34#define TIMEOUT GNUNET_TIME_relative_multiply (GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS, 5)
120 _ (
"\nEnd of transmission. Have a GNU day.\n"));
139 "Failed to enable microphone\n");
146 "\new are now playing your recording back. If you can hear it, your audio settings are working..."));
150 "Replaying %u bytes\n",
151 (
unsigned int) rec->size);
179 "Recorded %u bytes\n",
218 "We will now be recording you for %s. After that time, the recording will be played back to you..."),
225 "Failed to enable microphone\n");
250 "gnunet-conversation-test",
struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption options[]
#define gettext_noop(String)
static struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle * cfg
Our configuration.
static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * st
The shutdown task.
static struct GNUNET_MICROPHONE_Handle * microphone
Handle to the microphone.
static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * switch_task
Task scheduled to switch from recording to playback.
#define TIMEOUT
How long do we record before we replay?
static void record(void *cls, size_t data_size, const void *data)
Process recorded audio data.
static int ret
Final status code.
static void do_shutdown(void *cls)
Terminate test.
static struct GNUNET_SPEAKER_Handle * speaker
Handle to the speaker.
static void switch_to_speaker(void *cls)
Terminate recording process and switch to playback.
static struct Recording * rec_tail
Tail of DLL with recorded frames.
static struct Recording * rec_head
Head of DLL with recorded frames.
static void run(void *cls, char *const *args, const char *cfgfile, const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
Main function that will be run by the scheduler.
int main(int argc, char *const *argv)
The main function of our code to test microphone and speaker.
static char * data
The data to insert into the dht.
static size_t data_size
Number of bytes in data.
API to access an audio microphone; provides access to hardware microphones.
API to access an audio speaker; provides access to hardware speakers.
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(head, tail, element)
Remove an element from a DLL.
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail(head, tail, element)
Insert an element at the tail of a DLL.
#define GNUNET_log(kind,...)
#define GNUNET_memcpy(dst, src, n)
Call memcpy() but check for n being 0 first.
#define GNUNET_assert(cond)
Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled.
#define GNUNET_malloc(size)
Wrapper around malloc.
#define GNUNET_free(ptr)
Wrapper around free.
void GNUNET_MICROPHONE_destroy(struct GNUNET_MICROPHONE_Handle *microphone)
Destroy a microphone.
struct GNUNET_MICROPHONE_Handle * GNUNET_MICROPHONE_create_from_hardware(const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
Create a microphone that corresponds to the microphone hardware of our system.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_PROGRAM_run(int argc, char *const *argv, const char *binaryName, const char *binaryHelp, const struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption *options, GNUNET_PROGRAM_Main task, void *task_cls)
Run a standard GNUnet command startup sequence (initialize loggers and configuration,...
void GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown(void)
Request the shutdown of a scheduler.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_shutdown(GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run on shutdown, that is when a CTRL-C signal is received,...
void * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *task)
Cancel the task with the specified identifier.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run with a specified delay.
struct GNUNET_SPEAKER_Handle * GNUNET_SPEAKER_create_from_hardware(const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
Create a speaker that corresponds to the speaker hardware of our system.
void GNUNET_SPEAKER_destroy(struct GNUNET_SPEAKER_Handle *speaker)
Destroy a speaker.
const char * GNUNET_STRINGS_relative_time_to_string(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delta, int do_round)
Give relative time in human-readable fancy format.
Definition of a command line option.
A microphone is a device that can capture or otherwise produce audio data.
void * cls
Closure for the callbacks.
GNUNET_MICROPHONE_DisableCallback disable_microphone
Turn the microphone off.
GNUNET_MICROPHONE_EnableCallback enable_microphone
Turn on the microphone.
Entry in list of pending tasks.
A speaker is a device that can play or record audio data.
void * cls
Closure for the callbacks.
GNUNET_SPEAKER_PlayCallback play
Play audio.
GNUNET_SPEAKER_EnableCallback enable_speaker
Turn on the speaker.
struct Recording * next
Kept in a DLL.
size_t size
Number of bytes that follow.
struct Recording * prev
Kept in a DLL.