143 "Contact in store uses wrong key: %s\n", str);
struct GNUNET_HashCode key
The key used in the DHT.
static pa_context * context
Pulseaudio context.
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey pubkey
Public key of the zone to look in.
static char * value
Value of the record to add/remove.
commonly used definitions; globals in this file are exempt from the rule that the module name ("commo...
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(const void *block, size_t size, struct GNUNET_HashCode *ret)
Compute hash of a given block.
int GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_cmp(const struct GNUNET_HashCode *h1, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *h2)
Compare function for HashCodes, producing a total ordering of all hashcodes.
int GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapIteratorCallback it, void *it_cls)
Iterate over all entries in the map.
void * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get(const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key)
Given a key find a value in the map matching the key.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, const void *value)
Remove the given key-value pair from the map.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, void *value, enum GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapOption opt)
Store a key-value pair in the map.
void GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map)
Destroy a hash map.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create(unsigned int len, int do_not_copy_keys)
Create a multi hash map.
, ' bother checking if a value already exists (faster than GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE...
#define GNUNET_log(kind,...)
char * GNUNET_CRYPTO_public_key_to_string(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey *key)
Creates a (Base32) string representation of the public key.
#define GNUNET_memcmp(a, b)
Compare memory in a and b, where both must be of the same pointer type.
#define GNUNET_memcpy(dst, src, n)
Call memcpy() but check for n being 0 first.
Named constants for return values.
#define GNUNET_assert(cond)
Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled.
const char * GNUNET_h2s(const struct GNUNET_HashCode *hc)
Convert a hash value to a string (for printing debug messages).
#define GNUNET_free(ptr)
Wrapper around free.
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PublicKey * get_anonymous_public_key(void)
Returns the public identity key of GNUNET_IDENTITY_ego_get_anonymous() without recalculating it every...
static struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiPeerMap * map
Peermap of PeerIdentities to "struct PeerEntry" (for fast lookup).
Internal representation of the hash map.
An identity key as per LSD0001.