199 if (NULL == callback)
struct GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandlers handlers[]
struct GNUNET_MessageHeader * msg
struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope * env
static void handle_get_peers(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_LocalInfoPeers *info)
Process a local reply about info on all tunnels, pass info to the user.
static void error_handler(void *cls, enum GNUNET_MQ_Error error)
Function called on connection trouble.
static void reconnect(void *cls)
Reconnect to the service and try again.
static void handle_get_peers_end(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg)
Process a end of list reply about info on all peers.
P2P messages used by CADET.
static int ret
Final status code.
static struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle * cfg
Our configuration.
static void get_peers(void *cls)
Call CADET's meta API, get all peers known to a peer.
CADET service; establish channels to distant peers.
void(* GNUNET_CADET_PeersCB)(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_PeerListEntry *ple)
Method called to retrieve information about all peers in CADET, called once per peer.
struct GNUNET_CADET_PeersLister * GNUNET_CADET_list_peers(const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg, GNUNET_CADET_PeersCB callback, void *callback_cls)
Request information about peers known to the running cadet service.
void * GNUNET_CADET_list_peers_cancel(struct GNUNET_CADET_PeersLister *pl)
Cancel a peer info request.
struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle * GNUNET_CLIENT_connect(const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg, const char *service_name, const struct GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler *handlers, GNUNET_MQ_ErrorHandler error_handler, void *error_handler_cls)
Create a message queue to connect to a GNUnet service.
#define GNUNET_break(cond)
Use this for internal assertion violations that are not fatal (can be handled) but should not occur.
#define GNUNET_new(type)
Allocate a struct or union of the given type.
#define GNUNET_free(ptr)
Wrapper around free.
Error codes for the queue.
void GNUNET_MQ_send(struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle *mq, struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope *ev)
Send a message with the given message queue.
#define GNUNET_MQ_handler_end()
End-marker for the handlers array.
#define GNUNET_MQ_msg(mvar, type)
Allocate a GNUNET_MQ_Envelope.
#define GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size(name, code, str, ctx)
void GNUNET_MQ_destroy(struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle *mq)
Destroy the message queue.
Request local information about all peers known to the service.
Local information about all peers known to the service.
End of local information about all peers known to the service.
void * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *task)
Cancel the task with the specified identifier.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run with a specified delay.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative GNUNET_TIME_randomized_backoff(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative rt, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative threshold)
Randomized exponential back-off, starting at 1 ms and going up by a factor of 2+r,...
One minute.
Message to inform the client about one of the peers in the service.
Information we return per peer.
unsigned int best_path_length
Length of the shortest path (0 = unknown, 1 = ourselves, 2 = direct neighbour).
unsigned int n_paths
Number of disjoint known paths to peer.
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity peer
Which peer is the information about?
int have_tunnel
Do we have a tunnel to this peer?
void * peers_cb_cls
Info callback closure for info_cb.
struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle * mq
Message queue to talk to CADET service.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * reconnect_task
Task to reconnect.
GNUNET_CADET_PeersCB peers_cb
Monitor callback.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative backoff
Backoff for reconnect attempts.
const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle * cfg
Configuration we use.
Handle to a message queue.
Message handler for a specific message type.
Entry in list of pending tasks.
Time for relative time used by GNUnet, in microseconds.