GNUnet 0.21.2
regex_internal_lib.h File Reference

library to parse regular expressions into dfa More...

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typedef void(* REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator) (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, const char *proof, int accepting, unsigned int num_edges, const struct REGEX_BLOCK_Edge *edges)
 Iterator callback function. More...
typedef void(* REGEX_INTERNAL_Found) (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *id, const struct GNUNET_DHT_PathElement *get_path, unsigned int get_path_length, const struct GNUNET_DHT_PathElement *put_path, unsigned int put_path_length)
 Search callback function. More...


struct REGEX_INTERNAL_AutomatonREGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa (const char *regex, const size_t len, unsigned int max_path_len)
 Construct DFA for the given 'regex' of length 'len'. More...
void REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a)
 Free the memory allocated by constructing the REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton. More...
int REGEX_INTERNAL_eval (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, const char *string)
 Evaluates the given 'string' against the given compiled regex. More...
size_t REGEX_INTERNAL_get_first_key (const char *input_string, size_t string_len, struct GNUNET_HashCode *key)
 Get the first key for the given input_string. More...
void REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_all_edges (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls)
 Iterate over all edges starting from start state of automaton 'a'. More...
void REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_reachable_edges (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls)
 Iterate over all edges of automaton 'a' that are reachable from a state with a proof of at least GNUNET_REGEX_INITIAL_BYTES characters. More...
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_AnnouncementREGEX_INTERNAL_announce (struct GNUNET_DHT_Handle *dht, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv, const char *regex, uint16_t compression, struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *stats)
 Announce a regular expression: put all states of the automaton in the DHT. More...
void REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement *h)
 Announce again a regular expression previously announced. More...
void REGEX_INTERNAL_announce_cancel (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement *h)
 Clear all cached data used by a regex announce. More...
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_SearchREGEX_INTERNAL_search (struct GNUNET_DHT_Handle *dht, const char *string, REGEX_INTERNAL_Found callback, void *callback_cls, struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *stats)
 Search for a peer offering a regex matching certain string in the DHT. More...
void REGEX_INTERNAL_search_cancel (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Search *h)
 Stop search and free all data used by a REGEX_INTERNAL_search() call. More...

Detailed Description

library to parse regular expressions into dfa

Maximilian Szengel

Definition in file regex_internal_lib.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef void(* REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator) (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, const char *proof, int accepting, unsigned int num_edges, const struct REGEX_BLOCK_Edge *edges)

Iterator callback function.

keyhash for current state.
proofproof for current state
acceptingGNUNET_YES if this is an accepting state, GNUNET_NO if not.
num_edgesnumber of edges leaving current state.
edgesedges leaving current state.

Definition at line 121 of file regex_internal_lib.h.


typedef void(* REGEX_INTERNAL_Found) (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *id, const struct GNUNET_DHT_PathElement *get_path, unsigned int get_path_length, const struct GNUNET_DHT_PathElement *put_path, unsigned int put_path_length)

Search callback function.

clsClosure provided in REGEX_INTERNAL_search().
idPeer providing a regex that matches the string.
get_pathPath of the get request.
get_path_lengthLength of get_path.
put_pathPath of the put request.
put_path_lengthLength of the put_path.

Definition at line 221 of file regex_internal_lib.h.

Function Documentation

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa()

struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton * REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa ( const char *  regex,
const size_t  len,
unsigned int  max_path_len 

Construct DFA for the given 'regex' of length 'len'.

Path compression means, that for example a DFA o -> a -> b -> c -> o will be compressed to o -> abc -> o. Note that this parameter influences the non-determinism of states of the resulting NFA in the DHT (number of outgoing edges with the same label). For example for an application that stores IPv4 addresses as bitstrings it could make sense to limit the path compression to 4 or 8.

regexregular expression string.
lenlength of the regular expression.
max_path_lenlimit the path compression length to the given value. If set to 1, no path compression is applied. Set to 0 for maximal possible path compression (generally not desirable).
DFA, needs to be freed using REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy().

Definition at line 3032 of file regex_internal.c.

3037 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *dfa;
3038 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *nfa;
3039 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet nfa_start_eps_cls;
3040 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet singleton_set;
3044 /* Create NFA */
3045 nfa = REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_nfa (regex, len);
3047 if (NULL == nfa)
3048 {
3050 "Could not create DFA, because NFA creation failed\n");
3051 return NULL;
3052 }
3054 dfa = GNUNET_new (struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton);
3055 dfa->type = DFA;
3056 dfa->regex = GNUNET_strdup (regex);
3058 /* Create DFA start state from epsilon closure */
3059 memset (&singleton_set, 0, sizeof(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet));
3060 state_set_append (&singleton_set, nfa->start);
3061 nfa_closure_set_create (&nfa_start_eps_cls, nfa, &singleton_set, NULL);
3062 state_set_clear (&singleton_set);
3063 dfa->start = dfa_state_create (&ctx, &nfa_start_eps_cls);
3064 automaton_add_state (dfa, dfa->start);
3066 construct_dfa_states (&ctx, nfa, dfa, dfa->start);
3069 /* Minimize DFA */
3070 if (GNUNET_OK != dfa_minimize (&ctx, dfa))
3071 {
3073 return NULL;
3074 }
3076 /* Create proofs and hashes for all states */
3078 {
3080 return NULL;
3081 }
3083 /* Compress linear DFA paths */
3084 if (1 != max_path_len)
3085 dfa_compress_paths (&ctx, dfa, max_path_len);
3087 return dfa;
static struct GNUNET_FS_Handle * ctx
#define GNUNET_log(kind,...)
#define GNUNET_strdup(a)
Wrapper around GNUNET_xstrdup_.
#define GNUNET_new(type)
Allocate a struct or union of the given type.
static struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State * dfa_state_create(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Context *ctx, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet *nfa_states)
Creates a new DFA state based on a set of NFA states.
static void construct_dfa_states(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Context *ctx, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *nfa, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *dfa, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *dfa_state)
Create DFA states based on given 'nfa' and starting with 'dfa_state'.
static void state_set_clear(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet *set)
Clears the given StateSet 'set'.
static void state_set_append(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet *set, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *state)
Append state to the given StateSet.
static int dfa_minimize(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Context *ctx, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a)
Minimize the given DFA 'a' by removing all unreachable states, removing all dead states and merging a...
static int automaton_create_proofs(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a)
Create proofs for all states in the given automaton.
static void nfa_closure_set_create(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet *ret, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *nfa, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_StateSet *states, const char *label)
Calculates the closure set for the given set of states.
static void automaton_add_state(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *s)
Add a state to the automaton 'a', always use this function to alter the states DLL of the automaton.
void REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a)
Free the memory allocated by constructing the REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton.
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton * REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_nfa(const char *regex, const size_t len)
Construct an NFA by parsing the regex string of length 'len'.
static void dfa_compress_paths(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Context *regex_ctx, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *dfa, unsigned int max_len)
Compress paths in the given 'dfa'.
static void REGEX_INTERNAL_context_init(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Context *ctx)
Initialize a new context.
Automaton representation.
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State * start
First state of the automaton.
enum REGEX_INTERNAL_AutomatonType type
Type of the automaton.
Context that contains an id counter for states and transitions as well as a DLL of automatons used as...

References automaton_add_state(), automaton_create_proofs(), construct_dfa_states(), ctx, DFA, dfa_compress_paths(), dfa_minimize(), dfa_state_create(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_log, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_strdup, nfa_closure_set_create(), REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::regex, REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy(), REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_nfa(), REGEX_INTERNAL_context_init(), REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::start, state_set_append(), state_set_clear(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::type.

Referenced by main(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_announce().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy()

void REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton a)

Free the memory allocated by constructing the REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton.

data structure.

aautomaton to be destroyed.

Definition at line 3092 of file regex_internal.c.

3094 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *s;
3095 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *next_state;
3097 if (NULL == a)
3098 return;
3100 GNUNET_free (a->regex);
3103 for (s = a->states_head; NULL != s; s = next_state)
3104 {
3105 next_state = s->next;
3108 }
3110 GNUNET_free (a);
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(head, tail, element)
Remove an element from a DLL.
#define GNUNET_free(ptr)
Wrapper around free.
static void automaton_destroy_state(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *s)
Frees the memory used by State s.
char * canonical_regex
Canonical regex (result of RX->NFA->DFA->RX)
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State * states_tail
DLL of states.
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State * states_head
DLL of states.
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State * next
This is a linked list to keep states in an automaton.

References automaton_destroy_state(), REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::canonical_regex, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_free, REGEX_INTERNAL_State::next, REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::regex, REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::states_head, and REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::states_tail.

Referenced by main(), REGEX_INTERNAL_announce_cancel(), REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_nfa().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:


int REGEX_INTERNAL_eval ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton a,
const char *  string 

Evaluates the given 'string' against the given compiled regex.

stringstring to check.
0 if string matches, non 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 3219 of file regex_internal.c.

3221 int result;
3223 switch (a->type)
3224 {
3225 case DFA:
3226 result = evaluate_dfa (a, string);
3227 break;
3229 case NFA:
3230 result = evaluate_nfa (a, string);
3231 break;
3233 default:
3235 "Evaluating regex failed, automaton has no type!\n");
3237 break;
3238 }
3240 return result;
static int result
Global testing status.
static int evaluate_dfa(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, const char *string)
Evaluates the given string using the given DFA automaton.
static int evaluate_nfa(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, const char *string)
Evaluates the given string using the given NFA automaton.

References DFA, evaluate_dfa(), evaluate_nfa(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, GNUNET_log, GNUNET_SYSERR, NFA, result, and REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_get_first_key()

size_t REGEX_INTERNAL_get_first_key ( const char *  input_string,
size_t  string_len,
struct GNUNET_HashCode key 

Get the first key for the given input_string.

This hashes the first x bits of the input_string.

string_lenlength of the input_string.
keypointer to where to write the hash code.
number of bits of input_string that have been consumed to construct the key

Definition at line 3289 of file regex_internal.c.

3293 size_t size;
3295 size = string_len < GNUNET_REGEX_INITIAL_BYTES ? string_len
3297 if (NULL == input_string)
3298 {
3299 GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Given input string was NULL!\n");
3300 return 0;
3301 }
3302 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (input_string, size, key);
3304 return size;
struct GNUNET_HashCode key
The key used in the DHT.
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(const void *block, size_t size, struct GNUNET_HashCode *ret)
Compute hash of a given block.
Definition: crypto_hash.c:41
Constant for how many bytes the initial string regex should have.
static unsigned int size
Size of the "table".
Definition: peer.c:68


Referenced by REGEX_INTERNAL_search().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_all_edges()

void REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_all_edges ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton a,
REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator  iterator,
void *  iterator_cls 

Iterate over all edges starting from start state of automaton 'a'.

Calling iterator for each edge.

iteratoriterator called for each edge.

Definition at line 3433 of file regex_internal.c.

3437 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *s;
3439 GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Iterating over starting edges\n");
3442 NULL,
3443 a->start,
3444 iterator,
3445 iterator_cls);
3446 GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Iterating over DFA edges\n");
3447 for (s = a->states_head; NULL != s; s = s->next)
3448 {
3449 struct REGEX_BLOCK_Edge edges[s->transition_count];
3450 unsigned int num_edges;
3452 num_edges = state_get_edges (s, edges);
3453 if (((NULL != s->proof) && (0 < strlen (s->proof))) || s->accepting)
3454 {
3456 "Creating DFA edges at `%s' under key %s\n",
3457 s->proof,
3458 GNUNET_h2s (&s->hash));
3459 iterator (iterator_cls,
3460 &s->hash,
3461 s->proof,
3462 s->accepting,
3463 num_edges,
3464 edges);
3465 }
3466 s->marked = GNUNET_NO;
3467 }
const char * GNUNET_h2s(const struct GNUNET_HashCode *hc)
Convert a hash value to a string (for printing debug messages).
static unsigned int state_get_edges(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *s, struct REGEX_BLOCK_Edge *edges)
Get all edges leaving state s.
static void iterate_initial_edge(unsigned int min_len, unsigned int max_len, char *consumed_string, struct REGEX_INTERNAL_State *state, REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls)
Recursive function that calls the iterator for each synthetic start state.
Edge representation.
char * proof
Proof for this state.
int marked
Marking of the state.
int accepting
If this is an accepting state or not.
struct GNUNET_HashCode hash
Hash of the state.

References GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_h2s(), GNUNET_log, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_REGEX_INITIAL_BYTES, iterate_initial_edge(), REGEX_INTERNAL_State::next, REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::start, state_get_edges(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::states_head.

Referenced by main(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_reachable_edges().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_reachable_edges()

void REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_reachable_edges ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton a,
REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator  iterator,
void *  iterator_cls 

Iterate over all edges of automaton 'a' that are reachable from a state with a proof of at least GNUNET_REGEX_INITIAL_BYTES characters.

Call the iterator for each such edge.

iteratoriterator called for each reachable edge.

Definition at line 3635 of file regex_internal.c.

3640 struct client_iterator ci;
3643 ci.iterator = iterator;
3644 ci.iterator_cls = iterator_cls;
int GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapIteratorCallback it, void *it_cls)
Iterate over all entries in the map.
void GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map)
Destroy a hash map.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create(unsigned int len, int do_not_copy_keys)
Create a multi hash map.
void REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_all_edges(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls)
Iterate over all edges starting from start state of automaton 'a'.
static int iterate_reachables(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, void *value)
Iterator over hash map entries.
static void store_all_states(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, const char *proof, int accepting, unsigned int num_edges, const struct REGEX_BLOCK_Edge *edges)
Iterator over all edges of a dfa.
static int reachability_iterator(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, void *value)
Iterator over hash map entries to mark the ones that are reachable.
Internal representation of the hash map.
unsigned int state_count
Number of states in the automaton.
Store regex iterator and cls in one place to pass to the hashmap iterator.
REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator iterator

References GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate(), GNUNET_NO, iterate_reachables(), client_iterator::iterator, client_iterator::iterator_cls, reachability_iterator(), REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_all_edges(), REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton::state_count, and store_all_states().

Referenced by main(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_announce()

struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement * REGEX_INTERNAL_announce ( struct GNUNET_DHT_Handle dht,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey priv,
const char *  regex,
uint16_t  compression,
struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle stats 

Announce a regular expression: put all states of the automaton in the DHT.

Does not free resources, must call REGEX_INTERNAL_announce_cancel() for that.

dhtAn existing and valid DHT service handle. CANNOT be NULL.
privour private key, must remain valid until the announcement is cancelled
regexRegular expression to announce.
compressionHow many characters per edge can we squeeze?
statsOptional statistics handle to report usage. Can be NULL.
Handle to reuse o free cached resources. Must be freed by calling REGEX_INTERNAL_announce_cancel().

Definition at line 198 of file regex_internal_dht.c.

206 GNUNET_assert (NULL != dht);
208 h->regex = regex;
209 h->dht = dht;
210 h->stats = stats;
211 h->priv = priv;
212 h->dfa = REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa (regex, strlen (regex), compression);
214 return h;
static struct GNUNET_ARM_Handle * h
Connection with ARM.
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:99
static struct GNUNET_DHT_Handle * dht
Handle to the DHT.
static struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle * stats
Handle to the statistics service.
#define GNUNET_assert(cond)
Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled.
struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton * REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa(const char *regex, const size_t len, unsigned int max_path_len)
Construct DFA for the given 'regex' of length 'len'.
void REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement *h)
Announce again a regular expression previously announced.
Handle to store cached data about a regex announce.
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey * priv
Our private key.
const char * regex
Regular expression.

References dht, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_new, h, REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement::priv, REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement::regex, REGEX_INTERNAL_construct_dfa(), REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce(), and stats.

Referenced by handle_announce(), and reannounce_regex().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce()

void REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement h)

Announce again a regular expression previously announced.

Does use caching to speed up process.

hHandle returned by a previous REGEX_INTERNAL_announce() call.

Definition at line 219 of file regex_internal_dht.c.

221 GNUNET_assert (NULL != h->dfa); /* make sure to call announce first */
223 "REGEX_INTERNAL_reannounce: %s\n",
224 h->regex);
227 h);
void REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_reachable_edges(struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Automaton *a, REGEX_INTERNAL_KeyIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls)
Iterate over all edges of automaton 'a' that are reachable from a state with a proof of at least GNUN...
static void regex_iterator(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, const char *proof, int accepting, unsigned int num_edges, const struct REGEX_BLOCK_Edge *edges)
Regex callback iterator to store own service description in the DHT.
#define LOG(kind,...)

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, h, LOG, REGEX_INTERNAL_iterate_reachable_edges(), and regex_iterator().

Referenced by reannounce(), reannounce_regex(), and REGEX_INTERNAL_announce().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_announce_cancel()

void REGEX_INTERNAL_announce_cancel ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Announcement h)

Clear all cached data used by a regex announce.

Does not close DHT connection.

hHandle returned by a previous REGEX_INTERNAL_announce() call.

Definition at line 238 of file regex_internal_dht.c.

241 GNUNET_free (h);

References GNUNET_free, h, and REGEX_INTERNAL_automaton_destroy().

Referenced by client_disconnect_cb(), and shutdown_task().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:


struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Search * REGEX_INTERNAL_search ( struct GNUNET_DHT_Handle dht,
const char *  string,
REGEX_INTERNAL_Found  callback,
void *  callback_cls,
struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle stats 

Search for a peer offering a regex matching certain string in the DHT.

The search runs until REGEX_INTERNAL_search_cancel() is called, even if results are returned.

dhtAn existing and valid DHT service handle.
stringString to match against the regexes in the DHT.
callbackCallback for found peers.
callback_clsClosure for callback.
statsOptional statistics handle to report usage. Can be NULL.
Handle to stop search and free resources. Must be freed by calling REGEX_INTERNAL_search_cancel().

Definition at line 698 of file regex_internal_dht.c.

704 struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Search *h;
705 struct GNUNET_DHT_GetHandle *get_h;
706 struct RegexSearchContext *ctx;
707 struct GNUNET_HashCode key;
708 size_t size;
709 size_t len;
711 /* Initialize handle */
712 GNUNET_assert (NULL != dht);
713 GNUNET_assert (NULL != callback);
715 h->dht = dht;
716 h->description = GNUNET_strdup (string);
717 h->callback = callback;
718 h->callback_cls = callback_cls;
719 h->stats = stats;
720 h->dht_get_handles = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (32, GNUNET_NO);
721 h->dht_get_results = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (32, GNUNET_NO);
723 /* Initialize context */
724 len = strlen (string);
725 size = REGEX_INTERNAL_get_first_key (string, len, &key);
727 "Initial key for `%s' is %s (based on `%.*s')\n",
728 string,
729 GNUNET_h2s (&key),
730 (int) size,
731 string);
733 ctx->position = size;
734 ctx->info = h;
735 GNUNET_array_append (h->contexts,
736 h->n_contexts,
737 ctx);
738 /* Start search in DHT */
739 get_h = GNUNET_DHT_get_start (h->dht, /* handle */
741 &key, /* key to search */
742 DHT_REPLICATION, /* replication level */
743 DHT_OPT,
744 &h->description[size], /* xquery */
745 // FIXME add BLOOMFILTER to exclude filtered peers
746 len + 1 - size, /* xquery bits */
750 GNUNET_OK ==
751 GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (h->dht_get_handles,
752 &key,
753 get_h,
755 );
757 return h;
struct GNUNET_DHT_GetHandle * GNUNET_DHT_get_start(struct GNUNET_DHT_Handle *handle, enum GNUNET_BLOCK_Type type, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, uint32_t desired_replication_level, enum GNUNET_DHT_RouteOption options, const void *xquery, size_t xquery_size, GNUNET_DHT_GetIterator iter, void *iter_cls)
Perform an asynchronous GET operation on the DHT identified.
Definition: dht_api.c:1162
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, void *value, enum GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapOption opt)
Store a key-value pair in the map.
, ' bother checking if a value already exists (faster than GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE...
#define GNUNET_break(cond)
Use this for internal assertion violations that are not fatal (can be handled) but should not occur.
#define GNUNET_array_append(arr, len, element)
Append an element to an array (growing the array by one).
size_t REGEX_INTERNAL_get_first_key(const char *input_string, size_t string_len, struct GNUNET_HashCode *key)
Get the first key for the given input_string.
static void dht_get_string_handler(void *cls, struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute exp, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *trunc_peer, const struct GNUNET_DHT_PathElement *get_path, unsigned int get_path_length, const struct GNUNET_DHT_PathElement *put_path, unsigned int put_path_length, enum GNUNET_BLOCK_Type type, size_t size, const void *data)
Function to process DHT string to regex matching.
DHT replication level to use.
#define DHT_OPT
DHT options to set.
Block to store a cadet regex state.
Handle to a GET request.
Definition: dht_api.c:79
A 512-bit hashcode.
Struct to keep information of searches of services described by a regex using a user-provided string ...
Struct to keep state of running searches that have consumed a part of the initial string.

References ctx, dht, dht_get_string_handler(), DHT_OPT, DHT_REPLICATION, GNUNET_array_append, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_BLOCK_TYPE_REGEX, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE_FAST, GNUNET_DHT_get_start(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, GNUNET_h2s(), GNUNET_new, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_strdup, h, key, LOG, REGEX_INTERNAL_get_first_key(), size, and stats.

Referenced by dht_connect_cb(), and handle_search().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ REGEX_INTERNAL_search_cancel()

void REGEX_INTERNAL_search_cancel ( struct REGEX_INTERNAL_Search h)

Stop search and free all data used by a REGEX_INTERNAL_search() call.

Does not close DHT connection.

hHandle returned by a previous REGEX_INTERNAL_search() call.

Stop search and free all data used by a REGEX_INTERNAL_search() call.

hthe search context.

Definition at line 809 of file regex_internal_dht.c.

811 unsigned int i;
813 GNUNET_free (h->description);
815 &regex_cancel_dht_get, NULL);
817 &regex_free_result, NULL);
818 GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (h->dht_get_results);
819 GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (h->dht_get_handles);
820 if (0 < h->n_contexts)
821 {
822 for (i = 0; i < h->n_contexts; i++)
823 GNUNET_free (h->contexts[i]);
824 GNUNET_free (h->contexts);
825 }
826 GNUNET_free (h);
static int regex_cancel_dht_get(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, void *value)
Iterator over hash map entries to cancel DHT GET requests after a successful connect_by_string.
static int regex_free_result(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *key, void *value)
Iterator over hash map entries to free CadetRegexBlocks stored during the search for connect_by_strin...

References GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate(), GNUNET_free, h, regex_cancel_dht_get(), and regex_free_result().

Referenced by client_disconnect_cb(), and dht_da().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: