struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle * mq
struct GNUNET_HashCode key
The key used in the DHT.
const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle * config
static struct GNUNET_SERVICE_Handle * service
Handle to our service instance.
void remove_service_handle(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvHandle *handle)
Removes a handle from a service and destroys it.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue get_service_peer_identity(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer)
Tries to write the peer identity of the peer running a service on to the peer parameter.
struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_ContactStore * get_service_contact_store(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service)
Returns the used contact store of a given service.
void destroy_service(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service)
Destroys a service and frees its memory fully.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue entry_service_room(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvHandle *handle, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *door, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key)
Tries to enter a room using a given key for a service by a specific handle.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue close_service_room(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvHandle *handle, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue deletion)
Tries to close a room using a given key for a service by a specific handle.
void handle_service_message(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvRoom *room, const struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SenderSession *session, const struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Message *message, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *hash)
Sends a received or sent message with a given hash to each handle of a service which is currently mem...
struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvHandle * add_service_handle(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle *mq)
Creates and adds a new handle to a service using a given message queue.
struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvRoom * get_service_room(const struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key)
Returns the room identified by a given key for a service.
struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service * create_service(const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *config, struct GNUNET_SERVICE_Handle *service_handle)
Creates and allocates a new service using a given config and a GNUnet service handle.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue open_service_room(struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_Service *service, struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_SrvHandle *handle, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key)
Tries to open a room using a given key for a service by a specific handle.
static struct GNUNET_VPN_Handle * handle
Handle to vpn service.
API to create, modify and access statistics.
Named constants for return values.
Opaque handle to the service.
Internal representation of the hash map.
struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_ContactStore contact_store
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue auto_routing
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap * rooms
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * shutdown
unsigned long long min_routers
struct GNUNET_CADET_Handle * cadet
struct GNUNET_MESSENGER_ListHandles handles
const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle * config
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue auto_connecting
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity * peer
struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle * statistics
struct GNUNET_SERVICE_Handle * service
Handle to a message queue.
The identity of the host (wraps the signing key of the peer).
Entry in list of pending tasks.