21#if ! defined (__GNUNET_UTIL_LIB_H_INSIDE__)
22#error "Only <gnunet_util_lib.h> can be included directly."
static uint32_t type
Type string converted to DNS type value.
static int exit_code
Global exit code.
void GNUNET_wait_child_cancel(struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle *cwh)
Stop waiting on this child.
struct GNUNET_ChildWaitHandle * GNUNET_wait_child(struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc, GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback cb, void *cb_cls)
Starts the handling of the child processes.
void(* GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback)(void *cls, enum GNUNET_OS_ProcessStatusType type, long unsigned int exit_code)
Defines a GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback which is sent back upon death or completion of a child proces...
Process status types.
Struct which defines a Child Wait handle.
GNUNET_ChildCompletedCallback cb
Callback which is called upon completion/death of the child task.
void * cb_cls
Closure for the handle.
struct GNUNET_OS_Process * proc
Child process which is managed.