GNUnet 0.22.1
SearchMessage Struct Reference

Message sent from a GNUnet (fs) search activity to the gnunet-service-fs to start a search. More...

#include </home/buildbot/bb-worker/worker/gnunet_firefly/build/src/service/fs/fs.h>

Collaboration diagram for SearchMessage:

Data Fields

struct GNUNET_MessageHeader header
 Message type will be GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_FS_START_SEARCH. More...
uint32_t options
 Bitmask with options. More...
uint32_t type
 Type of the content that we're looking for. More...
uint32_t anonymity_level
 Desired anonymity level, big-endian. More...
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target
 If the request is for a DBLOCK or IBLOCK, this is the identity of the peer that is known to have a response. More...
struct GNUNET_HashCode query
 Hash of the public key for UBLOCKs; Hash of the CHK-encoded block for DBLOCKS and IBLOCKS. More...

Detailed Description

Message sent from a GNUnet (fs) search activity to the gnunet-service-fs to start a search.

Definition at line 269 of file fs.h.

Field Documentation

◆ header

struct GNUNET_MessageHeader SearchMessage::header


Definition at line 274 of file fs.h.

Referenced by check_client_start_search(), and handle_client_start_search().

◆ options

◆ type

uint32_t SearchMessage::type

Type of the content that we're looking for.

Definition at line 290 of file fs.h.

Referenced by handle_client_start_search(), retry_entry(), and schedule_transmit_search_request().

◆ anonymity_level

uint32_t SearchMessage::anonymity_level

Desired anonymity level, big-endian.

Definition at line 295 of file fs.h.

Referenced by handle_client_start_search(), retry_entry(), and schedule_transmit_search_request().

◆ target

struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity SearchMessage::target

If the request is for a DBLOCK or IBLOCK, this is the identity of the peer that is known to have a response.

Set to all-zeros if such a target is not known (note that even if OUR anonymity level is >0 we may happen to know the responder's identity; nevertheless, we should probably not use it for a DHT-lookup or similar blunt actions in order to avoid exposing ourselves).

Otherwise, "target" must be all zeros.

Definition at line 307 of file fs.h.

Referenced by handle_client_start_search(), retry_entry(), and schedule_transmit_search_request().

◆ query

struct GNUNET_HashCode SearchMessage::query

Hash of the public key for UBLOCKs; Hash of the CHK-encoded block for DBLOCKS and IBLOCKS.

Definition at line 313 of file fs.h.

Referenced by gnunet-chk.Chk::__init__(), handle_client_start_search(), retry_entry(), schedule_transmit_search_request(), and gnunet-chk.Chk::uri().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: