GNUnet 0.22.0
find_typedefs Namespace Reference


def get_td_from_function_signature (line, file, num)
def get_td_from_simple_type (line, file, num)
def find_typedefs (file)
def scan_dir (d)


bool debug = False
 arg = os.getcwd()

Function Documentation

◆ get_td_from_function_signature()

def find_typedefs.get_td_from_function_signature (   line,

Definition at line 10 of file

10def get_td_from_function_signature(line, file, num):
11 left_paren = line.find('(')
12 if left_paren > 0:
13 left_paren += 1
14 li = line[left_paren:]
15 right_paren = line.find(')')
16 if right_paren > 0 and right_paren > left_paren and line[
17 right_paren:].find('(') >= 0:
18 fname = line[:right_paren]
19 fname = fname.lstrip(' ').lstrip('*').lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ')
20 if len(fname) > 0:
21 if debug:
22 print("from {0}:{1}".format(file, num))
23 print("-T {0}".format(fname))
def get_td_from_function_signature(line, file, num)

Referenced by find_typedefs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_td_from_simple_type()

def find_typedefs.get_td_from_simple_type (   line,

Definition at line 26 of file

26def get_td_from_simple_type(line, file, num):
27 line = line.rstrip(' ').rstrip('\t').rstrip(' ').rstrip('\t')
28 right_space = line.rfind(' ')
29 right_tab = line.rfind('\t')
30 sep = right_tab if right_tab > right_space else right_space
31 sep += 1
32 tname = line[sep:]
33 tname = tname.lstrip('*')
34 if len(tname) > 0:
35 if debug:
36 print("from {0}:{1}".format(file, num))
37 print("-T {0}".format(tname))
def get_td_from_simple_type(line, file, num)

Referenced by find_typedefs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_typedefs()

def find_typedefs.find_typedefs (   file)

Definition at line 40 of file

40def find_typedefs(file):
41 with open(file, 'rb') as f:
42 td = False
43 td_struct = False
44 td_level = 0
45 td_line = []
46 data =
47 for i, l in enumerate(data.splitlines(False)):
48 # Don't try to be too smart: only count lines that begin with 'typedef '
49 l = l.rstrip(' ').rstrip('\t')
50 if len(l) == 0:
51 continue
52 if not td:
53 if l[:8] != 'typedef ':
54 continue
55 else:
56 td = True
57 if l[8:].lstrip(' ').lstrip('\t')[:6] == 'struct':
58 td_struct = True
59 if td_struct:
60 leftcbrace = l.find('{')
61 if leftcbrace >= 0:
62 if td_level == 0:
63 td_line.append(l[:leftcbrace])
64 l = l[leftcbrace + 1:]
65 td_level += 1
66 rightcbrace = l.rfind('}')
67 if rightcbrace >= 0:
68 td_level -= 1
69 if td_level == 0:
70 td_line.append(l[rightcbrace + 1:])
71 else:
72 td_line.append(l)
73 if len(l) > 0 and l[-1] == ';' and (not td_struct or td_level == 0):
74 td_line = ' '.join(td_line)
75 td_line = td_line[:-1]
76 if len(td_line) > 0:
77 if td_line[-1] == ')':
78 get_td_from_function_signature(td_line, file, i)
79 else:
80 get_td_from_simple_type(td_line, file, i)
81 td_line = []
82 td = False
83 td_struct = False
84 td_level = 0
def find_typedefs(file)

References get_td_from_function_signature(), and get_td_from_simple_type().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scan_dir()

def find_typedefs.scan_dir (   d)

Definition at line 87 of file

87def scan_dir(d):
88 for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(d):
89 for f in files:
90 if re.match(r'(?!lt_).+\.(c|cc|h)$', f):
91 file = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
92 find_typedefs(file)

Referenced by load_member(), and load_member_store().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ debug

bool find_typedefs.debug = False

Definition at line 7 of file

Referenced by bus_call(), and gnunet_gst_bus_call().

◆ arg