result of the operation (success or failure). In the future, we might want to make it possible to provide an error message as well. .. _The-NAMECACHE-Plugin-API: The NAMECACHE Plugin API ------------------------ The NAMECACHE plugin API consists of two functions, ``cache_block`` to store a block in the database, and ``lookup_block`` to lookup a block in the database. .. _Lookup2: Lookup2 ^^^^^^^ The ``lookup_block`` function is expected to return at most one block to the iterator, and return ``GNUNET_NO`` if there were no non-expired results. If there are multiple non-expired results in the cache, the lookup is supposed to return the result with the largest expiration time. .. _Store2: Store2 ^^^^^^ The ``cache_block`` function is expected to try to store the block in the database, and return ``GNUNET_SYSERR`` if this was not possible for any reason. Furthermore, ``cache_block`` is expected to implicitly perform cache maintenance and purge blocks from the cache that have expired. Note that ``cache_block`` might encounter the case where the database already has another block stored under the same key. In this case, the plugin must ensure that the block with the larger expiration time is preserved. Obviously, this can done either by simply adding new blocks and selecting for the most recent expiration time during lookup, or by checking which block is more recent during the store operation.