GNUnet 0.22.2

Multi-function utilities library for GNUnet programs. More...

Collaboration diagram for Libgnunetutil:


 BIO library
 Buffered binary disk IO (with endianness conversion)
 Bandwidth library
 Functions related to bandwidth (unit)
 Configuration library
 Configuration management.
 Common data structures in GNUnet programs.
 Crypto library: cryptographic operations
 Provides cryptographic primitives.
 Crypto library: hash operations
 Provides hashing and operations on hashes.
 DNS Stub library
 Helper library to send DNS requests to DNS resolver.
 DNS parser library
 Helper library to parse DNS packets.
 Disk library
 Disk IO APIs.
 Getopt library
 Command line parsing and –help formatting.
 Helper library
 Dealing with SUID helper processes.
 Load library
 Load calculations.
 MQ library
 General-purpose message queue.
 Memory management
 Network protocol definitions
 Types of messages used in GNUnet.
 OS library
 Low level process routines.
 Peer library
 Helper library for interning of peer identifiers.
 Plugin library
 Plugin loading and unloading.
 Program library
 Start command-line programs.
 SOCKS proxy
 SOCKS proxy for connections.
 Scheduler library
 Event loop (scheduler)
 Signal library
 Manage signal handlers.
 Strings library
 Strings and string handling functions, including malloc and string tokenizing.
 Time library
 Time and time calculations.


file  gnunet_bandwidth_lib.h
 Functions related to bandwidth (unit)
file  gnunet_bio_lib.h
 Buffered IO library.
file  gnunet_child_management_lib.h
 GNUnet child management api.
file  gnunet_common.h
 commonly used definitions; globals in this file are exempt from the rule that the module name ("common") must be part of the symbol name.
file  gnunet_configuration_lib.h
 Configuration API.
file  gnunet_container_lib.h
 Container classes for GNUnet.
file  gnunet_crypto_lib.h
 cryptographic primitives for GNUnet
file  gnunet_disk_lib.h
 Disk IO APIs.
file  gnunet_dnsparser_lib.h
 API for helper library to parse DNS packets.
file  gnunet_dnsstub_lib.h
 API for helper library to send DNS requests to DNS resolver.
file  gnunet_getopt_lib.h
 Command line parsing and –help formatting.
file  gnunet_helper_lib.h
 API for dealing with SUID helper processes.
file  gnunet_load_lib.h
 Functions related to load calculations.
file  gnunet_mq_lib.h
 General-purpose message queue.
file  gnunet_nc_lib.h
 General-purpose broadcast mechanism for message queues.
file  gnunet_op_lib.h
 Asynchronous operations; register callbacks for operations and call them when a response arrives.
file  gnunet_os_lib.h
 Low level process routines.
file  gnunet_peer_lib.h
 Helper library for interning of peer identifiers.
file  gnunet_plugin_lib.h
 Plugin loading and unloading.
file  gnunet_program_lib.h
 Functions related to starting programs.
file  gnunet_protocols.h
 Constants for network protocols.
file  gnunet_scheduler_lib.h
 API to schedule computations using continuation passing style.
file  gnunet_signal_lib.h
 Functions related to signals.
file  gnunet_socks.h
 SOCKS proxy for connections.
file  gnunet_strings_lib.h
 Strings and string handling functions.
file  gnunet_time_lib.h
 Functions related to time.

Data Structures

struct  GNUNET_Buffer
 Dynamically growing buffer. More...
struct  GNUNET_HashCode
 A 512-bit hashcode. More...
struct  GNUNET_ShortHashCode
 A 256-bit hashcode. More...
struct  GNUNET_Uuid
 A UUID, a 128 bit "random" value. More...
struct  GNUNET_MessageHeader
 Header for all communications. More...
struct  GNUNET_AsyncScopeId
 Identifier for an asynchronous execution context. More...
struct  GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave
 Saved async scope identifier or root scope. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded
 0-terminated ASCII encoding of a struct GNUNET_HashCode. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose
 header of what an ECC signature signs this must be followed by "size - 8" bytes of the actual signed data More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature
 an ECC signature using EdDSA. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature
 an ECC signature using ECDSA More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey
 Public ECC key (always for curve Ed25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and EdDSA signatures. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey
 Public ECC key (always for Curve25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and ECDSA signatures. More...
struct  GNUNET_PeerIdentity
 The identity of the host (wraps the signing key of the peer). More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey
 Public ECC key (always for Curve25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and encryption (ECDH), See More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey
 Private ECC key encoded for transmission. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey
 Private ECC key encoded for transmission. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey
 Private ECC key encoded for transmission. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateScalar
 Private ECC scalar encoded for transmission. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_Edx25519PrivateKey
 Private ECC key material encoded for transmission. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_Edx25519PublicKey
 Public ECC key (always for curve Ed25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and Edx25519 (same as EdDSA) signatures. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_Edx25519Signature
 an ECC signature using Edx25519 (same as in EdDSA). More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_ElligatorEcdhePrivateKey
 Special private ECC key generated by GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_elligator_key_create. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_ElligatorRepresentative
 Elligator representative (always for Curve25519) More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey
 A private key for an identity as per LSD0001. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey
 An identity key as per LSD0001. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature
 An identity signature as per LSD0001. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey
 type for session keys More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_ChallengeNonceP
 Type of a nonce used for challenges. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector
 IV for sym cipher. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_AuthKey
 type for (message) authentication keys More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey
 Paillier public key. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey
 Paillier private key. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext
 Paillier ciphertext. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar
 Curve25519 Scalar. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point
 Curve25519 point. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey
 The private information of an Schnorr key pair. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey
 The public information of an Schnorr key pair. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret
 Secret used for blinding (alpha and beta). More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret
 the private r used in the signature More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic
 the public R (derived from r) used in c More...
 Schnorr c to be signed. More...
 s in the signature More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS
 blinded s in the signature More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature
 CS Signtature containing scalar s and point R. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSessionNonce
 Nonce for the session, picked by client, shared with the signer. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingNonce
 Nonce for computing blinding factors. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_PowSalt
 Value for a salt for GNUNET_CRYPTO_pow_hash(). More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint
 Point on a curve (always for Curve25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission (ECDH), see More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar
 A ECC scalar for use in point multiplications. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation
 HPKE DHKEM encapsulation (X25519) See RFC 9180. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret
 Constant-size pre-secret for blinding key generation. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage
 RSA Parameters to create blinded signature. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage
 CS Parameters derived from the message during blinding to create blinded signature. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP
 Pair of Public R values for Cs denominations. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature
 The Sign Answer for Clause Blind Schnorr signature. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature
 Type of (unblinded) signatures. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature
 Type for blinded signatures. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey
 Type of public signing keys for blind signatures. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey
 Type of private signing keys for blind signing. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage
 Blinded message ready for blind signing. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPrivateRPairP
 Secret r for Cs denominations. More...
struct  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues
 Input needed for blinding a message. More...
union  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce
 Nonce used to deterministiacally derive input values used in multi-round blind signature protocols. More...
union  GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP
 Type of blinding secrets. More...


#define GNUNET_UTIL_VERSION   0x000A0104
 Version of the API (for entire library). More...
#define GNUNET_MIN(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define GNUNET_MAX(a, b)   (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define BYTE_SWAP_16(x)   ((((x) & 0x00ff) << 8) | (((x) & 0xff00) >> 8))
 Endian operations. More...
#define BYTE_SWAP_32(x)
#define BYTE_SWAP_64(x)
#define GNUNET_htobe16(x)   BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)
#define GNUNET_htobe16(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_htole16(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_htole16(x)   BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)
#define GNUNET_be16toh(x)   BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)
#define GNUNET_be16toh(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_le16toh(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_le16toh(x)   BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)
#define GNUNET_htobe32(x)   BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)
#define GNUNET_htobe32(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_htole32(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_htole32(x)   BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)
#define GNUNET_be32toh(x)   BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)
#define GNUNET_be32toh(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_le32toh(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_le32toh(x)   BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)
#define GNUNET_htobe64(x)   BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)
#define GNUNET_htobe64(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_htole64(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_htole64(x)   BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)
#define GNUNET_be64toh(x)   BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)
#define GNUNET_be64toh(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_le64toh(x)   (x)
#define GNUNET_le64toh(x)   BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)
#define GNUNET_NZL(l)   GNUNET_MAX (1, l)
 Macro used to avoid using 0 for the length of a variable-size array (Non-Zero-Length). More...
#define GNUNET_PACKED   __attribute__ ((packed))
 gcc-ism to get packed structs. More...
#define GNUNET_ALIGN   __attribute__ ((aligned (8)))
 gcc-ism to force alignment; we use this to align char-arrays that may then be cast to 'struct's. More...
#define GNUNET_UNUSED   __attribute__ ((unused))
 gcc-ism to document unused arguments More...
#define GNUNET_NORETURN   __attribute__ ((noreturn))
 gcc-ism to document functions that don't return More...
 Define as empty, GNUNET_PACKED should suffice, but this won't work on W32. More...
 Define as empty, GNUNET_PACKED should suffice, but this won't work on W32;. More...
#define GN_LIKELY(expr)   (expr)
#define GN_UNLIKELY(expr)   (expr)
#define GNUNET_log_from(kind, comp, ...)
#define GNUNET_log(kind, ...)
#define GNUNET_B2S(obj)   GNUNET_b2s ((obj), sizeof (*(obj)))
 Convert a fixed-sized object to a string using GNUNET_b2s(). More...
#define GNUNET_static_assert(cond)   GNUNET_assert (cond)
 Assertion to be checked (if supported by C compiler) at compile time, otherwise checked at runtime and resulting in an abort() on failure. More...
#define GNUNET_memcmp(a, b)
 Compare memory in a and b, where both must be of the same pointer type. More...
#define GNUNET_memcmp_priv(a, b)
 Compare memory in a and b in constant time, suitable for private data. More...
#define GNUNET_is_zero(a)    GNUNET_is_zero_ ((a), sizeof (*(a)))
 Check that memory in a is all zeros. More...
#define GNUNET_memcpy(dst, src, n)
 Call memcpy() but check for n being 0 first. More...
#define __func__   "<unknown>"
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_sorted(TYPE, comparator, comparator_cls, head, tail, element)
 Insertion sort of element into DLL from head to tail sorted by comparator. More...
 Maximum length of an ECC signature. More...
#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_AES_KEY_LENGTH   (256 / 8)
 length of the sessionkey in bytes (256 BIT sessionkey) More...
#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_HASH_LENGTH   (512 / 8)
 Length of a hash value. More...
 How many characters (without 0-terminator) are our ASCII-encoded public keys (ECDSA/EDDSA/ECDHE). More...
 Size of paillier plain texts and public keys. More...
#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign(priv, ps, sig)
 Sign a given block with GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey. More...
#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify(purp, ps, sig, pub)
 Verify a given signature with GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey. More...


typedef void(* GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback) (void *cls, enum GNUNET_OS_ProcessStatusType type, long unsigned int exit_code)
 Defines a GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback which is sent back upon death or completion of a child process. More...
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue(* GNUNET_FileNameCallback) (void *cls, const char *filename)
 Function called with a filename. More...
typedef void(* GNUNET_ContinuationCallback) (void *cls)
 Generic continuation callback. More...
typedef void(* GNUNET_ResultCallback) (void *cls, int64_t result_code, const void *data, uint16_t data_size)
 Function called with the result of an asynchronous operation. More...
typedef void(* GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashCompletedCallback) (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *res)
 Function called once the hash computation over the specified file has completed. More...


enum  GNUNET_GenericReturnValue { GNUNET_SYSERR = -1 , GNUNET_NO = 0 , GNUNET_OK = 1 , GNUNET_YES = 1 }
 Named constants for return values. More...
enum  GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Priority {
 Valid task priorities. More...
 Key type for the generic public key union. More...
 HPKE RFC 9180. More...
 Types of public keys used for blind signatures. More...


void GNUNET_buffer_prealloc (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, size_t capacity)
 Initialize a buffer with the given capacity. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, size_t n)
 Make sure that at least n bytes remaining in the buffer. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_write (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const char *data, size_t len)
 Write bytes to the buffer. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_write_str (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const char *str)
 Write a 0-terminated string to a buffer, excluding the 0-terminator. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_write_data_encoded (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const void *data, size_t data_len)
 Write data encoded via GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string to the buffer. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_write_path (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const char *str)
 Write a path component to a buffer, ensuring that there is exactly one slash between the previous contents of the buffer and the new string. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_write_fstr (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
 Write a 0-terminated formatted string to a buffer, excluding the 0-terminator. More...
void void GNUNET_buffer_write_vfstr (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args)
 Write a 0-terminated formatted string to a buffer, excluding the 0-terminator. More...
char * GNUNET_buffer_reap_str (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf)
 Clear the buffer and return the string it contained. More...
void * GNUNET_buffer_reap (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, size_t *size)
 Clear the buffer and return its contents. More...
void GNUNET_buffer_clear (struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf)
 Free the backing memory of the given buffer. More...
struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandleGNUNET_wait_child (struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc, GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback cb, void *cb_cls)
 Starts the handling of the child processes. More...
void GNUNET_wait_child_cancel (struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle *cwh)
 Stop waiting on this child. More...
int GNUNET_get_log_call_status (int caller_level, const char *comp, const char *file, const char *function, int line)
 Decides whether a particular logging call should or should not be allowed to be made. More...
const char * GNUNET_b2s (const void *buf, size_t buf_size)
 Convert a buffer to an 8-character string representative of the contents. More...
uint64_t GNUNET_htonll (uint64_t n)
 Convert unsigned 64-bit integer to network byte order. More...
uint64_t GNUNET_ntohll (uint64_t n)
 Convert unsigned 64-bit integer to host byte order. More...
double GNUNET_hton_double (double d)
 Convert double to network byte order. More...
double GNUNET_ntoh_double (double d)
 Convert double to host byte order. More...
int GNUNET_memcmp_ct_ (const void *b1, const void *b2, size_t len)
 Compare memory in b1 and b2 in constant time, suitable for private data. More...
bool GNUNET_is_zero_ (const void *a, size_t n)
 Check that memory in a is all zeros. More...
int int void * GNUNET_xmalloc_ (size_t size, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Allocate memory. More...
void * GNUNET_xmemdup_ (const void *buf, size_t size, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Allocate and initialize memory. More...
void * GNUNET_xmalloc_unchecked_ (size_t size, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Allocate memory. More...
void * GNUNET_xrealloc_ (void *ptr, size_t n, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Reallocate memory. More...
void GNUNET_xfree_ (void *ptr, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Free memory. More...
char * GNUNET_xstrdup_ (const char *str, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Dup a string. More...
char * GNUNET_xstrndup_ (const char *str, size_t len, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Dup partially a string. More...
void GNUNET_xgrow_ (void **old, size_t elementSize, unsigned int *oldCount, unsigned int newCount, const char *filename, int linenumber)
 Grow an array, the new elements are zeroed out. More...
void GNUNET_async_scope_enter (const struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId *aid, struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave *old_scope)
 Set the async scope for the current thread. More...
void GNUNET_async_scope_restore (struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave *old_scope)
 Clear the current thread's async scope. More...
void GNUNET_async_scope_get (struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave *scope_ret)
 Get the current async scope. More...
void GNUNET_async_scope_fresh (struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId *aid_ret)
 Generate a fresh async scope identifier. More...
int GNUNET_try_compression (const char *data, size_t old_size, char **result, size_t *new_size)
 Try to compress the given block of data using libz. More...
char * GNUNET_decompress (const char *input, size_t input_size, size_t output_size)
 Decompress input, return the decompressed data as output. More...
size_t GNUNET_CONTAINER_bloomfilter_get_element_addresses (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_BloomFilter *bf)
 Get the number of the addresses set per element in the bloom filter. More...
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32IteratorGNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_create (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map)
 Create an iterator for a 32-bit multihashmap. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_next (struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator *iter, uint32_t *key, const void **value)
 Retrieve the next element from the hash map at the iterator's position. More...
void GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_destroy (struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapIterator *iter)
 Destroy a 32-bit multihashmap iterator. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_heap_peek2 (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_Heap *heap, void **element, GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType *cost)
 Get element and cost stored at the root of heap. More...
uint32_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_step (uint32_t sum, const void *buf, size_t len)
 Perform an incremental step in a CRC16 (for TCP/IP) calculation. More...
uint16_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_finish (uint32_t sum)
 Convert results from GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_step to final crc16. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv_v (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector *iv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *skey, const void *salt, size_t salt_len, va_list argp)
 Derive an IV. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_pow_hash (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PowSalt *salt, const void *buf, size_t buf_len, struct GNUNET_HashCode *result)
 Calculate the 'proof-of-work' hash (an expensive hash). More...
struct GNUNET_HashContextGNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_start (void)
 Start incremental hashing operation. More...
struct GNUNET_HashContextGNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_copy (const struct GNUNET_HashContext *hc)
 Make a copy of the hash computation. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (struct GNUNET_HashContext *hc, const void *buf, size_t size)
 Add data to be hashed. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish (struct GNUNET_HashContext *hc, struct GNUNET_HashCode *r_hash)
 Finish the hash computation. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (struct GNUNET_HashContext *hc)
 Abort hashing, do not bother calculating final result. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_raw (const void *key, size_t key_len, const void *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len, struct GNUNET_HashCode *hmac)
 Calculate HMAC of a message (RFC 2104) TODO: Shouldn't this be the standard hmac function and the above be renamed? More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_file_cancel (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext *fhc)
 Cancel a file hashing operation. More...
unsigned int GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_leading_zeros (const struct GNUNET_HashCode *h)
 Count the number of leading 0 bits in h. More...
unsigned int GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_tailing_zeros (const struct GNUNET_HashCode *h)
 Count the number of tailing 0 bits in h. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_v (void *result, size_t out_len, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len, va_list argp)
 Derive key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_mod_mpi (gcry_mpi_t *r, gcry_mpi_t n, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len, const char *ctx)
 Deterministically generate a pseudo-random number uniformly from the integers modulo a libgcrypt mpi. More...
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_to_string (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *pub)
 Convert a public key to a string. More...
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_to_string (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *priv)
 Convert a private key to a string. More...
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_to_string (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv)
 Convert a private key to a string. More...
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_to_string (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pub)
 Convert a public key to a string. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_from_string (const char *enc, size_t enclen, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *pub)
 Convert a string representing a public key to a public key. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_from_string (const char *enc, size_t enclen, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv)
 Convert a string representing a private key to a private key. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_from_string (const char *enc, size_t enclen, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pub)
 Convert a string representing a public key to a public key. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContextGNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_prepare (unsigned int max, unsigned int mem)
 Do pre-calculation for ECC discrete logarithm for small factors. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext *edc, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *input)
 Calculate ECC discrete logarithm for small factors. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp (int val, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *r)
 Multiply the generator g of the elliptic curve by val to obtain the point on the curve representing val. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp_mpi (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *val, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *r)
 Multiply the generator g of the elliptic curve by val to obtain the point on the curve representing val. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_pmul_mpi (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *p, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *val, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *r)
 Multiply the point p on the elliptic curve by val. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_add (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *a, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *b, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *r)
 Add two points on the elliptic curve. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *r, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint *r_inv)
 Obtain a random point on the curve and its additive inverse. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd_mpi (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *r, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *r_neg)
 Obtain a random scalar for point multiplication on the curve and its additive inverse. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_random_mod_n (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *r)
 Generate a random value mod n. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_release (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext *dlc)
 Release precalculated values. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int (int64_t val, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *r)
 Create a scalar from int value. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sk_to_x25519 (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *sk, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *x25519)
 Convert a GNUnet identity key to a key sutiable for HPKE (X25519) More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_pk_to_x25519 (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *pk, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *x25519)
 Convert a GNUnet identity key to a key sutiable for HPKE (X25519) More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup2 (enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeKem kem, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode mode, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skE, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skS, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *psk, size_t psk_len, const uint8_t *psk_id, size_t psk_id_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup2 (enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeKem kem, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode mode, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkS, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *psk, size_t psk_len, const uint8_t *psk_id, size_t psk_id_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aad_len, const uint8_t *pt, size_t pt_len, uint8_t *ct, unsigned long long *ct_len)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal_oneshot (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aad_len, const uint8_t *pt, size_t pt_len, uint8_t *ct, unsigned long long *ct_len)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aad_len, const uint8_t *ct, size_t ct_len, uint8_t *pt, unsigned long long *pt_len_p)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open_oneshot (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aad_len, const uint8_t *ct, size_t ct_len, uint8_t *pt, unsigned long long *pt_len)
 RFC9180 HPKE encryption. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_raw (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv, void *data, size_t size, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature *sig)
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_derived (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *pkey, const char *label, const char *context, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature *sig)
 This is a signature function for ECDSA which takes a private key, derives/blinds it and signs the message. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_derived (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *pkey, const char *label, const char *context, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature *sig)
 This is a signature function for EdDSA which takes a private key and derives it using the label and context before signing. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public_from_scalar (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateScalar *s, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pkey)
 Extract the public key of the given private scalar. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned (void *buf, size_t size, gcry_mpi_t val)
 Output the given MPI value to the given buffer in network byte order. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned (gcry_mpi_t *result, const void *data, size_t size)
 Convert data buffer into MPI value. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_create (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey *public_key, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey *private_key)
 Create a freshly generated paillier public key. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey *public_key, const gcry_mpi_t m, int desired_ops, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext *ciphertext)
 Encrypt a plaintext with a paillier public key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_decrypt (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey *private_key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey *public_key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext *ciphertext, gcry_mpi_t m)
 Decrypt a paillier ciphertext with a private key. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_add (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey *public_key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext *c1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext *c2, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext *result)
 Compute a ciphertext that represents the sum of the plaintext in c1 and c2. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_get_remaining (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext *c)
 Get the number of remaining supported homomorphic operations. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_create (unsigned int len)
 Create a new private key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key)
 Free memory occupied by the private key. More...
size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_encode (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, void **buffer)
 Encode the private key in a format suitable for storing it into a file. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_decode (const void *buf, size_t buf_size)
 Decode the private key from the data-format back to the "normal", internal format. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_dup (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key)
 Duplicate the given private key. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *priv)
 Extract the public key of the given private key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key, struct GNUNET_HashCode *hc)
 Compute hash over the public key. More...
bool GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_check (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key)
 Check if key is well-formed. More...
unsigned int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_len (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key)
 Obtain the length of the RSA key in bits. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key)
 Free memory occupied by the public key. More...
size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key, void **buffer)
 Encode the public key in a format suitable for storing it into a file. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_decode (const char *buf, size_t len)
 Decode the public key from the data-format back to the "normal", internal format. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_dup (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key)
 Duplicate the given public key. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *s1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *s2)
 Compare the values of two signatures. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *p1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *p2)
 Compare the values of two private keys. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *p1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *p2)
 Compare the values of two public keys. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind (const void *message, size_t message_size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret *bks, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pkey, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage *bm)
 Blinds the given message with the given blinding key. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_blinded (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage *bm)
 Sign a blinded value, which must be a full domain hash of a message. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_fdh (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, const void *message, size_t message_size)
 Create and sign a full domain hash of a message. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blinded_message_free (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage *bm)
 Free memory occupied by blinded message. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig)
 Free memory occupied by signature. More...
size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_encode (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig, void **buffer)
 Encode the given signature in a format suitable for storing it into a file. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_decode (const void *buf, size_t buf_size)
 Decode the signature from the data-format back to the "normal", internal format. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_dup (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig)
 Duplicate the given rsa signature. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_unblind (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret *bks, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pkey)
 Unblind a blind-signed signature. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_verify (const void *message, size_t message_size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *public_key)
 Verify whether the given hash corresponds to the given signature and the signature is valid with respect to the given public key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_generate (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *priv)
 Create a new random private key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_get_public (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub)
 Extract the public key of the given private key. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSessionNonce *nonce, const char *seed, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *lts, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret r[2])
 Derive a new secret r pair r0 and r1. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_get_public (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret *r_priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic *r_pub)
 Extract the public R of the given secret r. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_blinding_secrets_derive (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingNonce *blind_seed, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret bs[2])
 Derives new random blinding factors. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_calc_blinded_c (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret bs[2], const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic r_pub[2], const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub, const void *msg, size_t msg_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC blinded_c[2], struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP *r_pub_blind)
 Calculate two blinded c's. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_sign_derive (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret r[2], const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage *bm, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature *cs_blind_sig)
 Sign a blinded c. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_unblind (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS *blinded_signature_scalar, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret *bs, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsS *signature_scalar)
 Unblind a blind-signed signature using a c that was blinded. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_verify (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub, const void *msg, size_t msg_len)
 Verify whether the given message corresponds to the given signature and the signature is valid with respect to the given public key. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValuesGNUNET_CRYPTO_get_blinding_input_values (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey *bsign_priv, const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce *nonce, const char *salt)
 Compute blinding input values for a given nonce and salt. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_pub_decref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bsign_pub)
 Decrement reference counter of a bsign_pub, and free it if it reaches zero. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_priv_decref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey *bsign_priv)
 Decrement reference counter of a bsign_priv, and free it if it reaches zero. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_unblinded_sig_decref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature *ub_sig)
 Decrement reference counter of a ub_sig, and free it if it reaches zero. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_sig_decref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature *blind_sig)
 Decrement reference counter of a blind_sig, and free it if it reaches zero. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_decref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage *bm)
 Decrement reference counter of a bm, and free it if it reaches zero. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessageGNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_incref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage *bm)
 Increment reference counter of the given bm. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValuesGNUNET_CRYPTO_blinding_input_values_incref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues *bm)
 Increment reference counter of the given bi. More...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinding_input_values_decref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues *bm)
 Decrement reference counter of the given bi, and free it if it reaches zero. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_pub_incref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bsign_pub)
 Increment reference counter of the given bsign_pub. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKeyGNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_priv_incref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey *bsign_priv)
 Increment reference counter of the given bsign_priv. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_incref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature *ub_sig)
 Increment reference counter of the given ub_sig. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_incref (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature *blind_sig)
 Increment reference counter of the given blind_sig. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_pub_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bp1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bp2)
 Compare two denomination public keys. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature *sig1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature *sig2)
 Compare two denomination signatures. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature *sig1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature *sig2)
 Compare two blinded denomination signatures. More...
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_cmp (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage *bp1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage *bp2)
 Compare two blinded messages. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey **bsign_priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey **bsign_pub, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher,...)
 Initialize public-private key pair for blind signatures. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey **bsign_priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey **bsign_pub, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher, va_list ap)
 Initialize public-private key pair for blind signatures. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessageGNUNET_CRYPTO_message_blind_to_sign (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bsign_pub, const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP *bks, const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce *nonce, const void *message, size_t message_size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues *alg_values)
 Blind message for blind signing with dk using blinding secret coin_bks. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey *bsign_priv, const char *salt, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage *blinded_message)
 Create blind signature. More...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignatureGNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature *blinded_sig, const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP *bks, const void *message, size_t message_size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues *alg_values, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bsign_pub)
 Unblind blind signature. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_verify (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey *bsign_pub, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature *ub_sig, const void *message, size_t message_size)
 Verify signature made blindly. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key)
 Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_public_key_from_buffer (const void *buffer, size_t len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key, size_t *read)
 Reads a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey from a compact buffer. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *key)
 Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_public_key_to_buffer (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key, void *buffer, size_t len)
 Writes a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey to a compact buffer. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_private_key_from_buffer (const void *buffer, size_t len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *key, size_t *read)
 Reads a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey from a compact buffer. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_private_key_to_buffer (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *key, void *buffer, size_t len)
 Writes a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey to a compact buffer. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig)
 Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_raw_length_by_type (uint32_t type)
 Get the compacted length of a signature by type. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_signature_from_buffer (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig, const void *buffer, size_t len)
 Reads a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature from a compact buffer. More...
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_signature_to_buffer (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig, void *buffer, size_t len)
 Writes a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature to a compact buffer. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign_ (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig)
 Sign a given block. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign_raw_ (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, unsigned char *sig)
 Sign a given block. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_ (uint32_t purpose, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *validate, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *pub)
 Verify a given signature. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_raw_ (uint32_t purpose, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *validate, const unsigned char *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *pub)
 Verify a given signature. More...
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_to_string (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key)
 Creates a (Base32) string representation of the public key. More...
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_to_string (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *key)
 Creates a (Base32) string representation of the private key. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_from_string (const char *str, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key)
 Parses a (Base32) string representation of the public key. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_from_string (const char *str, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *key)
 Parses a (Base32) string representation of the private key. More...
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_key_get_public (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *privkey, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key)
 Retrieves the public key representation of a private key. More...
struct GNUNET_OP_Handle * GNUNET_OP_create ()
 Create new operations handle. More...
void GNUNET_OP_destroy (struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *h)
 Destroy operations handle. More...
uint64_t GNUNET_OP_get_next_id (struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *h)
 Get a unique operation ID to distinguish between asynchronous requests. More...
int GNUNET_OP_get (struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *h, uint64_t op_id, GNUNET_ResultCallback *result_cb, void **cls, void **ctx)
 Find operation by ID. More...
uint64_t GNUNET_OP_add (struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *h, GNUNET_ResultCallback result_cb, void *cls, void *ctx)
 Add a new operation. More...
int GNUNET_OP_result (struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *h, uint64_t op_id, int64_t result_code, const void *data, uint16_t data_size, void **ctx)
 Call the result callback of an operation and remove it. More...
int GNUNET_OP_remove (struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *h, uint64_t op_id)
 Remove / cancel an operation. More...


uint32_t GNUNET_HashCode::bits [512/8/sizeof(uint32_t)]
uint32_t GNUNET_ShortHashCode::bits [256/8/sizeof(uint32_t)]
uint32_t GNUNET_Uuid::value [4]
 128 random bits. More...
uint16_t GNUNET_MessageHeader::size
 The length of the struct (in bytes, including the length field itself), in big-endian format. More...
uint16_t GNUNET_MessageHeader::type
 The type of the message (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_XXXX), in big-endian format. More...
uint32_t GNUNET_AsyncScopeId::bits [16/sizeof(uint32_t)]
struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave::scope_id
 Saved scope. More...
int GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave::have_scope
 GNUNET_YES unless this saved scope is the unnamed root scope. More...
GNUNET_MQ_MessageValidationCallback GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::mv
 Callback to validate a message of the specified type. More...
GNUNET_MQ_MessageCallback GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::cb
 Callback, called every time a new message of the specified type has been received. More...
void * GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::cls
 Closure for mv and cb. More...
uint16_t GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::type
 Type of the message this handler covers, in host byte order. More...
uint16_t GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::expected_size
 Expected size of messages of this type. More...

Detailed Description

Multi-function utilities library for GNUnet programs.

Christian Grothoff

Common buffer management functions.

Florian Dold
Christian Grothoff
Nils Durner
Philipp Toelke
Christian Grothoff
Florian Dold
Christian Grothoff
Christian Grothoff
Krista Bennett
Gerd Knorr
Ioana Patrascu
Tzvetan Horozov
Christian Grothoff
Tobias Frisch
Jeffrey Burdges
Christian Grothoff
Krista Bennett
Gerd Knorr
Ioana Patrascu
Tzvetan Horozov

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GNUNET_UTIL_VERSION   0x000A0104

Version of the API (for entire library).

Definition at line 98 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_MIN (   a,
)    (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

Definition at line 117 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_MAX (   a,
)    (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

Definition at line 119 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define BYTE_SWAP_16 (   x)    ((((x) & 0x00ff) << 8) | (((x) & 0xff00) >> 8))

Endian operations.

Definition at line 168 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define BYTE_SWAP_32 (   x)
((((x) & 0x000000ffU) << 24) | (((x) & 0x0000ff00U) << 8) \
| (((x) & 0x00ff0000U) >> 8) | (((x) & 0xff000000U) >> 24))

Definition at line 170 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define BYTE_SWAP_64 (   x)
((((x) & 0x00000000000000ffUL) << 56) | (((x) & 0x000000000000ff00UL) << \
40) \
| (((x) & 0x0000000000ff0000UL) << 24) | (((x) & 0x00000000ff000000UL) \
<< 8) \
| (((x) & 0x000000ff00000000UL) >> 8) | (((x) & 0x0000ff0000000000UL) \
>> 24) \
| (((x) & 0x00ff000000000000UL) >> 40) | (((x) & 0xff00000000000000UL) \
>> \

Definition at line 174 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htobe16 [1/2]

#define GNUNET_htobe16 (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)

Definition at line 203 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htobe16 [2/2]

#define GNUNET_htobe16 (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 203 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htole16 [1/2]

#define GNUNET_htole16 (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 204 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htole16 [2/2]

#define GNUNET_htole16 (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)

Definition at line 204 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_be16toh [1/2]

#define GNUNET_be16toh (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)

Definition at line 205 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_be16toh [2/2]

#define GNUNET_be16toh (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 205 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_le16toh [1/2]

#define GNUNET_le16toh (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 206 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_le16toh [2/2]

#define GNUNET_le16toh (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_16 (x)

Definition at line 206 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htobe32 [1/2]

#define GNUNET_htobe32 (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)

Definition at line 208 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htobe32 [2/2]

#define GNUNET_htobe32 (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 208 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htole32 [1/2]

#define GNUNET_htole32 (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 209 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htole32 [2/2]

#define GNUNET_htole32 (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)

Definition at line 209 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_be32toh [1/2]

#define GNUNET_be32toh (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)

Definition at line 210 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_be32toh [2/2]

#define GNUNET_be32toh (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 210 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_le32toh [1/2]

#define GNUNET_le32toh (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 211 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_le32toh [2/2]

#define GNUNET_le32toh (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_32 (x)

Definition at line 211 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htobe64 [1/2]

#define GNUNET_htobe64 (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)

Definition at line 213 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htobe64 [2/2]

#define GNUNET_htobe64 (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 213 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htole64 [1/2]

#define GNUNET_htole64 (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 214 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_htole64 [2/2]

#define GNUNET_htole64 (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)

Definition at line 214 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_be64toh [1/2]

#define GNUNET_be64toh (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)

Definition at line 215 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_be64toh [2/2]

#define GNUNET_be64toh (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 215 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_le64toh [1/2]

#define GNUNET_le64toh (   x)    (x)

Definition at line 216 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_le64toh [2/2]

#define GNUNET_le64toh (   x)    BYTE_SWAP_64 (x)

Definition at line 216 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_NZL (   l)    GNUNET_MAX (1, l)

Macro used to avoid using 0 for the length of a variable-size array (Non-Zero-Length).

Basically, C standard says that "int[n] x;" is undefined if n=0. This was supposed to prevent issues with pointer aliasing. However, C compilers may conclude that n!=0 as n=0 would be undefined, and then optimize under the assumption n!=0, which could cause actual issues. Hence, when initializing an array on the stack with a variable-length that might be zero, write "int[GNUNET_NZL(n)] x;" instead of "int[n] x".

Definition at line 232 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_PACKED   __attribute__ ((packed))

gcc-ism to get packed structs.

Definition at line 238 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_ALIGN   __attribute__ ((aligned (8)))

gcc-ism to force alignment; we use this to align char-arrays that may then be cast to 'struct's.

See also gcc bug #33594.

Definition at line 253 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_UNUSED   __attribute__ ((unused))

gcc-ism to document unused arguments

Definition at line 259 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_NORETURN   __attribute__ ((noreturn))

gcc-ism to document functions that don't return

Definition at line 264 of file gnunet_common.h.



Define as empty, GNUNET_PACKED should suffice, but this won't work on W32.

Definition at line 269 of file gnunet_common.h.



Define as empty, GNUNET_PACKED should suffice, but this won't work on W32;.

Definition at line 274 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GN_LIKELY (   expr)    (expr)

Definition at line 494 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GN_UNLIKELY (   expr)    (expr)

Definition at line 495 of file gnunet_common.h.



Definition at line 499 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_log_from

#define GNUNET_log_from (   kind,
do \
{ \
static int log_call_enabled = GNUNET_LOG_CALL_STATUS; \
((GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG & (kind)) == 0)) \
{ \
if (GN_UNLIKELY (log_call_enabled == -1)) \
log_call_enabled = \
GNUNET_get_log_call_status ((kind) & (~GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_BULK), \
(comp), \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__); \
{ \
GNUNET_log_skip (-1, GNUNET_NO); \
} \
else \
{ \
if (GN_UNLIKELY (log_call_enabled)) \
GNUNET_log_from_nocheck ((kind), comp, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#define GN_UNLIKELY(expr)
int GNUNET_get_log_skip(void)
Get the number of log calls that are going to be skipped.
define GNUNET_EXTRA_LOGGING if using this header outside the GNUnet source tree where gnunet_config....

Definition at line 522 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_log

#define GNUNET_log (   kind,
do \
{ \
static int log_call_enabled = GNUNET_LOG_CALL_STATUS; \
((GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG & (kind)) == 0)) \
{ \
if (GN_UNLIKELY (log_call_enabled == -1)) \
log_call_enabled = \
GNUNET_get_log_call_status ((kind) & (~GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_BULK), \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__); \
{ \
GNUNET_log_skip (-1, GNUNET_NO); \
} \
else \
{ \
if (GN_UNLIKELY (log_call_enabled)) \
GNUNET_log_nocheck ((kind), __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} \
} while (0)

Definition at line 548 of file gnunet_common.h.


#define GNUNET_B2S (   obj)    GNUNET_b2s ((obj), sizeof (*(obj)))

Convert a fixed-sized object to a string using GNUNET_b2s().

objaddress of object to convert
string representing the binary obj buffer

Definition at line 641 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_static_assert

#define GNUNET_static_assert (   cond)    GNUNET_assert (cond)

Assertion to be checked (if supported by C compiler) at compile time, otherwise checked at runtime and resulting in an abort() on failure.

This is the case where the compiler does not support static assertions.

condcondition to test, 0 implies failure

Definition at line 1033 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_memcmp

#define GNUNET_memcmp (   a,
({ \
const typeof (*b) * _a = (a); \
const typeof (*a) * _b = (b); \
memcmp (_a, _b, sizeof(*a)); \

Compare memory in a and b, where both must be of the same pointer type.

Do NOT use this function on arrays, it would only compare the first element!

Definition at line 1247 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_memcmp_priv

#define GNUNET_memcmp_priv (   a,
({ \
const typeof (*b) * _a = (a); \
const typeof (*a) * _b = (b); \
GNUNET_memcmp_ct_ (_a, _b, sizeof(*a)); \

Compare memory in a and b in constant time, suitable for private data.

Both a and b must be of the same pointer type.

Do NOT use this function on arrays, it would only compare the first element!

Definition at line 1276 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_is_zero

#define GNUNET_is_zero (   a)     GNUNET_is_zero_ ((a), sizeof (*(a)))

Check that memory in a is all zeros.

a must be a pointer.

apointer to a struct which should be tested for the entire memory being zero'ed out.
GNUNET_YES if a is zero, GNUNET_NO otherwise

Definition at line 1304 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_memcpy

#define GNUNET_memcpy (   dst,
do \
{ \
if (0 != n) \
{ \
(void) memcpy (dst, src, n); \
} \
} while (0)

Call memcpy() but check for n being 0 first.

In the latter case, it is now safe to pass NULL for src or dst. Unlike traditional memcpy(), returns nothing.

dstdestination of the copy, may be NULL if n is zero
srcsource of the copy, may be NULL if n is zero
nnumber of bytes to copy

Definition at line 1317 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ __func__

#define __func__   "<unknown>"

Definition at line 1760 of file gnunet_common.h.



Definition at line 61 of file gnunet_container_lib.h.

◆ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_sorted

#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_sorted (   TYPE,
do \
{ \
if ((NULL == head) || (0 < comparator (comparator_cls, element, head))) \
{ \
/* insert at head, element < head */ \
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (head, tail, element); \
} \
else \
{ \
TYPE *pos; \
for (pos = head; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) \
if (0 < comparator (comparator_cls, element, pos)) \
break; /* element < pos */ \
if (NULL == pos) /* => element > tail */ \
{ \
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail (head, tail, element); \
} \
else /* prev < element < pos */ \
{ \
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (head, tail, pos->prev, element); \
} \
} \
} while (0)

Insertion sort of element into DLL from head to tail sorted by comparator.

TYPEelement type of the elements, e.g. struct ListElement
comparatorfunction like memcmp() to compare elements; takes three arguments, the comparator_cls and two elements, returns an int (-1, 0 or 1)
comparator_clsclosure for comparator
[in,out]headhead of DLL
[in,out]tailtail of DLL
elementelement to insert

Definition at line 2097 of file gnunet_container_lib.h.



Maximum length of an ECC signature.

Note: round up to multiple of 8 minus 2 for alignment.

Definition at line 77 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.


#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_AES_KEY_LENGTH   (256 / 8)

length of the sessionkey in bytes (256 BIT sessionkey)

Definition at line 110 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.


#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_HASH_LENGTH   (512 / 8)

Length of a hash value.

Definition at line 115 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



How many characters (without 0-terminator) are our ASCII-encoded public keys (ECDSA/EDDSA/ECDHE).

Definition at line 121 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



Size of paillier plain texts and public keys.

Private keys and ciphertexts are twice this size.

Definition at line 532 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



Definition at line 2121 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



Definition at line 2124 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



Definition at line 2127 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



Definition at line 2130 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.



Definition at line 2133 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.


HPKE DHKEM encapsulation (X25519) See RFC 9180.

Definition at line 2136 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.


#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign (   priv,
do { \
/* check size is set correctly */ \
GNUNET_assert (ntohl ((ps)->purpose.size) == sizeof (*(ps))); \
/* check 'ps' begins with the purpose */ \
GNUNET_static_assert (((void*) (ps)) == \
((void*) &(ps)->purpose)); \
GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == \
&(ps)->purpose, \
sig)); \
} while (0)
static struct GNUNET_PEERSTORE_Handle * ps
Handle to the PEERSTORE service.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign_(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig)
Sign a given block.
Definition: crypto_pkey.c:293

Sign a given block with GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey.

The ps data must be a fixed-size struct for which the signature is to be created. The size field in ps->purpose must correctly indicate the number of bytes of the data structure, including its header.

privprivate key to use for the signing
pspacked struct with what to sign, MUST begin with a purpose
[out]sigwhere to write the signature

Definition at line 4821 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify

#define GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify (   purp,
({ \
/* check size is set correctly */ \
GNUNET_assert (ntohl ((ps)->purpose.size) == sizeof (*(ps))); \
/* check 'ps' begins with the purpose */ \
GNUNET_static_assert (((void*) (ps)) == \
((void*) &(ps)->purpose)); \
GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_ (purp, \
&(ps)->purpose, \
sig, \
pub); \
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey pub
Definition: gnunet-scrypt.c:47

Verify a given signature with GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey.

The ps data must be a fixed-size struct for which the signature is to be created. The size field in ps->purpose must correctly indicate the number of bytes of the data structure, including its header.

purppurpose of the signature, must match 'ps->purpose.purpose' (except in host byte order)
pspacked struct with what to sign, MUST begin with a purpose
sigwhere to read the signature from
pubpublic key to use for the verifying

Definition at line 4894 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback

typedef void(* GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback) (void *cls, enum GNUNET_OS_ProcessStatusType type, long unsigned int exit_code)

Defines a GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback which is sent back upon death or completion of a child process.

clshandle for the callback
typetype of the process
exit_codestatus code of the process

Definition at line 53 of file gnunet_child_management_lib.h.

◆ GNUNET_FileNameCallback

typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue(* GNUNET_FileNameCallback) (void *cls, const char *filename)

Function called with a filename.

filenamecomplete filename (absolute path)
GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, GNUNET_NO to stop iteration with no error, GNUNET_SYSERR to abort iteration with error!

Definition at line 1 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_ContinuationCallback

typedef void(* GNUNET_ContinuationCallback) (void *cls)

Generic continuation callback.


Definition at line 381 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_ResultCallback

typedef void(* GNUNET_ResultCallback) (void *cls, int64_t result_code, const void *data, uint16_t data_size)

Function called with the result of an asynchronous operation.

result_codeResult code for the operation.
dataData result for the operation.
data_sizeSize of data.

Definition at line 397 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashCompletedCallback

typedef void(* GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashCompletedCallback) (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *res)

Function called once the hash computation over the specified file has completed.

resresulting hash, NULL on error

Definition at line 1147 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GNUNET_GenericReturnValue

Named constants for return values.

The following invariants hold: GNUNET_NO == 0 (to allow if (GNUNET_NO)) GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_NO != GNUNET_SYSERR and finally GNUNET_YES != GNUNET_NO.


Definition at line 107 of file gnunet_common.h.

110 GNUNET_NO = 0,
111 GNUNET_OK = 1,
112 /* intentionally identical to #GNUNET_OK! */
113 GNUNET_YES = 1,


Valid task priorities.

Use these, do not pass random integers! For various reasons (#3862 – building with QT Creator, and our restricted cross-compilation with emscripten) this cannot be in gnunet_scheduler_lib.h, but it works if we declare it here. Naturally, logically this is part of the scheduler.


Run with the same priority as the current job.


Run when otherwise idle.


Run as background job (higher than idle, lower than default).


Run with the default priority (normal P2P operations).

Any task that is scheduled without an explicit priority being specified will run with this priority.


Run with high priority (important requests).

Higher than DEFAULT.


Run with priority for interactive tasks.

Higher than "HIGH".


Run with priority for urgent tasks.

Use for things like aborts and shutdowns that need to preempt "UI"-level tasks. Higher than "UI".


This is an internal priority level that is only used for tasks that are being triggered due to shutdown (they have automatically highest priority).

User code must not use this priority level directly. Tasks run with this priority level that internally schedule other tasks will see their original priority level be inherited (unless otherwise specified).


Number of priorities (must be the last priority).

This priority must not be used by clients.

Definition at line 1772 of file gnunet_common.h.

Run with priority for interactive tasks.
Run when otherwise idle.
Run with high priority (important requests).
Run with priority for urgent tasks.
Run as background job (higher than idle, lower than default).
Number of priorities (must be the last priority).
Run with the same priority as the current job.
Run with the default priority (normal P2P operations).
This is an internal priority level that is only used for tasks that are being triggered due to shutdo...


Key type for the generic public key union.


The identity type.

The value is the same as the PKEY record type.


EDDSA identity.

The value is the same as the EDKEY record type.

Definition at line 379 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.

EDDSA identity.
The identity type.


HPKE RFC 9180.

The HPKE Mode "PSK" stands for "Pre-Shared Key". The "AUTH" variants use an authenticating KEM construction.


Definition at line 2112 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.




Definition at line 2140 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.




Definition at line 2155 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.


◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm

Types of public keys used for blind signatures.


Invalid type of signature.


RSA blind signature.


Clause Blind Schnorr signature.

Definition at line 4012 of file gnunet_crypto_lib.h.

Invalid type of signature.
Clause Blind Schnorr signature.
RSA blind signature.

Function Documentation

◆ GNUNET_buffer_prealloc()

void GNUNET_buffer_prealloc ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
size_t  capacity 

Initialize a buffer with the given capacity.

When a buffer is allocated with this function, a warning is logged when the buffer exceeds the initial capacity.

bufthe buffer to initialize
capacitythe capacity (in bytes) to allocate for buf

Definition at line 35 of file buffer.c.

38 /* Buffer should be zero-initialized */
39 GNUNET_assert (0 == buf->mem);
40 GNUNET_assert (0 == buf->capacity);
41 GNUNET_assert (0 == buf->position);
42 buf->mem = GNUNET_malloc (capacity);
43 buf->capacity = capacity;
44 buf->warn_grow = GNUNET_YES;
#define GNUNET_assert(cond)
Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled.
#define GNUNET_malloc(size)
Wrapper around malloc.
size_t capacity
Capacity of the buffer.
int warn_grow
Log a warning if the buffer is grown over its initially allocated capacity.
size_t position
Current write position.
char * mem
Backing memory.

References GNUNET_Buffer::capacity, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_malloc, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_Buffer::mem, GNUNET_Buffer::position, and GNUNET_Buffer::warn_grow.

◆ GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining()

void GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
size_t  n 

Make sure that at least n bytes remaining in the buffer.

bufbuffer to potentially grow
nnumber of bytes that should be available to write

Definition at line 55 of file buffer.c.

58 size_t new_capacity = buf->position + n;
60 /* guard against overflow */
61 GNUNET_assert (new_capacity >= buf->position);
62 if (new_capacity <= buf->capacity)
63 return;
64 /* warn if calculation of expected size was wrong */
66 if (new_capacity < buf->capacity * 2)
67 new_capacity = buf->capacity * 2;
68 buf->capacity = new_capacity;
69 if (NULL != buf->mem)
70 buf->mem = GNUNET_realloc (buf->mem, new_capacity);
71 else
72 buf->mem = GNUNET_malloc (new_capacity);
#define GNUNET_break(cond)
Use this for internal assertion violations that are not fatal (can be handled) but should not occur.
#define GNUNET_realloc(ptr, size)
Wrapper around realloc.

References GNUNET_Buffer::capacity, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_malloc, GNUNET_realloc, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_Buffer::mem, GNUNET_Buffer::position, and GNUNET_Buffer::warn_grow.

Referenced by GNUNET_buffer_reap_str(), GNUNET_buffer_write(), GNUNET_buffer_write_data_encoded(), GNUNET_buffer_write_path(), and GNUNET_buffer_write_vfstr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_write()

void GNUNET_buffer_write ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
const char *  data,
size_t  len 

Write bytes to the buffer.

Grows the buffer if necessary.

bufbuffer to write to
datadata to read from
lennumber of bytes to copy from data to buf

Definition at line 86 of file buffer.c.

91 memcpy (buf->mem + buf->position, data, len);
92 buf->position += len;
static char * data
The data to insert into the dht.
void GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining(struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, size_t n)
Make sure that at least n bytes remaining in the buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:55

References data, GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining(), GNUNET_Buffer::mem, and GNUNET_Buffer::position.

Referenced by GNUNET_buffer_write_path(), GNUNET_buffer_write_str(), GNUNET_STRINGS_urlencode(), and write_to_buffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_write_str()

void GNUNET_buffer_write_str ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
const char *  str 

Write a 0-terminated string to a buffer, excluding the 0-terminator.

Grows the buffer if necessary.

bufthe buffer to write to
strthe string to write to buf
bufthe buffer to write to
strthe string to write to buf

Definition at line 103 of file buffer.c.

106 size_t len = strlen (str);
108 GNUNET_buffer_write (buf, str, len);
void GNUNET_buffer_write(struct GNUNET_Buffer *buf, const char *data, size_t len)
Write bytes to the buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:86

References GNUNET_buffer_write().

Referenced by GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_serialize_diagnostics(), and login_redirect().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_write_data_encoded()

void GNUNET_buffer_write_data_encoded ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
const void *  data,
size_t  data_len 

Write data encoded via GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string to the buffer.

Grows the buffer if necessary.

bufbuffer to write to
datadata to read from
data_lennumber of bytes to copy from data to buf

Definition at line 265 of file buffer.c.

269 size_t outlen;
271 GNUNET_assert (data_len <= SIZE_MAX / 8);
272 outlen = data_len * 8;
274 //
275 outlen = (outlen + 4) / 5;
277 outlen);
278 GNUNET_assert (NULL !=
280 data_len,
281 (buf->mem
282 + buf->position),
283 outlen));
284 buf->position += outlen;
285 GNUNET_assert (buf->position <= buf->capacity);
char * GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string(const void *data, size_t size, char *out, size_t out_size)
Convert binary data to ASCII encoding using CrockfordBase32.
Definition: strings.c:732
#define SIZE_MAX
Definition: platform.h:209

References GNUNET_Buffer::capacity, data, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining(), GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string(), GNUNET_Buffer::mem, GNUNET_Buffer::position, and SIZE_MAX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_write_path()

void GNUNET_buffer_write_path ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
const char *  str 

Write a path component to a buffer, ensuring that there is exactly one slash between the previous contents of the buffer and the new string.

bufbuffer to write to
strstring containing the new path component

Definition at line 181 of file buffer.c.

183 size_t len = strlen (str);
185 while ( (0 != len) && ('/' == str[0]) )
186 {
187 str++;
188 len--;
189 }
190 if ( (0 == buf->position) || ('/' != buf->mem[buf->position - 1]) )
191 {
193 buf->mem[buf->position++] = '/';
194 }
195 GNUNET_buffer_write (buf, str, len);

References GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining(), GNUNET_buffer_write(), GNUNET_Buffer::mem, and GNUNET_Buffer::position.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_write_fstr()

void GNUNET_buffer_write_fstr ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
const char *  fmt,

Write a 0-terminated formatted string to a buffer, excluding the 0-terminator.

Grows the buffer if necessary.

bufthe buffer to write to
fmtformat string
...format arguments

Referenced by dump_os_ipk(), GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_serialize_diagnostics(), GNUNET_STRINGS_urlencode(), and login_redirect().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_write_vfstr()

void void GNUNET_buffer_write_vfstr ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

Write a 0-terminated formatted string to a buffer, excluding the 0-terminator.

Grows the buffer if necessary.

bufthe buffer to write to
fmtformat string
argsformat argument list

Definition at line 231 of file buffer.c.

235 int res;
236 va_list args2;
238 va_copy (args2, args);
239 res = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, fmt, args2);
240 va_end (args2);
242 GNUNET_assert (res >= 0);
245 va_copy (args2, args);
246 res = vsnprintf (buf->mem + buf->position, res + 1, fmt, args2);
247 va_end (args2);
249 GNUNET_assert (res >= 0);
250 buf->position += res;
251 GNUNET_assert (buf->position <= buf->capacity);
static char * res
Currently read line or NULL on EOF.

References consensus-simulation::args, GNUNET_Buffer::capacity, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining(), GNUNET_Buffer::mem, GNUNET_Buffer::position, and res.

Referenced by GNUNET_buffer_write_fstr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_reap_str()

char * GNUNET_buffer_reap_str ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf)

Clear the buffer and return the string it contained.

The caller is responsible to eventually GNUNET_free the returned string.

The returned string is always 0-terminated.

bufthe buffer to reap the string from
the buffer contained in the string

Definition at line 123 of file buffer.c.

125 char *res;
127 /* ensure 0-termination */
128 if ( (0 == buf->position) || ('\0' != buf->mem[buf->position - 1]))
129 {
131 buf->mem[buf->position++] = '\0';
132 }
133 res = buf->mem;
134 memset (buf, 0, sizeof (struct GNUNET_Buffer));
135 return res;
Dynamically growing buffer.

References GNUNET_buffer_ensure_remaining(), GNUNET_Buffer::mem, GNUNET_Buffer::position, and res.

Referenced by GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_serialize_diagnostics(), GNUNET_STRINGS_urlencode(), and login_redirect().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_reap()

void * GNUNET_buffer_reap ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf,
size_t *  size 

Clear the buffer and return its contents.

The caller is responsible to eventually GNUNET_free the returned data.

bufthe buffer to reap the contents from
sizewhere to store the size of the returned data
the data contained in the string

Definition at line 149 of file buffer.c.

151 void *res;
152 *size = buf->position;
153 res = buf->mem;
154 memset (buf, 0, sizeof (struct GNUNET_Buffer));
155 return res;
static unsigned int size
Size of the "table".
Definition: peer.c:68

References GNUNET_Buffer::mem, GNUNET_Buffer::position, res, and size.

Referenced by GNUNET_BIO_get_buffer_contents().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_buffer_clear()

void GNUNET_buffer_clear ( struct GNUNET_Buffer buf)

Free the backing memory of the given buffer.

Does not free the memory of the buffer control structure, which is typically stack-allocated.

Definition at line 165 of file buffer.c.

167 GNUNET_free (buf->mem);
168 memset (buf, 0, sizeof (struct GNUNET_Buffer));
#define GNUNET_free(ptr)
Wrapper around free.

References GNUNET_free, and GNUNET_Buffer::mem.

Referenced by GNUNET_BIO_write_close(), and GNUNET_STRINGS_urlencode().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_wait_child()

struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle * GNUNET_wait_child ( struct GNUNET_OS_Process proc,
GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback  cb,
void *  cb_cls 

Starts the handling of the child processes.

Function checks the status of the child process and sends back a GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback upon completion/death of the child.

procchild process which is monitored
cbreference to the callback which is called after completion
cb_clsclosure for the callback
GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle is returned

Definition at line 198 of file child_management.c.

202 struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle *cwh;
203 bool may_race = (NULL == sigpipe);
206 cwh = GNUNET_new (struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle);
207 cwh->proc = proc;
208 cwh->cb = cb;
209 cwh->cb_cls = cb_cls;
211 cwh_tail,
212 cwh);
213 if ((NULL == sig_task) && (NULL != sigpipe))
214 {
220 NULL);
221 }
222 /* Handle race-condition case where the child terminated just before we
223 installed the signal handler and thus we missed the signal. */
224 if (may_race)
226 return cwh;
static void sighandler_child_death(void)
Signal handler called for SIGCHLD.
static void child_management_start(void)
Initializing the signal pipe for child handling.
static struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle * cwh_tail
static void maint_child_death(void *cls)
Task triggered whenever we receive a SIGCHLD (child process died) or when user presses CTRL-C.
static struct GNUNET_DISK_PipeHandle * sigpipe
Pipe used to communicate shutdown via signal.
static struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle * cwh_head
static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * sig_task
const struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle * GNUNET_DISK_pipe_handle(const struct GNUNET_DISK_PipeHandle *p, enum GNUNET_DISK_PipeEnd n)
Get the handle to a particular pipe end.
Definition: disk.c:1621
The reading-end of a pipe.
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert(head, tail, element)
Insert an element at the head of a DLL.
#define GNUNET_new(type)
Allocate a struct or union of the given type.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_read_file(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay, const struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle *rfd, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run with a specified delay or when the specified file descriptor is ready f...
Definition: scheduler.c:1661
Constant used to specify "forever".
Struct which defines a Child Wait handle.
GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback cb
Callback which is called upon completion/death of the child task.
void * cb_cls
Closure for the handle.
struct GNUNET_OS_Process * proc
Child process which is managed.

References GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle::cb, GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle::cb_cls, child_management_start(), cwh_head, cwh_tail, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert, GNUNET_DISK_PIPE_END_READ, GNUNET_DISK_pipe_handle(), GNUNET_new, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_read_file(), GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL, maint_child_death(), GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle::proc, sig_task, sighandler_child_death(), and sigpipe.

Referenced by exec_bash_script_run(), handle_uri(), and netjail_start_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_wait_child_cancel()

void GNUNET_wait_child_cancel ( struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle cwh)

Stop waiting on this child.

Definition at line 231 of file child_management.c.

234 cwh_tail,
235 cwh);
236 GNUNET_free (cwh);
237 if (NULL != cwh_head)
238 return;
static void child_management_done(void)
Clean up.
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(head, tail, element)
Remove an element from a DLL.

References child_management_done(), cwh_head, cwh_tail, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, and GNUNET_free.

Referenced by exec_bash_script_cleanup(), netjail_start_cleanup(), and shutdown_program().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_get_log_call_status()

int GNUNET_get_log_call_status ( int  caller_level,
const char *  comp,
const char *  file,
const char *  function,
int  line 

Decides whether a particular logging call should or should not be allowed to be made.

Used internally by GNUNET_log*()

caller_levelloglevel the caller wants to use
compcomponent name the caller uses (NULL means that global component name is used)
filefile name containing the logging call, usually FILE
functionfunction which tries to make a logging call, usually FUNCTION
lineline at which the call is made, usually LINE
0 to disallow the call, 1 to allow it

Definition at line 500 of file common_logging.c.

506 struct LogDef *ld;
507 int i;
508 int force_only;
510 if (NULL == comp)
511 /* Use default component */
512 comp = component_nopid;
514 /* We have no definitions to override globally configured log level,
515 * so just use it right away.
516 */
518 return caller_level <= min_level;
520 /* Only look for forced definitions? */
521 force_only = min_level >= 0;
522 for (i = 0; i < logdefs_len; i++)
523 {
524 ld = &logdefs[i];
525 if (((! force_only) || ld->force) &&
526 ((line >= ld->from_line) && (line <= ld->to_line) ) &&
527 (0 == regexec (&ld->component_regex, comp, 0, NULL, 0)) &&
528 (0 == regexec (&ld->file_regex, file, 0, NULL, 0)) &&
529 (0 == regexec (&ld->function_regex, function, 0, NULL, 0)))
530 {
531 /* We're finished */
532 return caller_level <= ld->level;
533 }
534 }
535 /* No matches - use global level, if defined */
536 if (min_level >= 0)
537 return caller_level <= min_level;
538 /* All programs/services previously defaulted to WARNING.
539 * Now *we* default to WARNING, and THEY default to NULL.
540 * Or rather we default to MESSAGE, since things aren't always bad.
541 */
542 return caller_level <= GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_MESSAGE;
static int gnunet_force_log_present
GNUNET_YES if at least one definition with forced == 1 is available.
static int logdefs_len
The number of units used in logdefs array.
static struct LogDef * logdefs
Dynamic array of logging definitions.
static char * component_nopid
Running component (without pid).
static enum GNUNET_ErrorType min_level
Minimum log level.
static char * line
Desired phone line (string to be converted to a hash).
Represents a single logging definition.
int to_line
Highest line at which this definition matches.
int from_line
Lowest line at which this definition matches.
int force
1 if this definition comes from GNUNET_FORCE_LOG, which means that it overrides any configuration opt...
regex_t file_regex
File name regex.
regex_t function_regex
Function name regex.
int level
Maximal log level allowed for calls that match this definition.
regex_t component_regex
Component name regex.

References component_nopid, LogDef::component_regex, LogDef::file_regex, LogDef::force, LogDef::from_line, LogDef::function_regex, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_MESSAGE, gnunet_force_log_present, GNUNET_NO, LogDef::level, line, logdefs, logdefs_len, min_level, and LogDef::to_line.

Referenced by GCC_debug(), GCCH_debug(), GCT_debug(), and get_nick_record().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_b2s()

const char * GNUNET_b2s ( const void *  buf,
size_t  buf_size 

Convert a buffer to an 8-character string representative of the contents.

This is used for logging binary data when debugging.

bufbuffer to log
buf_sizenumber of bytes in buf
text representation of buf, valid until next call to this function

Definition at line 324 of file common_logging.c.

327 static GNUNET_THREAD_LOCAL char ret[9];
328 struct GNUNET_HashCode hc;
329 char *tmp;
332 buf_size,
333 &hc);
335 sizeof (hc));
336 memcpy (ret,
337 tmp,
338 8);
339 GNUNET_free (tmp);
340 ret[8] = '\0';
341 return ret;
static int ret
Final status code.
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:93
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(const void *block, size_t size, struct GNUNET_HashCode *ret)
Compute hash of a given block.
Definition: crypto_hash.c:41
char * GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string_alloc(const void *buf, size_t size)
Return the base32crockford encoding of the given buffer.
Definition: strings.c:787
Definition: platform.h:248
A 512-bit hashcode.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string_alloc(), GNUNET_THREAD_LOCAL, and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_htonll()

uint64_t GNUNET_htonll ( uint64_t  n)

Convert unsigned 64-bit integer to network byte order.

nThe value in host byte order.
The same value in network byte order.

Definition at line 37 of file common_endian.c.

40 return n;
42 return (((uint64_t) htonl (n)) << 32) + htonl (n >> 32);
44 #error byteorder undefined

Referenced by abd_string_to_value(), block_proc(), change_service(), commit_set(), consider_sending_fc(), create_loc_uri(), determine_id(), GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data_ack(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_issue(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_serialize(), GNUNET_ABD_delegates_serialize(), GNUNET_ARM_request_service_list(), GNUNET_BIO_write_int64(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_random_timeflake(), GNUNET_DATASTORE_get_key(), GNUNET_DATASTORE_get_zero_anonymity(), GNUNET_DATASTORE_reserve(), GNUNET_FS_tree_encoder_next(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_pow_round(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_records_serialize(), GNUNET_hton_double(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iterator_next(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_monitor_next(), GNUNET_PEERSTORE_iteration_next(), GNUNET_PEERSTORE_monitor_next(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_attribute_store(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_credential_store(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton(), GNUNET_TIME_relative_hton(), handle_client_accept(), hash_for_index_cb(), increment_seq(), notify_change(), print_record(), qconv_abs_time(), qconv_array(), qconv_int64(), qconv_rel_time(), qconv_uint64(), queue_send_msg(), run(), save(), send_add_queue(), send_channel_data_ack(), send_client_done(), send_client_element(), send_update_queue(), signal_result(), transmit(), transmit_item(), transmit_set(), unindex_process(), union_accept(), uri_chk_parse(), and uri_loc_parse().

◆ GNUNET_ntohll()

uint64_t GNUNET_ntohll ( uint64_t  n)

Convert unsigned 64-bit integer to host byte order.

nThe value in network byte order.
The same value in host byte order.

Definition at line 54 of file common_endian.c.

57 return n;
59 return (((uint64_t) ntohl (n)) << 32) + ntohl (n >> 32);
61 #error byteorder undefined

Referenced by abd_value_to_string(), backward_resolution(), cb_intersection_element_removed(), cmp_pow_value(), copy_element_cb(), extract_abs_time(), extract_array_generic(), extract_int64(), extract_rel_time(), extract_timestamp(), extract_uint64(), find_proof(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_deserialize(), GNUNET_ABD_delegates_deserialize(), GNUNET_BIO_read_int64(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_leading_zeros(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_tailing_zeros(), GNUNET_FS_handle_on_demand_block(), GNUNET_FS_publish_stop(), GNUNET_FS_uri_chk_get_file_size(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_check_pow(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_records_deserialize(), GNUNET_ntoh_double(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_ntoh(), GNUNET_TIME_relative_ntoh(), GNUNET_xfree_(), GNUNET_xrealloc_(), handle_add_queue_message(), handle_alice_client_message(), handle_arm_list_result(), handle_arm_result(), handle_attribute_store_message(), handle_bob_client_message(), handle_client_index_start(), handle_client_loc_sign(), handle_credential_store_message(), handle_data(), handle_flow_control(), handle_get(), handle_get_key(), handle_get_zero_anonymity(), handle_iterate_next(), handle_iteration_next(), handle_monitor_next(), handle_reserve(), handle_result(), handle_send_message_ack(), handle_set(), handle_start(), handle_statistics_value(), handle_statistics_watch_value(), handle_stop(), handle_union_p2p_strata_estimator(), handle_update_queue_message(), increment_seq(), print_record(), process_result_with_request(), queue_send_msg(), reconstruct_cb(), set_result_cb(), try_match_block(), uri_chk_to_string(), uri_loc_to_string(), and verify_message_crypto().

◆ GNUNET_hton_double()

double GNUNET_hton_double ( double  d)

Convert double to network byte order.

dThe value in host byte order.
The same value in network byte order.

Definition at line 70 of file common_endian.c.

72 double res;
73 uint64_t *in = (uint64_t *) &d;
74 uint64_t *out = (uint64_t *) &res;
76 out[0] = GNUNET_htonll (in[0]);
78 return res;
static mp_limb_t d[(((256)+GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1)/GMP_NUMB_BITS)]
uint64_t GNUNET_htonll(uint64_t n)
Convert unsigned 64-bit integer to network byte order.
Definition: common_endian.c:37

References d, GNUNET_htonll(), and res.

Referenced by setup_estimate_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_ntoh_double()

double GNUNET_ntoh_double ( double  d)

Convert double to host byte order.

dThe value in network byte order.
The same value in host byte order.

Definition at line 83 of file common_endian.c.

85 double res;
86 uint64_t *in = (uint64_t *) &d;
87 uint64_t *out = (uint64_t *) &res;
89 out[0] = GNUNET_ntohll (in[0]);
91 return res;
uint64_t GNUNET_ntohll(uint64_t n)
Convert unsigned 64-bit integer to host byte order.
Definition: common_endian.c:54

References d, GNUNET_ntohll(), and res.

Referenced by handle_estimate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_memcmp_ct_()

int GNUNET_memcmp_ct_ ( const void *  b1,
const void *  b2,
size_t  len 

Compare memory in b1 and b2 in constant time, suitable for private data.

b1some buffer of size len
b2another buffer of size len
lennumber of bytes in b1 and b2
0 if buffers are equal,

Definition at line 134 of file consttime_memcmp.c.

136 const uint8_t *c1, *c2;
137 uint16_t d, r, m;
140 volatile uint16_t v;
142 uint16_t v;
145 c1 = b1;
146 c2 = b2;
148 r = 0;
149 while (len)
150 {
151 /*
152 * Take the low 8 bits of r (in the range 0x00 to 0xff,
153 * or 0 to 255);
154 * As explained elsewhere, the low 8 bits of r will be zero
155 * if and only if all bytes compared so far were identical;
156 * Zero-extend to a 16-bit type (in the range 0x0000 to
157 * 0x00ff);
158 * Add 255, yielding a result in the range 255 to 510;
159 * Save that in a volatile variable to prevent
160 * the compiler from trying any shortcuts (the
161 * use of a volatile variable depends on "#ifdef
162 * USE_VOLATILE_TEMPORARY", and most compilers won't
163 * need it);
164 * Divide by 256 yielding a result of 1 if the original
165 * value of r was non-zero, or 0 if r was zero;
166 * Subtract 1, yielding 0 if r was non-zero, or -1 if r
167 * was zero;
168 * Convert to uint16_t, yielding 0x0000 if r was
169 * non-zero, or 0xffff if r was zero;
170 * Save in m.
171 */v = ((uint16_t) (uint8_t) r) + 255;
172 m = v / 256 - 1;
174 /*
175 * Get the values from *c1 and *c2 as uint8_t (each will
176 * be in the range 0 to 255, or 0x00 to 0xff);
177 * Convert them to signed int values (still in the
178 * range 0 to 255);
179 * Subtract them using signed arithmetic, yielding a
180 * result in the range -255 to +255;
181 * Convert to uint16_t, yielding a result in the range
182 * 0xff01 to 0xffff (for what was previously -255 to
183 * -1), or 0, or in the range 0x0001 to 0x00ff (for what
184 * was previously +1 to +255).
185 */d = (uint16_t) ((int) *c1 - (int) *c2);
187 /*
188 * If the low 8 bits of r were previously 0, then m
189 * is now 0xffff, so (d & m) is the same as d, so we
190 * effectively copy d to r;
191 * Otherwise, if r was previously non-zero, then m is
192 * now 0, so (d & m) is zero, so leave r unchanged.
193 * Note that the low 8 bits of d will be zero if and
194 * only if d == 0, which happens when *c1 == *c2.
195 * The low 8 bits of r are thus zero if and only if the
196 * entirety of r is zero, which happens if and only if
197 * all bytes compared so far were equal. As soon as a
198 * non-zero value is stored in r, it remains unchanged
199 * for the remainder of the loop.
200 */r |= (d & m);
202 /*
203 * Increment pointers, decrement length, and loop.
204 */
205 ++c1;
206 ++c2;
207 --len;
208 }
210 /*
211 * At this point, r is an unsigned value, which will be 0 if the
212 * final result should be zero, or in the range 0x0001 to 0x00ff
213 * (1 to 255) if the final result should be positive, or in the
214 * range 0xff01 to 0xffff (65281 to 65535) if the final result
215 * should be negative.
216 *
217 * We want to convert the unsigned values in the range 0xff01
218 * to 0xffff to signed values in the range -255 to -1, while
219 * converting the other unsigned values to equivalent signed
220 * values (0, or +1 to +255).
221 *
222 * On a machine with two's complement arithmetic, simply copying
223 * the underlying bits (with sign extension if int is wider than
224 * 16 bits) would do the job, so something like this might work:
225 *
226 * return (int16_t)r;
227 *
228 * However, that invokes implementation-defined behaviour,
229 * because values larger than 32767 can't fit in a signed 16-bit
230 * integer without overflow.
231 *
232 * To avoid any implementation-defined behaviour, we go through
233 * these contortions:
234 *
235 * a. Calculate ((uint32_t)r + 0x8000). The cast to uint32_t
236 * it to prevent problems on platforms where int is narrower
237 * than 32 bits. If int is a larger than 32-bits, then the
238 * usual arithmetic conversions cause this addition to be
239 * done in unsigned int arithmetic. If int is 32 bits
240 * or narrower, then this addition is done in uint32_t
241 * arithmetic. In either case, no overflow or wraparound
242 * occurs, and the result from this step has a value that
243 * will be one of 0x00008000 (32768), or in the range
244 * 0x00008001 to 0x000080ff (32769 to 33023), or in the range
245 * 0x00017f01 to 0x00017fff (98049 to 98303).
246 *
247 * b. Cast the result from (a) to uint16_t. This effectively
248 * discards the high bits of the result, in a way that is
249 * well defined by the C language. The result from this step
250 * will be of type uint16_t, and its value will be one of
251 * 0x8000 (32768), or in the range 0x8001 to 0x80ff (32769 to
252 * 33023), or in the range 0x7f01 to 0x7fff (32513 to
253 * 32767).
254 *
255 * c. Cast the result from (b) to int32_t. We use int32_t
256 * instead of int because we need a type that's strictly
257 * larger than 16 bits, and the C standard allows
258 * implementations where int is only 16 bits. The result
259 * from this step will be of type int32_t, and its value will
260 * be one of 0x00008000 (32768), or in the range 0x00008001
261 * to 0x000080ff (32769 to 33023), or in the range 0x00007f01
262 * to 0x00007fff (32513 to 32767).
263 *
264 * d. Take the result from (c) and subtract 0x8000 (32768) using
265 * signed int32_t arithmetic. The result from this step will
266 * be of type int32_t and the value will be one of
267 * 0x00000000 (0), or in the range 0x00000001 to 0x000000ff
268 * (+1 to +255), or in the range 0xffffff01 to 0xffffffff
269 * (-255 to -1).
270 *
271 * e. Cast the result from (d) to int. This does nothing
272 * interesting, except to make explicit what would have been
273 * implicit in the return statement. The final result is an
274 * int in the range -255 to +255.
275 *
276 * Unfortunately, compilers don't seem to be good at figuring
277 * out that most of this can be optimised away by careful choice
278 * of register width and sign extension.
279 *
280 */return (/*e*/ int) (/*d*/
281 (/*c*/ int32_t) (/*b*/ uint16_t) (/*a*/ (uint32_t) r + 0x8000)
282 - 0x8000);
static struct GNUNET_ARM_MonitorHandle * m
Monitor connection with ARM.
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:103

References d, consensus-simulation::int, and m.

◆ GNUNET_is_zero_()

bool GNUNET_is_zero_ ( const void *  a,
size_t  n 

Check that memory in a is all zeros.

a must be a pointer.

apointer to n bytes which should be tested for the entire memory being zero'ed out.
nnumber of bytes in to be tested
true if a is zero, false_NO otherwise

Definition at line 374 of file common_allocation.c.

377 const char *b = a;
379 for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
380 if (b[i])
381 return false;
382 return true;

◆ GNUNET_xmalloc_()

int int void * GNUNET_xmalloc_ ( size_t  size,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Allocate memory.

Checks the return value, aborts if no more memory is available. Don't use GNUNET_xmalloc_ directly. Use the GNUNET_malloc macro. The memory will be zero'ed out.

sizenumber of bytes to allocate
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)
allocated memory, never NULL

Definition at line 48 of file common_allocation.c.

52 void *ret;
54 /* As a security precaution, we generally do not allow very large
55 * allocations using the default 'GNUNET_malloc()' macro */
58 linenumber);
61 linenumber);
62 if (NULL == ret)
63 {
65 "malloc");
66 GNUNET_assert (0);
67 }
68 return ret;
#define LOG_STRERROR(kind, syscall)
static char * filename
void * GNUNET_xmalloc_unchecked_(size_t size, const char *filename, int linenumber)
Allocate memory.
#define GNUNET_assert_at(cond, f, l)
Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled.
Maximum allocation with GNUNET_malloc macro.

References filename, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_assert_at, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_MAX_MALLOC_CHECKED, GNUNET_xmalloc_unchecked_(), LOG_STRERROR, ret, and size.

Referenced by GNUNET_xgrow_(), GNUNET_xstrdup_(), and GNUNET_xstrndup_().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_xmemdup_()

void * GNUNET_xmemdup_ ( const void *  buf,
size_t  size,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Allocate and initialize memory.

Checks the return value, aborts if no more memory is available. Don't use GNUNET_xmemdup_ directly. Use the GNUNET_memdup macro.

bufbuffer to initialize from (must contain size bytes)
sizenumber of bytes to allocate
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)
allocated memory, never NULL

Definition at line 73 of file common_allocation.c.

78 void *ret;
80 /* As a security precaution, we generally do not allow very large
81 * allocations here */
84 linenumber);
87 linenumber);
88 ret = malloc (size);
89 if (NULL == ret)
90 {
92 "malloc");
93 GNUNET_assert (0);
94 }
96 buf,
97 size);
98 return ret;
#define INT_MAX
#define GNUNET_memcpy(dst, src, n)
Call memcpy() but check for n being 0 first.

References filename, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_assert_at, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_MAX_MALLOC_CHECKED, GNUNET_memcpy, INT_MAX, LOG_STRERROR, ret, and size.

◆ GNUNET_xmalloc_unchecked_()

void * GNUNET_xmalloc_unchecked_ ( size_t  size,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Allocate memory.

This function does not check if the allocation request is within reasonable bounds, allowing allocations larger than 40 MB. If you don't expect the possibility of very large allocations, use GNUNET_malloc instead. The memory will be zero'ed out.

sizenumber of bytes to allocate
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)
pointer to size bytes of memory, NULL if we do not have enough memory

Definition at line 103 of file common_allocation.c.

107 void *result;
109 (void) filename;
110 (void) linenumber;
111 result = malloc (size);
112 if (NULL == result)
113 return NULL;
114 memset (result,
115 0,
116 size);
117 return result;
static int result
Global testing status.

References filename, result, and size.

Referenced by GNUNET_xmalloc_().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_xrealloc_()

void * GNUNET_xrealloc_ ( void *  ptr,
size_t  n,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Reallocate memory.

Checks the return value, aborts if no more memory is available.

Definition at line 122 of file common_allocation.c.

127 (void) filename;
128 (void) linenumber;
130#if defined(M_SIZE)
132 {
133 uint64_t *base = ptr;
134 size_t s = M_SIZE (ptr);
136 if (s > n)
137 {
138 const uint64_t baadfood = GNUNET_ntohll (0xBAADF00DBAADF00DLL);
139 char *cbase = ptr;
141 GNUNET_memcpy (&cbase[n],
142 &baadfood,
143 GNUNET_MIN (8 - (n % 8),
144 s - n));
145 for (size_t i = 1 + (n + 7) / 8; i < s / 8; i++)
146 base[i] = baadfood;
147 GNUNET_memcpy (&base[s / 8],
148 &baadfood,
149 s % 8);
150 }
151 }
154 ptr = realloc (ptr, n);
155 if ((NULL == ptr) && (n > 0))
156 {
158 "realloc");
159 GNUNET_assert (0);
160 }
161 return ptr;
#define GNUNET_MIN(a, b)

References filename, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_MIN, GNUNET_ntohll(), and LOG_STRERROR.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_xfree_()

void GNUNET_xfree_ ( void *  ptr,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Free memory.

Merely a wrapper for the case that we want to keep track of allocations. Don't use GNUNET_xfree_ directly. Use the GNUNET_free macro.

ptrpointer to memory to free
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)

Definition at line 182 of file common_allocation.c.

186 if (NULL == ptr)
187 return;
188#if defined(M_SIZE)
190 {
191 const uint64_t baadfood = GNUNET_ntohll (0xBAADF00DBAADF00DLL);
192 uint64_t *base = ptr;
193 size_t s = M_SIZE (ptr);
195 for (size_t i = 0; i < s / 8; i++)
196 base[i] = baadfood;
197 GNUNET_memcpy (&base[s / 8], &baadfood, s % 8);
198 }
201 free (ptr);

References GNUNET_memcpy, and GNUNET_ntohll().

Referenced by GNUNET_xgrow_().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_xstrdup_()

char * GNUNET_xstrdup_ ( const char *  str,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Dup a string.

Don't call GNUNET_xstrdup_ directly. Use the GNUNET_strdup macro.

strstring to duplicate
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)
the duplicated string

Definition at line 206 of file common_allocation.c.

210 size_t slen = strlen (str) + 1;
211 char *res;
213 GNUNET_assert_at (str != NULL,
214 filename,
215 linenumber);
216 res = GNUNET_xmalloc_ (slen,
217 filename,
218 linenumber);
220 str,
221 slen);
222 return res;
void * GNUNET_xmalloc_(size_t size, const char *filename, int linenumber)
Allocate memory.

References filename, GNUNET_assert_at, GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_xmalloc_(), and res.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_xstrndup_()

char * GNUNET_xstrndup_ ( const char *  str,
size_t  len,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Dup partially a string.

Don't call GNUNET_xstrndup_ directly. Use the GNUNET_strndup macro.

strstring to duplicate
lenlength of the string to duplicate
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)
the duplicated string

Definition at line 246 of file common_allocation.c.

251 char *res;
253 if (0 == len)
254 return GNUNET_strdup ("");
255 GNUNET_assert_at (NULL != str,
256 filename,
257 linenumber);
258 len = strnlen (str, len);
259 res = GNUNET_xmalloc_ (len + 1,
260 filename,
261 linenumber);
262 GNUNET_memcpy (res, str, len);
263 /* res[len] = '\0'; 'malloc' zeros out anyway */
264 return res;
static size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t n)
#define GNUNET_strdup(a)
Wrapper around GNUNET_xstrdup_.

References filename, GNUNET_assert_at, GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_strdup, GNUNET_xmalloc_(), res, and strnlen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_xgrow_()

void GNUNET_xgrow_ ( void **  old,
size_t  elementSize,
unsigned int *  oldCount,
unsigned int  newCount,
const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 

Grow an array, the new elements are zeroed out.

Grows old by (*oldCount-newCount)*elementSize bytes and sets *oldCount to newCount.

Don't call GNUNET_xgrow_ directly. Use the GNUNET_array_grow macro.

oldaddress of the pointer to the array *old may be NULL
elementSizethe size of the elements of the array
oldCountaddress of the number of elements in the *old array
newCountnumber of elements in the new array, may be 0 (then *old will be NULL afterwards)
filenamewhere is this call being made (for debugging)
linenumberline where this call is being made (for debugging)

Definition at line 269 of file common_allocation.c.

276 void *tmp;
277 size_t size;
279 GNUNET_assert_at (elementSize > 0, filename, linenumber);
280 GNUNET_assert_at (INT_MAX / elementSize > newCount, filename, linenumber);
281 size = newCount * elementSize;
282 if (0 == size)
283 {
284 tmp = NULL;
285 }
286 else
287 {
288 tmp = GNUNET_xmalloc_ (size,
289 filename,
290 linenumber);
291 if (NULL != *old)
292 {
293 GNUNET_memcpy (tmp,
294 *old,
295 elementSize * GNUNET_MIN (*oldCount,
296 newCount));
297 }
298 }
300 if (NULL != *old)
301 {
302 GNUNET_xfree_ (*old,
303 filename,
304 linenumber);
305 }
306 *old = tmp;
307 *oldCount = newCount;
void GNUNET_xfree_(void *ptr, const char *filename, int linenumber)
Free memory.

References filename, GNUNET_assert_at, GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_MIN, GNUNET_xfree_(), GNUNET_xmalloc_(), INT_MAX, and size.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_async_scope_enter()

void GNUNET_async_scope_enter ( const struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId aid,
struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave old_scope 

Set the async scope for the current thread.

aidthe async scope identifier
[out]old_scopelocation to save the old scope

Definition at line 1487 of file common_logging.c.

1490 *old_scope = current_async_scope;
static GNUNET_THREAD_LOCAL struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave current_async_scope
Asynchronous scope of the current thread, or NULL if we have not entered an async scope yet.
int have_scope
GNUNET_YES unless this saved scope is the unnamed root scope.
struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId scope_id
Saved scope.

References current_async_scope, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave::have_scope, and GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave::scope_id.

Referenced by GNUNET_SCHEDULER_begin_async_scope(), and GNUNET_SCHEDULER_do_work().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_async_scope_restore()

void GNUNET_async_scope_restore ( struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave old_scope)

Clear the current thread's async scope.

old_scopescope to restore

Definition at line 1502 of file common_logging.c.

1504 current_async_scope = *old_scope;

References current_async_scope.

Referenced by GNUNET_SCHEDULER_do_work().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_async_scope_get()

void GNUNET_async_scope_get ( struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave scope_ret)

Get the current async scope.

[out]scope_retpointer to where the result is stored

Definition at line 1528 of file common_logging.c.

1530 *scope_ret = current_async_scope;

References current_async_scope.

Referenced by add_without_sets(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at_with_priority(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_select(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_shutdown(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_do_work(), and setup_job_headers().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_async_scope_fresh()

void GNUNET_async_scope_fresh ( struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId aid_ret)

Generate a fresh async scope identifier.

[out]aid_retpointer to where the result is stored

Definition at line 1514 of file common_logging.c.

1517 aid_ret,
1518 sizeof(struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId));
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_random_block(enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_Quality mode, void *buffer, size_t length)
Fill block with a random values.
No good quality of the operation is needed (i.e., random numbers can be pseudo-random).
Identifier for an asynchronous execution context.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_QUALITY_WEAK, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_random_block().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_try_compression()

int GNUNET_try_compression ( const char *  data,
size_t  old_size,
char **  result,
size_t *  new_size 

Try to compress the given block of data using libz.

Only returns the compressed block if compression worked and the new block is actually smaller. Decompress using GNUNET_decompress().

datablock to compress; if compression resulted in a smaller block, the first bytes of data are updated to the compressed data
old_sizenumber of bytes in data
[out]resultset to the compressed data, if compression worked
[out]new_sizeset to size of result, if compression worked
GNUNET_YES if compression reduce the size, GNUNET_NO if compression did not help

Definition at line 33 of file compress.c.

38 char *tmp;
39 uLongf dlen;
41 *result = NULL;
42 *new_size = 0;
43#ifdef compressBound
44 dlen = compressBound (old_size);
46 dlen = old_size + (old_size / 100) + 20;
47 /* documentation says 100.1% oldSize + 12 bytes, but we
48 * should be able to overshoot by more to be safe */
50 tmp = GNUNET_malloc (dlen);
51 if (Z_OK ==
52 compress2 ((Bytef *) tmp,
53 &dlen,
54 (const Bytef *) data,
55 old_size, 9))
56 {
57 if (dlen < old_size)
58 {
59 *result = tmp;
60 *new_size = dlen;
61 return GNUNET_YES;
62 }
63 }
64 GNUNET_free (tmp);
65 return GNUNET_NO;

References data, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_malloc, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_YES, and result.

Referenced by GNUNET_FS_meta_data_serialize(), and strata_estimator_write().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_decompress()

char * GNUNET_decompress ( const char *  input,
size_t  input_size,
size_t  output_size 

Decompress input, return the decompressed data as output.

Dual to GNUNET_try_compression(). Caller must set output_size to the number of bytes that were originally compressed.

inputcompressed data
input_sizenumber of bytes in input
output_sizeexpected size of the output
NULL on error, buffer of output_size decompressed bytes otherwise

Definition at line 70 of file compress.c.

74 char *output;
75 uLongf olen;
77 olen = output_size;
78 output = GNUNET_malloc (olen);
79 if (Z_OK ==
80 uncompress ((Bytef *) output,
81 &olen,
82 (const Bytef *) input,
83 input_size))
84 return output;
85 GNUNET_free (output);
86 return NULL;

References GNUNET_free, and GNUNET_malloc.

Referenced by GNUNET_FS_meta_data_deserialize(), and strata_estimator_read().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CONTAINER_bloomfilter_get_element_addresses()

size_t GNUNET_CONTAINER_bloomfilter_get_element_addresses ( const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_BloomFilter bf)

Get the number of the addresses set per element in the bloom filter.

bfthe filter
addresses set per element in the bf

Definition at line 88 of file container_bloomfilter.c.

91 if (bf == NULL)
92 return 0;
93 return bf->addressesPerElement;
unsigned int addressesPerElement
How many bits we set for each stored element.

References GNUNET_CONTAINER_BloomFilter::addressesPerElement.

◆ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_create()

struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_create ( const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 map)

Create an iterator for a 32-bit multihashmap.

The iterator can be used to retrieve all the elements in the multihashmap one by one, without having to handle all elements at once (in contrast to GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterate). Note that the iterator can not be used anymore if elements have been removed from 'map' after the creation of the iterator, or 'map' has been destroyed. Adding elements to 'map' may result in skipped or repeated elements.

mapthe map to create an iterator for
an iterator over the given multihashmap map

Create an iterator for a 32-bit multihashmap.

The iterator can be used to retrieve all the elements in the multihashmap one by one, without having to handle all elements at once (in contrast to GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate()). Note that the iterator can not be used anymore if elements have been removed from 'map' after the creation of the iterator, or 'map' has been destroyed. Adding elements to 'map' may result in skipped or repeated elements.

mapthe map to create an iterator for
an iterator over the given multihashmap map

Definition at line 536 of file container_multihashmap32.c.

542 iter->map = map;
544 iter->me = map->map[0];
545 return iter;
static struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap * map
Peermap of PeerIdentities to "struct PeerEntry" (for fast lookup).
Definition: peer.c:63
struct MapEntry * me
Position in the bucket idx.
unsigned int modification_counter
Modification counter as observed on the map when the iterator was created.
const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 * map
Map that we are iterating over.
unsigned int modification_counter
Counts the destructive modifications (grow, remove) to the map, so that iterators can check if they a...
union MapEntry * map
All of our buckets.

References GNUNET_new, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap::map, map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::me, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::modification_counter, and GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap::modification_counter.

◆ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_next()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_next ( struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator iter,
uint32_t *  key,
const void **  value 

Retrieve the next element from the hash map at the iterator's position.

If there are no elements left, GNUNET_NO is returned, and 'key' and 'value' are not modified. This operation is only allowed if no elements have been removed from the multihashmap since the creation of 'iter', and the map has not been destroyed. Adding elements may result in repeating or skipping elements.

iterthe iterator to get the next element from
keypointer to store the key in, can be NULL
valuepointer to store the value in, can be NULL
GNUNET_YES we returned an element, GNUNET_NO if we are out of elements

Definition at line 564 of file container_multihashmap32.c.

569 /* make sure the map has not been modified */
572 /* look for the next entry, skipping empty buckets */
573 while (1)
574 {
575 if (iter->idx >= iter->map->map_length)
576 return GNUNET_NO;
577 if (NULL != iter->me)
578 {
579 if (NULL != key)
580 *key = iter->me->key;
581 if (NULL != value)
582 *value = iter->me->value;
583 iter->me = iter->me->next;
584 return GNUNET_YES;
585 }
586 iter->idx += 1;
587 if (iter->idx < iter->map->map_length)
588 iter->me = iter->map->map[iter->idx];
589 }
struct GNUNET_HashCode key
The key used in the DHT.
static char * value
Value of the record to add/remove.
unsigned int modification_counter
Counts the destructive modifications (grow, remove) to the map, so that iterators can check if they a...
struct MapEntry ** map
All of our buckets.
unsigned int map_length
Length of the map array.
void * value
Value of the entry.
uint32_t key
Key for the entry.
struct MapEntry * next
If there is a hash collision, we create a linked list.

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::idx, key, MapEntry::key, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32::map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32::map_length, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::me, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32::modification_counter, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32Iterator::modification_counter, MapEntry::next, value, and MapEntry::value.

◆ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_destroy()

void GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterator_destroy ( struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapIterator iter)

Destroy a 32-bit multihashmap iterator.

iterthe iterator to destroy

Destroy a 32-bit multihashmap iterator.

iterthe iterator to destroy

Definition at line 599 of file container_multihashmap32.c.

602 GNUNET_free (iter);

References GNUNET_free.

◆ GNUNET_CONTAINER_heap_peek2()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_heap_peek2 ( const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_Heap heap,
void **  element,

Get element and cost stored at the root of heap.

[in]heapHeap to inspect.
[out]elementRoot element is returned here.
[out]costCost of element is returned here.
GNUNET_YES if an element is returned, GNUNET_NO if the heap is empty.

Definition at line 171 of file container_heap.c.

175 if (NULL == heap->root)
176 return GNUNET_NO;
177 if (NULL != element)
178 *element = heap->root->element;
179 if (NULL != cost)
180 *cost = heap->root->cost;
181 return GNUNET_YES;
void * element
Our element.
Cost for this element.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapNode * root
Root of the heap.


Referenced by GCP_attach_path().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_step()

uint32_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_step ( uint32_t  sum,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len 

Perform an incremental step in a CRC16 (for TCP/IP) calculation.

sumcurrent sum, initially 0
bufbuffer to calculate CRC over (must be 16-bit aligned)
lennumber of bytes in buf, must be multiple of 2
updated crc sum (must be subjected to GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_finish to get actual crc16)

Definition at line 110 of file crypto_crc.c.

112 const uint16_t *hdr = buf;
114 for (; len >= 2; len -= 2)
115 sum += *(hdr++);
116 if (len == 1)
117 sum += ntohs(*((uint8_t *)hdr) << 8);
118 return sum;

References consensus-simulation::sum.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_n(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_icmp_checksum(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_tcp4_checksum(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_tcp6_checksum(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_udp4_checksum(), and GNUNET_TUN_calculate_udp6_checksum().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_finish()

uint16_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_finish ( uint32_t  sum)

Convert results from GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_step to final crc16.

sumcumulative sum
crc16 value

Definition at line 123 of file crypto_crc.c.

125 sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xFFFF);
126 sum += (sum >> 16);
128 return ~sum;

References consensus-simulation::sum.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_crc16_n(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_icmp_checksum(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_tcp4_checksum(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_tcp6_checksum(), GNUNET_TUN_calculate_udp4_checksum(), and GNUNET_TUN_calculate_udp6_checksum().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv_v()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv_v ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector iv,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey skey,
const void *  salt,
size_t  salt_len,
va_list  argp 

Derive an IV.

ivinitialization vector
skeysession key
saltsalt for the derivation
salt_lensize of the salt
argppairs of void * & size_t for context chunks, terminated by NULL

Definition at line 221 of file crypto_symmetric.c.

230 char aes_salt[salt_len + 4];
231 char twofish_salt[salt_len + 4];
233 GNUNET_memcpy (aes_salt, salt, salt_len);
234 GNUNET_memcpy (&aes_salt[salt_len], "AES!", 4);
235 GNUNET_memcpy (twofish_salt, salt, salt_len);
236 GNUNET_memcpy (&twofish_salt[salt_len], "FISH", 4);
238 sizeof(iv->aes_iv),
239 aes_salt,
240 salt_len + 4,
241 skey->aes_key,
242 sizeof(skey->aes_key),
243 argp);
245 sizeof(iv->twofish_iv),
246 twofish_salt,
247 salt_len + 4,
248 skey->twofish_key,
249 sizeof(skey->twofish_key),
250 argp);
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PowSalt salt
Salt for PoW calculations.
Definition: gnunet-scrypt.c:34
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_v(void *result, size_t out_len, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len, va_list argp)
Derive key.
Definition: crypto_kdf.c:38
unsigned char twofish_key[(256/8)]
Actual key for TwoFish.
unsigned char aes_key[(256/8)]
Actual key for AES.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector::aes_iv, GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey::aes_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_v(), GNUNET_memcpy, salt, GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector::twofish_iv, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey::twofish_key.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_pow_hash()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_pow_hash ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PowSalt salt,
const void *  buf,
size_t  buf_len,
struct GNUNET_HashCode result 

Calculate the 'proof-of-work' hash (an expensive hash).

saltsalt for the hash. Must be crypto_pwhash_argon2id_SALTBYTES long.
bufdata to hash
buf_lennumber of bytes in buf
resultwhere to write the resulting hash

We're using a non-standard formula to avoid issues with ASICs appearing (see #3795).

saltsalt for the hash. Must be crypto_pwhash_argon2id_SALTBYTES long.
bufdata to hash
buf_lennumber of bytes in buf
resultwhere to write the resulting hash

Definition at line 42 of file crypto_pow.c.

47 /* Threads hardcoded at 1 in libsodium */
48 GNUNET_break (0 ==
49 crypto_pwhash_argon2id ((unsigned char *) result,
50 sizeof (struct GNUNET_HashCode),
51 buf,
52 buf_len,
53 (unsigned char*) salt,
54 3, /* iterations */
55 1024 * 1024, /* memory (1 MiB) */
56 crypto_pwhash_argon2id_ALG_ARGON2ID13));

References GNUNET_break, result, and salt.

Referenced by check_proof_of_work(), find_proof(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_check_pow(), and GNUNET_GNSRECORD_pow_round().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_start()

struct GNUNET_HashContext * GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_start ( void  )

Start incremental hashing operation.

context for incremental hash computation

Definition at line 347 of file crypto_hash.c.

349 struct GNUNET_HashContext *hc;
351 BENCHMARK_START (hash_context_start);
352 hc = GNUNET_new (struct GNUNET_HashContext);
353 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
354 gcry_md_open (&hc->hd,
355 GCRY_MD_SHA512,
356 0));
357 BENCHMARK_END (hash_context_start);
358 return hc;
#define BENCHMARK_START(opname)
Definition: benchmark.h:57
#define BENCHMARK_END(opname)
Definition: benchmark.h:58
gcry_md_hd_t hd
Internal state of the hash function.
Definition: crypto_hash.c:342

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, and GNUNET_HashContext::hd.

Referenced by create_randomized_element_iterator(), create_receiver(), decode_and_send(), GCCH_hash_port(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_edx25519_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_SET_element_hash(), GNUNET_SETI_element_hash(), GNUNET_SETU_element_hash(), handle_union_p2p_inquiry(), hash_addresses(), mq_init(), and setup_sender().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_copy()

struct GNUNET_HashContext * GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_copy ( const struct GNUNET_HashContext hc)

Make a copy of the hash computation.

hchash context to use (to continue hashing independently)
copy of hc

Definition at line 374 of file crypto_hash.c.

376 struct GNUNET_HashContext *cp;
378 cp = GNUNET_new (struct GNUNET_HashContext);
379 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
380 gcry_md_copy (&cp->hd,
381 hc->hd));
382 return cp;

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, and GNUNET_HashContext::hd.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read ( struct GNUNET_HashContext hc,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Add data to be hashed.

hccumulative hash context
bufdata to add
sizenumber of bytes in buf

Definition at line 363 of file crypto_hash.c.

367 BENCHMARK_START (hash_context_read);
368 gcry_md_write (hc->hd, buf, size);
369 BENCHMARK_END (hash_context_read);

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_HashContext::hd, and size.

Referenced by create_randomized_element_iterator(), create_receiver(), decode_and_send(), GCCH_hash_port(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_edx25519_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_SET_element_hash(), GNUNET_SETI_element_hash(), GNUNET_SETU_element_hash(), handle_union_p2p_inquiry(), hash_addresses(), mq_init(), and setup_sender().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish ( struct GNUNET_HashContext hc,
struct GNUNET_HashCode r_hash 

Finish the hash computation.

hchash context to use, is freed in the process
r_hashwhere to write the latest / final hash code

Definition at line 387 of file crypto_hash.c.

390 const void *res = gcry_md_read (hc->hd, 0);
392 BENCHMARK_START (hash_context_finish);
394 GNUNET_assert (NULL != res);
395 if (NULL != r_hash)
396 GNUNET_memcpy (r_hash,
397 res,
398 sizeof(struct GNUNET_HashCode));
400 BENCHMARK_END (hash_context_finish);
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort(struct GNUNET_HashContext *hc)
Abort hashing, do not bother calculating final result.
Definition: crypto_hash.c:405

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort(), GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_HashContext::hd, and res.

Referenced by create_randomized_element_iterator(), create_receiver(), decode_and_send(), GCCH_hash_port(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_edx25519_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_SET_element_hash(), GNUNET_SETI_element_hash(), GNUNET_SETU_element_hash(), handle_union_p2p_inquiry(), hash_addresses(), mq_init(), and setup_sender().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort ( struct GNUNET_HashContext hc)

Abort hashing, do not bother calculating final result.

hchash context to destroy

Definition at line 405 of file crypto_hash.c.

407 gcry_md_close (hc->hd);
408 GNUNET_free (hc);

References GNUNET_free, and GNUNET_HashContext::hd.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_raw()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_raw ( const void *  key,
size_t  key_len,
const void *  plaintext,
size_t  plaintext_len,
struct GNUNET_HashCode hmac 

Calculate HMAC of a message (RFC 2104) TODO: Shouldn't this be the standard hmac function and the above be renamed?

keysecret key
key_lensecret key length
plaintextinput plaintext
plaintext_lenlength of plaintext
hmacwhere to store the hmac

Definition at line 297 of file crypto_hash.c.

301 static int once;
302 static gcry_md_hd_t md;
303 const unsigned char *mc;
305 if (! once)
306 {
307 once = 1;
308 GNUNET_assert (GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ==
309 gcry_md_open (&md,
310 GCRY_MD_SHA512,
312 }
313 else
314 {
315 gcry_md_reset (md);
316 }
317 GNUNET_assert (GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ==
318 gcry_md_setkey (md, key, key_len));
319 gcry_md_write (md, plaintext, plaintext_len);
320 mc = gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_SHA512);
321 GNUNET_assert (NULL != mc);
322 GNUNET_memcpy (hmac->bits, mc, sizeof(hmac->bits));
static int once
Global to mark if we've run the initialization.
Definition: gnsrecord.c:65
static struct GNUNET_TESTBED_Controller * mc
Handle to the master controller.
uint32_t bits[512/8/sizeof(uint32_t)]

References GNUNET_HashCode::bits, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_memcpy, key, mc, and once.

Referenced by calculate_hmac(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac(), and OIDC_generate_id_token_hmac().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_file_cancel()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_file_cancel ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext fhc)

Cancel a file hashing operation.

fhcoperation to cancel (callback must not yet have been invoked)

Definition at line 226 of file crypto_hash_file.c.

229 GNUNET_free (fhc->filename);
232 gcry_md_close (fhc->md);
233 GNUNET_free (fhc);
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_DISK_file_close(struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle *h)
Close an open file.
Definition: disk.c:1308
void * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *task)
Cancel the task with the specified identifier.
Definition: scheduler.c:980
gcry_md_hd_t md
Cumulated hash.
struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle * fh
File descriptor.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * task
Current task for hashing.
char * filename
Name of the file we are hashing.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext::fh, GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext::filename, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_DISK_file_close(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext::md, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext::task.

Referenced by client_disconnect_cb(), GNUNET_FS_indexing_done(), GNUNET_FS_unindex_signal_suspend_(), GNUNET_FS_unindex_stop(), and publish_cleanup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_leading_zeros()

unsigned int GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_leading_zeros ( const struct GNUNET_HashCode h)

Count the number of leading 0 bits in h.

ha hash
number of leading 0 bits in h

Definition at line 174 of file crypto_hash.c.

176 const unsigned long long *llp = (const unsigned long long *) h;
177 unsigned int ret = 0;
178 unsigned int i;
180 GNUNET_static_assert (8 == sizeof (unsigned long long));
181 GNUNET_static_assert (0 == sizeof (*h) % sizeof (unsigned long long));
182 for (i = 0; i<sizeof (*h) / sizeof (*llp); i++)
183 {
184 if (0LLU != llp[i])
185 break;
186 ret += sizeof (*llp) * 8;
187 }
188 if (ret == 8 * sizeof (*h))
189 return ret;
190 ret += __builtin_clzll (GNUNET_ntohll ((uint64_t) llp[i]));
191 return ret;
static struct GNUNET_ARM_Handle * h
Connection with ARM.
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:98
#define GNUNET_static_assert(cond)
Assertion to be checked (if supported by C compiler) at compile time, otherwise checked at runtime an...

References GNUNET_ntohll(), GNUNET_static_assert, h, and ret.

Referenced by check_proof_of_work(), find_bucket(), find_proof(), GDS_DATACACHE_handle_put(), get_matching_bits(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_check_pow(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_pow_round(), and select_peer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_tailing_zeros()

unsigned int GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_count_tailing_zeros ( const struct GNUNET_HashCode h)

Count the number of tailing 0 bits in h.

ha hash
number of tailing 0 bits in h

Definition at line 196 of file crypto_hash.c.

198 const unsigned long long *llp = (const unsigned long long *) h;
199 unsigned int ret = 0;
200 int i;
202 GNUNET_static_assert (8 == sizeof (unsigned long long));
203 GNUNET_static_assert (0 == sizeof (*h) % sizeof (unsigned long long));
204 for (i = sizeof (*h) / sizeof (*llp) - 1; i>=0; i--)
205 {
206 if (0LLU != llp[i])
207 break;
208 ret += sizeof (*llp) * 8;
209 }
210 if (ret == 8 * sizeof (*h))
211 return ret;
212 ret += __builtin_ctzll (GNUNET_ntohll ((uint64_t) llp[i]));
213 return ret;

References GNUNET_ntohll(), GNUNET_static_assert, h, and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:


enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_v ( void *  result,
size_t  out_len,
const void *  xts,
size_t  xts_len,
const void *  skm,
size_t  skm_len,
va_list  argp 

Derive key.

resultbuffer for the derived key, allocated by caller
out_lendesired length of the derived key
xts_lenlength of xts
skmsource key material
skm_lenlength of skm
argpva_list of void * & size_t pairs for context chunks
GNUNET_YES on success

Definition at line 38 of file crypto_kdf.c.

46 /*
47 * "Finally, we point out to a particularly advantageous instantiation using
48 * HMAC-SHA512 as XTR and HMAC-SHA256 in PRF* (in which case the output from SHA-512 is
49 * truncated to 256 bits). This makes sense in two ways: First, the extraction part is where we need a
50 * stronger hash function due to the unconventional demand from the hash function in the extraction
51 * setting. Second, as shown in Section 6, using HMAC with a truncated output as an extractor
52 * allows to prove the security of HKDF under considerably weaker assumptions on the underlying
53 * hash function."
54 *
55 *
56 */
57 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet_v (result, out_len, xts, xts_len, skm, skm_len, argp);
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet_v(void *result, size_t out_len, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len, va_list argp)
Derive key.
Definition: crypto_hkdf.c:172

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet_v(), and result.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_derive_key_v(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), and GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv_v().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_mod_mpi()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf_mod_mpi ( gcry_mpi_t *  r,
gcry_mpi_t  n,
const void *  xts,
size_t  xts_len,
const void *  skm,
size_t  skm_len,
const char *  ctx 

Deterministically generate a pseudo-random number uniformly from the integers modulo a libgcrypt mpi.

[out]rMPI value set to the FDH
nMPI to work modulo
xts_lenlength of xts
skmsource key material
skm_lenlength of skm
ctxcontext string

Definition at line 87 of file crypto_kdf.c.

93 gcry_error_t rc;
94 unsigned int nbits;
95 size_t rsize;
96 uint16_t ctr;
98 nbits = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (n);
99 /* GNUNET_assert (nbits > 512); */
100 ctr = 0;
101 while (1)
102 {
103 /* Ain't clear if n is always divisible by 8 */
104 size_t bsize = (nbits - 1) / 8 + 1;
105 uint8_t buf[bsize];
106 uint16_t ctr_nbo = htons (ctr);
108 rc = GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf (buf,
109 bsize,
110 xts, xts_len,
111 skm, skm_len,
112 ctx, strlen (ctx),
113 &ctr_nbo, sizeof(ctr_nbo),
114 NULL, 0);
116 rc = gcry_mpi_scan (r,
118 (const unsigned char *) buf,
119 bsize,
120 &rsize);
121 GNUNET_assert (GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR == rc); /* Allocation error? */
122 GNUNET_assert (rsize == bsize);
123 gcry_mpi_clear_highbit (*r,
124 nbits);
125 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
126 gcry_mpi_test_bit (*r,
127 nbits));
128 ++ctr;
129 /* We reject this FDH if either *r > n and retry with another ctr */
130 if (0 > gcry_mpi_cmp (*r, n))
131 break;
132 gcry_mpi_release (*r);
133 }
static struct GNUNET_FS_Handle * ctx
static unsigned int bsize
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(void *result, size_t out_len, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len,...)
Derive key.
Definition: crypto_kdf.c:62

References bsize, ctx, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), and GNUNET_YES.

Referenced by cs_full_domain_hash(), rsa_blinding_key_derive(), and rsa_full_domain_hash().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_to_string()

char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_to_string ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey pub)

Convert a public key to a string.

pubkey to convert
string representing pub

Definition at line 228 of file crypto_ecc.c.

231 char *pubkeybuf;
232 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey)) * 8;
233 char *end;
235 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
236 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
237 keylen /= 5;
238 pubkeybuf = GNUNET_malloc (keylen + 1);
239 end =
240 GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string ((unsigned char *) pub,
241 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey),
242 pubkeybuf,
243 keylen);
244 if (NULL == end)
245 {
246 GNUNET_free (pubkeybuf);
247 return NULL;
248 }
249 *end = '\0';
250 return pubkeybuf;
static int end
Set if we are to shutdown all services (including ARM).
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:33
Public ECC key (always for Curve25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and ECDS...

References end, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_malloc, GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string(), and pub.

Referenced by get_ego().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_to_string()

char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_to_string ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey priv)

Convert a private key to a string.

privkey to convert
string representing priv

Definition at line 309 of file crypto_ecc.c.

312 char *privkeybuf;
313 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey)) * 8;
314 char *end;
316 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
317 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
318 keylen /= 5;
319 privkeybuf = GNUNET_malloc (keylen + 1);
320 end = GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string ((unsigned char *) priv,
321 sizeof(
323 privkeybuf,
324 keylen);
325 if (NULL == end)
326 {
327 GNUNET_free (privkeybuf);
328 return NULL;
329 }
330 *end = '\0';
331 return privkeybuf;
Private ECC key encoded for transmission.

References end, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_malloc, and GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_to_string()

char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_to_string ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey priv)

Convert a private key to a string.

privkey to convert
string representing pub

Definition at line 282 of file crypto_ecc.c.

285 char *privkeybuf;
286 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey)) * 8;
287 char *end;
289 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
290 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
291 keylen /= 5;
292 privkeybuf = GNUNET_malloc (keylen + 1);
293 end = GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string ((unsigned char *) priv,
294 sizeof(
296 privkeybuf,
297 keylen);
298 if (NULL == end)
299 {
300 GNUNET_free (privkeybuf);
301 return NULL;
302 }
303 *end = '\0';
304 return privkeybuf;
Private ECC key encoded for transmission.

References end, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_malloc, and GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string().

Referenced by run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_to_string()

char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_to_string ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey pub)

Convert a public key to a string.

pubkey to convert
string representing pub

Definition at line 255 of file crypto_ecc.c.

258 char *pubkeybuf;
259 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey)) * 8;
260 char *end;
262 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
263 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
264 keylen /= 5;
265 pubkeybuf = GNUNET_malloc (keylen + 1);
266 end =
267 GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string ((unsigned char *) pub,
268 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey),
269 pubkeybuf,
270 keylen);
271 if (NULL == end)
272 {
273 GNUNET_free (pubkeybuf);
274 return NULL;
275 }
276 *end = '\0';
277 return pubkeybuf;
Public ECC key (always for curve Ed25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and E...

References end, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_malloc, GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string(), and pub.

Referenced by conversation_value_to_string(), create_keys(), GCP_2s(), GNUNET_i2s(), GNUNET_i2s2(), GNUNET_i2s_full(), messenger_value_to_string(), print_key(), run(), and uri_loc_to_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_from_string()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_from_string ( const char *  enc,
size_t  enclen,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey pub 

Convert a string representing a public key to a public key.

encencoded public key
enclennumber of bytes in enc (without 0-terminator)
pubwhere to store the public key
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 336 of file crypto_ecc.c.

341 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey)) * 8;
343 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
344 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
345 keylen /= 5;
346 if (enclen != keylen)
347 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
349 if (GNUNET_OK !=
351 enclen,
352 pub,
353 sizeof(
355 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
356 return GNUNET_OK;
static OpusEncoder * enc
OPUS encoder.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_STRINGS_string_to_data(const char *enc, size_t enclen, void *out, size_t out_size)
Convert CrockfordBase32 encoding back to data.
Definition: strings.c:812

References enc, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_STRINGS_string_to_data(), GNUNET_SYSERR, and pub.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_from_string()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_from_string ( const char *  enc,
size_t  enclen,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey priv 

Convert a string representing a private key to a private key.

encencoded public key
enclennumber of bytes in enc (without 0-terminator)
privwhere to store the private key
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 386 of file crypto_ecc.c.

391 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey)) * 8;
393 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
394 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
395 keylen /= 5;
396 if (enclen != keylen)
397 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
399 if (GNUNET_OK !=
401 enclen,
402 priv,
403 sizeof(
405 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
407 if (GNUNET_OK != check_eddsa_key (priv))
408 {
409 GNUNET_break (0);
410 return GNUNET_OK;
411 }
413 return GNUNET_OK;

References enc, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_STRINGS_string_to_data(), and GNUNET_SYSERR.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_from_string()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_from_string ( const char *  enc,
size_t  enclen,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey pub 

Convert a string representing a public key to a public key.

encencoded public key
enclennumber of bytes in enc (without 0-terminator)
pubwhere to store the public key
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 361 of file crypto_ecc.c.

366 size_t keylen = (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey)) * 8;
368 if (keylen % 5 > 0)
369 keylen += 5 - keylen % 5;
370 keylen /= 5;
371 if (enclen != keylen)
372 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
374 if (GNUNET_OK !=
376 enclen,
377 pub,
378 sizeof(
380 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
381 return GNUNET_OK;

References enc, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_STRINGS_string_to_data(), GNUNET_SYSERR, and pub.

Referenced by conversation_string_to_value(), create_keys(), gns_string_to_value(), messenger_string_to_value(), on_identity(), run(), s2i_full(), show_peer(), and uri_loc_parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_prepare()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_prepare ( unsigned int  max,
unsigned int  mem 

Do pre-calculation for ECC discrete logarithm for small factors.

maxmaximum value the factor can be
memmemory to use (should be smaller than max), must not be zero.
NULL on error

Definition at line 65 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

69 int K = ((max + (mem - 1)) / mem);
71 GNUNET_assert (max < INT32_MAX);
72 GNUNET_assert (mem <= UINT32_MAX / 2);
74 edc->max = max;
75 edc->mem = mem;
78 for (int i = -(int) mem; i <= (int) mem; i++)
79 {
84 &Ki);
85 if (0 == i) /* libsodium does not like to multiply with zero */
87 0 ==
88 crypto_core_ed25519_sub ((unsigned char *) &key,
89 (unsigned char *) &key,
90 (unsigned char *) &key));
91 else
93 0 ==
94 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp ((unsigned char*) &key,
95 Ki.v));
97 "K*i: %d (mem=%u, i=%d) => %s\n",
98 K * i,
99 mem,
100 i,
101 GNUNET_i2s (&key));
104 &key,
105 (void *) (long) i + max,
107 }
108 return edc;
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext * edc
Context for DLOG operations on a curve.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_create(unsigned int len, int do_not_copy_keys)
Create a multi peer map (hash map for public keys of peers).
int GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_put(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap *map, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *key, void *value, enum GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapOption opt)
Store a key-value pair in the map.
There must only be one value per key; storing a value should fail if a value under the same key alrea...
#define GNUNET_log(kind,...)
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int(int64_t val, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *r)
Create a scalar from int value.
const char * GNUNET_i2s(const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *pid)
Convert a peer identity to a string (for printing debug messages).
#define max(x, y)
Internal structure used to cache pre-calculated values for DLOG calculation.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap * map
Map mapping points (here "interpreted" as EdDSA public keys) to a "void * = long" which corresponds t...
unsigned int mem
How much memory should we use (relates to the number of entries in the map).
unsigned int max
Maximum absolute value the calculation supports.
A ECC scalar for use in point multiplications.
The identity of the host (wraps the signing key of the peer).

References edc, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE_ONLY, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_create(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_put(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_i2s(), GNUNET_log, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, consensus-simulation::int, key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::map, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::max, max, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::mem, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Referenced by run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext edc,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint input 

Calculate ECC discrete logarithm for small factors.

Opposite of GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp().

edcprecalculated values, determine range of factors
inputpoint on the curve to factor
INT_MAX if dlog failed, otherwise the factor

Definition at line 113 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

116 unsigned int K = ((edc->max + (edc->mem - 1)) / edc->mem);
117 int res;
118 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint g;
120 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint nq;
122 {
123 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar fact;
125 memset (&fact,
126 0,
127 sizeof (fact));
128 sodium_increment (fact.v,
129 sizeof (fact.v));
130 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
131 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (g.v,
132 fact.v));
133 }
134 /* make compiler happy: initialize q and nq, technically not needed! */
135 memset (&q,
136 0,
137 sizeof (q));
138 memset (&nq,
139 0,
140 sizeof (nq));
141 res = INT_MAX;
142 for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= edc->max / edc->mem; i++)
143 {
145 void *retp;
147 GNUNET_assert (sizeof (key) == crypto_scalarmult_BYTES);
148 if (0 == i)
149 {
150 memcpy (&key,
151 input,
152 sizeof (key));
153 }
154 else
155 {
156 memcpy (&key,
157 &q,
158 sizeof (key));
159 }
161 "Trying offset i=%u): %s\n",
162 i,
163 GNUNET_i2s (&key));
165 &key);
166 if (NULL != retp)
167 {
168 res = (((long) retp) - edc->max) * K - i;
169 /* we continue the loop here to make the implementation
170 "constant-time". If we do not care about this, we could just
171 'break' here and do fewer operations... */
172 }
173 if (i == edc->max / edc->mem)
174 break;
175 /* q = q + g */
176 if (0 == i)
177 {
178 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
179 crypto_core_ed25519_add (q.v,
180 input->v,
181 g.v));
182 }
183 else
184 {
185 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
186 crypto_core_ed25519_add (q.v,
187 q.v,
188 g.v));
189 }
190 }
191 return res;
static struct GNUNET_REVOCATION_Query * q
Handle for revocation query.
void * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_get(const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap *map, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *key)
Given a key find a value in the map matching the key.
Point on a curve (always for Curve25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission (ECDH)...
unsigned char v[256/8]
Q consists of an x- and a y-value, each mod p (256 bits), given here in affine coordinates and Ed2551...

References edc, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_get(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_i2s(), GNUNET_log, INT_MAX, key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::map, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::max, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::mem, q, res, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint::v, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Referenced by handle_bobs_cryptodata_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp ( int  val,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint r 

Multiply the generator g of the elliptic curve by val to obtain the point on the curve representing val.

Afterwards, point addition will correspond to integer addition. GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog() can be used to convert a point back to an integer (as long as the integer is smaller than the MAX of the edc context).

valvalue to encode into a point
rwhere to write the point (must be allocated)

Definition at line 211 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

214 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar fact;
217 &fact);
218 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (r->v,
219 fact.v);

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint::v, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp_mpi()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp_mpi ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar val,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint r 

Multiply the generator g of the elliptic curve by val to obtain the point on the curve representing val.

val(positive) value to encode into a point
rwhere to write the point (must be allocated)
GNUNET_OK on success.

Definition at line 224 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

227 if (0 ==
228 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (r->v,
229 val->v))
230 return GNUNET_OK;
231 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
unsigned char v[256/8]


Referenced by send_alices_cryptodata_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_pmul_mpi()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_pmul_mpi ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint p,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar val,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint r 

Multiply the point p on the elliptic curve by val.

ppoint to multiply
val(positive) value to encode into a point
rwhere to write the point (must be allocated)
GNUNET_OK on success.

Definition at line 250 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

254 if (0 ==
255 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_noclamp (r->v,
256 val->v,
257 p->v))
258 return GNUNET_OK;
259 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
static struct GNUNET_OS_Process * p
Helper process we started.
Definition: gnunet-uri.c:38

References GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, p, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint::v, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Referenced by handle_alices_cryptodata_message(), and handle_bobs_cryptodata_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_add()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_add ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint a,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint b,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint r 

Add two points on the elliptic curve.

asome value
bsome value
rwhere to write the point (must be allocated)
GNUNET_OK on success.

Definition at line 236 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

240 if (0 ==
241 crypto_core_ed25519_add (r->v,
242 a->v,
243 b->v))
244 return GNUNET_OK;
245 return GNUNET_SYSERR;


Referenced by handle_alices_cryptodata_message(), and handle_bobs_cryptodata_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint r,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint r_inv 

Obtain a random point on the curve and its additive inverse.

[out]rset to a random point on the curve
[out]r_invset to the additive inverse of r
GNUNET_OK on success.

Definition at line 264 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

268 unsigned char inv_s[crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_SCALARBYTES];
271 if (0 !=
272 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (r->v,
273 s.v))
274 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
275 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_negate (inv_s,
276 s.v);
277 if (0 !=
278 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (r_inv->v,
279 inv_s))
280 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
281 return GNUNET_OK;
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_random_mod_n(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar *r)
Generate a random value mod n.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_random_mod_n(), GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccPoint::v, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd_mpi()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd_mpi ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar r,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar r_neg 

Obtain a random scalar for point multiplication on the curve and its additive inverse.

[out]rset to a random scalar on the curve
[out]r_negset to the negation of

Definition at line 286 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

290 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_negate (r_neg->v,
291 r->v);

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_random_mod_n(), and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Referenced by run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_random_mod_n()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_random_mod_n ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar r)

Generate a random value mod n.

[out]rrandom value mod n.

Definition at line 196 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

198 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_random (r->v);

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_rnd_mpi(), and send_alices_cryptodata_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_release()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_release ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext dlc)

Release precalculated values.

dlcdlog context

Definition at line 203 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

void GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_destroy(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap *map)
Destroy a hash map.

References edc, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_destroy(), GNUNET_free, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext::map.

Referenced by shutdown_task().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_scalar_from_int ( int64_t  val,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar r 

Create a scalar from int value.

valthe int value
[out]rwhere to write the salar

Definition at line 296 of file crypto_ecc_dlog.c.

299 unsigned char fact[crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_SCALARBYTES];
300 uint64_t valBe;
302 GNUNET_assert (sizeof (*r) == sizeof (fact));
303 if (val < 0)
304 {
305 if (INT64_MIN == val)
306 valBe = GNUNET_htonll ((uint64_t) INT64_MAX);
307 else
308 valBe = GNUNET_htonll ((uint64_t) (-val));
309 }
310 else
311 {
312 valBe = GNUNET_htonll ((uint64_t) val);
313 }
314 memset (fact,
315 0,
316 sizeof (fact));
317 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof (val); i++)
318 fact[i] = ((unsigned char*) &valBe)[sizeof (val) - 1 - i];
319 if (val < 0)
320 {
321 if (INT64_MIN == val)
322 /* See above: fact is one too small, increment now that we can */
323 sodium_increment (fact,
324 sizeof (fact));
325 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_negate (r->v,
326 fact);
327 }
328 else
329 {
330 memcpy (r,
331 fact,
332 sizeof (fact));
333 }

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_htonll(), and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccScalar::v.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dexp(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_prepare(), handle_alices_cryptodata_message(), and send_alices_cryptodata_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sk_to_x25519()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sk_to_x25519 ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey sk,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey x25519 

Convert a GNUnet identity key to a key sutiable for HPKE (X25519)

skthe private key
x25519the new key
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 1013 of file crypto_hpke.c.

1016 switch (ntohl (sk->type))
1017 {
1019 memcpy (x25519->d, sk->ecdsa_key.d,
1020 sizeof sk->ecdsa_key.d);
1021 return GNUNET_OK;
1023 if (0 != crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519 (x25519->d,
1024 sk->eddsa_key.d))
1025 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1026 return GNUNET_OK;
1027 default:
1028 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1029 }
1030 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
unsigned char d[256/8]
d is a value mod n, where n has at most 256 bits.
unsigned char d[256/8]
d is a value mod n, where n has at most 256 bits.
unsigned char d[256/8]
d is a value mod n, where n has at most 256 bits.
uint32_t type
Type of public key.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey eddsa_key
AN EdDSA identtiy key.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey ecdsa_key
An ECDSA identity key.


Referenced by decrypt_message(), eddsa_priv_to_hpke_key(), and read_encrypted_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_pk_to_x25519()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_pk_to_x25519 ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey pk,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey x25519 

Convert a GNUnet identity key to a key sutiable for HPKE (X25519)

pkthe public key
x25519the new key
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 989 of file crypto_hpke.c.

992 switch (ntohl (pk->type))
993 {
995 if (0 != crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519 (x25519->q_y,
996 pk->ecdsa_key.q_y))
997 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
998 return GNUNET_OK;
1000 if (0 != crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519 (x25519->q_y,
1001 pk->eddsa_key.q_y))
1002 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1003 return GNUNET_OK;
1004 default:
1005 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1006 }
1007 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey pk
Private key from command line option, or NULL.
unsigned char q_y[256/8]
Q consists of an x- and a y-value, each mod p (256 bits), given here in affine coordinates and Ed2551...


Referenced by eddsa_pub_to_hpke_key(), encrypt_message(), and write_encrypted_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey pkR,
const uint8_t *  info,
size_t  info_len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation enc,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext ctx 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

This sets the encryption context up for a sender of encrypted messages. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be created and sent using "ctx"

pkRthe X25519 receiver public key
infothe info context separator
info_lenlength of info in bytes
encthe encapsulation to exchange with the other party
ctxthe encryption context allocated by caller
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 738 of file crypto_hpke.c.

744 // skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
750 &sk, NULL,
751 pkR, info, info_len,
752 NULL, 0,
753 NULL, 0,
754 enc,
755 ctx);
#define info
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_create(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *pk)
Create a new private key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:454
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup2(enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeKem kem, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode mode, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skE, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skS, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *psk, size_t psk_len, const uint8_t *psk_id, size_t psk_id_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
RFC9180 HPKE encryption.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:670
Private ECC key encoded for transmission.

References ctx, enc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_create(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_KEM_DH_X25519_HKDF256, GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_MODE_BASE, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup2(), and info.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal_oneshot().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup2()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup2 ( enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeKem  kem,
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode  mode,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey skE,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey skS,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey pkR,
const uint8_t *  info,
size_t  info_len,
const uint8_t *  psk,
size_t  psk_len,
const uint8_t *  psk_id,
size_t  psk_id_len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation enc,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext ctx 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

This sets the encryption context up for a sender of encrypted messages. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be created and sent using "ctx"

kemthe HPKE KEM to use
modethe HPKE mode
skEthe X25519 ephemeral key to use as encapsulation
skRthe X25519 sender private key (may be null for non-Auth modes)
infothe info context separator
info_lenlength of info in bytes
pskthe pre-shared key (must not be set non-PSK modes)
psk_lenlength of psk in bytes
psk_idthe ID of the pre-shared key (must be set of psk is set)
psk_id_lenlength of psk_id in bytes
encthe encapsulation to exchange with the other party
ctxthe encryption context allocated by caller
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 670 of file crypto_hpke.c.

682 struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode shared_secret;
684 switch (mode)
685 {
689 {
691 &shared_secret))
692 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
693 break;
694 }
695 else if (kem ==
697 {
698 uint8_t random_tweak;
700 &random_tweak,
701 sizeof(uint8_t));
702 if (GNUNET_OK !=
704 pkR,
705 enc,
706 (struct
708 *) skE,
709 &shared_secret))
710 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
711 }
712 break;
715 if (NULL == skS)
716 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
718 enc, skE,
719 &shared_secret))
720 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
721 break;
722 default:
723 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
724 }
726 mode,
727 &shared_secret,
728 info, info_len,
729 psk, psk_len,
730 psk_id, psk_id_len,
731 ctx))
732 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
733 return GNUNET_OK;
static enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue key_schedule(enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeRole role, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode mode, const struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *psk, size_t psk_len, const uint8_t *psk_id, size_t psk_id_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:585
static enum @44 mode
Should we do a PUT (mode = 0) or GET (mode = 1);.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_kem_encaps_norand(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skE, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret)
Deterministic variant of GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_kem_encaps.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:282
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_authkem_encaps_norand(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skS, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *c, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skE, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret)
Encapsulate authenticated key material for a X25519 public key.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:212
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_elligator_kem_encaps_norand(uint8_t random_tweak, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *c, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_ElligatorEcdhePrivateKey *skE, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret)
Carries out ecdh encapsulation with given public key and the private key from a freshly created ephem...
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:423
Randomness for IVs etc.
Special private ECC key generated by GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_elligator_key_create.
A 256-bit hashcode.


Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup2()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup2 ( enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeKem  kem,
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode  mode,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation enc,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey skR,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey pkS,
const uint8_t *  info,
size_t  info_len,
const uint8_t *  psk,
size_t  psk_len,
const uint8_t *  psk_id,
size_t  psk_id_len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext ctx 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

This sets the encryption context up for a receiver of encrypted messages. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be decrypted using "ctx"

kemthe HPKE KEM to use
modethe HPKE mode
encthe encapsulation from the sender
skRthe X25519 receiver secret key
pkSthe X25519 sender public key (may be NULL for non-Auth modes)
infothe info context separator
info_lenlength of info in bytes
pskthe pre-shared key (must not be set non-PSK modes)
psk_lenlength of psk in bytes
psk_idthe ID of the pre-shared key (must be set of psk is set)
psk_id_lenlength of psk_id in bytes
ctxthe encryption context allocated by caller
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 760 of file crypto_hpke.c.

771 struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode shared_secret;
773 switch (mode)
774 {
778 {
780 &shared_secret))
781 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
782 }
783 else if (kem ==
785 {
787 enc,
788 &shared_secret))
789 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
790 }
791 break;
794 if (NULL == pkS)
795 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
797 enc,
798 &shared_secret))
799 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
800 break;
801 default:
802 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
803 }
805 mode,
806 &shared_secret,
807 info, info_len,
808 psk, psk_len,
809 psk_id, psk_id_len,
810 ctx))
811 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
812 return GNUNET_OK;
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_elligator_kem_decaps(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *c, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret)
Carries out ecdh decapsulation with own private key and the representative of the received public key...
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:470
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_authkem_decaps(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkS, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *c, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret)
Decapsulate a key for a private X25519 key.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:327
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_kem_decaps(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *c, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shared_secret)
Decapsulate a key for a private X25519 key.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:370


Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation enc,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey skR,
const uint8_t *  info,
size_t  info_len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext ctx 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

This sets the encryption context up for a receiver of encrypted messages. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be decrypted using "ctx"

encthe encapsulation from the sender
skRthe X25519 receiver secret key
infothe info context separator
info_lenlength of info in bytes
ctxthe encryption context allocated by caller
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 817 of file crypto_hpke.c.

826 enc, skR, NULL,
827 info, info_len,
828 NULL, 0, NULL, 0, ctx);
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup2(enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeKem kem, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeMode mode, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkS, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, const uint8_t *psk, size_t psk_len, const uint8_t *psk_id, size_t psk_id_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
RFC9180 HPKE encryption.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:760

References ctx, enc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_KEM_DH_X25519_HKDF256, GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_MODE_BASE, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup2(), and info.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open_oneshot().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext ctx,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aad_len,
const uint8_t *  pt,
size_t  pt_len,
uint8_t *  ct,
unsigned long long *  ct_len 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

Encrypt messages in a context. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be decrypted using "ctx"

ctxthe encryption context
aadaddition authenticated data to send (not encrypted)
aad_lenlength of aad in bytes
ptplaintext data to encrypt
pt_lenlength of pt in bytes
ctciphertext to send (to be allocated by caller)
ct_len[out]length of written bytes in ct. may be NULL
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 863 of file crypto_hpke.c.

868 uint8_t comp_nonce[GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_NONCE_LEN];
869 if (ctx->role != GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_ROLE_S)
870 {
872 "HPKE: Wrong role; called as receiver (%d)!\n",
873 ctx->role);
874 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
875 }
876 compute_nonce (ctx, comp_nonce);
877 crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt (ct, ct_len_p,
878 pt, pt_len,
879 aad, aad_len,
880 NULL,
881 comp_nonce,
882 ctx->key);
883 if (GNUNET_OK != increment_seq (ctx))
884 {
886 "HPKE: Seq increment failed!\n");
887 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
888 }
889 return GNUNET_OK;
static void compute_nonce(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx, uint8_t *nonce)
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:846
static enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue increment_seq(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:833


Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal_oneshot().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal_oneshot()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal_oneshot ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey pkR,
const uint8_t *  info,
size_t  info_len,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aad_len,
const uint8_t *  pt,
size_t  pt_len,
uint8_t *  ct,
unsigned long long *  ct_len 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

Encrypt messages in a context. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be decrypted using "ctx"

pkRthe X25519 receiver secret key
infothe info context separator
info_lenlength of info in bytes
aadaddition authenticated data to send (not encrypted)
aad_lenlength of aad in bytes
ptplaintext data to encrypt
pt_lenlength of pt in bytes
ctciphertext to send (to be allocated by caller)
ct_len[out]length of written bytes in ct. may be NULL
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 929 of file crypto_hpke.c.

937 uint8_t *ct_off;
940 ct_off = (uint8_t*) &enc[1];
942 info, info_len,
943 enc, &ctx))
944 {
946 "HPKE: Sender setup failed!\n");
947 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
948 }
950 aad, aad_len,
951 pt, pt_len,
952 ct_off,
953 ct_len_p);
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aad_len, const uint8_t *pt, size_t pt_len, uint8_t *ct, unsigned long long *ct_len_p)
RFC9180 HPKE encryption.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:863
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pkR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
RFC9180 HPKE encryption.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:738

References ctx, enc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_seal(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_sender_setup(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_log, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, and info.

Referenced by encrypt_message(), and write_encrypted_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext ctx,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aad_len,
const uint8_t *  ct,
size_t  ct_len,
uint8_t *  pt,
unsigned long long *  pt_len_p 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

Decrypt messages in a context. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be decrypted using "ctx"

ctxthe encryption context
aadaddition authenticated data to send (not encrypted)
aad_lenlength of aad in bytes
ctciphertext to decrypt
ct_lenlength of ct in bytes
ptplaintext (to be allocated by caller)
pt_lenlength of written bytes in pt. May be NULL
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 894 of file crypto_hpke.c.

899 uint8_t comp_nonce[GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_NONCE_LEN];
900 if (ctx->role != GNUNET_CRYPTO_HPKE_ROLE_R)
901 {
903 "HPKE: Wrong role; called as sender (%d)!\n",
904 ctx->role);
905 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
906 }
907 compute_nonce (ctx, comp_nonce);
908 if (0 != crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt (pt, pt_len,
909 NULL,
910 ct, ct_len,
911 aad, aad_len,
912 comp_nonce,
913 ctx->key))
914 {
915 GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "OpenError\n");
916 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
917 }
918 if (GNUNET_OK != increment_seq (ctx))
919 {
921 "HPKE: Seq increment failed!\n");
922 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
923 }
924 return GNUNET_OK;


Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open_oneshot().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open_oneshot()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open_oneshot ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey skR,
const uint8_t *  info,
size_t  info_len,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aad_len,
const uint8_t *  ct,
size_t  ct_len,
uint8_t *  pt,
unsigned long long *  pt_len 

RFC9180 HPKE encryption.

Decrypt messages in a context. Algorithm: DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

The encapsulation "enc" must be exchanged with the receiver. From then on, encrypted messages can be decrypted using "ctx"

skRthe X25519 receiver secret key
infothe info context separator
info_lenlength of info in bytes
aadaddition authenticated data to send (not encrypted)
aad_lenlength of aad in bytes
ctciphertext to decrypt
ct_lenlength of ct in bytes
ptplaintext (to be allocated by caller)
pt_lenlength of written bytes in pt. May be NULL
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 958 of file crypto_hpke.c.

967 uint8_t *ct_off;
970 ct_off = (uint8_t*) &enc[1];
972 info, info_len,
973 &ctx))
974 {
976 "HPKE: Receiver setup failed!\n");
977 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
978 }
980 aad, aad_len,
981 ct_off,
982 ct_len - sizeof *enc,
983 pt,
984 pt_len_p);
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aad_len, const uint8_t *ct, size_t ct_len, uint8_t *pt, unsigned long long *pt_len)
RFC9180 HPKE encryption.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:894
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeEncapsulation *enc, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *skR, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HpkeContext *ctx)
RFC9180 HPKE encryption.
Definition: crypto_hpke.c:817

References ctx, enc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_open(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hpke_receiver_setup(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_log, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, and info.

Referenced by decrypt_message(), and read_encrypted_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_raw()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_raw ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey priv,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature sig 
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue

Definition at line 604 of file crypto_ecc.c.

610 unsigned char sk[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
611 unsigned char pk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
612 int res;
614 GNUNET_assert (0 == crypto_sign_seed_keypair (pk, sk, priv->d));
615 res = crypto_sign_detached ((uint8_t *) sig,
616 NULL,
617 (uint8_t *) data,
618 size,
619 sk);
620 return (res == 0) ? GNUNET_OK : GNUNET_SYSERR;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey::d, data, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, pk, res, and size.

Referenced by ego_sign_data_cb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_derived()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_derived ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey pkey,
const char *  label,
const char *  context,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose purpose,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature sig 

This is a signature function for ECDSA which takes a private key, derives/blinds it and signs the message.

pkeyoriginal private key
labellabel to use for key deriviation
contextadditional context to use for HKDF of 'h'; typically the name of the subsystem/application
purposethe signature purpose
sigthe resulting signature
GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 181 of file crypto_ecc_gnsrecord.c.

191 label,
192 context);
194 purpose,
195 sig);
197 return res;
static pa_context * context
Pulseaudio context.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_derive(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *priv, const char *label, const char *context)
Derive a private key from a given private key and a label.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature *sig)
ECDSA Sign a given block.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:554
Named constants for return values.

References context, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_(), GNUNET_free, key, and res.

Referenced by block_sign_ecdsa().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_derived()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_derived ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey pkey,
const char *  label,
const char *  context,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose purpose,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature sig 

This is a signature function for EdDSA which takes a private key and derives it using the label and context before signing.

pkeyoriginal private key
labellabel to use for key deriviation
contextadditional context to use for HKDF of 'h'; typically the name of the subsystem/application
purposethe signature purpose
sigthe resulting signature
GNUNET_OK on success

Derive the private key

Instead of expanding the private here, we already have the secret scalar as input. Use it. Note that sk is not plain SHA512 (d). sk[0..31] contains the derived private scalar sk[0..31] = h * SHA512 (d)[0..31] sk[32..63] = SHA512 (d)[32..63]

Calculate the derived zone key zk' from the derived private scalar.

Calculate r: r = SHA512 (sk[32..63] | M) where M is our message (purpose). Note that sk[32..63] is the other half of the expansion from the original, non-derived private key "d".

Temporarily put zk into S

Reduce the scalar value r

Calculate R := r * G of the signature

Calculate hram := SHA512 (R | zk' | M)

Reduce the resulting scalar value

Calculate S := r + hram * s mod L

Definition at line 78 of file crypto_ecc_gnsrecord.c.

86 crypto_hash_sha512_state hs;
87 unsigned char sk[64];
88 unsigned char r[64];
89 unsigned char hram[64];
90 unsigned char R[32];
91 unsigned char zk[32];
92 unsigned char tmp[32];
93 unsigned char r_mod[64];
94 unsigned char hram_mod[64];
100 label,
101 context,
102 &priv);
104 crypto_hash_sha512_init (&hs);
114 memcpy (sk, priv.s, 64);
120 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (zk,
121 sk);
131 crypto_hash_sha512_update (&hs, sk + 32, 32);
132 crypto_hash_sha512_update (&hs, (uint8_t*) purpose, ntohl (purpose->size));
133 crypto_hash_sha512_final (&hs, r);
138 memcpy (sig->s, zk, 32);
143 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce (r_mod, r);
148 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (R, r_mod);
149 memcpy (sig->r, R, sizeof (R));
155 crypto_hash_sha512_init (&hs);
156 crypto_hash_sha512_update (&hs, (uint8_t*) sig, 64);
157 crypto_hash_sha512_update (&hs, (uint8_t*) purpose,
158 ntohl (purpose->size));
159 crypto_hash_sha512_final (&hs, hram);
164 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce (hram_mod, hram);
170 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_mul (tmp, hram_mod, sk);
171 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add (sig->s, tmp, r_mod);
173 sodium_memzero (sk, sizeof (sk));
174 sodium_memzero (r, sizeof (r));
175 sodium_memzero (r_mod, sizeof (r_mod));
176 return GNUNET_OK;
static char * pkey
Public key of the zone to look in, in ASCII.
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_derive(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv, const char *label, const char *context, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateScalar *result)
Derive a private scalar from a given private key and a label.
Private ECC scalar encoded for transmission.
unsigned char s[256/8]
S value.
unsigned char r[256/8]
R value.

References context, GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_OK, pkey, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature::r, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature::s, GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateScalar::s, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose::size.

Referenced by block_sign_eddsa().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public_from_scalar()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public_from_scalar ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateScalar s,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey pkey 

Extract the public key of the given private scalar.

sthe private scalar
pkeythe resulting public key

Calculate the derived zone key zk' from the derived private scalar.

Definition at line 444 of file crypto_ecc_gnsrecord.c.

448 unsigned char sk[32];
450 memcpy (sk, priv->s, 32);
456 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (pkey->q_y,
457 sk);

References pkey, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateScalar::s.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned ( void *  buf,
size_t  size,
gcry_mpi_t  val 

Output the given MPI value to the given buffer in network byte order.

The MPI val may not be negative.

bufwhere to output to
sizenumber of bytes in buf
valvalue to write to buf

Definition at line 79 of file crypto_mpi.c.

83 size_t rsize;
84 int rc;
86 if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (val, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
87 {
88 /* Store opaque MPIs left aligned into the buffer. */
89 unsigned int nbits;
90 const void *p;
92 p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (val, &nbits);
94 rsize = (nbits + 7) / 8;
95 if (rsize > size)
96 rsize = size;
97 GNUNET_memcpy (buf, p, rsize);
98 if (rsize < size)
99 memset (buf + rsize, 0, size - rsize);
100 }
101 else
102 {
103 /* Store regular MPIs as unsigned integers right aligned into
104 the buffer. */
105 rsize = size;
106 if (0 !=
107 (rc = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
108 buf,
109 rsize, &rsize,
110 val)))
111 {
113 "gcry_mpi_print",
114 rc);
115 GNUNET_assert (0);
116 }
117 adjust (buf, rsize, size);
118 }
#define LOG_GCRY(level, cmd, rc)
Log an error message at log-level 'level' that indicates a failure of the command 'cmd' with the mess...
Definition: crypto_mpi.c:40
static void adjust(void *buf, size_t size, size_t target)
If target != size, move target bytes to the end of the size-sized buffer and zero out the first targe...
Definition: crypto_mpi.c:55

References adjust(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_memcpy, LOG_GCRY, p, and size.

Referenced by cs_full_domain_hash(), decrypt_conclude(), encrypt_fair(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_key_get_anonymous(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_create(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt1(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_add(), GNUNET_SECRETSHARING_encrypt(), GNUNET_SECRETSHARING_plaintext_generate_i(), insert_decrypt_element(), insert_round1_element(), insert_round2_element(), and keygen_round2_conclude().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned ( gcry_mpi_t *  result,
const void *  data,
size_t  size 

Convert data buffer into MPI value.

The buffer is interpreted as network byte order, unsigned integer.

resultwhere to store MPI value (allocated)
dataraw data (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG)
sizenumber of bytes in data

Definition at line 132 of file crypto_mpi.c.

136 int rc;
138 if (0 != (rc = gcry_mpi_scan (result,
140 data, size, &size)))
141 {
143 "gcry_mpi_scan",
144 rc);
145 GNUNET_assert (0);
146 }

References data, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, LOG_GCRY, result, and size.

Referenced by cs_full_domain_hash(), decrypt_conclude(), decrypt_new_element(), encrypt_fair(), get_fair_encryption_challenge(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_public_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_private_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_decrypt(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt1(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_add(), GNUNET_SECRETSHARING_encrypt(), insert_decrypt_element(), keygen_reveal_get_exp_coeff(), keygen_reveal_get_exp_preshare(), keygen_round1_new_element(), restore_fair(), and verify_fair().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_create()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_create ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey public_key,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey private_key 

Create a freshly generated paillier public key.

[out]public_keyWhere to store the public key?
[out]private_keyWhere to store the private key?

Definition at line 40 of file crypto_paillier.c.

45 gcry_mpi_t p;
46 gcry_mpi_t q;
47 gcry_mpi_t phi;
48 gcry_mpi_t mu;
49 gcry_mpi_t n;
51 /* Generate two distinct primes. The probability that the loop body
52 is executed more than once is very very low... */
53 p = NULL;
54 q = NULL;
55 do
56 {
57 if (NULL != p)
58 gcry_mpi_release (p);
59 if (NULL != q)
60 gcry_mpi_release (q);
61 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
62 gcry_prime_generate (&p,
66 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
67 gcry_prime_generate (&q,
71 }
72 while (0 == gcry_mpi_cmp (p, q));
73 /* n = p * q */
74 GNUNET_assert (NULL != (n = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
75 gcry_mpi_mul (n,
76 p,
77 q);
79 sizeof(struct
81 n);
83 /* compute phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) */
84 GNUNET_assert (NULL != (phi = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
85 gcry_mpi_sub_ui (p, p, 1);
86 gcry_mpi_sub_ui (q, q, 1);
87 gcry_mpi_mul (phi, p, q);
88 gcry_mpi_release (p);
89 gcry_mpi_release (q);
91 /* lambda equals phi(n) in the simplified key generation */
94 phi);
95 /* mu = phi^{-1} mod n, as we use g = n + 1 */
96 GNUNET_assert (NULL != (mu = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
97 GNUNET_assert (0 != gcry_mpi_invm (mu,
98 phi,
99 n));
100 gcry_mpi_release (phi);
101 gcry_mpi_release (n);
104 mu);
105 gcry_mpi_release (mu);
Size of paillier plain texts and public keys.
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned(void *buf, size_t size, gcry_mpi_t val)
Output the given MPI value to the given buffer in network byte order.
Definition: crypto_mpi.c:79
unsigned char mu[2048/8]
Mu-component of the private key.
unsigned char lambda[2048/8]
Lambda-component of the private key.

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_PAILLIER_BITS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey::lambda, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey::mu, p, and q.

Referenced by handle_client_keygen(), and run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_encrypt ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey public_key,
const gcry_mpi_t  m,
int  desired_ops,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext ciphertext 

Encrypt a plaintext with a paillier public key.

public_keyPublic key to use.
mPlaintext to encrypt.
desired_opsHow many homomorphic ops the caller intends to use
[out]ciphertextEncryption of plaintext with public_key.
guaranteed number of supported homomorphic operations >= 1, or desired_ops, in case that is lower, or -1 if less than one homomorphic operation is possible

Definition at line 221 of file crypto_paillier.c.

228 int possible_opts;
229 gcry_mpi_t n_square;
230 gcry_mpi_t r;
231 gcry_mpi_t rn;
232 gcry_mpi_t g;
233 gcry_mpi_t gm;
234 gcry_mpi_t c;
235 gcry_mpi_t n;
236 gcry_mpi_t max_num;
237 unsigned int highbit;
239 /* set max_num = 2^{GNUNET_CRYPTO_PAILLIER_BITS}, the largest
240 number we can have as a result */
241 GNUNET_assert (NULL != (max_num = gcry_mpi_set_ui (NULL, 1)));
242 gcry_mpi_mul_2exp (max_num,
243 max_num,
246 /* Determine how many operations we could allow, assuming the other
247 number has the same length (or is smaller), by counting the
248 number of possible operations. We essentially divide max_num by
249 2 until the result is no longer larger than 'm', incrementing the
250 maximum number of operations in each round, starting at -2 */for (possible_opts = -2; gcry_mpi_cmp (max_num, m) > 0; possible_opts++)
251 gcry_mpi_div (max_num,
252 NULL,
253 max_num,
255 0);
256 gcry_mpi_release (max_num);
258 if (possible_opts < 1)
259 possible_opts = 0;
260 /* Enforce soft-cap by caller */
261 possible_opts = GNUNET_MIN (desired_ops, possible_opts);
262 ciphertext->remaining_ops = htonl (possible_opts);
265 public_key,
266 sizeof(struct
269 /* check public key for number of bits, bail out if key is all zeros */
271 while ((! gcry_mpi_test_bit (n, highbit)) &&
272 (0 != highbit))
273 highbit--;
274 if (0 == highbit)
275 {
276 /* invalid public key */
277 GNUNET_break_op (0);
278 gcry_mpi_release (n);
279 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
280 }
282 /* generate r < n (without bias) */
283 GNUNET_assert (NULL != (r = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
284 do
285 {
286 gcry_mpi_randomize (r, highbit + 1, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
287 }
288 while (gcry_mpi_cmp (r, n) >= 0);
290 /* g = n + 1 */
291 GNUNET_assert (0 != (g = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
292 gcry_mpi_add_ui (g, n, 1);
294 /* n_square = n^2 */
295 GNUNET_assert (0 != (n_square = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
296 gcry_mpi_mul (n_square,
297 n,
298 n);
300 /* gm = g^m mod n^2 */
301 GNUNET_assert (0 != (gm = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
302 gcry_mpi_powm (gm, g, m, n_square);
303 gcry_mpi_release (g);
305 /* rn <- r^n mod n^2 */
306 GNUNET_assert (0 != (rn = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
307 gcry_mpi_powm (rn, r, n, n_square);
308 gcry_mpi_release (r);
309 gcry_mpi_release (n);
311 /* c <- rn * gm mod n^2 */
312 GNUNET_assert (0 != (c = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
313 gcry_mpi_mulm (c, rn, gm, n_square);
314 gcry_mpi_release (n_square);
315 gcry_mpi_release (gm);
316 gcry_mpi_release (rn);
319 sizeof(ciphertext->bits),
320 c);
321 gcry_mpi_release (c);
323 return possible_opts;
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned(gcry_mpi_t *result, const void *data, size_t size)
Convert data buffer into MPI value.
Definition: crypto_mpi.c:132
#define GNUNET_break_op(cond)
Use this for assertion violations caused by other peers (i.e.
int32_t remaining_ops
Guaranteed minimum number of homomorphic operations with this ciphertext, in network byte order (NBO)...
unsigned char bits[2048 *2/8]
The bits of the ciphertext.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext::bits, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_PAILLIER_BITS, GNUNET_MIN, GNUNET_SYSERR, m, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext::remaining_ops.

Referenced by compute_service_response(), and send_alices_cryptodata_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_decrypt()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_decrypt ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey private_key,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey public_key,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext ciphertext,
gcry_mpi_t  m 

Decrypt a paillier ciphertext with a private key.

private_keyPrivate key to use for decryption.
public_keyPublic key to use for decryption.
ciphertextCiphertext to decrypt.
[out]mDecryption of ciphertext with private_key.

Definition at line 328 of file crypto_paillier.c.

336 gcry_mpi_t mu;
337 gcry_mpi_t lambda;
338 gcry_mpi_t n;
339 gcry_mpi_t n_square;
340 gcry_mpi_t c;
341 gcry_mpi_t cmu;
342 gcry_mpi_t cmum1;
343 gcry_mpi_t mod;
346 private_key->lambda,
347 sizeof(private_key->lambda));
349 private_key->mu,
350 sizeof(private_key->mu));
352 public_key,
353 sizeof(struct
356 ciphertext->bits,
357 sizeof(ciphertext->bits));
359 /* n_square = n * n */
360 GNUNET_assert (0 != (n_square = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
361 gcry_mpi_mul (n_square, n, n);
363 /* cmu = c^lambda mod n^2 */
364 GNUNET_assert (0 != (cmu = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
365 gcry_mpi_powm (cmu,
366 c,
367 lambda,
368 n_square);
369 gcry_mpi_release (n_square);
370 gcry_mpi_release (lambda);
371 gcry_mpi_release (c);
373 /* cmum1 = cmu - 1 */
374 GNUNET_assert (0 != (cmum1 = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
375 gcry_mpi_sub_ui (cmum1, cmu, 1);
376 gcry_mpi_release (cmu);
378 /* mod = cmum1 / n (mod n) */
379 GNUNET_assert (0 != (mod = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
380 gcry_mpi_div (mod, NULL, cmum1, n, 0);
381 gcry_mpi_release (cmum1);
383 /* m = mod * mu mod n */
384 gcry_mpi_mulm (m, mod, mu, n);
385 gcry_mpi_release (mod);
386 gcry_mpi_release (mu);
387 gcry_mpi_release (n);

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext::bits, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey::lambda, m, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPrivateKey::mu.

Referenced by compute_scalar_product(), and keygen_round2_new_element().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_add()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_add ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierPublicKey public_key,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext c1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext c2,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext result 

Compute a ciphertext that represents the sum of the plaintext in c1 and c2.

Note that this operation can only be done a finite number of times before an overflow occurs.

public_keyPublic key to use for encryption.
c1Paillier cipher text.
c2Paillier cipher text.
[out]resultResult of the homomorphic operation.
GNUNET_OK if the result could be computed, GNUNET_SYSERR if no more homomorphic operations are remaining.

Definition at line 392 of file crypto_paillier.c.

400 gcry_mpi_t a;
401 gcry_mpi_t b;
402 gcry_mpi_t c;
403 gcry_mpi_t n;
404 gcry_mpi_t n_square;
405 int32_t o1;
406 int32_t o2;
408 o1 = (int32_t) ntohl (c1->remaining_ops);
409 o2 = (int32_t) ntohl (c2->remaining_ops);
410 if ((0 >= o1) || (0 >= o2))
411 {
412 GNUNET_break_op (0);
413 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
414 }
417 c1->bits,
418 sizeof(c1->bits));
420 c2->bits,
421 sizeof(c2->bits));
423 public_key,
424 sizeof(struct
427 /* n_square = n * n */
428 GNUNET_assert (0 != (n_square = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
429 gcry_mpi_mul (n_square, n, n);
430 gcry_mpi_release (n);
432 /* c = a * b mod n_square */
433 GNUNET_assert (0 != (c = gcry_mpi_new (0)));
434 gcry_mpi_mulm (c, a, b, n_square);
435 gcry_mpi_release (n_square);
436 gcry_mpi_release (a);
437 gcry_mpi_release (b);
439 result->remaining_ops = htonl (GNUNET_MIN (o1, o2) - 1);
441 sizeof(result->bits),
442 c);
443 gcry_mpi_release (c);
444 return ntohl (result->remaining_ops);

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext::bits, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_print_unsigned(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_mpi_scan_unsigned(), GNUNET_MIN, GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext::remaining_ops, and result.

Referenced by compute_service_response().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_get_remaining()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_paillier_hom_get_remaining ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext c)

Get the number of remaining supported homomorphic operations.

cPaillier cipher text.
the number of remaining homomorphic operations

Definition at line 455 of file crypto_paillier.c.

458 GNUNET_assert (NULL != c);
459 return ntohl (c->remaining_ops);

References GNUNET_assert, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_PaillierCiphertext::remaining_ops.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_create()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_create ( unsigned int  len)

Create a new private key.

Caller must free return value.

lenlength of the key in bits (e.g. 2048)
fresh private key

Definition at line 144 of file crypto_rsa.c.

147 gcry_sexp_t s_key;
148 gcry_sexp_t s_keyparam;
150 BENCHMARK_START (rsa_private_key_create);
152 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
153 gcry_sexp_build (&s_keyparam,
154 NULL,
155 "(genkey(rsa(nbits %d)))",
156 len));
157 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
158 gcry_pk_genkey (&s_key,
159 s_keyparam));
160 gcry_sexp_release (s_keyparam);
162 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
163 gcry_pk_testkey (s_key));
166 ret->sexp = s_key;
167 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_private_key_create);
168 return ret;
The private information of an RSA key pair.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:41

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, and ret.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey key)

Free memory occupied by the private key.

keypointer to the memory to free

Definition at line 173 of file crypto_rsa.c.

175 gcry_sexp_release (key->sexp);

References GNUNET_free, and key.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_priv_decref(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_decode(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_encode()

size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_encode ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey key,
void **  buffer 

Encode the private key in a format suitable for storing it into a file.

keythe private key
[out]bufferset to a buffer with the encoded key
size of memory allocatedin buffer

Definition at line 181 of file crypto_rsa.c.

185 size_t n;
186 char *b;
188 n = gcry_sexp_sprint (key->sexp,
190 NULL,
191 0);
192 b = GNUNET_malloc (n);
193 GNUNET_assert ((n - 1) == /* since the last byte is \0 */
194 gcry_sexp_sprint (key->sexp,
196 b,
197 n));
198 *buffer = b;
199 return n;

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_malloc, and key.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_cmp(), output_vectors(), and qconv_blind_sign_priv().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_decode()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_decode ( const void *  buf,
size_t  buf_size 

Decode the private key from the data-format back to the "normal", internal format.

bufthe buffer where the private key data is stored
buf_sizethe size of the data in buf
NULL on error

Definition at line 204 of file crypto_rsa.c.

210 if (0 !=
211 gcry_sexp_new (&key->sexp,
212 buf,
213 buf_size,
214 0))
215 {
217 "Decoded private key is not valid\n");
219 return NULL;
220 }
221 if (0 != gcry_pk_testkey (key->sexp))
222 {
224 "Decoded private key is not valid\n");
226 return NULL;
227 }
228 return key;
#define LOG(kind,...)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:34
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key)
Free memory occupied by the private key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:173

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, key, and LOG.

Referenced by checkvec(), and extract_blind_sign_priv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_dup()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_dup ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey key)

Duplicate the given private key.

keythe private key to duplicate
the duplicate key; NULL upon error

Definition at line 1248 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1251 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *dup;
1252 gcry_sexp_t dup_sexp;
1253 size_t erroff;
1255 /* check if we really are exporting a private key */
1256 dup_sexp = gcry_sexp_find_token (key->sexp, "private-key", 0);
1257 GNUNET_assert (NULL != dup_sexp);
1258 gcry_sexp_release (dup_sexp);
1259 /* copy the sexp */
1260 GNUNET_assert (0 == gcry_sexp_build (&dup_sexp, &erroff, "%S", key->sexp));
1262 dup->sexp = dup_sexp;
1263 return dup;
gcry_sexp_t sexp
Libgcrypt S-expression for the RSA private key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:45

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, key, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey::sexp.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey priv)

Extract the public key of the given private key.

privthe private key
NULL on error, otherwise the public key

Definition at line 233 of file crypto_rsa.c.

237 gcry_mpi_t ne[2];
238 int rc;
239 gcry_sexp_t result;
241 BENCHMARK_START (rsa_private_key_get_public);
243 rc = key_from_sexp (ne, priv->sexp, "public-key", "ne");
244 if (0 != rc)
245 rc = key_from_sexp (ne, priv->sexp, "private-key", "ne");
246 if (0 != rc)
247 rc = key_from_sexp (ne, priv->sexp, "rsa", "ne");
248 if (0 != rc)
249 {
250 GNUNET_break_op (0);
251 return NULL;
252 }
253 rc = gcry_sexp_build (&result,
254 NULL,
255 "(public-key(rsa(n %m)(e %m)))",
256 ne[0],
257 ne[1]);
258 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
259 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
261 pub->sexp = result;
262 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_private_key_get_public);
263 return pub;
static int key_from_sexp(gcry_mpi_t *array, gcry_sexp_t sexp, const char *topname, const char *elems)
Extract values from an S-expression.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:95
The public information of an RSA key pair.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:53

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_new, key_from_sexp(), pub, result, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey::sexp.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_fdh(), output_vectors(), and rsa_sign_mpi().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey key,
struct GNUNET_HashCode hc 

Compute hash over the public key.

keypublic key to hash
hcwhere to store the hash code

Definition at line 407 of file crypto_rsa.c.

410 void *buf;
411 size_t buf_size;
414 &buf);
416 buf_size,
417 hc);
418 GNUNET_free (buf);
size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key, void **buffer)
Encode the public key in a format suitable for storing it into a file.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:325

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode(), GNUNET_free, and key.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_check()

bool GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_check ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey key)

Check if key is well-formed.

true if key is well-formed.

Definition at line 301 of file crypto_rsa.c.

304 gcry_mpi_t ne[2];
305 int ret;
307 ret = key_from_sexp (ne,
308 key->sexp,
309 "public-key",
310 "ne");
311 if (0 != ret)
312 ret = key_from_sexp (ne,
313 key->sexp,
314 "rsa",
315 "ne");
316 if (0 != ret)
317 return false;
318 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
319 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
320 return true;

References key, key_from_sexp(), and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_len()

unsigned int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_len ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey key)

Obtain the length of the RSA key in bits.

keythe public key to introspect
length of the key in bits

Definition at line 680 of file crypto_rsa.c.

682 gcry_mpi_t n;
683 unsigned int rval;
685 if (0 != key_from_sexp (&n, key->sexp, "rsa", "n"))
686 { /* Not an RSA public key */
687 GNUNET_break (0);
688 return 0;
689 }
690 rval = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (n);
691 gcry_mpi_release (n);
692 return rval;

References GNUNET_break, key, and key_from_sexp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey key)

Free memory occupied by the public key.

keypointer to the memory to free

Definition at line 268 of file crypto_rsa.c.

270 gcry_sexp_release (key->sexp);

References GNUNET_free, and key.

Referenced by checkvec(), clean_rsa_pub(), clean_rsa_public_key(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_pub_decref(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_fdh(), output_vectors(), and rsa_sign_mpi().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode()

size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey key,
void **  buffer 

Encode the public key in a format suitable for storing it into a file.

keythe private key
[out]bufferset to a buffer with the encoded key
size of memory allocated in buffer

Definition at line 325 of file crypto_rsa.c.

329 gcry_mpi_t ne[2];
330 size_t n_size;
331 size_t e_size;
332 size_t rsize;
333 size_t buf_size;
334 char *buf;
336 int ret;
338 ret = key_from_sexp (ne,
339 key->sexp,
340 "public-key",
341 "ne");
342 if (0 != ret)
343 ret = key_from_sexp (ne,
344 key->sexp,
345 "rsa",
346 "ne");
347 if (0 != ret)
348 {
349 GNUNET_break (0);
350 *buffer = NULL;
351 return 0;
352 }
353 gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
354 NULL,
355 0,
356 &n_size,
357 ne[0]);
358 gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
359 NULL,
360 0,
361 &e_size,
362 ne[1]);
363 if ( (e_size > UINT16_MAX) ||
364 (n_size > UINT16_MAX) )
365 {
366 GNUNET_break (0);
367 if (NULL != buffer)
368 *buffer = NULL;
369 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
370 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
371 return 0;
372 }
373 buf_size = n_size + e_size + sizeof (hdr);
374 if (NULL == buffer)
375 {
376 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
377 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
378 return buf_size;
379 }
380 buf = GNUNET_malloc (buf_size);
381 hdr.modulus_length = htons ((uint16_t) n_size);
382 hdr.public_exponent_length = htons ((uint16_t) e_size);
383 memcpy (buf,
384 &hdr,
385 sizeof (hdr));
386 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
387 gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
388 (unsigned char *) &buf[sizeof (hdr)],
389 n_size,
390 &rsize,
391 ne[0]));
393 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
394 gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
395 (unsigned char *) &buf[sizeof (hdr) + n_size],
396 e_size,
397 &rsize,
398 ne[1]));
399 *buffer = buf;
400 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
401 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
402 return buf_size;
Format of the header of a serialized RSA public key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:281

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_malloc, key, key_from_sexp(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyHeaderP::modulus_length, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyHeaderP::public_exponent_length, and ret.

Referenced by bind_rsa_pub(), checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_cmp(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash(), GNUNET_JSON_from_rsa_public_key(), output_vectors(), qconv_blind_sign_pub(), qconv_rsa_public_key(), and rsa_full_domain_hash().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_decode()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_decode ( const char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Decode the public key from the data-format back to the "normal", internal format.

bufthe buffer where the public key data is stored
lenthe length of the data in buf
NULL on error

Definition at line 423 of file crypto_rsa.c.

428 size_t e_size;
429 size_t n_size;
430 gcry_mpi_t n;
431 gcry_mpi_t e;
432 gcry_sexp_t data;
434 if (len < sizeof (hdr))
435 {
436 GNUNET_break_op (0);
437 return NULL;
438 }
439 memcpy (&hdr, buf, sizeof (hdr));
440 n_size = ntohs (hdr.modulus_length);
441 e_size = ntohs (hdr.public_exponent_length);
442 if (len != sizeof (hdr) + e_size + n_size)
443 {
444 GNUNET_break_op (0);
445 return NULL;
446 }
447 if (0 !=
448 gcry_mpi_scan (&n,
450 &buf[sizeof (hdr)],
451 n_size,
452 NULL))
453 {
454 GNUNET_break_op (0);
455 return NULL;
456 }
457 if (0 !=
458 gcry_mpi_scan (&e,
460 &buf[sizeof (hdr) + n_size],
461 e_size,
462 NULL))
463 {
464 GNUNET_break_op (0);
465 gcry_mpi_release (n);
466 return NULL;
467 }
469 if (0 !=
470 gcry_sexp_build (&data,
471 NULL,
472 "(public-key(rsa(n %m)(e %m)))",
473 n,
474 e))
475 {
476 GNUNET_break (0);
477 gcry_mpi_release (n);
478 gcry_mpi_release (e);
479 return NULL;
480 }
481 gcry_mpi_release (n);
482 gcry_mpi_release (e);
484 key->sexp = data;
485 return key;

References data, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_new, key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyHeaderP::modulus_length, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyHeaderP::public_exponent_length.

Referenced by checkvec(), extract_blind_sign_pub(), extract_rsa_pub(), extract_rsa_public_key(), and parse_rsa_public_key().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_dup()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_dup ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey key)

Duplicate the given public key.

keythe public key to duplicate
the duplicate key; NULL upon error

Definition at line 1099 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1101 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *dup;
1102 gcry_sexp_t dup_sexp;
1103 size_t erroff;
1105 /* check if we really are exporting a public key */
1106 dup_sexp = gcry_sexp_find_token (key->sexp, "public-key", 0);
1107 GNUNET_assert (NULL != dup_sexp);
1108 gcry_sexp_release (dup_sexp);
1109 /* copy the sexp */
1110 GNUNET_assert (0 == gcry_sexp_build (&dup_sexp, &erroff, "%S", key->sexp));
1112 dup->sexp = dup_sexp;
1113 return dup;
gcry_sexp_t sexp
Libgcrypt S-expression for the RSA public key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:57

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, key, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey::sexp.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature s1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature s2 

Compare the values of two signatures.

s1one signature
s2the other signature
0 if the two are equal

Definition at line 602 of file crypto_rsa.c.

605 void *b1;
606 void *b2;
607 size_t z1;
608 size_t z2;
609 int ret;
612 &b1);
614 &b2);
615 if (z1 != z2)
616 ret = 1;
617 else
618 ret = memcmp (b1,
619 b2,
620 z1);
621 GNUNET_free (b1);
622 GNUNET_free (b2);
623 return ret;
size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_encode(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig, void **buffer)
Encode the given signature in a format suitable for storing it into a file.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:1023

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_encode(), GNUNET_free, and ret.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_cmp(), and GNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_cmp().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey p1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey p2 

Compare the values of two private keys.

p1one private key
p2the other private key
0 if the two are equal

Definition at line 654 of file crypto_rsa.c.

657 void *b1;
658 void *b2;
659 size_t z1;
660 size_t z2;
661 int ret;
664 &b1);
666 &b2);
667 if (z1 != z2)
668 ret = 1;
669 else
670 ret = memcmp (b1,
671 b2,
672 z1);
673 GNUNET_free (b1);
674 GNUNET_free (b2);
675 return ret;
size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_encode(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, void **buffer)
Encode the private key in a format suitable for storing it into a file.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:181

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_encode(), GNUNET_free, and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey p1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey p2 

Compare the values of two public keys.

p1one public key
p2the other public key
0 if the two are equal

Definition at line 628 of file crypto_rsa.c.

631 void *b1;
632 void *b2;
633 size_t z1;
634 size_t z2;
635 int ret;
638 &b1);
640 &b2);
641 if (z1 != z2)
642 ret = 1;
643 else
644 ret = memcmp (b1,
645 b2,
646 z1);
647 GNUNET_free (b1);
648 GNUNET_free (b2);
649 return ret;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode(), GNUNET_free, and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind ( const void *  message,
size_t  message_size,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret bks,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey pkey,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage bm 

Blinds the given message with the given blinding key.

messagethe message to sign
message_sizenumber of bytes in message
bksthe blinding key
pkeythe public key of the signer
[out]bmset to the blinded message
GNUNET_YES if successful, GNUNET_NO if RSA key is malicious

Definition at line 807 of file crypto_rsa.c.

813 struct RsaBlindingKey *bkey;
814 gcry_mpi_t data;
815 gcry_mpi_t ne[2];
816 gcry_mpi_t r_e;
817 gcry_mpi_t data_r_e;
818 int ret;
820 BENCHMARK_START (rsa_blind);
821 ret = key_from_sexp (ne,
822 pkey->sexp,
823 "public-key",
824 "ne");
825 if (0 != ret)
826 ret = key_from_sexp (ne,
827 pkey->sexp,
828 "rsa",
829 "ne");
830 if (0 != ret)
831 {
832 GNUNET_break (0);
833 bm->blinded_msg = NULL;
834 bm->blinded_msg_size = 0;
835 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_blind);
836 return GNUNET_NO;
837 }
840 message,
841 message_size);
842 if (NULL == data)
843 goto rsa_gcd_validate_failure;
845 bks);
846 if (NULL == bkey)
847 {
848 gcry_mpi_release (data);
849 goto rsa_gcd_validate_failure;
850 }
851 r_e = gcry_mpi_new (0);
852 gcry_mpi_powm (r_e,
853 bkey->r,
854 ne[1],
855 ne[0]);
856 data_r_e = gcry_mpi_new (0);
857 gcry_mpi_mulm (data_r_e,
858 data,
859 r_e,
860 ne[0]);
861 gcry_mpi_release (data);
862 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
863 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
864 gcry_mpi_release (r_e);
868 = numeric_mpi_alloc_n_print (data_r_e,
869 (char **) &bm->blinded_msg);
870 gcry_mpi_release (data_r_e);
872 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_blind);
873 return GNUNET_YES;
876 /* We know the RSA key is malicious here, so warn the wallet. */
877 /* GNUNET_break_op (0); */
878 gcry_mpi_release (ne[0]);
879 gcry_mpi_release (ne[1]);
880 bm->blinded_msg = NULL;
881 bm->blinded_msg_size = 0;
882 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_blind);
883 return GNUNET_NO;
static struct RsaBlindingKey * rsa_blinding_key_derive(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pkey, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret *bks)
Create a blinding key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:522
static void rsa_blinding_key_free(struct RsaBlindingKey *bkey)
Destroy a blinding key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:702
static gcry_mpi_t rsa_full_domain_hash(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pkey, const void *message, size_t message_size)
Computes a full domain hash seeded by the given public key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:755
static size_t numeric_mpi_alloc_n_print(gcry_mpi_t v, char **buffer)
Print an MPI to a newly created buffer.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:717
size_t blinded_msg_size
Size of the blinded_msg to be signed.
void * blinded_msg
Blinded message to be signed Note: is malloc()'ed!
RSA blinding key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:77
gcry_mpi_t r
Random value used for blinding.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:81

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg_size, data, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_YES, key_from_sexp(), numeric_mpi_alloc_n_print(), pkey, RsaBlindingKey::r, ret, rsa_blinding_key_derive(), rsa_blinding_key_free(), and rsa_full_domain_hash().

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_message_blind_to_sign(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_blinded()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_blinded ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey key,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage bm 

Sign a blinded value, which must be a full domain hash of a message.

keyprivate key to use for the signing
bmthe (blinded) message to sign
NULL on error, signature on success

Definition at line 970 of file crypto_rsa.c.

973 gcry_mpi_t v = NULL;
974 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig;
976 BENCHMARK_START (rsa_sign_blinded);
977 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
978 gcry_mpi_scan (&v,
980 bm->blinded_msg,
982 NULL));
983 sig = rsa_sign_mpi (key,
984 v);
985 gcry_mpi_release (v);
986 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_sign_blinded);
987 return sig;
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * rsa_sign_mpi(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, gcry_mpi_t value)
Sign the given MPI.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:915
an RSA signature
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:65

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg_size, GNUNET_assert, key, and rsa_sign_mpi().

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_fdh()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_fdh ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey key,
const void *  message,
size_t  message_size 

Create and sign a full domain hash of a message.

keyprivate key to use for the signing
messagethe message to sign
message_sizenumber of bytes in message
NULL on error, including a malicious RSA key, signature on success

Definition at line 992 of file crypto_rsa.c.

997 gcry_mpi_t v = NULL;
998 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig;
1002 message,
1003 message_size);
1005 if (NULL == v) /* rsa_gcd_validate failed meaning */
1006 return NULL; /* our *own* RSA key is malicious. */
1008 sig = rsa_sign_mpi (key, v);
1009 gcry_mpi_release (v);
1010 return sig;
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key)
Free memory occupied by the public key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:268
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *priv)
Extract the public key of the given private key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:233

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free(), key, pkey, rsa_full_domain_hash(), and rsa_sign_mpi().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blinded_message_free()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blinded_message_free ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage bm)

Free memory occupied by blinded message.

Only frees contents, not bm itself.

[in]bmmemory to free

Definition at line 799 of file crypto_rsa.c.


References GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg, and GNUNET_free.

Referenced by checkvec(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig)

Free memory occupied by signature.

[in]sigmemory to free

Definition at line 1015 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1017 gcry_sexp_release (sig->sexp);
1018 GNUNET_free (sig);
gcry_sexp_t sexp
Libgcrypt S-expression for the RSA signature.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:69

References GNUNET_free, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature::sexp.

Referenced by checkvec(), clean_rsa_sig(), clean_rsa_signature(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_sig_decref(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_unblinded_sig_decref(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_encode()

size_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_encode ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig,
void **  buffer 

Encode the given signature in a format suitable for storing it into a file.

sigthe signature
[out]bufferset to a buffer with the encoded key
size of memory allocated in buffer

Definition at line 1023 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1027 gcry_mpi_t s;
1028 size_t buf_size;
1029 size_t rsize;
1030 unsigned char *buf;
1031 int ret;
1033 ret = key_from_sexp (&s,
1034 sig->sexp,
1035 "sig-val",
1036 "s");
1037 if (0 != ret)
1038 ret = key_from_sexp (&s,
1039 sig->sexp,
1040 "rsa",
1041 "s");
1042 GNUNET_assert (0 == ret);
1043 gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
1044 NULL,
1045 0,
1046 &buf_size,
1047 s);
1048 buf = GNUNET_malloc (buf_size);
1049 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
1050 gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
1051 buf,
1052 buf_size,
1053 &rsize,
1054 s));
1055 GNUNET_assert (rsize == buf_size);
1056 *buffer = (void *) buf;
1057 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1058 return buf_size;

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_malloc, key_from_sexp(), ret, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature::sexp.

Referenced by bind_rsa_sig(), checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp(), GNUNET_JSON_from_rsa_signature(), output_vectors(), qconv_blinded_sig(), qconv_rsa_signature(), and qconv_unblinded_sig().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_decode()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_decode ( const void *  buf,
size_t  buf_size 

Decode the signature from the data-format back to the "normal", internal format.

bufthe buffer where the public key data is stored
buf_sizethe number of bytes of the data in buf
NULL on error

Definition at line 1063 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1066 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig;
1067 gcry_mpi_t s;
1068 gcry_sexp_t data;
1070 if (0 !=
1071 gcry_mpi_scan (&s,
1073 buf,
1074 buf_size,
1075 NULL))
1076 {
1077 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1078 return NULL;
1079 }
1081 if (0 !=
1082 gcry_sexp_build (&data,
1083 NULL,
1084 "(sig-val(rsa(s %M)))",
1085 s))
1086 {
1087 GNUNET_break (0);
1088 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1089 return NULL;
1090 }
1091 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1093 sig->sexp = data;
1094 return sig;

References data, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_new, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature::sexp.

Referenced by extract_rsa_sig(), extract_rsa_signature(), and parse_rsa_signature().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_dup()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_dup ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig)

Duplicate the given rsa signature.

sigthe signature to duplicate
the duplicate key; NULL upon error

Definition at line 1268 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1270 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *dup;
1271 gcry_sexp_t dup_sexp;
1272 size_t erroff;
1273 gcry_mpi_t s;
1274 int ret;
1276 /* verify that this is an RSA signature */
1277 ret = key_from_sexp (&s, sig->sexp, "sig-val", "s");
1278 if (0 != ret)
1279 ret = key_from_sexp (&s, sig->sexp, "rsa", "s");
1280 GNUNET_assert (0 == ret);
1281 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1282 /* copy the sexp */
1283 GNUNET_assert (0 == gcry_sexp_build (&dup_sexp, &erroff, "%S", sig->sexp));
1285 dup->sexp = dup_sexp;
1286 return dup;

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, key_from_sexp(), ret, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature::sexp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_unblind()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_unblind ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret bks,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey pkey 

Unblind a blind-signed signature.

The signature should have been generated with #GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign() using a hash that was blinded with GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind().

sigthe signature made on the blinded signature purpose
bksthe blinding key secret used to blind the signature purpose
pkeythe public key of the signer
unblinded signature on success, NULL if RSA key is bad or malicious.

Definition at line 1118 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1122 struct RsaBlindingKey *bkey;
1123 gcry_mpi_t n;
1124 gcry_mpi_t s;
1125 gcry_mpi_t r_inv;
1126 gcry_mpi_t ubsig;
1127 int ret;
1128 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sret;
1130 BENCHMARK_START (rsa_unblind);
1132 ret = key_from_sexp (&n, pkey->sexp, "public-key", "n");
1133 if (0 != ret)
1134 ret = key_from_sexp (&n, pkey->sexp, "rsa", "n");
1135 if (0 != ret)
1136 {
1137 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1138 return NULL;
1139 }
1140 ret = key_from_sexp (&s, sig->sexp, "sig-val", "s");
1141 if (0 != ret)
1142 ret = key_from_sexp (&s, sig->sexp, "rsa", "s");
1143 if (0 != ret)
1144 {
1145 gcry_mpi_release (n);
1146 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1147 return NULL;
1148 }
1150 bkey = rsa_blinding_key_derive (pkey, bks);
1151 if (NULL == bkey)
1152 {
1153 /* RSA key is malicious since rsa_gcd_validate failed here.
1154 * It should have failed during GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind too though,
1155 * so the exchange is being malicious in an unfamilair way, maybe
1156 * just trying to crash us. */
1157 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1158 gcry_mpi_release (n);
1159 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1160 return NULL;
1161 }
1163 r_inv = gcry_mpi_new (0);
1164 if (1 !=
1165 gcry_mpi_invm (r_inv,
1166 bkey->r,
1167 n))
1168 {
1169 /* We cannot find r mod n, so gcd(r,n) != 1, which should get *
1170 * caught above, but we handle it the same here. */
1171 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1172 gcry_mpi_release (r_inv);
1173 rsa_blinding_key_free (bkey);
1174 gcry_mpi_release (n);
1175 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1176 return NULL;
1177 }
1179 ubsig = gcry_mpi_new (0);
1180 gcry_mpi_mulm (ubsig, s, r_inv, n);
1181 gcry_mpi_release (n);
1182 gcry_mpi_release (r_inv);
1183 gcry_mpi_release (s);
1184 rsa_blinding_key_free (bkey);
1186 sret = GNUNET_new (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature);
1187 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
1188 gcry_sexp_build (&sret->sexp,
1189 NULL,
1190 "(sig-val (rsa (s %M)))",
1191 ubsig));
1192 gcry_mpi_release (ubsig);
1193 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_unblind);
1194 return sret;

References BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_new, key_from_sexp(), pkey, RsaBlindingKey::r, ret, rsa_blinding_key_derive(), rsa_blinding_key_free(), and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature::sexp.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_verify()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_verify ( const void *  message,
size_t  message_size,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey public_key 

Verify whether the given hash corresponds to the given signature and the signature is valid with respect to the given public key.

messagethe message to sign
message_sizenumber of bytes in message
sigsignature that is being validated
public_keypublic key of the signer
GNUNET_YES if ok, GNUNET_NO if RSA key is malicious, GNUNET_SYSERR if signature

Definition at line 1199 of file crypto_rsa.c.

1204 gcry_sexp_t data;
1205 gcry_mpi_t r;
1206 int rc;
1208 BENCHMARK_START (rsa_verify);
1211 message,
1212 message_size);
1213 if (NULL == r)
1214 {
1215 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1216 /* RSA key is malicious since rsa_gcd_validate failed here.
1217 * It should have failed during GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind too though,
1218 * so the exchange is being malicious in an unfamilair way, maybe
1219 * just trying to crash us. Arguably, we've only an internal error
1220 * though because we should've detected this in our previous call
1221 * to GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_unblind. *///
1222 return GNUNET_NO;
1223 }
1225 data = mpi_to_sexp (r);
1226 gcry_mpi_release (r);
1228 rc = gcry_pk_verify (sig->sexp,
1229 data,
1230 pkey->sexp);
1231 gcry_sexp_release (data);
1232 if (0 != rc)
1233 {
1235 _ ("RSA signature verification failed at %s:%d: %s\n"),
1236 __FILE__,
1237 __LINE__,
1238 gcry_strerror (rc));
1239 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_verify);
1240 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1241 }
1242 BENCHMARK_END (rsa_verify);
1243 return GNUNET_OK;
static gcry_sexp_t mpi_to_sexp(gcry_mpi_t value)
Convert an MPI to an S-expression suitable for signature operations.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:894
#define _(String)
GNU gettext support macro.
Definition: platform.h:179

References _, BENCHMARK_END, BENCHMARK_START, data, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, LOG, mpi_to_sexp(), pkey, rsa_full_domain_hash(), and GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature::sexp.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_verify(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_generate()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_generate ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey priv)

Create a new random private key.

[out]privwhere to write the fresh private key

Create a new random private key.

This is an implementation of the Clause Blind Schnorr Signature Scheme using Curve25519. Further details about the Clause Blind Schnorr Signature Scheme can be found here:

We use libsodium wherever possible.

Definition at line 45 of file crypto_cs.c.

47 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_random (priv->scalar.d);
unsigned char d[crypto_core_ed25519_SCALARBYTES]
32 byte scalar
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar scalar

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey::scalar.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_get_public()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_get_public ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey priv,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey pub 

Extract the public key of the given private key.

privthe private key
[out]pubwhere to write the public key

Definition at line 52 of file crypto_cs.c.

56 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
57 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (pub->point.y,
58 priv->scalar.d));

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, GNUNET_assert, pub, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey::scalar.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSessionNonce nonce,
const char *  seed,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey lts,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret  r[2] 

Derive a new secret r pair r0 and r1.

In original papers r is generated randomly To provide abort-idempotency, r needs to be derived but still needs to be UNPREDICTABLE To ensure unpredictability a new nonce should be used when a new r needs to be derived. Uses HKDF internally. Comment: Can be done in one HKDF shot and split output.

nonceis a random nonce
seedseed to use in derivation
ltsis a long-term-secret in form of a private key
[out]rarray containing derived secrets r0 and r1

Definition at line 79 of file crypto_cs.c.

87 r, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret) * 2,
88 seed, strlen (seed),
89 lts, sizeof (*lts),
90 nonce, sizeof (*nonce),
91 NULL, 0));
92 map_to_scalar_subgroup (&r[0].scalar);
93 map_to_scalar_subgroup (&r[1].scalar);
static void map_to_scalar_subgroup(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar *scalar)
Maps 32 random bytes to a scalar.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:69
static uint8_t seed
the private r used in the signature

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), GNUNET_YES, map_to_scalar_subgroup(), and seed.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_get_blinding_input_values(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_get_public()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_get_public ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret r_priv,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic r_pub 

Extract the public R of the given secret r.

r_privthe private key
[out]r_pubwhere to write the public key

Definition at line 98 of file crypto_cs.c.

101 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
102 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (r_pub->point.y,
103 r_priv->scalar.d));
unsigned char y[crypto_core_ed25519_BYTES]
This is a point on the Curve25519.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point point
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar scalar

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic::point, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret::scalar, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point::y.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_get_blinding_input_values(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_blinding_secrets_derive()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_blinding_secrets_derive ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingNonce blind_seed,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret  bs[2] 

Derives new random blinding factors.

In original papers blinding factors are generated randomly To provide abort-idempotency, blinding factors need to be derived but still need to be UNPREDICTABLE. To ensure unpredictability a new nonce has to be used. Uses HKDF internally.

blind_seedis the blinding seed to derive blinding factors
[out]bsarray containing the two derived blinding secrets

Definition at line 108 of file crypto_cs.c.

115 sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret)
116 * 2,
117 "alphabeta",
118 strlen ("alphabeta"),
119 blind_seed,
120 sizeof(*blind_seed),
121 NULL,
122 0));
static float beta
Percentage of total peer number in the view to send random PULLs to.
static float alpha
Percentage of total peer number in the view to send random PUSHes to.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet(void *result, size_t out_len, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len,...)
A peculiar HKDF instantiation that tried to mimic Truncated NMAC.
Definition: crypto_hkdf.c:199
Secret used for blinding (alpha and beta).

References alpha, beta, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet(), GNUNET_YES, and map_to_scalar_subgroup().

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_message_blind_to_sign(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_calc_blinded_c()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_calc_blinded_c ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret  bs[2],
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic  r_pub[2],
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey pub,
const void *  msg,
size_t  msg_len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC  blinded_c[2],
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP r_pub_blind 

Calculate two blinded c's.

Comment: One would be insecure due to Wagner's algorithm solving ROS

bsarray of the two blinding factor structs each containing alpha and beta
r_pubarray of the two signer's nonce R
pubthe public key of the signer
msgthe message to blind in preparation for signing
msg_lenlength of message msg
[out]blinded_carray of the two blinded c's
[out]r_pub_blindarray of the two blinded R

Definition at line 240 of file crypto_cs.c.

249 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC c_dash_0;
250 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC c_dash_1;
251 /* for i 0/1: R'i = Ri + alpha i*G + beta i*pub */
252 calc_r_dash (&bs[0],
253 &r_pub[0],
254 pub,
255 &r_pub_blind->r_pub[0]);
256 calc_r_dash (&bs[1],
257 &r_pub[1],
258 pub,
259 &r_pub_blind->r_pub[1]);
261 /* for i 0/1: c'i = H(R'i, msg) */
262 cs_full_domain_hash (&r_pub_blind->r_pub[0],
263 msg,
264 msg_len,
265 pub,
266 &c_dash_0);
267 cs_full_domain_hash (&r_pub_blind->r_pub[1],
268 msg,
269 msg_len,
270 pub,
271 &c_dash_1);
273 /* for i 0/1: ci = c'i + beta i mod p */
274 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add (blinded_c[0].scalar.d,
275 c_dash_0.scalar.d,
276 bs[0].beta.d);
277 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add (blinded_c[1].scalar.d,
278 c_dash_1.scalar.d,
279 bs[1].beta.d);
struct GNUNET_MessageHeader * msg
Definition: 005.c:2
static void calc_r_dash(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret *bs, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic *r_pub, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic *blinded_r_pub)
calculate R'
Definition: crypto_cs.c:209
static void cs_full_domain_hash(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic *r_dash, const void *msg, size_t msg_len, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC *c)
Computes a Hash of (R', m) mapped to a Curve25519 scalar.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:151
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic r_pub[2]
Schnorr c to be signed.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar scalar

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret::beta, calc_r_dash(), cs_full_domain_hash(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, msg, pub, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP::r_pub, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC::scalar.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_message_blind_to_sign(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_sign_derive()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_sign_derive ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey priv,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret  r[2],
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage bm,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature cs_blind_sig 

Sign a blinded c.

This function derives b from a nonce and a longterm secret. In the original papers b is generated randomly. To provide abort-idempotency, b needs to be derived but still need to be UNPREDICTABLE. To ensure unpredictability a new nonce has to be used for every signature. HKDF is used internally for derivation. r0 and r1 can be derived prior by using GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive.

privprivate key to use for the signing and as LTS in HKDF
rarray of the two secret inputs from the signer
bmblinded message, including array of the two blinded c to sign c_b and the random nonce
[out]cs_blind_sigwhere to write the blind signature

Definition at line 284 of file crypto_cs.c.

290 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar c_b_mul_priv;
291 uint32_t hkdf_out;
293 /* derive clause session identifier b (random bit) */
295 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet (&hkdf_out,
296 sizeof (hkdf_out),
297 "b",
298 strlen ("b"),
299 priv,
300 sizeof (*priv),
301 &bm->nonce,
302 sizeof (bm->nonce),
303 NULL,
304 0));
305 cs_blind_sig->b = hkdf_out % 2;
307 /* s = r_b + c_b * priv */
308 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_mul (c_b_mul_priv.d,
309 bm->c[cs_blind_sig->b].scalar.d,
310 priv->scalar.d);
311 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add (cs_blind_sig->s_scalar.scalar.d,
312 r[cs_blind_sig->b].scalar.d,
313 c_b_mul_priv.d);
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar scalar
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS s_scalar
The blinded s scalar calculated from c_b.
unsigned int b
To make ROS problem harder, the signer chooses an unpredictable b and only calculates signature of c_...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC c[2]
The Clause Schnorr c_0 and c_1 containing the blinded message.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSessionNonce nonce
Nonce used in initial request.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature::b, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage::c, GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hkdf_gnunet(), GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage::nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature::s_scalar, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey::scalar, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret::scalar, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC::scalar, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS::scalar.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_unblind()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_unblind ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS blinded_signature_scalar,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret bs,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsS signature_scalar 

Unblind a blind-signed signature using a c that was blinded.

blinded_signature_scalarthe signature made on the blinded c
bsthe blinding factors used in the blinding
[out]signature_scalarwhere to write the unblinded signature

Definition at line 318 of file crypto_cs.c.

323 crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add (signature_scalar->scalar.d,
324 blinded_signature_scalar->scalar.d,
325 bs->alpha.d);
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar alpha
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar scalar

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret::alpha, GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsS::scalar, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS::scalar.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind(), and output_vectors().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_verify()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_verify ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature sig,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey pub,
const void *  msg,
size_t  msg_len 

Verify whether the given message corresponds to the given signature and the signature is valid with respect to the given public key.

sigsignature that is being validated
pubpublic key of the signer
msgis the message that should be signed by sig (message is used to calculate c)
msg_lenis the message length
GNUNET_YES on success, GNUNET_SYSERR if signature invalid

Definition at line 330 of file crypto_cs.c.

335 // calculate c' = H(R, m)
336 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC c_dash;
337 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point sig_scal_mul_base;
338 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point c_dash_mul_pub;
339 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point R_add_c_dash_mul_pub;
342 msg,
343 msg_len,
344 pub,
345 &c_dash);
347 // s'G ?= R' + c' pub
348 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
349 crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp (
350 sig_scal_mul_base.y,
351 sig->s_scalar.scalar.d));
352 GNUNET_assert (0 == crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_noclamp (c_dash_mul_pub.y,
353 c_dash.scalar.d,
354 pub->point.y));
355 GNUNET_assert (0 == crypto_core_ed25519_add (R_add_c_dash_mul_pub.y,
356 sig->r_point.point.y,
357 c_dash_mul_pub.y));
359 return 0 == GNUNET_memcmp (&sig_scal_mul_base,
360 &R_add_c_dash_mul_pub)
#define GNUNET_memcmp(a, b)
Compare memory in a and b, where both must be of the same pointer type.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsS s_scalar
Schnorr signatures are composed of a scalar s and a curve point.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic r_point
Curve point of the Schnorr signature.

References cs_full_domain_hash(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Scalar::d, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_memcmp, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, msg, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic::point, pub, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature::r_point, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature::s_scalar, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC::scalar, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsS::scalar, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Cs25519Point::y.

Referenced by checkvec(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_verify(), and output_vectors().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_get_blinding_input_values()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues * GNUNET_CRYPTO_get_blinding_input_values ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey bsign_priv,
const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce nonce,
const char *  salt 

Compute blinding input values for a given nonce and salt.

bsign_privprivate key to compute input values for
noncesession nonce to derive input values from
saltsalt to include in derivation logic
blinding input values

Definition at line 431 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

439 biv->cipher = bsign_priv->cipher;
440 biv->rc = 1;
441 switch (bsign_priv->cipher)
442 {
444 GNUNET_break (0);
445 GNUNET_free (biv);
446 return NULL;
448 return biv;
450 {
451 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret cspriv[2];
454 salt,
455 &bsign_priv->details.cs_private_key,
456 cspriv);
458 &biv->details.cs_values.r_pub[0]);
460 &biv->details.cs_values.r_pub[1]);
461 return biv;
462 }
463 }
464 GNUNET_break (0);
465 GNUNET_free (biv);
466 return NULL;
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_get_public(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret *r_priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic *r_pub)
Extract the public R of the given secret r.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:98
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSessionNonce *nonce, const char *seed, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *lts, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret r[2])
Derive a new secret r pair r0 and r1.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:79
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey cs_private_key
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS in cipher.
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher
Type of the public key.
union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::@17 details
Details, depending on cipher.
Input needed for blinding a message.
unsigned int rc
Reference counter.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP cs_values
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS in cipher.
union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::@19 details
Details, depending on cipher.
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher
Type of the signature.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSessionNonce cs_nonce
Nonce used when signing with CS.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce::cs_nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cs_private_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::cs_values, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::details, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_get_public(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP::r_pub, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::rc, and salt.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_pub_decref()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_pub_decref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bsign_pub)

Decrement reference counter of a bsign_pub, and free it if it reaches zero.

[in]bsign_pubkey to free

Definition at line 79 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

82 GNUNET_assert (bsign_pub->rc > 0);
83 bsign_pub->rc--;
84 if (0 != bsign_pub->rc)
85 return;
86 switch (bsign_pub->cipher)
87 {
89 GNUNET_break (0);
90 break;
92 if (NULL != bsign_pub->details.rsa_public_key)
93 {
95 bsign_pub->details.rsa_public_key = NULL;
96 }
98 break;
100 break;
101 }
102 GNUNET_free (bsign_pub);
union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::@16 details
Details, depending on cipher.
unsigned int rc
Reference counter.
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher
Type of the public key.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey * rsa_public_key
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::rc, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::rsa_public_key.

Referenced by clean_blind_sign_pub().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_priv_decref()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_priv_decref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey bsign_priv)

Decrement reference counter of a bsign_priv, and free it if it reaches zero.

[in]bsign_privkey to free

Definition at line 50 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

53 GNUNET_assert (bsign_priv->rc > 0);
54 bsign_priv->rc--;
55 if (0 != bsign_priv->rc)
56 return;
57 switch (bsign_priv->cipher)
58 {
60 GNUNET_break (0);
61 break;
63 if (NULL != bsign_priv->details.rsa_private_key)
64 {
66 bsign_priv->details.rsa_private_key = NULL;
67 }
69 break;
72 break;
73 }
74 GNUNET_free (bsign_priv);
unsigned int rc
Reference counter.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey * rsa_private_key
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::rc, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::rsa_private_key.

Referenced by clean_blind_sign_priv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_unblinded_sig_decref()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_unblinded_sig_decref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature ub_sig)

Decrement reference counter of a ub_sig, and free it if it reaches zero.

[in]ub_sigsignature to free

Definition at line 107 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

110 GNUNET_assert (ub_sig->rc > 0);
111 ub_sig->rc--;
112 if (0 != ub_sig->rc)
113 return;
114 switch (ub_sig->cipher)
115 {
117 GNUNET_break (0);
118 break;
120 if (NULL != ub_sig->details.rsa_signature)
121 {
123 ub_sig->details.rsa_signature = NULL;
124 }
126 break;
129 break;
130 }
131 GNUNET_free (ub_sig);
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig)
Free memory occupied by signature.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:1015
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * rsa_signature
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA in cipher.
unsigned int rc
Reference counter.
union GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::@14 details
Details, depending on cipher.
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher
Type of the signature.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rc, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rsa_signature.

Referenced by clean_unblinded_sig().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_sig_decref()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_sig_decref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature blind_sig)

Decrement reference counter of a blind_sig, and free it if it reaches zero.

[in]blind_sigsignature to free

Definition at line 136 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

139 GNUNET_assert (blind_sig->rc > 0);
140 blind_sig->rc--;
141 if (0 != blind_sig->rc)
142 return;
143 switch (blind_sig->cipher)
144 {
146 GNUNET_break (0);
147 break;
149 if (NULL != blind_sig->details.blinded_rsa_signature)
150 {
152 blind_sig->details.blinded_rsa_signature);
153 blind_sig->details.blinded_rsa_signature = NULL;
154 }
156 break;
159 break;
160 }
161 GNUNET_free (blind_sig);
unsigned int rc
Reference counter.
union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::@15 details
Details, depending on cipher.
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher
Type of the signature.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * blinded_rsa_signature
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_rsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free(), GNUNET_free, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::rc.

Referenced by clean_blinded_sig().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_decref()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_decref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage bm)

Decrement reference counter of a bm, and free it if it reaches zero.

[in]bmblinded message to free

Definition at line 166 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

169 GNUNET_assert (bm->rc > 0);
170 bm->rc--;
171 if (0 != bm->rc)
172 return;
173 switch (bm->cipher)
174 {
176 GNUNET_break (0);
177 break;
180 break;
182 break;
183 }
184 GNUNET_free (bm);
unsigned int rc
Reference counter.
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher
Type of the sign blinded message.
union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::@18 details
Details, depending on cipher.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage rsa_blinded_message
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rc, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rsa_blinded_message.

Referenced by clean_blinded_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_incref()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage * GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_incref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage bm)

Increment reference counter of the given bm.

[in,out]bmblinded message to increment reference counter for
alias of bm with RC incremented

Definition at line 189 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

192 bm->rc++;
193 return bm;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rc.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinding_input_values_incref()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues * GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinding_input_values_incref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues bm)

Increment reference counter of the given bi.

[in,out]biblinding input values to increment reference counter for
alias of bi with RC incremented

Definition at line 198 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

201 bm->rc++;
202 return bm;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::rc.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinding_input_values_decref()

void GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinding_input_values_decref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues bm)

Decrement reference counter of the given bi, and free it if it reaches zero.

[in,out]biblinding input values to decrement reference counter for

Definition at line 26 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

29 GNUNET_assert (bm->rc > 0);
30 bm->rc--;
31 if (0 != bm->rc)
32 return;
33 switch (bm->cipher)
34 {
36 GNUNET_break (0);
37 break;
40 break;
43 break;
44 }
45 GNUNET_free (bm);


◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_pub_incref()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_pub_incref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bsign_pub)

Increment reference counter of the given bsign_pub.

[in,out]bsign_pubpublic key to increment reference counter for
alias of bsign_pub with RC incremented

Definition at line 207 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

210 bsign_pub->rc++;
211 return bsign_pub;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::rc.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_priv_incref()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_priv_incref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey bsign_priv)

Increment reference counter of the given bsign_priv.

[in,out]bsign_privprivate key to increment reference counter for
alias of bsign_priv with RC incremented

Definition at line 216 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

219 bsign_priv->rc++;
220 return bsign_priv;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::rc.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_incref()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_incref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature ub_sig)

Increment reference counter of the given ub_sig.

[in,out]ub_sigsignature to increment reference counter for
alias of ub_sig with RC incremented

Definition at line 225 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

227 ub_sig->rc++;
228 return ub_sig;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rc.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_incref()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_incref ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature blind_sig)

Increment reference counter of the given blind_sig.

[in,out]blind_sigsignature to increment reference counter for
alias of blind_sig with RC incremented

Definition at line 233 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

236 blind_sig->rc++;
237 return blind_sig;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::rc.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_pub_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_bsign_pub_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bp1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bp2 

Compare two denomination public keys.

bp1first key
bp2second key
0 if the keys are equal, otherwise -1 or 1

Definition at line 242 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

246 if (bp1->cipher != bp2->cipher)
247 return (bp1->cipher > bp2->cipher) ? 1 : -1;
248 switch (bp1->cipher)
249 {
251 GNUNET_break (0);
252 return 0;
254 return GNUNET_memcmp (&bp1->pub_key_hash,
255 &bp2->pub_key_hash);
257 return GNUNET_memcmp (&bp1->pub_key_hash,
258 &bp2->pub_key_hash);
259 }
260 GNUNET_assert (0);
261 return -2;
struct GNUNET_HashCode pub_key_hash
Hash of the public key.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cipher, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_memcmp, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::pub_key_hash.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_ub_sig_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature sig1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature sig2 

Compare two denomination signatures.

sig1first signature
sig2second signature
0 if the keys are equal, otherwise -1 or 1

Definition at line 266 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

270 if (sig1->cipher != sig2->cipher)
271 return (sig1->cipher > sig2->cipher) ? 1 : -1;
272 switch (sig1->cipher)
273 {
275 GNUNET_break (0);
276 return 0;
279 sig2->details.rsa_signature);
281 return GNUNET_memcmp (&sig1->details.cs_signature,
282 &sig2->details.cs_signature);
283 }
284 GNUNET_assert (0);
285 return -2;
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *s1, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *s2)
Compare the values of two signatures.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:602
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature cs_signature
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cs_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp(), GNUNET_memcmp, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rsa_signature.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature sig1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature sig2 

Compare two blinded denomination signatures.

sig1first signature
sig2second signature
0 if the keys are equal, otherwise -1 or 1

Definition at line 290 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

294 if (sig1->cipher != sig2->cipher)
295 return (sig1->cipher > sig2->cipher) ? 1 : -1;
296 switch (sig1->cipher)
297 {
299 GNUNET_break (0);
300 return 0;
308 }
309 GNUNET_assert (0);
310 return -2;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature blinded_cs_answer
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_cs_answer, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_rsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_cmp(), and GNUNET_memcmp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_cmp()

int GNUNET_CRYPTO_blinded_message_cmp ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage bp1,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage bp2 

Compare two blinded messages.

bp1first blinded message
bp2second blinded message
0 if the keys are equal, otherwise -1 or 1

Definition at line 315 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

319 if (bp1->cipher != bp2->cipher)
320 return (bp1->cipher > bp2->cipher) ? 1 : -1;
321 switch (bp1->cipher)
322 {
324 GNUNET_break (0);
325 return 0;
331 return memcmp (bp1->details.rsa_blinded_message.blinded_msg,
337 }
338 GNUNET_assert (0);
339 return -2;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage cs_blinded_message
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS in cipher.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg, GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage::blinded_msg_size, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cs_blinded_message, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::details, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_memcmp, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rsa_blinded_message.

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey **  bsign_priv,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey **  bsign_pub,
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm  cipher,

Initialize public-private key pair for blind signatures.

For GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, an additional "unsigned int" argument with the number of bits for 'n' (e.g. 2048) must be passed.

[out]bsign_privwhere to write the private key with RC 1
[out]bsign_pubwhere to write the public key with RC 1
cipherwhich type of cipher to use
...RSA key size (eg. 2048/3072/4096)
GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_NO if parameterst were invalid

Definition at line 344 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

351 va_list ap;
353 va_start (ap,
354 cipher);
356 bsign_pub,
357 cipher,
358 ap);
359 va_end (ap);
360 return ret;
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey **bsign_priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey **bsign_pub, enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm cipher, va_list ap)
Initialize public-private key pair for blind signatures.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va(), and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create_va ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey **  bsign_priv,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey **  bsign_pub,
enum GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignatureAlgorithm  cipher,
va_list  ap 

Initialize public-private key pair for blind signatures.

For GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, an additional "unsigned int" argument with the number of bits for 'n' (e.g. 2048) must be passed.

[out]bsign_privwhere to write the private key with RC 1
[out]bsign_pubwhere to write the public key with RC 1
cipherwhich type of cipher to use
apRSA key size (eg. 2048/3072/4096)
GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_NO if parameterst were invalid

Definition at line 365 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

375 priv->rc = 1;
376 priv->cipher = cipher;
377 *bsign_priv = priv;
379 pub->rc = 1;
380 pub->cipher = cipher;
381 *bsign_pub = pub;
382 switch (cipher)
383 {
385 GNUNET_break (0);
386 break;
388 {
389 unsigned int bits;
391 bits = va_arg (ap,
392 unsigned int);
393 if (bits < 512)
394 {
395 GNUNET_break (0);
396 break;
397 }
400 }
401 if (NULL == priv->details.rsa_private_key)
402 {
403 GNUNET_break (0);
404 break;
405 }
406 pub->details.rsa_public_key
409 GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash (pub->details.rsa_public_key,
410 &pub->pub_key_hash);
411 return GNUNET_OK;
415 &priv->details.cs_private_key,
416 &pub->details.cs_public_key);
417 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&pub->details.cs_public_key,
418 sizeof(pub->details.cs_public_key),
419 &pub->pub_key_hash);
420 return GNUNET_OK;
421 }
422 GNUNET_free (priv);
424 *bsign_priv = NULL;
425 *bsign_pub = NULL;
426 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_create(unsigned int len)
Create a new private key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:144
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_get_public(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub)
Extract the public key of the given private key.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:52
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *key, struct GNUNET_HashCode *hc)
Compute hash over the public key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:407
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_generate(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *priv)
Create a new random private key.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:45
Type of private signing keys for blind signing.
Type of public signing keys for blind signatures.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cs_private_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::details, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_generate(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_private_key_get_public(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_create(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, pub, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::rc, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::rsa_private_key.

Referenced by GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign_keys_create().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_message_blind_to_sign()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage * GNUNET_CRYPTO_message_blind_to_sign ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bsign_pub,
const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP bks,
const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce nonce,
const void *  message,
size_t  message_size,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues alg_values 

Blind message for blind signing with dk using blinding secret coin_bks.

bsign_pubpublic key to blind for
bksblinding secret to use
noncenonce used to obtain alg_values can be NULL if input values are not used for the cipher
messagemessage to sign
message_sizenumber of bytes in message
alg_valuesalgorithm specific values to blind the message
blinded message to give to signer, NULL on error

Definition at line 471 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

482 bm->cipher = bsign_pub->cipher;
483 bm->rc = 1;
484 switch (bsign_pub->cipher)
485 {
487 GNUNET_break (0);
488 GNUNET_free (bm);
489 return NULL;
491 if (GNUNET_YES !=
493 message,
494 message_size,
495 &bks->rsa_bks,
496 bsign_pub->details.rsa_public_key,
498 {
499 GNUNET_break (0);
500 GNUNET_free (bm);
501 return NULL;
502 }
503 return bm;
505 {
506 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP blinded_r_pub;
509 if (NULL == nonce)
510 {
511 GNUNET_break_op (0);
512 GNUNET_free (bm);
513 return NULL;
514 }
516 bs);
518 bs,
519 alg_values->details.cs_values.r_pub,
520 &bsign_pub->details.cs_public_key,
521 message,
522 message_size,
524 &blinded_r_pub);
526 (void) blinded_r_pub;
527 return bm;
528 }
529 }
530 GNUNET_break (0);
531 return NULL;
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind(const void *message, size_t message_size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret *bks, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pkey, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage *bm)
Blinds the given message with the given blinding key.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:807
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_calc_blinded_c(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret bs[2], const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRPublic r_pub[2], const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub, const void *msg, size_t msg_len, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC blinded_c[2], struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP *r_pub_blind)
Calculate two blinded c's.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:240
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_blinding_secrets_derive(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingNonce *blind_seed, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret bs[2])
Derives new random blinding factors.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:108
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey cs_public_key
If we use GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS in cipher.
Blinded message ready for blind signing.
Pair of Public R values for Cs denominations.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingNonce nonce
Clause Schnorr nonce.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret rsa_bks
Variant for RSA for blind signatures.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage::c, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cs_blinded_message, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSessionNonce::cs_nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cs_public_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::cs_values, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::details, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_blinding_secrets_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_calc_blinded_c(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage::nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP::nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP::r_pub, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP::rsa_bks, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rsa_blinded_message, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::rsa_public_key.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sign ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey bsign_priv,
const char *  salt,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage blinded_message 

Create blind signature.

bsign_privprivate key to use for signing
saltsalt value to use for the HKDF, can be NULL if input values are not used for the cipher
blinded_messagethe already blinded message to sign
blind signature with RC=1, NULL on failure

Definition at line 536 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

541 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature *blind_sig;
543 if (blinded_message->cipher != bsign_priv->cipher)
544 {
545 GNUNET_break (0);
546 return NULL;
547 }
549 blind_sig = GNUNET_new (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature);
550 blind_sig->cipher = bsign_priv->cipher;
551 blind_sig->rc = 1;
552 switch (bsign_priv->cipher)
553 {
555 GNUNET_break (0);
556 GNUNET_free (blind_sig);
557 return NULL;
561 bsign_priv->details.rsa_private_key,
562 &blinded_message->details.rsa_blinded_message);
563 if (NULL == blind_sig->details.blinded_rsa_signature)
564 {
565 GNUNET_break (0);
566 GNUNET_free (blind_sig);
567 return NULL;
568 }
569 return blind_sig;
571 {
572 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret r[2];
575 &blinded_message->details.cs_blinded_message.nonce,
576 salt,
577 &bsign_priv->details.cs_private_key,
578 r);
580 &bsign_priv->details.cs_private_key,
581 r,
582 &blinded_message->details.cs_blinded_message,
583 &blind_sig->details.blinded_cs_answer);
584 }
585 return blind_sig;
586 }
587 GNUNET_break (0);
588 return NULL;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_blinded(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindedMessage *bm)
Sign a blinded value, which must be a full domain hash of a message.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:970
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_sign_derive(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsRSecret r[2], const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage *bm, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature *cs_blind_sig)
Sign a blinded c.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:284
Type for blinded signatures.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_cs_answer, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_rsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::cs_blinded_message, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::cs_private_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::details, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_r_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_sign_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_blinded(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindedMessage::nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::rc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedMessage::rsa_blinded_message, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPrivateKey::rsa_private_key, and salt.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind()

struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_unblind ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature blinded_sig,
const union GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP bks,
const void *  message,
size_t  message_size,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues alg_values,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bsign_pub 

Unblind blind signature.

blinded_sigthe blind signature
bksblinding secret to use
messagemessage that was supposedly signed
message_sizenumber of bytes in message
alg_valuesalgorithm specific values
bsign_pubpublic key used for signing
unblinded signature with RC=1, NULL on error

Definition at line 593 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

603 if (blinded_sig->cipher != bsign_pub->cipher)
604 {
605 GNUNET_break (0);
606 return NULL;
607 }
608 if (blinded_sig->cipher != alg_values->cipher)
609 {
610 GNUNET_break (0);
611 return NULL;
612 }
614 ub_sig->cipher = blinded_sig->cipher;
615 ub_sig->rc = 1;
616 switch (bsign_pub->cipher)
617 {
619 GNUNET_break (0);
620 GNUNET_free (ub_sig);
621 return NULL;
623 ub_sig->details.rsa_signature
625 blinded_sig->details.blinded_rsa_signature,
626 &bks->rsa_bks,
627 bsign_pub->details.rsa_public_key);
628 if (NULL == ub_sig->details.rsa_signature)
629 {
630 GNUNET_break (0);
631 GNUNET_free (ub_sig);
632 return NULL;
633 }
634 return ub_sig;
636 {
638 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsC c[2];
639 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP r_pub_blind;
640 unsigned int b;
643 bs);
645 bs,
646 alg_values->details.cs_values.r_pub,
647 &bsign_pub->details.cs_public_key,
648 message,
649 message_size,
650 c,
651 &r_pub_blind);
652 b = blinded_sig->details.blinded_cs_answer.b;
654 = r_pub_blind.r_pub[b];
656 &blinded_sig->details.blinded_cs_answer.s_scalar,
657 &bs[b],
658 &ub_sig->details.cs_signature.s_scalar);
659 return ub_sig;
660 }
661 }
662 GNUNET_break (0);
663 GNUNET_free (ub_sig);
664 return NULL;
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_unblind(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindS *blinded_signature_scalar, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindingSecret *bs, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsS *signature_scalar)
Unblind a blind-signed signature using a c that was blinded.
Definition: crypto_cs.c:318
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_unblind(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaBlindingKeySecret *bks, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pkey)
Unblind a blind-signed signature.
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:1118
Type of (unblinded) signatures.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature::b, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_cs_answer, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::blinded_rsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cs_public_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cs_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::cs_values, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindedSignature::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingInputValues::details, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_blinding_secrets_derive(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_calc_blinded_c(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_unblind(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_unblind(), GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP::nonce, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature::r_point, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CSPublicRPairP::r_pub, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rc, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindingSecretP::rsa_bks, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::rsa_public_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature::s_scalar, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsBlindSignature::s_scalar.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_verify()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_blind_sig_verify ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey bsign_pub,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature ub_sig,
const void *  message,
size_t  message_size 

Verify signature made blindly.

bsign_pubpublic key
ub_sigsignature made blindly with the private key
messagemessage that was supposedly signed
message_sizenumber of bytes in message
GNUNET_OK if the signature is valid

Definition at line 669 of file crypto_blind_sign.c.

675 if (bsign_pub->cipher != ub_sig->cipher)
676 {
677 GNUNET_break (0);
678 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
679 }
680 switch (bsign_pub->cipher)
681 {
683 GNUNET_break (0);
684 return GNUNET_NO;
686 if (GNUNET_OK !=
688 message_size,
689 ub_sig->details.rsa_signature,
690 bsign_pub->details.rsa_public_key))
691 {
692 GNUNET_break_op (0);
693 return GNUNET_NO;
694 }
695 return GNUNET_YES;
697 if (GNUNET_OK !=
699 &bsign_pub->details.cs_public_key,
700 message,
701 message_size))
702 {
703 GNUNET_break_op (0);
704 return GNUNET_NO;
705 }
706 return GNUNET_YES;
707 }
708 GNUNET_break (0);
709 return GNUNET_NO;
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_verify(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_CsPublicKey *pub, const void *msg, size_t msg_len)
Verify whether the given message corresponds to the given signature and the signature is valid with r...
Definition: crypto_cs.c:330
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_verify(const void *message, size_t message_size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *public_key)
Verify whether the given hash corresponds to the given signature and the signature is valid with resp...
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:1199

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cipher, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::cs_public_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::cs_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::details, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::details, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_CS, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_INVALID, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BSA_RSA, GNUNET_CRYPTO_cs_verify(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_verify(), GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_CRYPTO_BlindSignPublicKey::rsa_public_key, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_UnblindedSignature::rsa_signature.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey key)

Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey.

Compacted means that it returns the minimum number of bytes this key is long, as opposed to the union structure inside GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey. Useful for compact serializations.

keythe key.
-1 on error, else the compacted length of the key.

Definition at line 85 of file crypto_pkey.c.

88 switch (ntohl (key->type))
89 {
91 return sizeof (key->type) + sizeof (key->ecdsa_key);
93 return sizeof (key->type) + sizeof (key->eddsa_key);
94 default:
95 GNUNET_break (0);
96 }
97 return -1;


Referenced by attr_iter_cb(), check_signature_identity(), consume_result_cb(), cred_iter_cb(), ego_callback(), get_message_body_size(), GNR_create_signature_message(), gns_string_to_value(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_to_string(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_public_key_from_buffer(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_public_key_to_buffer(), GNUNET_GNS_lookup_limited(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_check_pow(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_data_from_identity(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_pow_round(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_proof_get_size(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_to_name(), GNUNET_REVOCATION_query(), handle_client_call_message(), publicize_rm(), run(), run_edkey(), run_pkey(), run_with_key(), run_with_zone_pkey(), send_enter_room(), send_open_room(), and sign_pow_identity().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_public_key_from_buffer()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_public_key_from_buffer ( const void *  buffer,
size_t  len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey key,
size_t *  read 

Reads a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey from a compact buffer.

The buffer has to contain at least the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey in bytes. If the buffer is too small, the function returns -1 as error. If the buffer does not contain a valid key, it returns -2 as error.

bufferthe buffer
lenthe length of buffer
keythe key
theamount of bytes read from the buffer

Definition at line 102 of file crypto_pkey.c.

108 ssize_t length;
109 if (len < sizeof (key->type))
110 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
111 GNUNET_memcpy (&key->type,
112 buffer,
113 sizeof (key->type));
115 if (len < length)
116 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
117 if (length < 0)
118 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
119 GNUNET_memcpy (&key->ecdsa_key,
120 buffer + sizeof (key->type),
121 length - sizeof (key->type));
122 *kb_read = length;
123 return GNUNET_OK;
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key)
Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey.
Definition: crypto_pkey.c:85

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length(), GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, and key.

Referenced by block_plugin_revocation_check_block(), block_plugin_revocation_get_key(), check_room_initial_key(), handle_attribute_result(), handle_cadet_ring_message(), handle_consume_ticket_result(), handle_credential_result(), handle_lookup(), handle_phone_ring(), handle_query_message(), handle_zone_to_name(), and initialize_handle_via_key().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey key)

Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey.

Compacted means that it returns the minimum number of bytes this key is long, as opposed to the union structure inside GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey. Useful for compact serializations.

keythe key.
-1 on error, else the compacted length of the key.

Definition at line 64 of file crypto_pkey.c.

67 switch (ntohl (key->type))
68 {
70 return sizeof (key->type) + sizeof (key->ecdsa_key);
71 break;
73 return sizeof (key->type) + sizeof (key->eddsa_key);
74 break;
75 default:
77 "Got key type %u\n", ntohl (key->type));
78 GNUNET_break (0);
79 }
80 return -1;


Referenced by create_update_message(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_to_string(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_private_key_from_buffer(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_private_key_to_buffer(), GNUNET_IDENTITY_create(), GNUNET_IDENTITY_ego_get_anonymous(), GNUNET_MESSENGER_connect(), GNUNET_MESSENGER_set_key(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_set_edit_begin(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_set_edit_cancel(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_store(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start2(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_monitor_start(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_monitor_start2(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_to_name(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_attribute_delete(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_attribute_store(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_credential_delete(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_credential_store(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_get_attributes_start(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_get_credentials_start(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_ticket_issue(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_ticket_iteration_start(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_ticket_revoke(), handle_gns_response(), handle_identity_update(), handle_zone_to_name_it(), notify_listeners(), records_lookup(), and send_lookup_response_with_filter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_public_key_to_buffer()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_public_key_to_buffer ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey key,
void *  buffer,
size_t  len 

Writes a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey to a compact buffer.

The buffer requires space for at least the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey in bytes. If the buffer is too small, the function returns -1 as error. If the key is not valid, it returns -2 as error.

keythe key
bufferthe buffer
lenthe length of buffer
-1 or -2 on error, else the amount of bytes written to the buffer

Definition at line 128 of file crypto_pkey.c.

133 const ssize_t length = GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length (key);
134 if (len < length)
135 return -1;
136 if (length < 0)
137 return -2;
138 GNUNET_memcpy (buffer, &(key->type), sizeof (key->type));
139 GNUNET_memcpy (buffer + sizeof (key->type), &(key->ecdsa_key), length
140 - sizeof (key->type));
141 return length;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length(), GNUNET_memcpy, and key.

Referenced by attr_iter_cb(), consume_result_cb(), cred_iter_cb(), GNR_create_signature_message(), GNUNET_GNS_lookup_limited(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_to_name(), GNUNET_REVOCATION_query(), handle_client_call_message(), send_enter_room(), and send_open_room().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_private_key_from_buffer()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_private_key_from_buffer ( const void *  buffer,
size_t  len,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey key,
size_t *  read 

Reads a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey from a compact buffer.

The buffer has to contain at least the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey in bytes. If the buffer is too small, the function returns GNUNET_SYSERR as error.

bufferthe buffer
lenthe length of buffer
keythe key
theamount of bytes read from the buffer

Definition at line 146 of file crypto_pkey.c.

152 ssize_t length;
153 if (len < sizeof (key->type))
154 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
155 GNUNET_memcpy (&key->type,
156 buffer,
157 sizeof (key->type));
159 if (len < length)
160 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
161 if (length < 0)
162 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
163 GNUNET_memcpy (&key->ecdsa_key,
164 buffer + sizeof (key->type),
165 length - sizeof (key->type));
166 *kb_read = length;
167 return GNUNET_OK;
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey *key)
Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey.
Definition: crypto_pkey.c:64

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length(), GNUNET_memcpy, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, and key.

Referenced by handle_attribute_delete_message(), handle_attribute_store_message(), handle_client_call_message(), handle_create_message(), handle_credential_delete_message(), handle_credential_iteration_start(), handle_credential_store_message(), handle_edit_record_set(), handle_edit_record_set_cancel(), handle_identity_update(), handle_issue_ticket_message(), handle_iteration_start(), handle_lookup_result(), handle_monitor_start(), handle_record_lookup(), handle_record_result(), handle_record_store(), handle_result(), handle_revoke_ticket_message(), handle_ticket_iteration_start(), handle_zone_to_name(), and handle_zone_to_name_response().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_private_key_to_buffer()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_private_key_to_buffer ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey key,
void *  buffer,
size_t  len 

Writes a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey to a compact buffer.

The buffer requires space for at least the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey in bytes. If the buffer is too small, the function returns -1 as error. If the key is not valid, it returns -2 as error.

keythe key
bufferthe buffer
lenthe length of buffer
-1 or -2 on error, else the amount of bytes written to the buffer

Definition at line 172 of file crypto_pkey.c.

177 const ssize_t length = GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length (key);
178 if (len < length)
179 return -1;
180 if (length < 0)
181 return -2;
182 GNUNET_memcpy (buffer, &(key->type), sizeof (key->type));
183 GNUNET_memcpy (buffer + sizeof (key->type), &(key->ecdsa_key), length
184 - sizeof (key->type));
185 return length;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length(), GNUNET_memcpy, and key.

Referenced by create_update_message(), GNUNET_IDENTITY_create(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_set_edit_begin(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_set_edit_cancel(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_store(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start2(), GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_to_name(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_attribute_delete(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_attribute_store(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_credential_delete(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_credential_store(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_get_attributes_start(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_get_credentials_start(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_ticket_issue(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_ticket_iteration_start(), GNUNET_RECLAIM_ticket_revoke(), handle_gns_response(), handle_zone_to_name_it(), notify_listeners(), reconnect(), records_lookup(), and send_lookup_response_with_filter().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature sig)

Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature.

Compacted means that it returns the minimum number of bytes this signature is long, as opposed to the union structure inside GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature. Useful for compact serializations.

sigthe signature.
-1 on error, else the compacted length of the signature.

Definition at line 190 of file crypto_pkey.c.

193 switch (ntohl (sig->type))
194 {
196 return sizeof (sig->type) + sizeof (sig->ecdsa_signature);
197 break;
199 return sizeof (sig->type) + sizeof (sig->eddsa_signature);
200 break;
201 default:
202 GNUNET_break (0);
203 }
204 return -1;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature eddsa_signature
AN EdDSA signature.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature ecdsa_signature
An ECDSA signature.
uint32_t type
Type of signature.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::ecdsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::eddsa_signature, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::type.

Referenced by get_message_size(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_signature_from_buffer(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_signature_to_buffer(), handle_client_call_message(), and hash_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_raw_length_by_type()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_raw_length_by_type ( uint32_t  type)

Get the compacted length of a signature by type.

Compacted means that it returns the minimum number of bytes this signature is long, as opposed to the union structure inside GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature. Useful for compact serializations.

sigthe signature.
-1 on error, else the compacted length of the signature.

Definition at line 209 of file crypto_pkey.c.

211 switch (ntohl (type))
212 {
214 return sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature);
215 break;
217 return sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature);
218 break;
219 default:
220 GNUNET_break (0);
221 }
222 return -1;
static uint32_t type
Type string converted to DNS type value.
an ECC signature using ECDSA
an ECC signature using EdDSA.


Referenced by GNUNET_GNSRECORD_proof_get_size().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_signature_from_buffer()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_read_signature_from_buffer ( struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature sig,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  len 

Reads a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature from a compact buffer.

The buffer has to contain at least the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature in bytes. If the buffer is too small, the function returns -1 as error. If the buffer does not contain a valid key, it returns -2 as error.

sigthe signature
bufferthe buffer
lenthe length of buffer
-1 or -2 on error, else the amount of bytes read from the buffer

Definition at line 227 of file crypto_pkey.c.

232 ssize_t length;
233 if (len < sizeof (sig->type))
234 return -1;
235 GNUNET_memcpy (&(sig->type), buffer, sizeof (sig->type));
237 if (len < length)
238 return -1;
239 if (length < 0)
240 return -2;
241 GNUNET_memcpy (&(sig->ecdsa_signature), buffer + sizeof (sig->type), length
242 - sizeof (sig->type));
243 return length;
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature *sig)
Get the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature.
Definition: crypto_pkey.c:190

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::ecdsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length(), GNUNET_memcpy, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::type.

Referenced by decode_message(), and handle_cadet_ring_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_signature_to_buffer()

ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_write_signature_to_buffer ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature sig,
void *  buffer,
size_t  len 

Writes a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature to a compact buffer.

The buffer requires space for at least the compacted length of a GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature in bytes. If the buffer is too small, the function returns -1 as error. If the key is not valid, it returns -2 as error.

sigthe signature
bufferthe buffer
lenthe length of buffer
-1 or -2 on error, else the amount of bytes written to the buffer

Definition at line 248 of file crypto_pkey.c.

253 const ssize_t length = GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length (sig);
254 if (len < length)
255 return -1;
256 if (length < 0)
257 return -2;
258 GNUNET_memcpy (buffer, &(sig->type), sizeof (sig->type));
259 GNUNET_memcpy (buffer + sizeof (sig->type), &(sig->ecdsa_signature), length
260 - sizeof (sig->type));
261 return length;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::ecdsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_get_length(), GNUNET_memcpy, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::type.

Referenced by handle_client_call_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:


enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign_ ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey priv,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose purpose,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature sig 

Sign a given block.

The purpose data is the beginning of the data of which the signature is to be created. The size field in purpose must correctly indicate the number of bytes of the data structure, including its header. If possible, use GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign() instead of this function.

privprivate key to use for the signing
purposewhat to sign (size, purpose)
[out]sigwhere to write the signature
GNUNET_SYSERR on error, GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 293 of file crypto_pkey.c.

299 sig->type = priv->type;
300 switch (ntohl (priv->type))
301 {
303 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_ (&(priv->ecdsa_key), purpose,
304 &(sig->ecdsa_signature));
305 break;
307 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_ (&(priv->eddsa_key), purpose,
308 &(sig->eddsa_signature));
309 break;
310 default:
311 GNUNET_break (0);
312 }
314 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature *sig)
EdDSA sign a given block.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:625

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::ecdsa_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::ecdsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::eddsa_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::eddsa_signature, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_(), GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA, GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::type, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::type.

Referenced by GNUNET_ABD_delegate_issue(), and OIDC_build_authz_code().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign_raw_()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_sign_raw_ ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey priv,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose purpose,
unsigned char *  sig 

Sign a given block.

The purpose data is the beginning of the data of which the signature is to be created. The size field in purpose must correctly indicate the number of bytes of the data structure, including its header. The signature payload and length depends on the key type.

privprivate key to use for the signing
purposewhat to sign (size, purpose)
[out]sigwhere to write the signature
GNUNET_SYSERR on error, GNUNET_OK on success

Definition at line 266 of file crypto_pkey.c.

272 switch (ntohl (priv->type))
273 {
275 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_ (&(priv->ecdsa_key), purpose,
276 (struct
278 break;
280 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_ (&(priv->eddsa_key), purpose,
281 (struct
283 break;
284 default:
285 GNUNET_break (0);
286 }
288 return GNUNET_SYSERR;

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::ecdsa_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::eddsa_key, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_sign_(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign_(), GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA, GNUNET_SYSERR, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::type.

Referenced by sign_pow_identity().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_ ( uint32_t  purpose,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose validate,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature sig,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey pub 

Verify a given signature.

The validate data is the beginning of the data of which the signature is to be verified. The size field in validate must correctly indicate the number of bytes of the data structure, including its header. If purpose does not match the purpose given in validate (the latter must be in big endian), signature verification fails. If possible, use GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify() instead of this function (only if validate is not fixed-size, you must use this function directly).

purposewhat is the purpose that the signature should have?
validateblock to validate (size, purpose, data)
sigsignature that is being validated
pubpublic key of the signer
GNUNET_OK if ok, GNUNET_SYSERR if invalid

Definition at line 319 of file crypto_pkey.c.

325 /* check type matching of 'sig' and 'pub' */
326 GNUNET_assert (ntohl (pub->type) == ntohl (sig->type));
327 switch (ntohl (pub->type))
328 {
330 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_verify_ (purpose, validate,
331 &(sig->ecdsa_signature),
332 &(pub->ecdsa_key));
333 break;
335 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_verify_ (purpose, validate,
336 &(sig->eddsa_signature),
337 &(pub->eddsa_key));
338 break;
339 default:
340 GNUNET_break (0);
341 }
343 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_verify_(uint32_t purpose, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *validate, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *pub)
Verify ECDSA signature.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:649
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_verify_(uint32_t purpose, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *validate, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature *sig, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pub)
Verify EdDSA signature.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:708

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::ecdsa_signature, GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::eddsa_signature, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_verify_(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_verify_(), GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA, GNUNET_SYSERR, pub, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_Signature::type.

Referenced by GNUNET_ABD_delegate_deserialize(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_serialize(), and OIDC_parse_authz_code().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_raw_()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_signature_verify_raw_ ( uint32_t  purpose,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose validate,
const unsigned char *  sig,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey pub 

Verify a given signature.

The validate data is the beginning of the data of which the signature is to be verified. The size field in validate must correctly indicate the number of bytes of the data structure, including its header. If purpose does not match the purpose given in validate (the latter must be in big endian), signature verification fails.

purposewhat is the purpose that the signature should have?
validateblock to validate (size, purpose, data)
sigsignature that is being validated
pubpublic key of the signer
GNUNET_OK if ok, GNUNET_SYSERR if invalid

Definition at line 348 of file crypto_pkey.c.

356 switch (ntohl (pub->type))
357 {
359 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_verify_ (purpose, validate,
360 (struct
362 &(pub->ecdsa_key));
363 break;
365 return GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_verify_ (purpose, validate,
366 (struct
368 &(pub->eddsa_key));
369 break;
370 default:
371 GNUNET_break (0);
372 }
374 return GNUNET_SYSERR;


Referenced by check_signature_identity().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_to_string()

char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_to_string ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey key)

Creates a (Base32) string representation of the public key.

The resulting string encodes a compacted representation of the key. See also #GNUNET_CRYPTO_key_get_length.

keythe key.
the string representation of the key, or NULL on error.

Definition at line 379 of file crypto_pkey.c.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_get_length(), GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string_alloc(), key, and size.

Referenced by abd_value_to_string(), create_finished(), delegation_chain_fw_resolution_start(), DID_ego_to_did(), DID_pkey_to_did(), forward_resolution(), get_store_contact(), gns_value_to_string(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_to_string(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_pkey_to_zkey(), handle_intermediate_result(), handle_verify_result(), issue_ticket(), list_ego(), print_deleset(), print_ego(), save_member_session(), send_enter_room(), send_open_room(), store_cb(), and verify_member_session_as_sender().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_to_string()

char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_to_string ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey key)

Creates a (Base32) string representation of the private key.

The resulting string encodes a compacted representation of the key. See also #GNUNET_CRYPTO_key_get_length.

keythe key.
the string representation of the key, or NULL on error.

Definition at line 389 of file crypto_pkey.c.

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_get_length(), GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string_alloc(), key, and size.

Referenced by create_finished(), display_record(), ego_get_all(), ego_get_response(), and print_ego().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_from_string()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_from_string ( const char *  str,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey key 

Parses a (Base32) string representation of the public key.

See also GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_to_string.

strthe encoded key.
keywhere to write the key.

Definition at line 399 of file crypto_pkey.c.

404 strlen (str),
405 key,
406 sizeof (*key));
407 if (GNUNET_OK != ret)
408 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
409 return check_key_type (ntohl (key->type));
static enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue check_key_type(uint32_t type)
Definition: crypto_pkey.c:32

References check_key_type(), GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_STRINGS_string_to_data(), GNUNET_SYSERR, key, and ret.

Referenced by abd_string_to_value(), authorize_endpoint(), code_redirect(), consume_fail(), consume_ticket(), create_response(), DID_did_to_pkey(), DID_public_key_from_did(), get_identity_for_string(), gns_string_to_value(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_from_string(), GNUNET_GNS_lookup_with_tld(), GNUNET_GNS_parse_ztld(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_zkey_to_pkey(), identity_cb(), load_member_session(), load_member_session_next(), run(), run_with_zone_pkey(), sign_cb(), tld_iter(), and write_encrypted_message().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_from_string()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_from_string ( const char *  str,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey key 

Parses a (Base32) string representation of the private key.

See also GNUNET_CRYPTO_private_key_to_string.

strthe encoded key.
keywhere to write the key.

Definition at line 415 of file crypto_pkey.c.

420 strlen (str),
421 key,
422 sizeof (*key));
423 if (GNUNET_OK != ret)
424 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
425 return check_key_type (ntohl (key->type));

References check_key_type(), GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_STRINGS_string_to_data(), GNUNET_SYSERR, key, and ret.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_CRYPTO_key_get_public()

enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_key_get_public ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey privkey,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey key 

Retrieves the public key representation of a private key.

privkeythe private key.
keythe public key result.

Definition at line 430 of file crypto_pkey.c.

434 key->type = privkey->type;
435 switch (ntohl (privkey->type))
436 {
439 &key->ecdsa_key);
440 break;
443 &key->eddsa_key);
444 break;
445 default:
446 GNUNET_break (0);
447 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
448 }
449 return GNUNET_OK;
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pub)
Extract the public key for the given private key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:201
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_key_get_public(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *pub)
Extract the public key for the given private key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:190

References GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::ecdsa_key, GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::eddsa_key, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_key_get_public(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public(), GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA, GNUNET_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA, GNUNET_SYSERR, key, and GNUNET_CRYPTO_PrivateKey::type.

Referenced by attr_iter_cb(), authorize_endpoint(), create_finished(), create_message_join(), create_message_key(), cred_iter_cb(), dequeue_message_from_room(), DID_create_namestore_lookup_cb(), get_nick_record(), GNUNET_ABD_delegate_issue(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_block_calculate_size(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_block_create(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_block_sign(), GNUNET_GNSRECORD_query_from_private_key(), GNUNET_IDENTITY_ego_get_public_key(), handle_attribute_store_message(), handle_client_call_message(), handle_collect(), handle_credential_store_message(), identity_zone_cb(), issue_ticket(), run_edkey(), run_pkey(), run_with_key(), set_handle_key(), and sign_pow().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GNUNET_OP_create()

struct GNUNET_OP_Handle * GNUNET_OP_create ( )

Create new operations handle.

◆ GNUNET_OP_destroy()

void GNUNET_OP_destroy ( struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *  h)

Destroy operations handle.

◆ GNUNET_OP_get_next_id()

uint64_t GNUNET_OP_get_next_id ( struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *  h)

Get a unique operation ID to distinguish between asynchronous requests.

hOperations handle.
Operation ID to use.

◆ GNUNET_OP_get()

int GNUNET_OP_get ( struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *  h,
uint64_t  op_id,
GNUNET_ResultCallback result_cb,
void **  cls,
void **  ctx 

Find operation by ID.

hOperations handle.
op_idOperation ID to look up.
[out]result_cbIf an operation was found, its result callback is returned here.
[out]clsIf an operation was found, its closure is returned here.
[out]ctxUser context.
GNUNET_YES if an operation was found, GNUNET_NO if not found.

◆ GNUNET_OP_add()

uint64_t GNUNET_OP_add ( struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *  h,
GNUNET_ResultCallback  result_cb,
void *  cls,
void *  ctx 

Add a new operation.

hOperations handle.
result_cbFunction to call with the result of the operation.
clsClosure for result_cb.
ctxUser context.
ID of the new operation.

◆ GNUNET_OP_result()

int GNUNET_OP_result ( struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *  h,
uint64_t  op_id,
int64_t  result_code,
const void *  data,
uint16_t  data_size,
void **  ctx 

Call the result callback of an operation and remove it.

hOperations handle.
op_idOperation ID.
result_codeResult of the operation.
dataData result of the operation.
data_sizeSize of data.
[out]ctxUser context.
GNUNET_YES if the operation was found and removed, GNUNET_NO if the operation was not found.

◆ GNUNET_OP_remove()

int GNUNET_OP_remove ( struct GNUNET_OP_Handle *  h,
uint64_t  op_id 

Remove / cancel an operation.

hOperations handle.
op_idOperation ID.
GNUNET_YES if the operation was found and removed, GNUNET_NO if the operation was not found.

Variable Documentation

◆ bits [1/3]

uint32_t GNUNET_HashCode::bits[512/8/sizeof(uint32_t)]

◆ bits [2/3]

uint32_t GNUNET_ShortHashCode::bits[256/8/sizeof(uint32_t)]

Definition at line 295 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ value

uint32_t GNUNET_Uuid::value[4]

128 random bits.

Definition at line 312 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ size

uint16_t GNUNET_MessageHeader::size

The length of the struct (in bytes, including the length field itself), in big-endian format.

Definition at line 325 of file gnunet_common.h.

Referenced by announce_id(), barrier_reached_run(), build_json_response(), cadet_mq_send_impl(), callback_download(), check_add_global_address(), check_address_change_notification(), check_advertisement(), check_alice_client_message(), check_alice_client_message_multipart(), check_alices_cryptodata_message(), check_arm_list_result(), check_attribute_delete_message(), check_attribute_result(), check_attribute_store_message(), check_backchannel_encapsulation(), check_bob_client_message(), check_bob_client_message_multipart(), check_bobs_cryptodata_message(), check_bobs_cryptodata_multipart(), check_client_hello(), check_client_keygen(), check_client_redirect_to_ip(), check_client_result(), check_client_seed(), check_client_send(), check_client_start_search(), check_collect(), check_communicator_available(), check_communicator_backchannel(), check_connection_create(), check_connection_reversal_request(), check_consume_ticket_message(), check_consume_ticket_result(), check_create_message(), check_credential_delete_message(), check_credential_iteration_start(), check_credential_result(), check_credential_store_message(), check_data(), check_delete_message(), check_dht_local_get_result_seen(), check_dht_local_hello_offer(), check_dht_p2p_put(), check_dht_p2p_result(), check_dv_box(), check_dv_learn(), check_edit_record_set(), check_edit_record_set_cancel(), check_edit_record_set_response(), check_flow_control(), check_fragment_box(), check_get(), check_get_path(), check_helper_init(), check_identity_result_code(), check_identity_update(), check_incoming_msg(), check_index_info(), check_index_start_failed(), check_issue_ticket_message(), check_iterate_start(), check_iteration_start(), check_local_data(), check_lookup(), check_lookup_result(), check_monitor_get_resp(), check_monitor_notify(), check_monitor_put(), check_monitor_start(), check_notify_inbound(), check_p2p_get(), check_p2p_revoke(), check_peer_pull_reply(), check_query_message(), check_record_lookup(), check_record_result(), check_record_store(), check_recv(), check_recv_message(), check_register(), check_reliability_ack(), check_reliability_box(), check_rename_message(), check_request(), check_request_connection_reversal(), check_response(), check_result(), check_revoke_message(), check_revoke_ticket_message(), check_room_initial_key(), check_search(), check_send_message(), check_set(), check_statistics_value(), check_status(), check_stream_input(), check_stun(), check_ticket_iteration_start(), check_ticket_result(), check_tunnel_message(), check_union_p2p_ibf(), check_union_p2p_inquiry(), check_union_p2p_strata_estimator(), check_use_ip(), check_verify(), check_view_update(), check_watch(), check_zone_to_name_response(), consider_for_advertising(), consider_sending_fc(), consider_ss_ack(), core_mq_send_impl(), create_rekey(), demultiplex_with_cmc(), do_pad(), do_restart_typemap_message(), do_send(), enc_notify_cb(), encapsulate_for_dv(), execute_add(), execute_remove(), extract_box_cb(), find_advertisable_hello(), forward_dv_box(), forward_dv_learn(), fragment_message(), GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data(), GCCH_handle_local_data(), GCP_set_hello(), GCT_handle_encrypted(), GCT_send(), GCT_send_channel_destroy(), GDS_helper_make_put_message(), GDS_NEIGHBOURS_handle_get(), GDS_NEIGHBOURS_handle_reply(), GNUNET_copy_message(), GNUNET_HELLO_builder_to_dht_hello_msg(), GNUNET_HELLO_dht_msg_to_block(), GNUNET_HELLO_parser_from_msg(), GNUNET_HELPER_send(), GNUNET_MQ_extract_nested_mh_(), GNUNET_MQ_msg_(), GNUNET_MQ_msg_copy(), GNUNET_MQ_msg_nested_mh_(), GNUNET_MQ_send(), GNUNET_MQ_send_copy(), GNUNET_MST_from_buffer(), GNUNET_NAT_register(), GNUNET_PEERSTORE_hello_add(), GNUNET_TRANSPORT_communicator_notify(), GNUNET_TRANSPORT_communicator_receive(), got_hello(), GSC_CLIENTS_deliver_message(), GSC_SESSIONS_confirm_typemap(), GSC_SESSIONS_set_typemap(), GSC_SESSIONS_transmit(), GSC_TYPEMAP_compute_type_map_message(), GSC_TYPEMAP_get_from_message(), handle_add_address(), handle_add_queue_message(), handle_address_change_notification(), handle_arm_list_result(), handle_autoconfig_request(), handle_backchannel_encapsulation(), handle_block_cache(), handle_cadet_audio_message(), handle_call_audio(), handle_client_audio_message(), handle_client_decrypt(), handle_client_init(), handle_client_insert(), handle_client_redirect_to_ip(), handle_client_response(), handle_client_send(), handle_client_set_add(), handle_client_start_search(), handle_communicator_available(), handle_communicator_backchannel(), handle_connection_create(), handle_core_message(), handle_data(), handle_dht_local_get_result_seen(), handle_dht_local_put(), handle_dht_p2p_put(), handle_dht_p2p_result(), handle_dns_request(), handle_dns_response(), handle_dummy(), handle_dv_box(), handle_fragment_box(), handle_get(), handle_get_path(), handle_helper_barrier_reached(), handle_helper_init(), handle_icmp_back(), handle_icmp_remote(), handle_icmp_service(), handle_identity_update(), handle_incoming_msg(), handle_intersection_p2p_bf(), handle_iter_element(), handle_local_data(), handle_lookup_block_response(), handle_monitor_get_resp(), handle_monitor_put(), handle_new_element(), handle_p2p_get(), handle_p2p_put(), handle_phone_audio(), handle_plaintext_data(), handle_put(), handle_record_store(), handle_recv(), handle_recv_message(), handle_register(), handle_reliability_ack(), handle_reply(), handle_request(), handle_response(), handle_result(), handle_send_message(), handle_set(), handle_statistics_value(), handle_status(), handle_tcp_back(), handle_tunnel_message(), handle_udp_back(), handle_udp_remote(), handle_udp_service(), handle_union_p2p_elements(), handle_union_p2p_full_element(), handle_union_p2p_ibf(), handle_union_p2p_inquiry(), handle_union_p2p_strata_estimator(), handle_validation_challenge(), handle_verify(), handle_watch(), handle_zone_to_name_it(), hello_add_iter(), hello_iter(), host_processor(), http_recv_data_cb(), impl_send_continue(), initialize_handle_via_key(), inject_message(), inject_rekey(), main(), make_peer(), message_token(), monitor_notify_all(), mq_send(), mq_send_d(), mq_send_impl(), notify_listeners(), on_appsink_new_sample(), pass_plaintext_to_core(), PEERSTORE_parse_record_message(), play(), process_client_result(), process_helper_messages(), process_helper_msgs(), process_notify(), process_record_messages(), publicize_rm(), queue_finish(), queue_send_msg(), recv_from_streams(), recv_message(), reliability_box_message(), route_message(), route_via_neighbour(), run(), save(), schedule_next_hello(), select_read_cb(), select_write_cb(), send_challenge(), send_channel_data_ack(), send_channel_open(), send_icmp_packet_via_tun(), send_keepalive(), send_msg_with_kx(), send_open_ack(), send_start_messages(), send_tcp_packet_via_tun(), send_udp_packet_via_tun(), service_client_mst_cb(), service_mq_send(), set_listen_cb(), setup_estimate_message(), setup_flood_message(), sign_ephemeral_key(), start_burst(), start_dv_learn(), stdin_receiver(), stream_start_response(), task_start_reconcile(), tokenized_cb(), transmit_cummulative_ack_cb(), transmit_ready(), transmit_typemap_task(), try_handle_plaintext(), try_transmission(), validation_transmit_on_queue(), write_message(), and write_page().

◆ type [1/2]

uint16_t GNUNET_MessageHeader::type

The type of the message (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_XXXX), in big-endian format.

Definition at line 330 of file gnunet_common.h.

Referenced by check_local_data(), check_reliability_box(), check_union_p2p_strata_estimator(), connection_client_send_impl(), consider_sending_fc(), consider_ss_ack(), create_rekey(), demultiplex_with_cmc(), do_send(), enc_notify_cb(), encapsulate_for_dv(), execute_add(), execute_mutation(), execute_remove(), finished_cb(), forward_dv_learn(), fragment_message(), GCCH_handle_local_data(), GCCH_is_type_to_drop(), GCT_send_channel_destroy(), GDS_helper_make_put_message(), GDS_NEIGHBOURS_handle_get(), GDS_NEIGHBOURS_handle_reply(), get_app(), GNUNET_HELLO_builder_to_dht_hello_msg(), GNUNET_HELLO_dht_msg_to_block(), GNUNET_HELLO_get_expiration_time_from_msg(), GNUNET_HELLO_parser_from_msg(), GNUNET_MQ_destroy(), GNUNET_MQ_msg_(), GNUNET_MQ_send(), GNUNET_MQ_send_cancel(), GNUNET_MST_from_buffer(), GNUNET_NAT_register(), GNUNET_TESTING_loop_notify_children_(), GSC_CLIENTS_deliver_message(), GSC_SESSIONS_set_typemap(), GSC_TYPEMAP_compute_type_map_message(), GSC_TYPEMAP_get_from_message(), handle_backchannel_encapsulation(), handle_client_send(), handle_communicator_backchannel(), handle_dht_local_monitor(), handle_dht_local_monitor_stop(), handle_get(), handle_get_key(), handle_get_zero_anonymity(), handle_icmp_back(), handle_icmp_remote(), handle_icmp_service(), handle_monitor_get(), handle_monitor_get_resp(), handle_monitor_put(), handle_raw_message(), handle_recv(), handle_reliability_box(), handle_tcp_back(), handle_udp_back(), handle_union_p2p_strata_estimator(), handle_validation_challenge(), impl_send_continue(), inject_rekey(), main(), message_token(), monitor_notify_all(), mq_send(), mq_send_impl(), notify_listeners(), play(), process_helper_msgs(), process_record_messages(), queue_finish(), recv_message(), reliability_box_message(), request_done(), route_control_message_without_fc(), route_message(), route_via_neighbour(), run(), save(), send_challenge(), send_channel_data_ack(), send_channel_open(), send_icmp_packet_via_tun(), send_keepalive(), send_open_ack(), send_start_messages(), send_tcp_packet_via_tun(), send_udp_packet_via_tun(), service_client_mst_cb(), service_mq_send(), set_listen_cb(), setup_estimate_message(), setup_flood_message(), sign_ephemeral_key(), start_dv_learn(), stdin_receiver(), task_start_reconcile(), tokenized_cb(), transmit_content(), transmit_cummulative_ack_cb(), transmit_ready(), try_handle_plaintext(), validation_transmit_on_queue(), and write_message().

◆ bits [3/3]

uint32_t GNUNET_AsyncScopeId::bits[16/sizeof(uint32_t)]

Definition at line 339 of file gnunet_common.h.

◆ scope_id

struct GNUNET_AsyncScopeId GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave::scope_id

Saved scope.

Unused if 'have_scope==GNUNET_NO'.

Definition at line 353 of file gnunet_common.h.

Referenced by GNUNET_async_scope_enter(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_do_work(), output_message(), and setup_job_headers().

◆ have_scope

int GNUNET_AsyncScopeSave::have_scope

GNUNET_YES unless this saved scope is the unnamed root scope.

Definition at line 358 of file gnunet_common.h.

Referenced by GNUNET_async_scope_enter(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_do_work(), output_message(), and setup_job_headers().

◆ mv

GNUNET_MQ_MessageValidationCallback GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::mv

Callback to validate a message of the specified type.

The closure given to mv will be this struct (not ctx). Using NULL means only size-validation using expected_size. In this case, expected_size must be non-zero.

Definition at line 499 of file gnunet_mq_lib.h.

Referenced by GNUNET_MQ_copy_handlers2().

◆ cb

GNUNET_MQ_MessageCallback GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::cb

Callback, called every time a new message of the specified type has been received.

The closure given to mv will be this struct (not ctx).

Definition at line 506 of file gnunet_mq_lib.h.

Referenced by GNUNET_MQ_copy_handlers2(), and GNUNET_MQ_set_handlers_closure().

◆ cls

void* GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::cls

◆ type [2/2]

uint16_t GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::type

Type of the message this handler covers, in host byte order.

Definition at line 516 of file gnunet_mq_lib.h.

Referenced by GNUNET_MQ_copy_handlers2().

◆ expected_size

uint16_t GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler::expected_size

Expected size of messages of this type.

Minimum size of the message if mv is non-NULL. Messages of the given type will be discarded (and the connection closed with an error reported to the application) if they do not have the right size.

Definition at line 524 of file gnunet_mq_lib.h.

Referenced by GNUNET_MQ_copy_handlers2().