GNUnet 0.21.2
gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c File Reference

Information we track per tunnel. More...

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Data Structures

struct  CadetTunnelSkippedKey
 Struct to old keys for skipped messages while advancing the Axolotl ratchet. More...
struct  CadetTunnelAxolotl
 Axolotl data, according to . More...
struct  CadetTunnelQueueEntry
 Struct used to save messages in a non-ready tunnel to send once connected. More...
struct  CadetTunnel
 Struct containing all information regarding a tunnel to a peer. More...
struct  EvaluationSummary
 Closure for evaluate_connection. More...
struct  ChanIterCls
 Closure for iterate_channels_cb. More...


#define LOG(level, ...)   GNUNET_log_from (level, "cadet-tun", __VA_ARGS__)
 How often do we try to decrypt payload with unverified key material? Used to limit CPU increase upon receiving bogus KX. More...
 How long do we wait until tearing down an idle tunnel? More...
 How long do we wait initially before retransmitting the KX? TODO: replace by 2 RTT if/once we have connection-level RTT data! More...
#define MAX_SKIPPED_KEYS   64
 Maximum number of skipped keys we keep in memory per tunnel. More...
#define MAX_KEY_GAP   256
 Maximum number of keys (and thus ratchet steps) we are willing to skip before we decide this is either a bogus packet or a DoS-attempt. More...
#define HIGH_BIT   0x8000000
#define LOG2(level, ...)


int GCT_alice_or_betty (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *other)
 Am I Alice or Betty (some call her Bob), or talking to myself? More...
static void mark_connection_unready (struct CadetTConnection *ct)
 Connection ct is now unready, clear it's ready flag and move it from the ready DLL to the busy DLL. More...
const char * GCT_2s (const struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Get the static string for the peer this tunnel is directed. More...
static const char * estate2s (enum CadetTunnelEState es)
 Get string description for tunnel encryption state. More...
struct CadetPeerGCT_get_destination (struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Return the peer to which this tunnel goes. More...
unsigned int GCT_count_channels (struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Returns the number of channels using a tunnel. More...
struct CadetChannellookup_channel (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn)
 Lookup a channel by its ctn. More...
unsigned int GCT_count_any_connections (const struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Counts the number of connections created for a tunnel, including busy connections. More...
static struct CadetTConnectionget_ready_connection (struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Find first connection that is ready in the list of our connections. More...
enum CadetTunnelEState GCT_get_estate (struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Get the encryption state of a tunnel. More...
static void trigger_transmissions (void *cls)
 Called when either we have a new connection, or a new message in the queue, or some existing connection has transmission capacity. More...
static void new_ephemeral (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax)
 Create a new Axolotl ephemeral (ratchet) key. More...
static void t_hmac (const void *plaintext, size_t size, uint32_t iv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *hmac)
 Calculate HMAC. More...
static void t_ax_hmac_hash (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, struct GNUNET_HashCode *hash, const void *source, unsigned int len)
 Perform a HMAC. More...
static void t_hmac_derive_key (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *out, const void *source, unsigned int len)
 Derive a symmetric encryption key from an HMAC-HASH. More...
static void t_ax_encrypt (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
 Encrypt data with the axolotl tunnel key. More...
static void t_ax_decrypt (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
 Decrypt data with the axolotl tunnel key. More...
static void t_h_encrypt (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *msg)
 Encrypt header with the axolotl header key. More...
static void t_h_decrypt (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *src, struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *dst)
 Decrypt header with the current axolotl header key. More...
static void delete_skipped_key (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, struct CadetTunnelSkippedKey *key)
 Delete a key from the list of skipped keys. More...
static ssize_t try_old_ax_keys (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *src, size_t size)
 Decrypt and verify data with the appropriate tunnel key and verify that the data has not been altered since it was sent by the remote peer. More...
static void store_skipped_key (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *HKr)
 Delete a key from the list of skipped keys. More...
static int store_ax_keys (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *HKr, uint32_t Np)
 Stage skipped AX keys and calculate the message key. More...
static ssize_t t_ax_decrypt_and_validate (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *src, size_t size)
 Decrypt and verify data with the appropriate tunnel key and verify that the data has not been altered since it was sent by the remote peer. More...
static int notify_tunnel_up_cb (void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
 Our tunnel became ready for the first time, notify channels that have been waiting. More...
void GCT_change_estate (struct CadetTunnel *t, enum CadetTunnelEState state)
 Change the tunnel encryption state. More...
static void send_kx (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetTConnection *ct, struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax)
 Send a KX message. More...
static void send_kx_auth (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetTConnection *ct, struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, int force_reply)
 Send a KX_AUTH message. More...
static void cleanup_ax (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax)
 Cleanup state used by ax. More...
static int update_ax_by_kx (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *pid, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *ephemeral_key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *ratchet_key)
 Update our Axolotl key state based on the KX data we received. More...
static void retry_kx (void *cls)
 Try to redo the KX or KX_AUTH handshake, if we can. More...
void GCT_handle_kx (struct CadetTConnection *ct, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelKeyExchangeMessage *msg)
 Handle KX message that lacks authentication (and which will thus only be considered authenticated after we respond with our own KX_AUTH and finally successfully decrypt the payload). More...
void GCT_handle_kx_auth (struct CadetTConnection *ct, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelKeyExchangeAuthMessage *msg)
 Handle KX_AUTH message. More...
static struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber get_next_free_ctn (struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Compute the next free channel tunnel number for this tunnel. More...
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber GCT_add_channel (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetChannel *ch)
 Add a channel to a tunnel, and notify channel that we are ready for transmission if we are already up. More...
void GCT_connection_lost (struct CadetTConnection *ct)
 We lost a connection, remove it from our list and clean up the connection object itself. More...
static void destroy_t_connection (void *cls, struct CadetTConnection *ct)
 Clean up connection ct of a tunnel. More...
static void destroy_tunnel (void *cls)
 This tunnel is no longer used, destroy it. More...
void GCT_remove_channel (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetChannel *ch, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn)
 Remove a channel from a tunnel. More...
static int destroy_remaining_channels (void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
 Destroy remaining channels during shutdown. More...
void GCT_destroy_tunnel_now (struct CadetTunnel *t)
 Destroys the tunnel t now, without delay. More...
static void try_send_normal_payload (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetTConnection *ct)
 Send normal payload from queue in t via connection ct. More...
static void connection_ready_cb (void *cls, int is_ready)
 A connection is is_ready for transmission. More...
static void evaluate_connection (void *cls, struct CadetTConnection *ct)
 Evaluate a connection, updating our summary information in cls about what kinds of connections we have. More...
static int consider_path_cb (void *cls, struct CadetPeerPath *path, unsigned int off)
 Consider using the path p for the tunnel t. More...
static void maintain_connections_cb (void *cls)
 Function called to maintain the connections underlying our tunnel. More...
void GCT_consider_path (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetPeerPath *p, unsigned int off)
 Consider using the path p for the tunnel t. More...
static void handle_plaintext_keepalive (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg)
 We got a keepalive. More...
static int check_plaintext_data (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelAppDataMessage *msg)
 Check that msg is well-formed. More...
static void handle_plaintext_data (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelAppDataMessage *msg)
 We received payload data for a channel. More...
static void handle_plaintext_data_ack (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDataAckMessage *ack)
 We received an acknowledgement for data we sent on a channel. More...
static void handle_plaintext_channel_open (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenMessage *copen)
 We have received a request to open a channel to a port from another peer. More...
void GCT_send_channel_destroy (struct CadetTunnel *t, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn)
 Send a DESTROY message via the tunnel. More...
static void handle_plaintext_channel_open_ack (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenAckMessage *cm)
 We have received confirmation from the target peer that the given channel could be established (the port is open). More...
static void handle_plaintext_channel_destroy (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDestroyMessage *cm)
 We received a message saying that a channel should be destroyed. More...
static int handle_decrypted (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg)
 Handles a message we decrypted, by injecting it into our message queue (which will do the dispatching). More...
static void decrypted_error_cb (void *cls, enum GNUNET_MQ_Error error)
 Function called if we had an error processing an incoming decrypted message. More...
struct CadetTunnelGCT_create_tunnel (struct CadetPeer *destination)
 Create a tunnel to destination. More...
int GCT_add_inbound_connection (struct CadetTunnel *t, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cid, struct CadetPeerPath *path)
 Add a connection to the tunnel. More...
void GCT_handle_encrypted (struct CadetTConnection *ct, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *msg)
 Handle encrypted message. More...
struct CadetTunnelQueueEntryGCT_send (struct CadetTunnel *t, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message, GCT_SendContinuation cont, void *cont_cls, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber *ctn)
 Sends an already built message on a tunnel, encrypting it and choosing the best connection if not provided. More...
void GCT_send_cancel (struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry *tq)
 Cancel a previously sent message while it's in the queue. More...
void GCT_iterate_connections (struct CadetTunnel *t, GCT_ConnectionIterator iter, void *iter_cls)
 Iterate over all connections of a tunnel. More...
static int iterate_channels_cb (void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
 Helper function for GCT_iterate_channels. More...
void GCT_iterate_channels (struct CadetTunnel *t, GCT_ChannelIterator iter, void *iter_cls)
 Iterate over all channels of a tunnel. More...
static int debug_channel (void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
 Call GCCH_debug() on a channel. More...
void GCT_debug (const struct CadetTunnel *t, enum GNUNET_ErrorType level)
 Log all possible info about the tunnel state. More...

Detailed Description

Information we track per tunnel.

Bartlomiej Polot
Christian Grothoff


  • proper connection evaluation during connection management:
    • consider quality (or quality spread?) of current connection set when deciding how often to do maintenance
    • interact with PEER to drive DHT GET/PUT operations based on how much we like our connections

Definition in file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LOG (   level,
)    GNUNET_log_from (level, "cadet-tun", __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 45 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.



How often do we try to decrypt payload with unverified key material? Used to limit CPU increase upon receiving bogus KX.

Definition at line 52 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.


One second.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative GNUNET_TIME_relative_multiply(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative rel, unsigned long long factor)
Multiply relative time by a given factor.
Definition: time.c:484

How long do we wait until tearing down an idle tunnel?

Definition at line 57 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.


One millisecond.

How long do we wait initially before retransmitting the KX? TODO: replace by 2 RTT if/once we have connection-level RTT data!

Definition at line 64 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.


#define MAX_SKIPPED_KEYS   64

Maximum number of skipped keys we keep in memory per tunnel.

Definition at line 70 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.


#define MAX_KEY_GAP   256

Maximum number of keys (and thus ratchet steps) we are willing to skip before we decide this is either a bogus packet or a DoS-attempt.

Definition at line 76 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.


#define HIGH_BIT   0x8000000

◆ LOG2

#define LOG2 (   level,
GNUNET_log_from_nocheck (level, "cadet-tun", \
void GNUNET_log_from_nocheck(enum GNUNET_ErrorType kind, const char *comp, const char *message,...) __attribute__((format(printf
Log function that specifies an alternative component.

Definition at line 3618 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

Function Documentation

◆ GCT_alice_or_betty()

int GCT_alice_or_betty ( const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity other)

Am I Alice or Betty (some call her Bob), or talking to myself?

otherthe other peer
GNUNET_YES for Alice, GNUNET_NO for Betty, GNUNET_SYSERR if talking to myself

Definition at line 468 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

470 if (0 > GNUNET_memcmp (&my_full_id,
471 other))
472 return GNUNET_YES;
473 else if (0 < GNUNET_memcmp (&my_full_id,
474 other))
475 return GNUNET_NO;
476 else
477 {
478 GNUNET_break_op (0);
479 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
480 }
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity my_full_id
Local peer own ID.
Definition: gnunet-hello.c:101
#define GNUNET_memcmp(a, b)
Compare memory in a and b, where both must be of the same pointer type.
#define GNUNET_break_op(cond)
Use this for assertion violations caused by other peers (i.e.

References GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_memcmp, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_YES, and my_full_id.

Referenced by GCT_handle_kx(), send_create(), send_kx(), and update_ax_by_kx().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mark_connection_unready()

static void mark_connection_unready ( struct CadetTConnection ct)

Connection ct is now unready, clear it's ready flag and move it from the ready DLL to the busy DLL.

ctconnection to move to unready status

Definition at line 491 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

493 struct CadetTunnel *t = ct->t;
496 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (t->connection_ready_head,
497 t->connection_ready_tail,
498 ct);
499 GNUNET_assert (0 < t->num_ready_connections);
500 t->num_ready_connections--;
501 ct->is_ready = GNUNET_NO;
502 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (t->connection_busy_head,
503 t->connection_busy_tail,
504 ct);
505 t->num_busy_connections++;
static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * t
Main task.
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(head, tail, element)
Remove an element from a DLL.
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert(head, tail, element)
Insert an element at the head of a DLL.
#define GNUNET_assert(cond)
Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled.
int is_ready
Is the connection currently ready for transmission?
struct CadetTunnel * t
Tunnel this connection belongs to.
Struct containing all information regarding a tunnel to a peer.

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_YES, CadetTConnection::is_ready, t, and CadetTConnection::t.

Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), send_kx(), send_kx_auth(), and try_send_normal_payload().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_2s()

const char * GCT_2s ( const struct CadetTunnel t)

Get the static string for the peer this tunnel is directed.

Static string the destination peer's ID.

Definition at line 517 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

519 static char buf[64];
521 if (NULL == t)
522 return "Tunnel(NULL)";
523 GNUNET_snprintf (buf,
524 sizeof(buf),
525 "Tunnel %s",
526 GNUNET_i2s (GCP_get_id (t->destination)));
527 return buf;
const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity * GCP_get_id(struct CadetPeer *cp)
Obtain the peer identity for a struct CadetPeer.
const char * GNUNET_i2s(const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *pid)
Convert a peer identity to a string (for printing debug messages).
int GNUNET_snprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf
Like snprintf, just aborts if the buffer is of insufficient size.

References GCP_get_id(), GNUNET_i2s(), GNUNET_snprintf(), and t.

Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), consider_path_cb(), destroy_tunnel(), GCC_2s(), GCCH_bind(), GCCH_channel_local_new(), GCCH_debug(), GCP_drop_tunnel(), GCT_add_channel(), GCT_add_inbound_connection(), GCT_change_estate(), GCT_consider_path(), GCT_debug(), GCT_handle_encrypted(), GCT_handle_kx(), GCT_handle_kx_auth(), GCT_remove_channel(), GCT_send(), handle_plaintext_channel_destroy(), handle_plaintext_channel_open(), handle_plaintext_channel_open_ack(), handle_plaintext_keepalive(), maintain_connections_cb(), retry_kx(), send_keepalive(), send_kx(), send_kx_auth(), try_send_normal_payload(), and update_state().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ estate2s()

static const char * estate2s ( enum CadetTunnelEState  es)

Get string description for tunnel encryption state.

esTunnel state.
String representation.

Definition at line 539 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

541 static char buf[32];
543 switch (es)
544 {
556 return "CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK";
557 }
558 GNUNET_snprintf (buf,
559 sizeof(buf),
560 "%u (UNKNOWN STATE)",
561 es);
562 return buf;
KX received and we sent KX_AUTH back, but we got no traffic yet, so we're waiting for either KX_AUTH ...
KX message sent, waiting for other peer's KX_AUTH.
Uninitialized status, we need to send KX.
KX message sent and received, trying to send back KX_AUTH.
Handshake completed: session key available.
KX message received, trying to send back KX_AUTH.


Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), GCT_change_estate(), GCT_debug(), retry_kx(), and send_kx().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_get_destination()

struct CadetPeer * GCT_get_destination ( struct CadetTunnel t)

Return the peer to which this tunnel goes.

ta tunnel
the destination of the tunnel

Definition at line 573 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

575 return t->destination;

References t.

Referenced by GCCH_2s(), GCCH_bind(), GCCH_channel_incoming_new(), get_next_free_ctn(), and timeout_closed_cb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_count_channels()

unsigned int GCT_count_channels ( struct CadetTunnel t)

Returns the number of channels using a tunnel.

tTunnel in question.
Number of channels using the tunnel.

Definition at line 580 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

582 return GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_size (t->channels);
unsigned int GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_size(const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map)
Get the number of key-value pairs in the map.

References GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_size(), and t.

Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), destroy_tunnel(), GCT_destroy_tunnel_now(), GCT_remove_channel(), get_all_tunnels_iterator(), and retry_kx().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookup_channel()

struct CadetChannel * lookup_channel ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber  ctn 

Lookup a channel by its ctn.

ttunnel to look in
ctnnumber of channel to find
NULL if channel does not exist

Definition at line 594 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

597 return GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_get (t->channels,
598 ntohl (;
void * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_get(const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map, uint32_t key)
Given a key find a value in the map matching the key.
uint32_t cn
Which number does this channel have that uniquely identifies it within its tunnel,...

References GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, CadetChannel::ctn, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_get(), and t.

Referenced by GCT_send(), handle_plaintext_channel_destroy(), handle_plaintext_channel_open_ack(), handle_plaintext_data(), and handle_plaintext_data_ack().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_count_any_connections()

unsigned int GCT_count_any_connections ( const struct CadetTunnel t)

Counts the number of connections created for a tunnel, including busy connections.

tTunnel to be counted.
Number of connections created for the tunnel.

Definition at line 603 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

605 return t->num_ready_connections + t->num_busy_connections;

References t.

Referenced by consider_path_cb(), GCT_debug(), get_all_tunnels_iterator(), and maintain_connections_cb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_ready_connection()

static struct CadetTConnection * get_ready_connection ( struct CadetTunnel t)

Find first connection that is ready in the list of our connections.

Picks ready connections round-robin.

ttunnel to search
NULL if we have no connection that is ready

Definition at line 617 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

619 struct CadetTConnection *hd = t->connection_ready_head;
621 GNUNET_assert ((NULL == hd) ||
622 (GNUNET_YES == hd->is_ready));
623 return hd;
Entry in list of connections used by tunnel, with metadata.

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_YES, CadetTConnection::is_ready, and t.

Referenced by send_kx(), send_kx_auth(), and trigger_transmissions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_get_estate()

enum CadetTunnelEState GCT_get_estate ( struct CadetTunnel t)

Get the encryption state of a tunnel.

Tunnel's encryption state.

Definition at line 635 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

637 return t->estate;

References t.

Referenced by get_all_tunnels_iterator(), handle_connection_create(), send_create(), and send_keepalive().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trigger_transmissions()

static void trigger_transmissions ( void *  cls)

Called when either we have a new connection, or a new message in the queue, or some existing connection has transmission capacity.

Looks at our message queue and if there is a message, picks a connection to send it on.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel to process messages on

Definition at line 2491 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2493 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2494 struct CadetTConnection *ct;
2496 t->send_task = NULL;
2497 if (NULL == t->tq_head)
2498 return; /* no messages pending right now */
2499 ct = get_ready_connection (t);
2500 if (NULL == ct)
2501 return; /* no connections ready */
2503 ct);
static void try_send_normal_payload(struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetTConnection *ct)
Send normal payload from queue in t via connection ct.
static struct CadetTConnection * get_ready_connection(struct CadetTunnel *t)
Find first connection that is ready in the list of our connections.

References get_ready_connection(), t, and try_send_normal_payload().

Referenced by GCT_change_estate(), GCT_handle_encrypted(), and GCT_send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ new_ephemeral()

static void new_ephemeral ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax)

Create a new Axolotl ephemeral (ratchet) key.

axkey material to update

Definition at line 662 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

665 "Creating new ephemeral ratchet key (DHRs)\n");
#define LOG(level,...)
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_create(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *pk)
Create a new private key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:454
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey DHRs
ECDH Ratchet key (our private key in the current DH).

References CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRs, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_create(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, and LOG.

Referenced by GCT_create_tunnel(), and t_ax_encrypt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_hmac()

static void t_hmac ( const void *  plaintext,
size_t  size,
uint32_t  iv,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey key,
struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode hmac 

Calculate HMAC.

plaintextContent to HMAC.
sizeSize of plaintext.
ivInitialization vector for the message.
keyKey to use.
[out]hmacDestination to store the HMAC.

Definition at line 680 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

686 static const char ctx[] = "cadet authentication key";
687 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_AuthKey auth_key;
688 struct GNUNET_HashCode hash;
691 key,
692 &iv, sizeof(iv),
693 key, sizeof(*key),
694 ctx, sizeof(ctx),
695 NULL);
696 /* Two step: GNUNET_ShortHash is only 256 bits,
697 GNUNET_HashCode is 512, so we truncate. */
698 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac (&auth_key,
699 plaintext,
700 size,
701 &hash);
702 GNUNET_memcpy (hmac,
703 &hash,
704 sizeof(*hmac));
struct GNUNET_HashCode key
The key used in the DHT.
static struct GNUNET_FS_Handle * ctx
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_AuthKey *key, const void *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len, struct GNUNET_HashCode *hmac)
Calculate HMAC of a message (RFC 2104)
Definition: crypto_hash.c:330
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_derive_key(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_AuthKey *key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *rkey, const void *salt, size_t salt_len,...)
Derive an authentication key.
Definition: crypto_hash.c:267
#define GNUNET_memcpy(dst, src, n)
Call memcpy() but check for n being 0 first.
static unsigned int size
Size of the "table".
Definition: peer.c:68
type for (message) authentication keys
A 512-bit hashcode.

References ctx, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_derive_key(), GNUNET_memcpy, key, and size.

Referenced by GCT_send(), t_ax_decrypt_and_validate(), and try_old_ax_keys().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_ax_hmac_hash()

static void t_ax_hmac_hash ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey key,
struct GNUNET_HashCode hash,
const void *  source,
unsigned int  len 

Perform a HMAC.

keyKey to use.
[out]hashResulting HMAC.
sourceSource key material (data to HMAC).
lenLength of source.

Definition at line 717 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

722 static const char ctx[] = "axolotl HMAC-HASH";
723 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_AuthKey auth_key;
726 key,
727 ctx, sizeof(ctx),
728 NULL);
729 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac (&auth_key,
730 source,
731 len,
732 hash);
static GstElement * source
Appsrc instance into which we write data for the pipeline.

References ctx, GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hmac_derive_key(), key, and source.

Referenced by t_ax_decrypt_and_validate(), t_ax_encrypt(), and t_hmac_derive_key().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_hmac_derive_key()

static void t_hmac_derive_key ( const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey key,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey out,
const void *  source,
unsigned int  len 

Derive a symmetric encryption key from an HMAC-HASH.

keyKey to use for the HMAC.
[out]outKey to generate.
sourceSource key material (data to HMAC).
lenLength of source.

Definition at line 745 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

750 static const char ctx[] = "axolotl derive key";
751 struct GNUNET_HashCode h;
754 &h,
755 source,
756 len);
757 GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf (out, sizeof(*out),
758 ctx, sizeof(ctx),
759 &h, sizeof(h),
760 NULL);
static struct GNUNET_ARM_Handle * h
Connection with ARM.
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:99
static void t_ax_hmac_hash(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, struct GNUNET_HashCode *hash, const void *source, unsigned int len)
Perform a HMAC.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(void *result, size_t out_len, const void *xts, size_t xts_len, const void *skm, size_t skm_len,...)
Derive key.
Definition: crypto_kdf.c:62

References ctx, GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), h, key, source, and t_ax_hmac_hash().

Referenced by store_skipped_key(), t_ax_decrypt(), and t_ax_encrypt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_ax_encrypt()

static void t_ax_encrypt ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
void *  dst,
const void *  src,
size_t  size 

Encrypt data with the axolotl tunnel key.

axkey material to use.
dstDestination with size bytes for the encrypted data.
srcSource of the plaintext. Can overlap with dst, must contain size bytes
sizeSize of the buffers at src and dst

Definition at line 773 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

780 size_t out_size;
782 ax->ratchet_counter++;
783 if ((GNUNET_YES == ax->ratchet_allowed) &&
784 ((ratchet_messages <= ax->ratchet_counter) ||
787 {
789 }
790 if (GNUNET_YES == ax->ratchet_flag)
791 {
792 /* Advance ratchet */
794 struct GNUNET_HashCode dh;
795 struct GNUNET_HashCode hmac;
796 static const char ctx[] = "axolotl ratchet";
798 new_ephemeral (ax);
799 ax->HKs = ax->NHKs;
801 /* RK, NHKs, CKs = KDF( HMAC-HASH(RK, DH(DHRs, DHRr)) ) */
803 &ax->DHRr,
804 &dh);
805 t_ax_hmac_hash (&ax->RK,
806 &hmac,
807 &dh,
808 sizeof(dh));
809 GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf (keys, sizeof(keys),
810 ctx, sizeof(ctx),
811 &hmac, sizeof(hmac),
812 NULL);
813 ax->RK = keys[0];
814 ax->NHKs = keys[1];
815 ax->CKs = keys[2];
817 ax->PNs = ax->Ns;
818 ax->Ns = 0;
821 ax->ratchet_counter = 0;
825 }
828 &MK,
829 "0",
830 1);
832 &MK,
833 NULL, 0,
834 NULL);
836 out_size = GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_encrypt (src,
837 size,
838 &MK,
839 &iv,
840 dst);
841 GNUNET_assert (size == out_size);
843 &ax->CKs,
844 "1",
845 1);
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative ratchet_time
How long until we trigger a ratched advance due to time.
static void new_ephemeral(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax)
Create a new Axolotl ephemeral (ratchet) key.
static void t_hmac_derive_key(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *out, const void *source, unsigned int len)
Derive a symmetric encryption key from an HMAC-HASH.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_ecdh(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pub, struct GNUNET_HashCode *key_material)
Derive key material from a public and a private ECC key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:732
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_encrypt(const void *block, size_t size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *sessionkey, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector *iv, void *result)
Encrypt a block using a symmetric sessionkey.
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector *iv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *skey, const void *salt, size_t salt_len,...)
Derive an IV.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute future)
Given a timestamp in the future, how much time remains until then?
Definition: time.c:405
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(void)
Get the current time.
Definition: time.c:111
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add(struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration)
Add a given relative duration to the given start time.
Definition: time.c:450
uint32_t PNs
Previous message numbers (# of msgs sent under prev ratchet)
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey HKs
32-byte header key (currently used for sending).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute ratchet_expiration
Time when the current ratchet expires and a new one is triggered (if ratchet_allowed is GNUNET_YES).
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey DHRr
ECDH Ratchet key (other peer's public key in the current DH).
uint32_t Ns
Message number (reset to 0 with each new ratchet, next message to send).
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey RK
32-byte root key which gets updated by DH ratchet.
int ratchet_allowed
True (GNUNET_YES) if we have received a message from the other peer that uses the keys from our last ...
int ratchet_flag
True (GNUNET_YES) if we have to send a new ratchet key in next msg.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey CKs
32-byte chain keys (used for forward-secrecy) for sending messages.
unsigned int ratchet_counter
Number of messages received since our last ratchet advance.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey NHKs
32-byte next header key (for sending), used once the ratchet advances.
uint64_t rel_value_us
The actual value.

References CadetTunnelAxolotl::CKs, ctx, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRs, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_ecdh(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_encrypt(), GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(), GNUNET_YES, CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKs, new_ephemeral(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::NHKs, CadetTunnelAxolotl::Ns, CadetTunnelAxolotl::PNs, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_allowed, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_counter, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_expiration, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_flag, ratchet_time, GNUNET_TIME_Relative::rel_value_us, CadetTunnelAxolotl::RK, size, t_ax_hmac_hash(), and t_hmac_derive_key().

Referenced by GCT_send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_ax_decrypt()

static void t_ax_decrypt ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
void *  dst,
const void *  src,
size_t  size 

Decrypt data with the axolotl tunnel key.

axkey material to use.
dstDestination for the decrypted data, must contain size bytes.
srcSource of the ciphertext. Can overlap with dst, must contain size bytes.
sizeSize of the src and dst buffers

Definition at line 858 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

865 size_t out_size;
868 &MK,
869 "0",
870 1);
872 &MK,
873 NULL, 0,
874 NULL);
875 GNUNET_assert (size >= sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
876 out_size = GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_decrypt (src,
877 size,
878 &MK,
879 &iv,
880 dst);
881 GNUNET_assert (out_size == size);
883 &ax->CKr,
884 "1",
885 1);
ssize_t GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_decrypt(const void *block, size_t size, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *sessionkey, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricInitializationVector *iv, void *result)
Decrypt a given block using a symmetric sessionkey.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey CKr
32-byte chain keys (used for forward-secrecy) for receiving messages.
Header for all communications.

References CadetTunnelAxolotl::CKr, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_decrypt(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv(), size, and t_hmac_derive_key().

Referenced by t_ax_decrypt_and_validate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_h_encrypt()

static void t_h_encrypt ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage msg 

Encrypt header with the axolotl header key.

axkey material to use.
[in,out]msgMessage whose header to encrypt.

Definition at line 896 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

900 size_t out_size;
903 &ax->HKs,
904 NULL, 0,
905 NULL);
906 out_size = GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_encrypt (&msg->ax_header,
907 sizeof(struct
909 &ax->HKs,
910 &iv,
911 &msg->ax_header);
912 GNUNET_assert (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) == out_size);
struct GNUNET_MessageHeader * msg
Definition: 005.c:2
Encrypted axolotl header with numbers that identify which keys in which ratchet are to be used to dec...

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_encrypt(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKs, and msg.

Referenced by GCT_send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_h_decrypt()

static void t_h_decrypt ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage src,
struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage dst 

Decrypt header with the current axolotl header key.

axkey material to use.
srcMessage whose header to decrypt.
dstWhere to decrypt header to.

Definition at line 924 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

929 size_t out_size;
932 &ax->HKr,
933 NULL, 0,
934 NULL);
936 sizeof(struct
938 &ax->HKr,
939 &iv,
940 &dst->ax_header.Ns);
941 GNUNET_assert (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) == out_size);
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey HKr
32-byte header key (currently used for receiving)
uint32_t Ns
Number of messages sent with the current ratchet key.
struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader ax_header
Axolotl-header that specifies which keys to use in which ratchet to decrypt the body that follows.

References GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::ax_header, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_decrypt(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKr, and GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::Ns.

Referenced by t_ax_decrypt_and_validate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ delete_skipped_key()

static void delete_skipped_key ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
struct CadetTunnelSkippedKey key 

Delete a key from the list of skipped keys.

axkey material to delete key from.
keyKey to delete.

Definition at line 952 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

956 ax->skipped_tail,
957 key);
959 ax->skipped--;
#define GNUNET_free(ptr)
Wrapper around free.
unsigned int skipped
Number of elements in skipped_head <-> skipped_tail.
struct CadetTunnelSkippedKey * skipped_tail
Skipped messages' keys DLL, tail.
struct CadetTunnelSkippedKey * skipped_head
A (double linked) list of stored message keys and associated header keys for "skipped" messages,...

References GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_free, key, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_head, and CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_tail.

Referenced by cleanup_ax(), store_ax_keys(), and try_old_ax_keys().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ try_old_ax_keys()

static ssize_t try_old_ax_keys ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
void *  dst,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage src,
size_t  size 

Decrypt and verify data with the appropriate tunnel key and verify that the data has not been altered since it was sent by the remote peer.

axkey material to use.
dstDestination for the plaintext.
srcSource of the message. Can overlap with dst.
sizeSize of the message.
Size of the decrypted data, -1 if an error was encountered.

Definition at line 974 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

980 struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *hmac;
982 struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage plaintext_header;
983 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *valid_HK;
984 size_t esize;
985 size_t res;
986 size_t len;
987 unsigned int N;
990 "Trying skipped keys\n");
991 hmac = &plaintext_header.hmac;
992 esize = size - sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage);
994 /* Find a correct Header Key */
995 valid_HK = NULL;
996 for (key = ax->skipped_head; NULL != key; key = key->next)
997 {
998 t_hmac (&src->ax_header,
999 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) + esize,
1000 0,
1001 &key->HK,
1002 hmac);
1003 if (0 == GNUNET_memcmp (hmac,
1004 &src->hmac))
1005 {
1006 valid_HK = &key->HK;
1007 break;
1008 }
1009 }
1010 if (NULL == key)
1011 return -1;
1013 /* Should've been checked in -cadet_connection.c handle_cadet_encrypted. */
1015 len = size - sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage);
1016 GNUNET_assert (len >= sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
1018 /* Decrypt header */
1020 &key->HK,
1021 NULL, 0,
1022 NULL);
1024 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader),
1025 &key->HK,
1026 &iv,
1027 &plaintext_header.ax_header.Ns);
1028 GNUNET_assert (sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) == res);
1030 /* Find the correct message key */
1031 N = ntohl (plaintext_header.ax_header.Ns);
1032 while ((NULL != key) &&
1033 (N != key->Kn))
1034 key = key->next;
1035 if ((NULL == key) ||
1036 (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&key->HK,
1037 valid_HK)))
1038 return -1;
1040 /* Decrypt payload */
1042 &key->MK,
1043 NULL,
1044 0,
1045 NULL);
1047 len,
1048 &key->MK,
1049 &iv,
1050 dst);
1052 key);
1053 return res;
static char * res
Currently read line or NULL on EOF.
static void t_hmac(const void *plaintext, size_t size, uint32_t iv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *key, struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *hmac)
Calculate HMAC.
static void delete_skipped_key(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, struct CadetTunnelSkippedKey *key)
Delete a key from the list of skipped keys.
#define N
Struct to old keys for skipped messages while advancing the Axolotl ratchet.
Axolotl-encrypted tunnel message with application payload.
struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode hmac
MAC of the encrypted message, used to verify message integrity.
A 256-bit hashcode.

References GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::ax_header, delete_skipped_key(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_decrypt(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_symmetric_derive_iv(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_memcmp, GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::hmac, key, LOG, N, GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::Ns, res, size, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_head, and t_hmac().

Referenced by t_ax_decrypt_and_validate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ store_skipped_key()

static void store_skipped_key ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey HKr 

Delete a key from the list of skipped keys.

axkey material to delete from.
HKrHeader Key to use.

Definition at line 1064 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1067 struct CadetTunnelSkippedKey *key;
1070 key->timestamp = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
1071 key->Kn = ax->Nr;
1072 key->HK = ax->HKr;
1073 t_hmac_derive_key (&ax->CKr,
1074 &key->MK,
1075 "0",
1076 1);
1077 t_hmac_derive_key (&ax->CKr,
1078 &ax->CKr,
1079 "1",
1080 1);
1082 ax->skipped_tail,
1083 key);
1084 ax->skipped++;
1085 ax->Nr++;
#define GNUNET_new(type)
Allocate a struct or union of the given type.
uint32_t Nr
Message number (reset to 0 with each new ratchet, next message to recv).

References CadetTunnelAxolotl::CKr, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKr, key, CadetTunnelAxolotl::Nr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_head, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_tail, and t_hmac_derive_key().

Referenced by store_ax_keys().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ store_ax_keys()

static int store_ax_keys ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey HKr,
uint32_t  Np 

Stage skipped AX keys and calculate the message key.

Stores each HK and MK for skipped messages.

axkey material to use
HKrHeader key.
NpReceived meesage number.
GNUNET_OK if keys were stored. GNUNET_SYSERR if an error occurred (Np not expected).

Definition at line 1100 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1104 int gap;
1106 gap = Np - ax->Nr;
1108 "Storing skipped keys [%u, %u)\n",
1109 ax->Nr,
1110 Np);
1111 if (MAX_KEY_GAP < gap)
1112 {
1113 /* Avoid DoS (forcing peer to do more than #MAX_KEY_GAP HMAC operations) */
1114 /* TODO: start new key exchange on return */
1115 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1117 "Got message %u, expected %u+\n",
1118 Np,
1119 ax->Nr);
1120 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1121 }
1122 if (0 > gap)
1123 {
1124 /* Delayed message: don't store keys, flag to try old keys. */
1125 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1126 }
1128 while (ax->Nr < Np)
1130 HKr);
1132 while (ax->skipped > MAX_SKIPPED_KEYS)
1134 ax->skipped_tail);
1135 return GNUNET_OK;
#define MAX_KEY_GAP
Maximum number of keys (and thus ratchet steps) we are willing to skip before we decide this is eithe...
static void store_skipped_key(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *HKr)
Delete a key from the list of skipped keys.
Maximum number of skipped keys we keep in memory per tunnel.

References delete_skipped_key(), GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, LOG, MAX_KEY_GAP, MAX_SKIPPED_KEYS, CadetTunnelAxolotl::Nr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_tail, and store_skipped_key().

Referenced by t_ax_decrypt_and_validate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ t_ax_decrypt_and_validate()

static ssize_t t_ax_decrypt_and_validate ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
void *  dst,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage src,
size_t  size 

Decrypt and verify data with the appropriate tunnel key and verify that the data has not been altered since it was sent by the remote peer.

axkey material to use
dstDestination for the plaintext.
srcSource of the message. Can overlap with dst.
sizeSize of the message.
Size of the decrypted data, -1 if an error was encountered.

Definition at line 1150 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1156 struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode msg_hmac;
1157 struct GNUNET_HashCode hmac;
1158 struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage plaintext_header;
1159 uint32_t Np;
1160 uint32_t PNp;
1161 size_t esize; /* Size of encrypted payload */
1163 esize = size - sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage);
1165 /* Try current HK */
1166 t_hmac (&src->ax_header,
1167 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) + esize,
1168 0, &ax->HKr,
1169 &msg_hmac);
1170 if (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&msg_hmac,
1171 &src->hmac))
1172 {
1173 static const char ctx[] = "axolotl ratchet";
1174 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey keys[3]; /* RKp, NHKp, CKp */
1176 struct GNUNET_HashCode dh;
1177 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *DHRp;
1179 /* Try Next HK */
1180 t_hmac (&src->ax_header,
1181 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) + esize,
1182 0,
1183 &ax->NHKr,
1184 &msg_hmac);
1185 if (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&msg_hmac,
1186 &src->hmac))
1187 {
1188 /* Try the skipped keys, if that fails, we're out of luck. */
1189 return try_old_ax_keys (ax,
1190 dst,
1191 src,
1192 size);
1193 }
1194 HK = ax->HKr;
1195 ax->HKr = ax->NHKr;
1196 t_h_decrypt (ax,
1197 src,
1198 &plaintext_header);
1199 Np = ntohl (plaintext_header.ax_header.Ns);
1200 PNp = ntohl (plaintext_header.ax_header.PNs);
1201 DHRp = &plaintext_header.ax_header.DHRs;
1202 store_ax_keys (ax,
1203 &HK,
1204 PNp);
1206 /* RKp, NHKp, CKp = KDF (HMAC-HASH (RK, DH (DHRp, DHRs))) */
1208 DHRp,
1209 &dh);
1210 t_ax_hmac_hash (&ax->RK,
1211 &hmac,
1212 &dh, sizeof(dh));
1213 GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf (keys, sizeof(keys),
1214 ctx, sizeof(ctx),
1215 &hmac, sizeof(hmac),
1216 NULL);
1218 /* Commit "purported" keys */
1219 ax->RK = keys[0];
1220 ax->NHKr = keys[1];
1221 ax->CKr = keys[2];
1222 ax->DHRr = *DHRp;
1223 ax->Nr = 0;
1225 }
1226 else
1227 {
1228 t_h_decrypt (ax,
1229 src,
1230 &plaintext_header);
1231 Np = ntohl (plaintext_header.ax_header.Ns);
1232 PNp = ntohl (plaintext_header.ax_header.PNs);
1233 }
1234 if ((Np != ax->Nr) &&
1235 (GNUNET_OK != store_ax_keys (ax,
1236 &ax->HKr,
1237 Np)))
1238 {
1239 /* Try the skipped keys, if that fails, we're out of luck. */
1240 return try_old_ax_keys (ax,
1241 dst,
1242 src,
1243 size);
1244 }
1246 t_ax_decrypt (ax,
1247 dst,
1248 &src[1],
1249 esize);
1250 ax->Nr = Np + 1;
1251 return esize;
static void t_h_decrypt(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *src, struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *dst)
Decrypt header with the current axolotl header key.
static void t_ax_decrypt(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
Decrypt data with the axolotl tunnel key.
static int store_ax_keys(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey *HKr, uint32_t Np)
Stage skipped AX keys and calculate the message key.
static ssize_t try_old_ax_keys(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *src, size_t size)
Decrypt and verify data with the appropriate tunnel key and verify that the data has not been altered...
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey NHKr
32-byte next header key (for receiving).
Public ECC key (always for Curve25519) encoded in a format suitable for network transmission and encr...

References GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::ax_header, CadetTunnelAxolotl::CKr, ctx, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRr, GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::DHRs, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRs, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_ecdh(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), GNUNET_memcmp, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_YES, CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKr, GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::hmac, CadetTunnelAxolotl::NHKr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::Nr, GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::Ns, GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::PNs, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_allowed, CadetTunnelAxolotl::RK, size, store_ax_keys(), t_ax_decrypt(), t_ax_hmac_hash(), t_h_decrypt(), t_hmac(), and try_old_ax_keys().

Referenced by GCT_handle_encrypted().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ notify_tunnel_up_cb()

static int notify_tunnel_up_cb ( void *  cls,
uint32_t  key,
void *  value 

Our tunnel became ready for the first time, notify channels that have been waiting.

clsour tunnel, not used
keyunique ID of the channel, not used
valuethe struct CadetChannel to notify
GNUNET_OK (continue to iterate)

Definition at line 1265 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1269 struct CadetChannel *ch = value;
1272 return GNUNET_OK;
static struct GNUNET_CADET_Channel * ch
Channel handle.
Definition: gnunet-cadet.c:117
static char * value
Value of the record to add/remove.
void GCCH_tunnel_up(struct CadetChannel *ch)
Function called once and only once after a channel was bound to its tunnel via GCT_add_channel() is r...
Struct containing all information regarding a channel to a remote client.

References ch, GCCH_tunnel_up(), GNUNET_OK, and value.

Referenced by GCT_change_estate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_change_estate()

void GCT_change_estate ( struct CadetTunnel t,
enum CadetTunnelEState  state 

Change the tunnel encryption state.

If the encryption state changes to OK, stop the rekey task.

tTunnel whose encryption state to change, or NULL.
stateNew encryption state.

Definition at line 1284 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1287 enum CadetTunnelEState old = t->estate;
1289 t->estate = state;
1291 "%s estate changed from %s to %s\n",
1292 GCT_2s (t),
1293 estate2s (old),
1294 estate2s (state));
1296 if ((CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK != old) &&
1297 (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK == t->estate))
1298 {
1299 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
1300 {
1301 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
1302 t->kx_task = NULL;
1303 }
1304 /* notify all channels that have been waiting */
1307 t);
1308 if (NULL != t->send_task)
1309 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->send_task);
1311 t);
1312 }
enum State state
current state of profiling
static int notify_tunnel_up_cb(void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
Our tunnel became ready for the first time, notify channels that have been waiting.
static void trigger_transmissions(void *cls)
Called when either we have a new connection, or a new message in the queue, or some existing connecti...
static const char * estate2s(enum CadetTunnelEState es)
Get string description for tunnel encryption state.
const char * GCT_2s(const struct CadetTunnel *t)
Get the static string for the peer this tunnel is directed.
All the encryption states a tunnel can be in.
int GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterate(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapIterator32Callback it, void *it_cls)
Iterate over all entries in the map.
void * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *task)
Cancel the task with the specified identifier.
Definition: scheduler.c:981
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now(GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run as soon as possible.
Definition: scheduler.c:1305

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, estate2s(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterate(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), LOG, notify_tunnel_up_cb(), state, t, and trigger_transmissions().

Referenced by GCT_handle_encrypted(), GCT_handle_kx(), GCT_handle_kx_auth(), handle_connection_create(), send_kx(), and send_kx_auth().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_kx()

static void send_kx ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct CadetTConnection ct,
struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax 

Send a KX message.

ttunnel on which to send the KX_AUTH
ctTunnel and connection on which to send the KX_AUTH, NULL if we are to find one that is ready.
axaxolotl key context to use

Definition at line 1325 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1329 struct CadetConnection *cc;
1330 struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope *env;
1334 if (GNUNET_YES != GCT_alice_or_betty (GCP_get_id (t->destination)))
1335 return; /* only Alice may send KX */
1336 if ((NULL == ct) ||
1337 (GNUNET_NO == ct->is_ready))
1338 ct = get_ready_connection (t);
1339 if (NULL == ct)
1340 {
1342 "Wanted to send %s in state %s, but no connection is ready, deferring\n",
1343 GCT_2s (t),
1344 estate2s (t->estate));
1345 t->next_kx_attempt = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
1346 return;
1347 }
1348 cc = ct->cc;
1351 flags = GNUNET_CADET_KX_FLAG_FORCE_REPLY; /* always for KX */
1352 msg->flags = htonl (flags);
1353 msg->cid = *GCC_get_id (cc);
1355 &msg->ephemeral_key);
1356#if DEBUG_KX
1357 msg->ephemeral_key_XXX = ax->kx_0;
1358 msg->private_key_XXX = *my_private_key;
1361 "Sending KX message to %s with ephemeral %s on CID %s\n",
1362 GCT_2s (t),
1363 GNUNET_e2s (&msg->ephemeral_key),
1364 GNUNET_sh2s (&msg->cid.connection_of_tunnel));
1366 &msg->ratchet_key);
1368 t->kx_retry_delay = GNUNET_TIME_STD_BACKOFF (t->kx_retry_delay);
1369 t->next_kx_attempt = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (t->kx_retry_delay);
1373 else if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV == t->estate)
1376 GCC_transmit (cc,
1377 env);
1379 "# KX transmitted",
1380 1,
1381 GNUNET_NO);
struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope * env
Definition: 005.c:1
Flags to be used in GNUNET_CADET_KX.
The peer should reply with its KX details?
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey * my_private_key
Our private key.
Definition: gnunet-hello.c:96
void GCC_transmit(struct CadetConnection *cc, struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope *env)
Transmit message msg via connection cc.
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier * GCC_get_id(struct CadetConnection *cc)
Obtain unique ID for the connection.
static void mark_connection_unready(struct CadetTConnection *ct)
Connection ct is now unready, clear it's ready flag and move it from the ready DLL to the busy DLL.
void GCT_change_estate(struct CadetTunnel *t, enum CadetTunnelEState state)
Change the tunnel encryption state.
int GCT_alice_or_betty(const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *other)
Am I Alice or Betty (some call her Bob), or talking to myself?
static struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle * stats
Handle to the statistics service.
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_get_public(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *priv, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pub)
Extract the public key for the given private key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:217
const char * GNUNET_e2s(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *p)
Convert a public key value to a string (for printing debug messages).
const char * GNUNET_sh2s(const struct GNUNET_ShortHashCode *shc)
Convert a short hash value to a string (for printing debug messages).
#define GNUNET_MQ_msg(mvar, type)
Allocate a GNUNET_MQ_Envelope.
Definition: gnunet_mq_lib.h:78
Axolotl key exchange.
void GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *handle, const char *name, int64_t delta, int make_persistent)
Set statistic value for the peer.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative rel)
Convert relative time to an absolute time in the future.
Definition: time.c:316
Perform our standard exponential back-off calculation, starting at 1 ms and then going by a factor of...
Low-level connection to a destination.
struct CadetConnection * cc
Connection handle.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey kx_0
ECDH for key exchange (A0 / B0).
Message for a Key eXchange for a tunnel.
uint32_t flags
Flags for the key exchange in NBO, based on enum GNUNET_CADET_KX_Flags.

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT_AND_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED, CadetTConnection::cc, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRs, env, estate2s(), GNUNET_CADET_TunnelKeyExchangeMessage::flags, GCC_get_id(), GCC_transmit(), GCP_get_id(), GCT_2s(), GCT_alice_or_betty(), GCT_change_estate(), get_ready_connection(), GNUNET_CADET_KX_FLAG_FORCE_REPLY, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_get_public(), GNUNET_e2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_TUNNEL_KX, GNUNET_MQ_msg, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_sh2s(), GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute(), GNUNET_TIME_STD_BACKOFF, GNUNET_YES, CadetTConnection::is_ready, CadetTunnelAxolotl::kx_0, LOG, mark_connection_unready(), msg, my_private_key, stats, and t.

Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), GCT_handle_encrypted(), and retry_kx().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_kx_auth()

static void send_kx_auth ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct CadetTConnection ct,
struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
int  force_reply 

Send a KX_AUTH message.

ttunnel on which to send the KX_AUTH
ctTunnel and connection on which to send the KX_AUTH, NULL if we are to find one that is ready.
axaxolotl key context to use
force_replyForce the other peer to reply with a KX_AUTH message (set if we would like to transmit right now, but cannot)

Definition at line 1396 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1401 struct CadetConnection *cc;
1402 struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope *env;
1404 enum GNUNET_CADET_KX_Flags flags;
1406 if ((NULL == ct) ||
1407 (GNUNET_NO == ct->is_ready))
1408 ct = get_ready_connection (t);
1409 if (NULL == ct)
1410 {
1412 "Wanted to send KX_AUTH on %s, but no connection is ready, deferring\n",
1413 GCT_2s (t));
1414 t->next_kx_attempt = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
1415 t->kx_auth_requested = GNUNET_YES; /* queue KX_AUTH independent of estate */
1416 return;
1417 }
1418 t->kx_auth_requested = GNUNET_NO; /* clear flag */
1419 cc = ct->cc;
1423 if (GNUNET_YES == force_reply)
1425 msg->kx.flags = htonl (flags);
1426 msg->kx.cid = *GCC_get_id (cc);
1428 &msg->kx.ephemeral_key);
1430 &msg->kx.ratchet_key);
1431#if DEBUG_KX
1432 msg->kx.ephemeral_key_XXX = ax->kx_0;
1433 msg->kx.private_key_XXX = *my_private_key;
1434 msg->r_ephemeral_key_XXX = ax->last_ephemeral;
1437 "Sending KX_AUTH message to %s with ephemeral %s on CID %s\n",
1438 GCT_2s (t),
1439 GNUNET_e2s (&msg->kx.ephemeral_key),
1440 GNUNET_sh2s (&msg->kx.cid.connection_of_tunnel));
1442 /* Compute authenticator (this is the main difference to #send_kx()) */
1443 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&ax->RK,
1444 sizeof(ax->RK),
1445 &msg->auth);
1446 /* Compute when to be triggered again; actual job will
1447 be scheduled via #connection_ready_cb() */
1448 t->kx_retry_delay
1449 = GNUNET_TIME_STD_BACKOFF (t->kx_retry_delay);
1450 t->next_kx_attempt
1451 = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (t->kx_retry_delay);
1453 /* Send via cc, mark it as unready */
1456 /* Update state machine, unless we are already OK */
1457 if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK != t->estate)
1460 GCC_transmit (cc,
1461 env);
1463 "# KX_AUTH transmitted",
1464 1,
1465 GNUNET_NO);
Should the peer reply with its KX details?
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(const void *block, size_t size, struct GNUNET_HashCode *ret)
Compute hash of a given block.
Definition: crypto_hash.c:41
Axolotl key exchange response with authentication.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey last_ephemeral
Last ephemeral public key received from the other peer, for duplicate detection.
Message for a Key eXchange for a tunnel, with authentication.

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_AUTH_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, CadetTConnection::cc, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRs, env, GCC_get_id(), GCC_transmit(), GCT_2s(), GCT_change_estate(), get_ready_connection(), GNUNET_CADET_KX_FLAG_FORCE_REPLY, GNUNET_CADET_KX_FLAG_NONE, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_get_public(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(), GNUNET_e2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_TUNNEL_KX_AUTH, GNUNET_MQ_msg, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_sh2s(), GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute(), GNUNET_TIME_STD_BACKOFF, GNUNET_YES, CadetTConnection::is_ready, CadetTunnelAxolotl::kx_0, CadetTunnelAxolotl::last_ephemeral, LOG, mark_connection_unready(), msg, my_private_key, CadetTunnelAxolotl::RK, stats, and t.

Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), GCT_handle_encrypted(), GCT_handle_kx(), GCT_handle_kx_auth(), and retry_kx().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanup_ax()

static void cleanup_ax ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax)

Cleanup state used by ax.

axstate to free, but not memory of ax itself

Definition at line 1475 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1477 while (NULL != ax->skipped_head)
1479 ax->skipped_head);
1480 GNUNET_assert (0 == ax->skipped);
void GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_clear(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *pk)
Clear memory that was used to store a private key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:433

References delete_skipped_key(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRs, GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_clear(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::kx_0, CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped, and CadetTunnelAxolotl::skipped_head.

Referenced by destroy_tunnel(), GCT_handle_encrypted(), and GCT_handle_kx_auth().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_ax_by_kx()

static int update_ax_by_kx ( struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax,
const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity pid,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey ephemeral_key,
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey ratchet_key 

Update our Axolotl key state based on the KX data we received.

Computes the new chain keys, and root keys, etc, and also checks whether this is a replay of the current chain.

[in,out]axchain key state to recompute
pidpeer identity of the other peer
ephemeral_keyephemeral public key of the other peer
ratchet_keysenders next ephemeral public key
GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_NO if the resulting root key is already in ax and thus the KX is useless; GNUNET_SYSERR on hard errors (i.e. pid is my_full_id)

Definition at line 1500 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1505 struct GNUNET_HashCode key_material[3];
1506 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_SymmetricSessionKey keys[5];
1507 const char salt[] = "CADET Axolotl salt";
1508 int am_I_alice;
1510 if (GNUNET_SYSERR == (am_I_alice = GCT_alice_or_betty (pid)))
1511 {
1512 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1513 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
1514 }
1515 if (0 == GNUNET_memcmp (&ax->DHRr,
1516 ratchet_key))
1517 {
1519 "# Ratchet key already known",
1520 1,
1521 GNUNET_NO);
1523 "Ratchet key already known. Ignoring KX.\n");
1524 return GNUNET_NO;
1525 }
1527 ax->DHRr = *ratchet_key;
1528 ax->last_ephemeral = *ephemeral_key;
1529 /* ECDH A B0 */
1530 if (GNUNET_YES == am_I_alice)
1531 {
1533 ephemeral_key, /* B0 */
1534 &key_material[0]);
1535 }
1536 else
1537 {
1538 GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdh_eddsa (&ax->kx_0, /* b0 */
1539 &pid->public_key, /* A */
1540 &key_material[0]);
1541 }
1542 /* ECDH A0 B */
1543 if (GNUNET_YES == am_I_alice)
1544 {
1545 GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdh_eddsa (&ax->kx_0, /* a0 */
1546 &pid->public_key, /* B */
1547 &key_material[1]);
1548 }
1549 else
1550 {
1552 ephemeral_key, /* A0 */
1553 &key_material[1]);
1554 }
1556 /* ECDH A0 B0 */
1557 GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_ecdh (&ax->kx_0, /* a0 or b0 */
1558 ephemeral_key, /* B0 or A0 */
1559 &key_material[2]);
1560 /* KDF */
1561 GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf (keys, sizeof(keys),
1562 salt, sizeof(salt),
1563 &key_material, sizeof(key_material),
1564 NULL);
1566 if (0 == memcmp (&ax->RK,
1567 &keys[0],
1568 sizeof(ax->RK)))
1569 {
1571 "Root key already known. Ignoring KX.\n");
1573 "# Root key already known",
1574 1,
1575 GNUNET_NO);
1576 return GNUNET_NO;
1577 }
1579 ax->RK = keys[0];
1580 if (GNUNET_YES == am_I_alice)
1581 {
1582 ax->HKr = keys[1];
1583 ax->NHKs = keys[2];
1584 ax->NHKr = keys[3];
1585 ax->CKr = keys[4];
1587 }
1588 else
1589 {
1590 ax->HKs = keys[1];
1591 ax->NHKr = keys[2];
1592 ax->NHKs = keys[3];
1593 ax->CKs = keys[4];
1594 ax->ratchet_flag = GNUNET_NO;
1597 ratchet_time);
1598 }
1599 return GNUNET_OK;
static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_PowSalt salt
Salt for PoW calculations.
Definition: gnunet-scrypt.c:34
static struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity pid
Identity of the peer we transmit to / connect to.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_ecdh(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *pub, struct GNUNET_HashCode *key_material)
Derive key material from a ECDH public key and a private EdDSA key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:745
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdh_eddsa(const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *priv, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pub, struct GNUNET_HashCode *key_material)
Derive key material from a EdDSA public key and a private ECDH key.
Definition: crypto_ecc.c:823
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey public_key

References CadetTunnelAxolotl::CKr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::CKs, CadetTunnelAxolotl::DHRr, GCT_alice_or_betty(), GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_ecdh(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdh_eddsa(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_ecdh(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_kdf(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_memcmp, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), GNUNET_YES, CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::HKs, CadetTunnelAxolotl::kx_0, CadetTunnelAxolotl::last_ephemeral, LOG, my_private_key, CadetTunnelAxolotl::NHKr, CadetTunnelAxolotl::NHKs, pid, GNUNET_PeerIdentity::public_key, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_expiration, CadetTunnelAxolotl::ratchet_flag, ratchet_time, CadetTunnelAxolotl::RK, salt, and stats.

Referenced by GCT_handle_kx(), and GCT_handle_kx_auth().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retry_kx()

static void retry_kx ( void *  cls)

Try to redo the KX or KX_AUTH handshake, if we can.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel to do KX for.

Definition at line 1609 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1611 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
1612 struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax;
1614 t->kx_task = NULL;
1616 "Trying to make KX progress on %s in state %s\n",
1617 GCT_2s (t),
1618 estate2s (t->estate));
1619 switch (t->estate)
1620 {
1621 case CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED: /* first attempt */
1622 case CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT: /* trying again */
1623 send_kx (t,
1624 NULL,
1625 &t->ax);
1626 break;
1630 /* We are responding, so only require reply
1631 if WE have a channel waiting. */
1632 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
1633 {
1634 /* Send AX_AUTH so we might get this one verified */
1635 ax = t->unverified_ax;
1636 }
1637 else
1638 {
1639 /* How can this be? */
1640 GNUNET_break (0);
1641 ax = &t->ax;
1642 }
1643 send_kx_auth (t,
1644 NULL,
1645 ax,
1646 (0 == GCT_count_channels (t))
1647 ? GNUNET_NO
1648 : GNUNET_YES);
1649 break;
1652 /* We are responding, so only require reply
1653 if WE have a channel waiting. */
1654 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
1655 {
1656 /* Send AX_AUTH so we might get this one verified */
1657 ax = t->unverified_ax;
1658 }
1659 else
1660 {
1661 /* How can this be? */
1662 GNUNET_break (0);
1663 ax = &t->ax;
1664 }
1665 send_kx_auth (t,
1666 NULL,
1667 ax,
1668 (0 == GCT_count_channels (t))
1669 ? GNUNET_NO
1670 : GNUNET_YES);
1671 break;
1674 /* Must have been the *other* peer asking us to
1675 respond with a KX_AUTH. */
1676 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
1677 {
1678 /* Sending AX_AUTH in response to AX so we might get this one verified */
1679 ax = t->unverified_ax;
1680 }
1681 else
1682 {
1683 /* Sending AX_AUTH in response to AX_AUTH */
1684 ax = &t->ax;
1685 }
1686 send_kx_auth (t,
1687 NULL,
1688 ax,
1689 GNUNET_NO);
1690 break;
1691 }
static void send_kx(struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetTConnection *ct, struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax)
Send a KX message.
unsigned int GCT_count_channels(struct CadetTunnel *t)
Returns the number of channels using a tunnel.
static void send_kx_auth(struct CadetTunnel *t, struct CadetTConnection *ct, struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, int force_reply)
Send a KX_AUTH message.
#define GNUNET_break(cond)
Use this for internal assertion violations that are not fatal (can be handled) but should not occur.
Axolotl data, according to .


Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), GCT_add_channel(), GCT_handle_kx(), and GCT_handle_kx_auth().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_handle_kx()

void GCT_handle_kx ( struct CadetTConnection ct,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelKeyExchangeMessage msg 

Handle KX message that lacks authentication (and which will thus only be considered authenticated after we respond with our own KX_AUTH and finally successfully decrypt the payload).

ctconnection/tunnel combo that received encrypted message
msgthe key exchange message

Definition at line 1696 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1699 struct CadetTunnel *t = ct->t;
1700 int ret;
1703 "# KX received",
1704 1,
1705 GNUNET_NO);
1706 if (GNUNET_YES ==
1707 GCT_alice_or_betty (GCP_get_id (t->destination)))
1708 {
1709 /* Betty/Bob is not allowed to send KX! */
1710 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1711 return;
1712 }
1714 "Received KX message from %s with ephemeral %s from %s on connection %s\n",
1715 GCT_2s (t),
1716 GNUNET_e2s (&msg->ephemeral_key),
1717 GNUNET_i2s (GCP_get_id (t->destination)),
1718 GCC_2s (ct->cc));
1719#if 1
1720 if ((0 ==
1721 memcmp (&t->ax.DHRr,
1722 &msg->ratchet_key,
1723 sizeof(msg->ratchet_key))) &&
1724 (0 ==
1725 memcmp (&t->ax.last_ephemeral,
1726 &msg->ephemeral_key,
1727 sizeof(msg->ephemeral_key))))
1729 {
1731 "# Duplicate KX received",
1732 1,
1733 GNUNET_NO);
1734 send_kx_auth (t,
1735 ct,
1736 &t->ax,
1737 GNUNET_NO);
1738 return;
1739 }
1741 /* We only keep ONE unverified KX around, so if there is an existing one,
1742 clean it up. */
1743 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
1744 {
1745 if ((0 ==
1746 memcmp (&t->unverified_ax->DHRr,
1747 &msg->ratchet_key,
1748 sizeof(msg->ratchet_key))) &&
1749 (0 ==
1750 memcmp (&t->unverified_ax->last_ephemeral,
1751 &msg->ephemeral_key,
1752 sizeof(msg->ephemeral_key))))
1753 {
1755 "# Duplicate unverified KX received",
1756 1,
1757 GNUNET_NO);
1758#if 1
1759 send_kx_auth (t,
1760 ct,
1761 t->unverified_ax,
1762 GNUNET_NO);
1763 return;
1765 }
1767 "Dropping old unverified KX state.\n");
1769 "# Unverified KX dropped for fresh KX",
1770 1,
1771 GNUNET_NO);
1772 GNUNET_break (NULL == t->unverified_ax->skipped_head);
1773 memset (t->unverified_ax,
1774 0,
1775 sizeof(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl));
1776 }
1777 else
1778 {
1780 "Creating fresh unverified KX for %s\n",
1781 GCT_2s (t));
1783 "# Fresh KX setup",
1784 1,
1785 GNUNET_NO);
1786 t->unverified_ax = GNUNET_new (struct CadetTunnelAxolotl);
1787 }
1788 /* Set as the 'current' RK/DHRr the one we are currently using,
1789 so that the duplicate-detection logic of
1790 #update_ax_by_kx can work. */
1791 t->unverified_ax->RK = t->ax.RK;
1792 t->unverified_ax->DHRr = t->ax.DHRr;
1793 t->unverified_ax->DHRs = t->ax.DHRs;
1794 t->unverified_ax->kx_0 = t->ax.kx_0;
1795 t->unverified_attempts = 0;
1797 /* Update 'ax' by the new key material */
1798 ret = update_ax_by_kx (t->unverified_ax,
1799 GCP_get_id (t->destination),
1800 &msg->ephemeral_key,
1801 &msg->ratchet_key);
1803 if (GNUNET_OK != ret)
1804 {
1806 "# Useless KX",
1807 1,
1808 GNUNET_NO);
1809 return; /* duplicate KX, nothing to do */
1810 }
1811 /* move ahead in our state machine */
1815 else if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT == t->estate)
1819 /* KX is still not done, try again our end. */
1820 if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK != t->estate)
1821 {
1822 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
1823 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
1824 t->kx_task
1826 t);
1827 }
static int ret
Final status code.
Definition: gnunet-arm.c:94
const char * GCC_2s(const struct CadetConnection *cc)
Get a (static) string for a connection.
static void retry_kx(void *cls)
Try to redo the KX or KX_AUTH handshake, if we can.
static int update_ax_by_kx(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *pid, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *ephemeral_key, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *ratchet_key)
Update our Axolotl key state based on the KX data we received.

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT_AND_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED, CadetTConnection::cc, GCC_2s(), GCP_get_id(), GCT_2s(), GCT_alice_or_betty(), GCT_change_estate(), GNUNET_break, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_e2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_i2s(), GNUNET_new, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_YES, LOG, msg, ret, retry_kx(), send_kx_auth(), stats, t, CadetTConnection::t, and update_ax_by_kx().

Referenced by GCC_handle_kx().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_handle_kx_auth()

void GCT_handle_kx_auth ( struct CadetTConnection ct,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelKeyExchangeAuthMessage msg 

Handle KX_AUTH message.

ctconnection/tunnel combo that received encrypted message
msgthe key exchange message

Definition at line 1906 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

1909 struct CadetTunnel *t = ct->t;
1910 struct CadetTunnelAxolotl ax_tmp;
1911 struct GNUNET_HashCode kx_auth;
1912 int ret;
1915 "# KX_AUTH received",
1916 1,
1917 GNUNET_NO);
1918 if ((CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED == t->estate) ||
1919 (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV == t->estate))
1920 {
1921 /* Confusing, we got a KX_AUTH before we even send our own
1922 KX. This should not happen. We'll send our own KX ASAP anyway,
1923 so let's ignore this here. */
1924 GNUNET_break_op (0);
1925 return;
1926 }
1928 "Handling KX_AUTH message from %s with ephemeral %s\n",
1929 GCT_2s (t),
1930 GNUNET_e2s (&msg->kx.ephemeral_key));
1931 /* We do everything in ax_tmp until we've checked the authentication
1932 so we don't clobber anything we care about by accident. */
1933 ax_tmp = t->ax;
1935 /* Update 'ax' by the new key material */
1936 ret = update_ax_by_kx (&ax_tmp,
1937 GCP_get_id (t->destination),
1938 &msg->kx.ephemeral_key,
1939 &msg->kx.ratchet_key);
1940 if (GNUNET_OK != ret)
1941 {
1942 if (GNUNET_NO == ret)
1944 "# redundant KX_AUTH received",
1945 1,
1946 GNUNET_NO);
1947 else
1948 GNUNET_break (0); /* connect to self!? */
1949 return;
1950 }
1951 GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&ax_tmp.RK,
1952 sizeof(ax_tmp.RK),
1953 &kx_auth);
1954 if (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&kx_auth,
1955 &msg->auth))
1956 {
1957 /* This KX_AUTH is not using the latest KX/KX_AUTH data
1958 we transmitted to the sender, refuse it, try KX again. */
1960 "# KX_AUTH not using our last KX received (auth failure)",
1961 1,
1962 GNUNET_NO);
1964 "KX AUTH mismatch!\n");
1965#if DEBUG_KX
1966 {
1967 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey ephemeral_key;
1970 &ephemeral_key);
1971 if (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&ephemeral_key,
1972 &msg->r_ephemeral_key_XXX))
1973 {
1975 "My ephemeral is %s!\n",
1976 GNUNET_e2s (&ephemeral_key));
1978 "Response is for ephemeral %s!\n",
1979 GNUNET_e2s (&msg->r_ephemeral_key_XXX));
1980 }
1981 else
1982 {
1983 test_crypto_bug (&ax_tmp.kx_0,
1984 &msg->kx.ephemeral_key_XXX,
1986 &msg->kx.private_key_XXX);
1987 }
1988 }
1990 if (NULL == t->kx_task)
1991 t->kx_task
1992 = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at (t->next_kx_attempt,
1993 &retry_kx,
1994 t);
1995 return;
1996 }
1997 /* Yep, we're good. */
1998 t->ax = ax_tmp;
1999 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
2000 {
2001 /* We got some "stale" KX before, drop that. */
2002 cleanup_ax (t->unverified_ax);
2003 GNUNET_free (t->unverified_ax);
2004 t->unverified_ax = NULL;
2005 }
2007 /* move ahead in our state machine */
2008 switch (t->estate)
2009 {
2012 /* Checked above, this is impossible. */
2013 GNUNET_assert (0);
2014 break;
2016 case CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT: /* This is the normal case */
2017 case CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT_AND_RECV: /* both peers started KX */
2018 case CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_AUTH_SENT: /* both peers now did KX_AUTH */
2021 break;
2024 /* Did not expect another KX_AUTH, but so what, still acceptable.
2025 Nothing to do here. */
2026 break;
2027 }
2028 if (0 != (GNUNET_CADET_KX_FLAG_FORCE_REPLY & ntohl (msg->kx.flags)))
2029 {
2030 send_kx_auth (t,
2031 NULL,
2032 &t->ax,
2033 GNUNET_NO);
2034 }
static void cleanup_ax(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax)
Cleanup state used by ax.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at(struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute at, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run at the specified time.
Definition: scheduler.c:1255

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_AUTH_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT_AND_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED, cleanup_ax(), GCP_get_id(), GCT_2s(), GCT_change_estate(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_break, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_CADET_KX_FLAG_FORCE_REPLY, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_get_public(), GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash(), GNUNET_e2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_memcmp, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at(), GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::kx_0, LOG, msg, my_private_key, ret, retry_kx(), CadetTunnelAxolotl::RK, send_kx_auth(), stats, t, CadetTConnection::t, and update_ax_by_kx().

Referenced by GCC_handle_kx_auth().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_next_free_ctn()

static struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber get_next_free_ctn ( struct CadetTunnel t)

Compute the next free channel tunnel number for this tunnel.

tthe tunnel
unused number that can uniquely identify a channel in the tunnel

Definition at line 2048 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2050#define HIGH_BIT 0x8000000
2052 uint32_t ctn;
2053 int cmp;
2054 uint32_t highbit;
2056 cmp = GNUNET_memcmp (&my_full_id,
2058 if (0 < cmp)
2059 highbit = HIGH_BIT;
2060 else if (0 > cmp)
2061 highbit = 0;
2062 else
2063 GNUNET_assert (0); // loopback must never go here!
2064 ctn = ntohl (t->;
2065 while (NULL !=
2067 ctn | highbit))
2068 {
2069 ctn = ((ctn + 1) & (~HIGH_BIT));
2070 }
2071 t-> = htonl ((ctn + 1) & (~HIGH_BIT));
2072 = htonl (ctn | highbit);
2073 return ret;
struct CadetPeer * GCT_get_destination(struct CadetTunnel *t)
Return the peer to which this tunnel goes.
#define HIGH_BIT
Number identifying a CADET channel within a tunnel.

References GCP_get_id(), GCT_get_destination(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_get(), GNUNET_memcmp, HIGH_BIT, my_full_id, ret, and t.

Referenced by GCT_add_channel().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_add_channel()

struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber GCT_add_channel ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct CadetChannel ch 

Add a channel to a tunnel, and notify channel that we are ready for transmission if we are already up.

Add a channel to a tunnel.

Otherwise that notification will be done later in notify_tunnel_up_cb().

unique number identifying ch within t

Definition at line 2087 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2092 ctn = get_next_free_ctn (t);
2093 if (NULL != t->destroy_task)
2094 {
2095 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->destroy_task);
2096 t->destroy_task = NULL;
2097 }
2100 ntohl (,
2101 ch,
2104 "Adding %s to %s with state %d\n",
2105 GCCH_2s (ch),
2106 GCT_2s (t),
2107 t->estate);
2108 switch (t->estate)
2109 {
2111 /* waiting for connection to start KX */
2112 break;
2117 /* we're currently waiting for KX to complete */
2118 break;
2121 /* waiting for OTHER peer to send us data,
2122 we might need to prompt more aggressively! */
2123 if (NULL == t->kx_task)
2124 t->kx_task
2125 = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at (t->next_kx_attempt,
2126 &retry_kx,
2127 t);
2128 break;
2131 /* We are ready. Tell the new channel that we are up. */
2133 break;
2134 }
2135 return ctn;
const char * GCCH_2s(const struct CadetChannel *ch)
Get the static string for identification of the channel.
static struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber get_next_free_ctn(struct CadetTunnel *t)
Compute the next free channel tunnel number for this tunnel.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_put(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map, uint32_t key, void *value, enum GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMapOption opt)
Store a key-value pair in the map.
There must only be one value per key; storing a value should fail if a value under the same key alrea...


Referenced by GCCH_channel_local_new().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_connection_lost()

void GCT_connection_lost ( struct CadetTConnection ct)

We lost a connection, remove it from our list and clean up the connection object itself.

ctbinding of connection to tunnel of the connection that was lost.

Definition at line 2146 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2148 struct CadetTunnel *t = ct->t;
2150 if (GNUNET_YES == ct->is_ready)
2151 {
2152 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (t->connection_ready_head,
2153 t->connection_ready_tail,
2154 ct);
2155 t->num_ready_connections--;
2156 }
2157 else
2158 {
2159 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (t->connection_busy_head,
2160 t->connection_busy_tail,
2161 ct);
2162 t->num_busy_connections--;
2163 }
2164 GNUNET_free (ct);

References GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_YES, CadetTConnection::is_ready, t, and CadetTConnection::t.

Referenced by destroy_t_connection(), GCC_create_inbound(), and GCC_destroy_without_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ destroy_t_connection()

static void destroy_t_connection ( void *  cls,
struct CadetTConnection ct 

Clean up connection ct of a tunnel.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel
ctconnection to clean up

Definition at line 2175 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2178 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2179 struct CadetConnection *cc = ct->cc;
2181 GNUNET_assert (ct->t == t);
void GCC_destroy_without_tunnel(struct CadetConnection *cc)
Destroy a connection, called if the tunnel association with the connection was already broken,...
void GCT_connection_lost(struct CadetTConnection *ct)
We lost a connection, remove it from our list and clean up the connection object itself.
struct CadetTConnection * ct
Which tunnel is using this connection?

References CadetTConnection::cc, CadetConnection::ct, GCC_destroy_without_tunnel(), GCT_connection_lost(), GNUNET_assert, t, and CadetTConnection::t.

Referenced by destroy_tunnel(), and maintain_connections_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ destroy_tunnel()

static void destroy_tunnel ( void *  cls)

This tunnel is no longer used, destroy it.

clsthe idle tunnel

Definition at line 2193 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2195 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2196 struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry *tq;
2198 t->destroy_task = NULL;
2200 "Destroying idle %s\n",
2201 GCT_2s (t));
2205 t);
2206 GNUNET_assert (NULL == t->connection_ready_head);
2207 GNUNET_assert (NULL == t->connection_busy_head);
2208 while (NULL != (tq = t->tq_head))
2209 {
2210 if (NULL != tq->cont)
2211 tq->cont (tq->cont_cls,
2212 NULL);
2213 GCT_send_cancel (tq);
2214 }
2215 GCP_drop_tunnel (t->destination,
2216 t);
2218 if (NULL != t->maintain_connections_task)
2219 {
2220 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->maintain_connections_task);
2221 t->maintain_connections_task = NULL;
2222 }
2223 if (NULL != t->send_task)
2224 {
2225 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->send_task);
2226 t->send_task = NULL;
2227 }
2228 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
2229 {
2230 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
2231 t->kx_task = NULL;
2232 }
2233 GNUNET_MST_destroy (t->mst);
2234 GNUNET_MQ_destroy (t->mq);
2235 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
2236 {
2237 cleanup_ax (t->unverified_ax);
2238 GNUNET_free (t->unverified_ax);
2239 }
2240 cleanup_ax (&t->ax);
2241 GNUNET_assert (NULL == t->destroy_task);
2242 GNUNET_free (t);
void GCP_drop_tunnel(struct CadetPeer *cp, struct CadetTunnel *t)
The tunnel to the given peer no longer exists, remove it from our data structures,...
void GCT_send_cancel(struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry *tq)
Cancel a previously sent message while it's in the queue.
void GCT_iterate_connections(struct CadetTunnel *t, GCT_ConnectionIterator iter, void *iter_cls)
Iterate over all connections of a tunnel.
static void destroy_t_connection(void *cls, struct CadetTConnection *ct)
Clean up connection ct of a tunnel.
void GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_destroy(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map)
Destroy a 32-bit key hash map.
void GNUNET_MQ_destroy(struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle *mq)
Destroy the message queue.
Definition: mq.c:700
void GNUNET_MST_destroy(struct GNUNET_MessageStreamTokenizer *mst)
Destroys a tokenizer.
Definition: mst.c:404
Struct used to save messages in a non-ready tunnel to send once connected.
GCT_SendContinuation cont
Continuation to call once sent (on the channel layer).
void * cont_cls
Closure for cont.

References cleanup_ax(), CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cont, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cont_cls, destroy_t_connection(), GCP_drop_tunnel(), GCT_2s(), GCT_count_channels(), GCT_iterate_connections(), GCT_send_cancel(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_destroy(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_MQ_destroy(), GNUNET_MST_destroy(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), LOG, and t.

Referenced by callback_room_connect(), connection_ready_cb(), enter_srv_room_at(), GCT_destroy_tunnel_now(), GCT_remove_channel(), and iterate_destroy_tunnels().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_remove_channel()

void GCT_remove_channel ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct CadetChannel ch,
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber  ctn 

Remove a channel from a tunnel.

ctnunique number identifying ch within t

Definition at line 2254 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2259 "Removing %s from %s\n",
2260 GCCH_2s (ch),
2261 GCT_2s (t));
2264 ntohl (,
2265 ch));
2266 if ((0 ==
2267 GCT_count_channels (t)) &&
2268 (NULL == t->destroy_task))
2269 {
2270 t->destroy_task
2273 t);
2274 }
How long do we wait until tearing down an idle tunnel?
static void destroy_tunnel(void *cls)
This tunnel is no longer used, destroy it.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_remove(struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 *map, uint32_t key, const void *value)
Remove the given key-value pair from the map.
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskCallback task, void *task_cls)
Schedule a new task to be run with a specified delay.
Definition: scheduler.c:1278

References ch, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, destroy_tunnel(), GCCH_2s(), GCT_2s(), GCT_count_channels(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_remove(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(), GNUNET_YES, IDLE_DESTROY_DELAY, LOG, and t.

Referenced by channel_destroy().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ destroy_remaining_channels()

static int destroy_remaining_channels ( void *  cls,
uint32_t  key,
void *  value 

Destroy remaining channels during shutdown.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel of the channel
keykey of the channel
valuethe struct CadetChannel
GNUNET_OK (continue to iterate)

Definition at line 2287 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2291 struct CadetChannel *ch = value;
2294 NULL);
2295 return GNUNET_OK;
void GCCH_handle_remote_destroy(struct CadetChannel *ch, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cti)
Destroy channel, based on the other peer closing the connection.

References ch, GCCH_handle_remote_destroy(), GNUNET_OK, and value.

Referenced by GCT_destroy_tunnel_now().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_destroy_tunnel_now()

void GCT_destroy_tunnel_now ( struct CadetTunnel t)

Destroys the tunnel t now, without delay.

Used during shutdown.

ttunnel to destroy

Definition at line 2305 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2310 t);
2311 GNUNET_assert (0 ==
2313 if (NULL != t->destroy_task)
2314 {
2315 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->destroy_task);
2316 t->destroy_task = NULL;
2317 }
2318 destroy_tunnel (t);
int shutting_down
Signal that shutdown is happening: prevent recovery measures.
static int destroy_remaining_channels(void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
Destroy remaining channels during shutdown.

References destroy_remaining_channels(), destroy_tunnel(), GCT_count_channels(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterate(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_YES, shutting_down, and t.

Referenced by destroy_tunnels_now().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ try_send_normal_payload()

static void try_send_normal_payload ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct CadetTConnection ct 

Send normal payload from queue in t via connection ct.

Does nothing if our payload queue is empty.

ttunnel to send data from
ctconnection to use for transmission (is ready)

Definition at line 2330 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2333 struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry *tq;
2336 tq = t->tq_head;
2337 if (NULL == tq)
2338 {
2339 /* no messages pending right now */
2341 "Not sending payload of %s on ready %s (nothing pending)\n",
2342 GCT_2s (t),
2343 GCC_2s (ct->cc));
2344 return;
2345 }
2346 /* ready to send message 'tq' on tunnel 'ct' */
2347 GNUNET_assert (t == tq->t);
2349 t->tq_tail,
2350 tq);
2351 if (NULL != tq->cid)
2352 *tq->cid = *GCC_get_id (ct->cc);
2355 "Sending payload of %s on %s\n",
2356 GCT_2s (t),
2357 GCC_2s (ct->cc));
2358 GCC_transmit (ct->cc,
2359 tq->env);
2360 if (NULL != tq->cont)
2361 tq->cont (tq->cont_cls,
2362 GCC_get_id (ct->cc));
2363 GNUNET_free (tq);
struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope * env
Envelope of message to send follows.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier * cid
Where to put the connection identifier into the payload of the message in env once we have it?
struct CadetTunnel * t
Tunnel these messages belong in.

References CadetTConnection::cc, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cid, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cont, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cont_cls, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::env, GCC_2s(), GCC_get_id(), GCC_transmit(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_YES, CadetTConnection::is_ready, LOG, mark_connection_unready(), t, and CadetTunnelQueueEntry::t.

Referenced by connection_ready_cb(), and trigger_transmissions().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ connection_ready_cb()

static void connection_ready_cb ( void *  cls,
int  is_ready 

A connection is is_ready for transmission.

Looks at our message queue and if there is a message, sends it out via the connection.

clsthe struct CadetTConnection that is is_ready
is_readyGNUNET_YES if connection are now ready, GNUNET_NO if connection are no longer ready

Definition at line 2376 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2379 struct CadetTConnection *ct = cls;
2380 struct CadetTunnel *t = ct->t;
2382 if (GNUNET_NO == is_ready)
2383 {
2385 "%s no longer ready for %s\n",
2386 GCC_2s (ct->cc),
2387 GCT_2s (t));
2389 return;
2390 }
2392 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (t->connection_busy_head,
2393 t->connection_busy_tail,
2394 ct);
2395 GNUNET_assert (0 < t->num_busy_connections);
2396 t->num_busy_connections--;
2397 ct->is_ready = GNUNET_YES;
2398 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail (t->connection_ready_head,
2399 t->connection_ready_tail,
2400 ct);
2401 t->num_ready_connections++;
2404 "%s now ready for %s in state %s\n",
2405 GCC_2s (ct->cc),
2406 GCT_2s (t),
2407 estate2s (t->estate));
2408 switch (t->estate)
2409 {
2412 "Do not begin KX for %s if WE have no channels waiting. Retrying after %llu\n",
2413 GCT_2s (t),
2414 (unsigned long long) GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (
2415 t->next_kx_attempt).rel_value_us);
2416 /* Do not begin KX if WE have no channels waiting! */
2418 t->next_kx_attempt).rel_value_us)
2419 return; /* wait for timeout before retrying */
2420 /* We are uninitialized, just transmit immediately,
2421 without undue delay. */
2424 "Why for %s \n",
2425 GCT_2s (t));
2427 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
2428 {
2429 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
2430 t->kx_task = NULL;
2431 }
2432 send_kx (t,
2433 ct,
2434 &t->ax);
2435 if ((0 ==
2436 GCT_count_channels (t)) &&
2437 (NULL == t->destroy_task))
2438 {
2439 t->destroy_task
2442 t);
2443 }
2444 break;
2450 /* we're currently waiting for KX to complete, schedule job */
2451 if (NULL == t->kx_task)
2452 t->kx_task
2453 = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at (t->next_kx_attempt,
2454 &retry_kx,
2455 t);
2456 break;
2459 if (GNUNET_YES == t->kx_auth_requested)
2460 {
2462 t->next_kx_attempt).rel_value_us)
2463 return; /* wait for timeout */
2464 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
2465 {
2466 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
2467 t->kx_task = NULL;
2468 }
2469 send_kx_auth (t,
2470 ct,
2471 &t->ax,
2472 GNUNET_NO);
2473 return;
2474 }
2476 ct);
2477 break;
2478 }
#define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail(head, tail, element)
Insert an element at the tail of a DLL.

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_AUTH_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT_AND_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED, CadetTConnection::cc, destroy_tunnel(), estate2s(), GCC_2s(), GCT_2s(), GCT_count_channels(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(), GNUNET_YES, IDLE_DESTROY_DELAY, CadetTConnection::is_ready, LOG, mark_connection_unready(), GNUNET_TIME_Relative::rel_value_us, retry_kx(), send_kx(), send_kx_auth(), t, CadetTConnection::t, and try_send_normal_payload().

Referenced by consider_path_cb(), and GCT_add_inbound_connection().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluate_connection()

static void evaluate_connection ( void *  cls,
struct CadetTConnection ct 

Evaluate a connection, updating our summary information in cls about what kinds of connections we have.

clsthe struct EvaluationSummary * to update
cta connection to include in the summary

Definition at line 2564 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2567 struct EvaluationSummary *es = cls;
2568 struct CadetConnection *cc = ct->cc;
2569 unsigned int ct_length;
2570 struct CadetPeerPath *ps;
2571 const struct CadetConnectionMetrics *metrics;
2572 GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType ct_desirability;
2573 struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative uptime;
2574 struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative last_use;
2575 double score;
2576 double success_rate;
2578 ps = GCC_get_path (cc,
2579 &ct_length);
2581 "Evaluating path %s of existing %s\n",
2582 GCPP_2s (ps),
2583 GCC_2s (cc));
2584 if (ps == es->path)
2585 {
2587 "Ignoring duplicate path %s.\n",
2588 GCPP_2s (es->path));
2589 es->duplicate = GNUNET_YES;
2590 return;
2591 }
2592 if (NULL != es->path)
2593 {
2594 int duplicate = GNUNET_YES;
2596 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ct_length; i++)
2597 {
2600 i) !=
2602 i))
2603 {
2604 duplicate = GNUNET_NO;
2605 break;
2606 }
2607 }
2608 if (GNUNET_YES == duplicate)
2609 {
2611 "Ignoring overlapping path %s.\n",
2612 GCPP_2s (es->path));
2613 es->duplicate = GNUNET_YES;
2614 return;
2615 }
2616 else
2617 {
2619 "Known path %s differs from proposed path\n",
2620 GCPP_2s (ps));
2621 }
2622 }
2624 ct_desirability = GCPP_get_desirability (ps);
2625 metrics = GCC_get_metrics (cc);
2626 uptime = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration (metrics->age);
2627 last_use = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration (metrics->last_use);
2628 /* We add 1.0 here to avoid division by zero. */
2629 success_rate = (metrics->num_acked_transmissions + 1.0)
2630 / (metrics->num_successes + 1.0);
2631 score
2632 = ct_desirability
2633 + 100.0 / (1.0 + ct_length) /* longer paths = better */
2634 + sqrt (uptime.rel_value_us / 60000000LL) /* larger uptime = better */
2635 - last_use.rel_value_us / 1000L; /* longer idle = worse */
2636 score *= success_rate; /* weigh overall by success rate */
2638 if ((NULL == es->worst) ||
2639 (score < es->worst_score))
2640 {
2641 es->worst = ct;
2642 es->worst_score = score;
2643 }
2644 es->min_length = GNUNET_MIN (es->min_length,
2645 ct_length);
2646 es->max_length = GNUNET_MAX (es->max_length,
2647 ct_length);
2648 es->min_desire = GNUNET_MIN (es->min_desire,
2649 ct_desirability);
2650 es->max_desire = GNUNET_MAX (es->max_desire,
2651 ct_desirability);
static struct GNUNET_PEERSTORE_Handle * ps
Handle to the PEERSTORE service.
struct CadetPeerPath * GCC_get_path(struct CadetConnection *cc, unsigned int *off)
Obtain the path used by this connection.
const struct CadetConnectionMetrics * GCC_get_metrics(struct CadetConnection *cc)
Obtain performance metrics from cc.
const char * GCPP_2s(struct CadetPeerPath *path)
Convert a path to a human-readable string.
unsigned int GCPP_get_length(struct CadetPeerPath *path)
Return the length of the path.
GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType GCPP_get_desirability(const struct CadetPeerPath *path)
Return how much we like keeping the path.
struct CadetPeer * GCPP_get_peer_at_offset(struct CadetPeerPath *path, unsigned int off)
Obtain the peer at offset off in path.
uint64_t GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType
Cost by which elements in a heap can be ordered.
#define GNUNET_MAX(a, b)
#define GNUNET_MIN(a, b)
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration(struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute whence)
Get the duration of an operation as the difference of the current time and the given start time "henc...
Definition: time.c:436
Performance metrics for a connection.
unsigned long long num_acked_transmissions
How many packets that ought to generate an ACK did we send via this connection?
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute age
When was this connection first established? (by us sending or receiving the CREATE_ACK for the first ...
unsigned long long num_successes
Number of packets that were sent via this connection did actually receive an ACK? (Note: ACKs may be ...
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute last_use
When was this connection last used? (by us sending or receiving a PAYLOAD message on it)
Information regarding a possible path to reach a peer.
Closure for evaluate_connection.
unsigned int max_length
Maximum length of any of our connections, 0 if we have none.
int duplicate
Set to GNUNET_YES if we have a connection over path already.
GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType min_desire
Minimum desirability of any of our connections, UINT64_MAX if we have none.
struct CadetTConnection * worst
Connection deemed the "worst" so far encountered by evaluate_connection, NULL if we did not yet encou...
unsigned int min_length
Minimum length of any of our connections, UINT_MAX if we have none.
GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType max_desire
Maximum desirability of any of our connections, 0 if we have none.
double worst_score
Numeric score of worst, only set if worst is non-NULL.
struct CadetPeerPath * path
Path we are comparing against for evaluate_connection, can be NULL.
Time for relative time used by GNUnet, in microseconds.

References CadetConnectionMetrics::age, CadetTConnection::cc, CadetConnection::ct, EvaluationSummary::duplicate, GCC_2s(), GCC_get_metrics(), GCC_get_path(), GCPP_2s(), GCPP_get_desirability(), GCPP_get_length(), GCPP_get_peer_at_offset(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_MAX, GNUNET_MIN, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration(), GNUNET_YES, CadetConnectionMetrics::last_use, LOG, EvaluationSummary::max_desire, EvaluationSummary::max_length, EvaluationSummary::min_desire, EvaluationSummary::min_length, CadetConnectionMetrics::num_acked_transmissions, CadetConnectionMetrics::num_successes, EvaluationSummary::path, ps, GNUNET_TIME_Relative::rel_value_us, EvaluationSummary::worst, and EvaluationSummary::worst_score.

Referenced by consider_path_cb(), and maintain_connections_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ consider_path_cb()

static int consider_path_cb ( void *  cls,
struct CadetPeerPath path,
unsigned int  off 

Consider using the path p for the tunnel t.

The tunnel destination is at offset off in path p.

clsour tunnel
patha path to our destination
offoffset of the destination on path path
GNUNET_YES (should keep iterating)

Definition at line 2665 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2669 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2670 struct EvaluationSummary es;
2671 struct CadetTConnection *ct;
2673 GNUNET_assert (off < GCPP_get_length (path));
2675 off) == t->destination);
2676 es.min_length = UINT_MAX;
2677 es.max_length = 0;
2678 es.max_desire = 0;
2679 es.min_desire = UINT64_MAX;
2680 es.path = path;
2681 es.duplicate = GNUNET_NO;
2682 es.worst = NULL;
2684 /* Compute evaluation summary over existing connections. */
2686 "Evaluating proposed path %s for target %s\n",
2687 GCPP_2s (path),
2688 GCT_2s (t));
2689 /* FIXME: suspect this does not ACTUALLY iterate
2690 over all existing paths, otherwise dup detection
2691 should work!!! */
2694 &es);
2695 if (GNUNET_YES == es.duplicate)
2696 return GNUNET_YES;
2698 /* FIXME: not sure we should really just count
2699 'num_connections' here, as they may all have
2700 consistently failed to connect. */
2702 /* We iterate by increasing path length; if we have enough paths and
2703 this one is more than twice as long than what we are currently
2704 using, then ignore all of these super-long ones! */
2706 (es.min_length * 2 < off) &&
2707 (es.max_length < off))
2708 {
2710 "Ignoring paths of length %u, they are way too long.\n",
2711 es.min_length * 2);
2712 return GNUNET_NO;
2713 }
2714 /* If we have enough paths and this one looks no better, ignore it. */
2716 (es.min_length < GCPP_get_length (path)) &&
2717 (es.min_desire > GCPP_get_desirability (path)) &&
2718 (es.max_length < off))
2719 {
2721 "Ignoring path (%u/%llu) to %s, got something better already.\n",
2722 GCPP_get_length (path),
2723 (unsigned long long) GCPP_get_desirability (path),
2724 GCP_2s (t->destination));
2725 return GNUNET_YES;
2726 }
2728 /* Path is interesting (better by some metric, or we don't have
2729 enough paths yet). */
2730 ct = GNUNET_new (struct CadetTConnection);
2732 ct->t = t;
2733 ct->cc = GCC_create (t->destination,
2734 path,
2735 off,
2736 ct,
2738 ct);
2740 /* FIXME: schedule job to kill connection (and path?) if it takes
2741 too long to get ready! (And track performance data on how long
2742 other connections took with the tunnel!)
2743 => Note: to be done within 'connection'-logic! */
2744 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (t->connection_busy_head,
2745 t->connection_busy_tail,
2746 ct);
2747 t->num_busy_connections++;
2749 "Found interesting path %s for %s, created %s\n",
2750 GCPP_2s (path),
2751 GCT_2s (t),
2752 GCC_2s (ct->cc));
2753 return GNUNET_YES;
struct CadetConnection * GCC_create(struct CadetPeer *destination, struct CadetPeerPath *path, unsigned int off, struct CadetTConnection *ct, GCC_ReadyCallback ready_cb, void *ready_cb_cls)
Create a connection to destination via path and notify cb whenever we are ready for more data.
const char * GCP_2s(const struct CadetPeer *cp)
Get the static string for a peer ID.
unsigned int GCT_count_any_connections(const struct CadetTunnel *t)
Counts the number of connections created for a tunnel, including busy connections.
static void connection_ready_cb(void *cls, int is_ready)
A connection is is_ready for transmission.
static void evaluate_connection(void *cls, struct CadetTConnection *ct)
Evaluate a connection, updating our summary information in cls about what kinds of connections we hav...
How many connections would we like to have per tunnel?
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute created
Creation time, to keep oldest connection alive.

References CadetTConnection::cc, connection_ready_cb(), CadetTConnection::created, DESIRED_CONNECTIONS_PER_TUNNEL, EvaluationSummary::duplicate, evaluate_connection(), GCC_2s(), GCC_create(), GCP_2s(), GCPP_2s(), GCPP_get_desirability(), GCPP_get_length(), GCPP_get_peer_at_offset(), GCT_2s(), GCT_count_any_connections(), GCT_iterate_connections(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), GNUNET_YES, LOG, EvaluationSummary::max_desire, EvaluationSummary::max_length, EvaluationSummary::min_desire, EvaluationSummary::min_length, EvaluationSummary::path, t, CadetTConnection::t, and EvaluationSummary::worst.

Referenced by GCT_consider_path(), and maintain_connections_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maintain_connections_cb()

static void maintain_connections_cb ( void *  cls)

Function called to maintain the connections underlying our tunnel.

Tries to maintain (incl. tear down) connections for the tunnel, and if there is a significant change, may trigger transmissions.

Basically, needs to check if there are connections that perform badly, and if so eventually kill them and trigger a replacement. The strategy is to open one more connection than DESIRED_CONNECTIONS_PER_TUNNEL, and then periodically kick out the least-performing one, and then inquire for new ones.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel

Definition at line 2771 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2773 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2774 struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay;
2775 struct EvaluationSummary es;
2777 t->maintain_connections_task = NULL;
2779 "Performing connection maintenance for %s.\n",
2780 GCT_2s (t));
2782 es.min_length = UINT_MAX;
2783 es.max_length = 0;
2784 es.max_desire = 0;
2785 es.min_desire = UINT64_MAX;
2786 es.path = NULL;
2787 es.worst = NULL;
2788 es.duplicate = GNUNET_NO;
2791 &es);
2792 if ((NULL != es.worst) &&
2794 {
2795 /* Clear out worst-performing connection 'es.worst'. */
2797 es.worst);
2798 }
2800 /* Consider additional paths */
2801 (void) GCP_iterate_paths (t->destination,
2803 t);
2805 /* FIXME: calculate when to try again based on how well we are doing;
2806 in particular, if we have to few connections, we might be able
2807 to do without this (as PATHS should tell us whenever a new path
2808 is available instantly; however, need to make sure this job is
2809 restarted after that happens).
2810 Furthermore, if the paths we do know are in a reasonably narrow
2811 quality band and are plentyful, we might also consider us stabilized
2812 and then reduce the frequency accordingly. */delay = GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_MINUTES;
2813 t->maintain_connections_task
2816 t);
unsigned int GCP_iterate_paths(struct CadetPeer *cp, GCP_PathIterator callback, void *callback_cls)
Iterate over the paths to a peer.
static int consider_path_cb(void *cls, struct CadetPeerPath *path, unsigned int off)
Consider using the path p for the tunnel t.
static void maintain_connections_cb(void *cls)
Function called to maintain the connections underlying our tunnel.
One minute.

References consider_path_cb(), DESIRED_CONNECTIONS_PER_TUNNEL, destroy_t_connection(), EvaluationSummary::duplicate, evaluate_connection(), GCP_iterate_paths(), GCT_2s(), GCT_count_any_connections(), GCT_iterate_connections(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(), GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_MINUTES, LOG, maintain_connections_cb(), EvaluationSummary::max_desire, EvaluationSummary::max_length, EvaluationSummary::min_desire, EvaluationSummary::min_length, EvaluationSummary::path, t, and EvaluationSummary::worst.

Referenced by GCT_create_tunnel(), and maintain_connections_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_consider_path()

void GCT_consider_path ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct CadetPeerPath p,
unsigned int  off 

Consider using the path p for the tunnel t.

The tunnel destination is at offset off in path p.

tour tunnel
pa path to our destination
offoffset of the destination on path path

Definition at line 2821 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2826 "Considering %s for %s (offset %u)\n",
2827 GCPP_2s (p),
2828 GCT_2s (t),
2829 off);
2830 (void) consider_path_cb (t,
2831 p,
2832 off);
static struct GNUNET_OS_Process * p
Helper process we started.
Definition: gnunet-uri.c:38

References consider_path_cb(), GCPP_2s(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, LOG, p, and t.

Referenced by GCP_path_entry_add(), and GCP_set_mq().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_plaintext_keepalive()

static void handle_plaintext_keepalive ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader msg 

We got a keepalive.

Track in statistics.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
msgthe message we received on the tunnel

Definition at line 2843 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2846 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2849 "Received KEEPALIVE on %s\n",
2850 GCT_2s (t));
2852 "# keepalives received",
2853 1,
2854 GNUNET_NO);

References GCT_2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), LOG, stats, and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_plaintext_data()

static int check_plaintext_data ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelAppDataMessage msg 

Check that msg is well-formed.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
msgthe message we received on the tunnel
GNUNET_OK (any variable-size payload goes)

Definition at line 2866 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2869 return GNUNET_OK;

References GNUNET_OK.

◆ handle_plaintext_data()

static void handle_plaintext_data ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelAppDataMessage msg 

We received payload data for a channel.

Locate the channel and process the data, or return an error if the channel is unknown.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
msgthe message we received on the tunnel

Definition at line 2881 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2884 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2885 struct CadetChannel *ch;
2887 ch = lookup_channel (t,
2888 msg->ctn);
2889 if (NULL == ch)
2890 {
2891 /* We don't know about such a channel, might have been destroyed on our
2892 end in the meantime, or never existed. Send back a DESTROY. */
2894 "Received %u bytes of application data for unknown channel %u, sending DESTROY\n",
2895 (unsigned int) (ntohs (msg->header.size) - sizeof(*msg)),
2896 ntohl (msg->;
2898 msg->ctn);
2899 return;
2900 }
2902 GCC_get_id (t->current_ct->cc),
2903 msg);
void GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data(struct CadetChannel *ch, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cti, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelAppDataMessage *msg)
We got payload data for a channel.
void GCT_send_channel_destroy(struct CadetTunnel *t, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn)
Send a DESTROY message via the tunnel.
struct CadetChannel * lookup_channel(struct CadetTunnel *t, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn)
Lookup a channel by its ctn.
uint16_t size
The length of the struct (in bytes, including the length field itself), in big-endian format.

References ch, GCC_get_id(), GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data(), GCT_send_channel_destroy(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, LOG, lookup_channel(), msg, GNUNET_MessageHeader::size, and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_plaintext_data_ack()

static void handle_plaintext_data_ack ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDataAckMessage ack 

We received an acknowledgement for data we sent on a channel.

Locate the channel and process it, or return an error if the channel is unknown.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
ackthe message we received on the tunnel

Definition at line 2916 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2919 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2920 struct CadetChannel *ch;
2922 ch = lookup_channel (t,
2923 ack->ctn);
2924 if (NULL == ch)
2925 {
2926 /* We don't know about such a channel, might have been destroyed on our
2927 end in the meantime, or never existed. Send back a DESTROY. */
2929 "Received DATA_ACK for unknown channel %u, sending DESTROY\n",
2930 ntohl (ack->;
2932 ack->ctn);
2933 return;
2934 }
2936 GCC_get_id (t->current_ct->cc),
2937 ack);
void GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data_ack(struct CadetChannel *ch, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cti, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDataAckMessage *ack)
We got an acknowledgement for payload data for a channel.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn
ID of the channel.

References ch, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDataAckMessage::ctn, GCC_get_id(), GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data_ack(), GCT_send_channel_destroy(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, LOG, lookup_channel(), and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_plaintext_channel_open()

static void handle_plaintext_channel_open ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenMessage copen 

We have received a request to open a channel to a port from another peer.

Creates the incoming channel.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
copenthe message we received on the tunnel

Definition at line 2949 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

2953 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
2954 struct CadetChannel *ch;
2957 ntohl (copen->;
2958 if (NULL != ch)
2959 {
2961 "Received duplicate channel CHANNEL_OPEN on h_port %s from %s (%s), resending ACK\n",
2962 GNUNET_h2s (&copen->h_port),
2963 GCT_2s (t),
2964 GCCH_2s (ch));
2966 GCC_get_id (t->current_ct->cc));
2967 return;
2968 }
2970 "Received CHANNEL_OPEN on h_port %s from %s\n",
2971 GNUNET_h2s (&copen->h_port),
2972 GCT_2s (t));
2974 copen->ctn,
2975 &copen->h_port,
2976 ntohl (copen->opt));
2977 if (NULL != t->destroy_task)
2978 {
2979 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->destroy_task);
2980 t->destroy_task = NULL;
2981 }
2984 ntohl (copen->,
2985 ch,
struct CadetChannel * GCCH_channel_incoming_new(struct CadetTunnel *t, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *h_port, uint32_t options)
Create a new channel based on a request coming in over the network.
void GCCH_handle_duplicate_open(struct CadetChannel *ch, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cti)
We got a GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_CHANNEL_OPEN message again for this channel.
const char * GNUNET_h2s(const struct GNUNET_HashCode *hc)
Convert a hash value to a string (for printing debug messages).
struct GNUNET_HashCode h_port
Hash of destination port and listener.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn
ID of the channel within the tunnel.
uint32_t opt
Channel options.

References ch, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenMessage::ctn, GCC_get_id(), GCCH_2s(), GCCH_channel_incoming_new(), GCCH_handle_duplicate_open(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_get(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_put(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE_ONLY, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_h2s(), GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenMessage::h_port, LOG, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenMessage::opt, and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GCT_send_channel_destroy()

void GCT_send_channel_destroy ( struct CadetTunnel t,
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber  ctn 

Send a DESTROY message via the tunnel.

tthe tunnel to transmit over
ctnID of the channel to destroy

Definition at line 2997 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3003 "Sending DESTROY message for channel ID %u\n",
3004 ntohl (;
3005 msg.header.size = htons (sizeof(msg));
3007 msg.reserved = htonl (0);
3008 msg.ctn = ctn;
3009 GCT_send (t,
3010 &msg.header,
3011 NULL,
3012 NULL,
3013 &ctn);
struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry * GCT_send(struct CadetTunnel *t, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message, GCT_SendContinuation cont, void *cont_cls, struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber *ctn)
Sends an already built message on a tunnel, encrypting it and choosing the best connection if not pro...
uint16_t type
The type of the message (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_XXXX), in big-endian format.
Ask the cadet service to destroy a channel.
Message to destroy a channel of type GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_CHANNEL_DESTROY.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn
ID of the channel.

References GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDestroyMessage::ctn, GCT_send(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_CHANNEL_DESTROY, LOG, msg, GNUNET_MessageHeader::size, t, and GNUNET_MessageHeader::type.

Referenced by GCCH_channel_local_destroy(), GCCH_handle_channel_plaintext_data(), GCCH_handle_local_ack(), handle_plaintext_channel_open_ack(), handle_plaintext_data(), and handle_plaintext_data_ack().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_plaintext_channel_open_ack()

static void handle_plaintext_channel_open_ack ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenAckMessage cm 

We have received confirmation from the target peer that the given channel could be established (the port is open).

Tell the client.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
cmthe message we received on the tunnel

Definition at line 3026 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3030 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
3031 struct CadetChannel *ch;
3033 ch = lookup_channel (t,
3034 cm->ctn);
3035 if (NULL == ch)
3036 {
3037 /* We don't know about such a channel, might have been destroyed on our
3038 end in the meantime, or never existed. Send back a DESTROY. */
3040 "Received channel OPEN_ACK for unknown channel %u, sending DESTROY\n",
3041 ntohl (cm->;
3043 cm->ctn);
3044 return;
3045 }
3047 "Received channel OPEN_ACK on channel %s from %s\n",
3048 GCCH_2s (ch),
3049 GCT_2s (t));
3051 GCC_get_id (t->current_ct->cc),
3052 &cm->port);
void GCCH_handle_channel_open_ack(struct CadetChannel *ch, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cti, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *port)
We got an acknowledgement for the creation of the channel (the port is open on the other side).
struct GNUNET_HashCode port
Port number of the channel, used to prove to the initiator that the receiver knows the port.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn
ID of the channel.

References ch, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenAckMessage::ctn, GCC_get_id(), GCCH_2s(), GCCH_handle_channel_open_ack(), GCT_2s(), GCT_send_channel_destroy(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, LOG, lookup_channel(), GNUNET_CADET_ChannelOpenAckMessage::port, and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_plaintext_channel_destroy()

static void handle_plaintext_channel_destroy ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDestroyMessage cm 

We received a message saying that a channel should be destroyed.

Pass it on to the correct channel.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel for which we decrypted the message
cmthe message we received on the tunnel

Definition at line 3064 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3068 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
3069 struct CadetChannel *ch;
3071 ch = lookup_channel (t,
3072 cm->ctn);
3073 if (NULL == ch)
3074 {
3075 /* We don't know about such a channel, might have been destroyed on our
3076 end in the meantime, or never existed. */
3078 "Received channel DESTROY for unknown channel %u. Ignoring.\n",
3079 ntohl (cm->;
3080 return;
3081 }
3083 "Received channel DESTROY on %s from %s\n",
3084 GCCH_2s (ch),
3085 GCT_2s (t));
3087 GCC_get_id (t->current_ct->cc));

References ch, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber::cn, GNUNET_CADET_ChannelDestroyMessage::ctn, GCC_get_id(), GCCH_2s(), GCCH_handle_remote_destroy(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, LOG, lookup_channel(), and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_decrypted()

static int handle_decrypted ( void *  cls,
const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader msg 

Handles a message we decrypted, by injecting it into our message queue (which will do the dispatching).

clsthe struct CadetTunnel that got the message
msgthe message
GNUNET_OK on success (always) GNUNET_NO to stop further processing (no error) GNUNET_SYSERR to stop further processing with error

Definition at line 3102 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3105 struct CadetTunnel *t = cls;
3107 GNUNET_assert (NULL != t->current_ct);
3109 msg);
3110 return GNUNET_OK;
void GNUNET_MQ_inject_message(struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle *mq, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *mh)
Call the message message handler that was registered for the type of the given message in the given m...
Definition: mq.c:187

References GNUNET_assert, GNUNET_MQ_inject_message(), GNUNET_OK, msg, and t.

Referenced by GCT_create_tunnel().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ decrypted_error_cb()

static void decrypted_error_cb ( void *  cls,
enum GNUNET_MQ_Error  error 

Function called if we had an error processing an incoming decrypted message.

clsthe struct CadetTunnel
errorerror code

Definition at line 3122 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3125 GNUNET_break_op (0);

References GNUNET_break_op.

Referenced by GCT_create_tunnel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_create_tunnel()

struct CadetTunnel * GCT_create_tunnel ( struct CadetPeer destination)

Create a tunnel to destination.

Must only be called from within GCP_get_tunnel().

destinationwhere to create the tunnel to
new tunnel to destination

Definition at line 3137 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3139 struct CadetTunnel *t = GNUNET_new (struct CadetTunnel);
3141 GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size (plaintext_keepalive,
3143 struct GNUNET_MessageHeader,
3144 t),
3145 GNUNET_MQ_hd_var_size (plaintext_data,
3148 t),
3149 GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size (plaintext_data_ack,
3152 t),
3153 GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size (plaintext_channel_open,
3156 t),
3157 GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size (plaintext_channel_open_ack,
3160 t),
3161 GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size (plaintext_channel_destroy,
3164 t),
3166 };
3168 t->kx_retry_delay = INITIAL_KX_RETRY_DELAY;
3169 new_ephemeral (&t->ax);
3171 t->destination = destination;
3173 t->maintain_connections_task
3175 t);
3176 t->mq = GNUNET_MQ_queue_for_callbacks (NULL,
3177 NULL,
3178 NULL,
3179 NULL,
3180 handlers,
3182 t);
3184 t);
3185 return t;
struct GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandlers handlers[]
Definition: 003.c:1
static int handle_decrypted(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg)
Handles a message we decrypted, by injecting it into our message queue (which will do the dispatching...
static void decrypted_error_cb(void *cls, enum GNUNET_MQ_Error error)
Function called if we had an error processing an incoming decrypted message.
How long do we wait initially before retransmitting the KX? TODO: replace by 2 RTT if/once we have co...
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap32 * GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_create(unsigned int len)
Create a 32-bit key multi hash map.
struct GNUNET_MQ_Handle * GNUNET_MQ_queue_for_callbacks(GNUNET_MQ_SendImpl send, GNUNET_MQ_DestroyImpl destroy, GNUNET_MQ_CancelImpl cancel, void *impl_state, const struct GNUNET_MQ_MessageHandler *handlers, GNUNET_MQ_ErrorHandler error_handler, void *cls)
Create a message queue for the specified handlers.
Definition: mq.c:482
#define GNUNET_MQ_handler_end()
End-marker for the handlers array.
#define GNUNET_MQ_hd_var_size(name, code, str, ctx)
#define GNUNET_MQ_hd_fixed_size(name, code, str, ctx)
Ask the cadet service to create a new channel.
Confirm payload data end-to-end.
Payload data (inside an encrypted tunnel).
Announce connection is still alive (direction sensitive).
Confirm the creation of a channel.
struct GNUNET_MessageStreamTokenizer * GNUNET_MST_create(GNUNET_MessageTokenizerCallback cb, void *cb_cls)
Create a message stream tokenizer.
Definition: mst.c:86
Message for cadet data traffic.
Message to acknowledge end-to-end data.
Message to acknowledge opening a channel of type GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_CHANNEL_OPEN_ACK.
Message to create a Channel.
Message handler for a specific message type.


Referenced by GCP_get_tunnel().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_add_inbound_connection()

int GCT_add_inbound_connection ( struct CadetTunnel t,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier cid,
struct CadetPeerPath path 

Add a connection to the tunnel.

ta tunnel
cidconnection identifier to use for the connection
pathpath to use for the connection
GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure (duplicate connection)

Definition at line 3190 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3195 struct CadetTConnection *ct;
3197 ct = GNUNET_new (struct CadetTConnection);
3199 ct->t = t;
3200 ct->cc = GCC_create_inbound (t->destination,
3201 path,
3202 ct,
3203 cid,
3205 ct);
3206 if (NULL == ct->cc)
3207 {
3209 "%s refused inbound %s (duplicate)\n",
3210 GCT_2s (t),
3211 GCC_2s (ct->cc));
3212 GNUNET_free (ct);
3213 return GNUNET_SYSERR;
3214 }
3215 /* FIXME: schedule job to kill connection (and path?) if it takes
3216 too long to get ready! (And track performance data on how long
3217 other connections took with the tunnel!)
3218 => Note: to be done within 'connection'-logic! */
3219 GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (t->connection_busy_head,
3220 t->connection_busy_tail,
3221 ct);
3222 t->num_busy_connections++;
3224 "%s has new %s\n",
3225 GCT_2s (t),
3226 GCC_2s (ct->cc));
3227 return GNUNET_OK;
struct CadetConnection * GCC_create_inbound(struct CadetPeer *destination, struct CadetPeerPath *path, struct CadetTConnection *ct, const struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier *cid, GCC_ReadyCallback ready_cb, void *ready_cb_cls)
Create a connection to destination via path and notify cb whenever we are ready for more data.

References CadetTConnection::cc, connection_ready_cb(), CadetTConnection::created, GCC_2s(), GCC_create_inbound(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_new, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SYSERR, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), LOG, t, and CadetTConnection::t.

Referenced by handle_connection_create().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_handle_encrypted()

void GCT_handle_encrypted ( struct CadetTConnection ct,
const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage msg 

Handle encrypted message.

ctconnection/tunnel combo that received encrypted message
msgthe encrypted message to decrypt

Definition at line 3238 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3241 struct CadetTunnel *t = ct->t;
3242 uint16_t size = ntohs (msg->header.size);
3243 char cbuf[size] GNUNET_ALIGN;
3244 ssize_t decrypted_size;
3247 "%s received %u bytes of encrypted data in state %d\n",
3248 GCT_2s (t),
3249 (unsigned int) size,
3250 t->estate);
3252 switch (t->estate)
3253 {
3256 /* We did not even SEND our KX, how can the other peer
3257 send us encrypted data? Must have been that we went
3258 down and the other peer still things we are up.
3259 Let's send it KX back. */
3261 "# received encrypted without any KX",
3262 1,
3263 GNUNET_NO);
3264 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
3265 {
3266 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
3267 t->kx_task = NULL;
3268 }
3269 send_kx (t,
3270 ct,
3271 &t->ax);
3272 return;
3275 /* We send KX, and other peer send KX to us at the same time.
3276 Neither KX is AUTH'ed, so let's try KX_AUTH this time. */
3278 "# received encrypted without KX_AUTH",
3279 1,
3280 GNUNET_NO);
3281 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
3282 {
3283 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
3284 t->kx_task = NULL;
3285 }
3286 send_kx_auth (t,
3287 ct,
3288 &t->ax,
3290 return;
3293 /* We did not get the KX of the other peer, but that
3294 might have been lost. Send our KX again immediately. */
3296 "# received encrypted without KX",
3297 1,
3298 GNUNET_NO);
3299 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
3300 {
3301 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
3302 t->kx_task = NULL;
3303 }
3304 send_kx (t,
3305 ct,
3306 &t->ax);
3307 return;
3310 /* Great, first payload, we might graduate to OK! */
3312 /* We are up and running, all good. */
3313 break;
3314 }
3316 decrypted_size = -1;
3317 if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK == t->estate)
3318 {
3319 /* We have well-established key material available,
3320 try that. (This is the common case.) */
3321 decrypted_size = t_ax_decrypt_and_validate (&t->ax,
3322 cbuf,
3323 msg,
3324 size);
3325 }
3327 if ((-1 == decrypted_size) &&
3328 (NULL != t->unverified_ax))
3329 {
3330 /* We have un-authenticated KX material available. We should try
3331 this as a back-up option, in case the sender crashed and
3332 switched keys. */
3333 decrypted_size = t_ax_decrypt_and_validate (t->unverified_ax,
3334 cbuf,
3335 msg,
3336 size);
3337 if (-1 != decrypted_size)
3338 {
3339 /* It worked! Treat this as authentication of the AX data! */
3340 cleanup_ax (&t->ax);
3341 t->ax = *t->unverified_ax;
3342 GNUNET_free (t->unverified_ax);
3343 t->unverified_ax = NULL;
3344 }
3345 if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_AUTH_SENT == t->estate)
3346 {
3347 /* First time it worked, move tunnel into production! */
3350 if (NULL != t->send_task)
3351 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->send_task);
3353 t);
3354 }
3355 }
3356 if (NULL != t->unverified_ax)
3357 {
3358 /* We had unverified KX material that was useless; so increment
3359 counter and eventually move to ignore it. Note that we even do
3360 this increment if we successfully decrypted with the old KX
3361 material and thus didn't even both with the new one. This is
3362 the ideal case, as a malicious injection of bogus KX data
3363 basically only causes us to increment a counter a few times. */t->unverified_attempts++;
3365 "Failed to decrypt message with unverified KX data %u times\n",
3366 t->unverified_attempts);
3367 if (t->unverified_attempts > MAX_UNVERIFIED_ATTEMPTS)
3368 {
3369 cleanup_ax (t->unverified_ax);
3370 GNUNET_free (t->unverified_ax);
3371 t->unverified_ax = NULL;
3372 }
3373 }
3375 if (-1 == decrypted_size)
3376 {
3377 /* Decryption failed for good, complain. */
3379 "%s failed to decrypt and validate encrypted data, retrying KX\n",
3380 GCT_2s (t));
3382 "# unable to decrypt",
3383 1,
3384 GNUNET_NO);
3385 if (NULL != t->kx_task)
3386 {
3387 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->kx_task);
3388 t->kx_task = NULL;
3389 }
3390 send_kx (t,
3391 ct,
3392 &t->ax);
3393 return;
3394 }
3396 "# decrypted bytes",
3397 decrypted_size,
3398 GNUNET_NO);
3400 /* The MST will ultimately call #handle_decrypted() on each message. */
3401 t->current_ct = ct;
3404 cbuf,
3405 decrypted_size,
3407 GNUNET_NO));
3408 t->current_ct = NULL;
How often do we try to decrypt payload with unverified key material? Used to limit CPU increase upon ...
static ssize_t t_ax_decrypt_and_validate(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *src, size_t size)
Decrypt and verify data with the appropriate tunnel key and verify that the data has not been altered...
gcc-ism to force alignment; we use this to align char-arrays that may then be cast to 'struct's.
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue GNUNET_MST_from_buffer(struct GNUNET_MessageStreamTokenizer *mst, const char *buf, size_t size, int purge, int one_shot)
Add incoming data to the receive buffer and call the callback for all complete messages.
Definition: mst.c:101

References CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_AUTH_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_AX_SENT_AND_RECV, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_UNINITIALIZED, cleanup_ax(), GCT_2s(), GCT_change_estate(), GNUNET_ALIGN, GNUNET_break_op, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_MST_from_buffer(), GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_OK, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), GNUNET_YES, LOG, MAX_UNVERIFIED_ATTEMPTS, msg, send_kx(), send_kx_auth(), GNUNET_MessageHeader::size, size, stats, t, CadetTConnection::t, t_ax_decrypt_and_validate(), and trigger_transmissions().

Referenced by GCC_handle_encrypted().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_send()

struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry * GCT_send ( struct CadetTunnel t,
const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader message,
GCT_SendContinuation  cont,
void *  cont_cls,
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn 

Sends an already built message on a tunnel, encrypting it and choosing the best connection if not provided.

messageMessage to send. Function modifies it.
tTunnel on which this message is transmitted.
contContinuation to call once message is really sent.
cont_clsClosure for cont.
Handle to cancel message.

Definition at line 3413 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3419 struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry *tq;
3420 uint16_t payload_size;
3421 struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope *env;
3423 struct CadetChannel *ch;
3425 if (NULL != ctn)
3426 {
3427 ch = lookup_channel (t,
3428 *ctn);
3429 if ((NULL != ch) && GCCH_is_type_to_drop (ch, message))
3430 {
3431 GNUNET_break (0);
3432 return NULL;
3433 }
3434 }
3436 if (CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK != t->estate)
3437 {
3438 GNUNET_break (0);
3439 return NULL;
3440 }
3441 payload_size = ntohs (message->size);
3443 "Encrypting %u bytes for %s\n",
3444 (unsigned int) payload_size,
3445 GCT_2s (t));
3446 env = GNUNET_MQ_msg_extra (ax_msg,
3447 payload_size,
3449 t_ax_encrypt (&t->ax,
3450 &ax_msg[1],
3451 message,
3452 payload_size);
3454 "# encrypted bytes",
3455 payload_size,
3456 GNUNET_NO);
3457 ax_msg->ax_header.Ns = htonl (t->ax.Ns++);
3458 ax_msg->ax_header.PNs = htonl (t->ax.PNs);
3459 /* FIXME: we should do this once, not once per message;
3460 this is a point multiplication, and DHRs does not
3461 change all the time. */
3463 &ax_msg->ax_header.DHRs);
3464 t_h_encrypt (&t->ax,
3465 ax_msg);
3466 t_hmac (&ax_msg->ax_header,
3467 sizeof(struct GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader) + payload_size,
3468 0,
3469 &t->ax.HKs,
3470 &ax_msg->hmac);
3472 tq = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof(*tq));
3473 tq->t = t;
3474 tq->env = env;
3475 tq->cid = &ax_msg->cid; /* will initialize 'ax_msg->cid' once we know the connection */
3476 tq->cont = cont;
3477 tq->cont_cls = cont_cls;
3479 t->tq_tail,
3480 tq);
3481 if (NULL != t->send_task)
3482 GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (t->send_task);
3483 t->send_task
3485 t);
3486 return tq;
int GCCH_is_type_to_drop(struct CadetChannel *ch, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
Check if type of message is the one to drop.
static void t_h_encrypt(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, struct GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage *msg)
Encrypt header with the axolotl header key.
static void t_ax_encrypt(struct CadetTunnelAxolotl *ax, void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
Encrypt data with the axolotl tunnel key.
#define GNUNET_malloc(size)
Wrapper around malloc.
#define GNUNET_MQ_msg_extra(mvar, esize, type)
Allocate an envelope, with extra space allocated after the space needed by the message struct.
Definition: gnunet_mq_lib.h:63
Axolotl encrypted data.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ChannelTunnelNumber ctn
Number identifying this channel in its tunnel.
uint32_t PNs
Number of messages sent with the previous ratchet key.
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey DHRs
Current ratchet key.
struct GNUNET_CADET_ConnectionTunnelIdentifier cid
ID of the connection.

References GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::ax_header, CADET_TUNNEL_KEY_OK, ch, GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::cid, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cid, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cont, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::cont_cls, CadetChannel::ctn, GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::DHRs, env, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::env, GCCH_is_type_to_drop(), GCT_2s(), GNUNET_break, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail, GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdhe_key_get_public(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, GNUNET_malloc, GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CADET_TUNNEL_ENCRYPTED, GNUNET_MQ_msg_extra, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now(), GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel(), GNUNET_STATISTICS_update(), GNUNET_CADET_TunnelEncryptedMessage::hmac, LOG, lookup_channel(), GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::Ns, GNUNET_CADET_AxHeader::PNs, GNUNET_MessageHeader::size, stats, t, CadetTunnelQueueEntry::t, t_ax_encrypt(), t_h_encrypt(), t_hmac(), and trigger_transmissions().

Referenced by GCCH_handle_local_data(), GCT_send_channel_destroy(), retry_transmission(), send_channel_data_ack(), send_channel_open(), send_keepalive(), and send_open_ack().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_send_cancel()

void GCT_send_cancel ( struct CadetTunnelQueueEntry q)

Cancel a previously sent message while it's in the queue.

ONLY can be called before the continuation given to the send function is called. Once the continuation is called, the message is no longer in the queue!

qHandle to the queue entry to cancel.

Definition at line 3491 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3493 struct CadetTunnel *t = tq->t;
3496 t->tq_tail,
3497 tq);
3498 GNUNET_MQ_discard (tq->env);
3499 GNUNET_free (tq);
void GNUNET_MQ_discard(struct GNUNET_MQ_Envelope *mqm)
Discard the message queue message, free all allocated resources.
Definition: mq.c:285

References CadetTunnelQueueEntry::env, GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove, GNUNET_free, GNUNET_MQ_discard(), t, and CadetTunnelQueueEntry::t.

Referenced by channel_destroy(), destroy_tunnel(), GCC_destroy(), handle_matching_ack(), send_channel_data_ack(), send_channel_open(), and send_open_ack().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_iterate_connections()

void GCT_iterate_connections ( struct CadetTunnel t,
GCT_ConnectionIterator  iter,
void *  iter_cls 

Iterate over all connections of a tunnel.

tTunnel whose connections to iterate.
iter_clsClosure for iter.

Definition at line 3511 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3515 struct CadetTConnection *n;
3517 for (struct CadetTConnection *ct = t->connection_ready_head;
3518 NULL != ct;
3519 ct = n)
3520 {
3521 n = ct->next;
3522 iter (iter_cls,
3523 ct);
3524 }
3525 for (struct CadetTConnection *ct = t->connection_busy_head;
3526 NULL != ct;
3527 ct = n)
3528 {
3529 n = ct->next;
3530 iter (iter_cls,
3531 ct);
3532 }
struct CadetTConnection * next
Next in DLL.

References CadetTConnection::next, and t.

Referenced by consider_path_cb(), destroy_tunnel(), and maintain_connections_cb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iterate_channels_cb()

static int iterate_channels_cb ( void *  cls,
uint32_t  key,
void *  value 

Helper function for GCT_iterate_channels.

clsthe struct ChanIterCls
valuea struct CadetChannel

Definition at line 3562 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3566 struct ChanIterCls *ctx = cls;
3567 struct CadetChannel *ch = value;
3569 ctx->iter (ctx->iter_cls,
3570 ch);
3571 return GNUNET_OK;
Closure for iterate_channels_cb.

References ch, ctx, GNUNET_OK, and value.

Referenced by GCT_iterate_channels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_iterate_channels()

void GCT_iterate_channels ( struct CadetTunnel t,
GCT_ChannelIterator  iter,
void *  iter_cls 

Iterate over all channels of a tunnel.

tTunnel whose channels to iterate.
iter_clsClosure for iter.

Definition at line 3583 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3587 struct ChanIterCls ctx;
3589 ctx.iter = iter;
3590 ctx.iter_cls = iter_cls;
3593 &ctx);
static int iterate_channels_cb(void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
Helper function for GCT_iterate_channels.
void * iter_cls
Closure for iter.
GCT_ChannelIterator iter
Function to call.

References ctx, GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterate(), ChanIterCls::iter, ChanIterCls::iter_cls, iterate_channels_cb(), and t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ debug_channel()

static int debug_channel ( void *  cls,
uint32_t  key,
void *  value 

Call GCCH_debug() on a channel.

clspoints to the log level to use
valuethe struct CadetChannel to dump
GNUNET_OK (continue iteration)

Definition at line 3606 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3610 const enum GNUNET_ErrorType *level = cls;
3611 struct CadetChannel *ch = value;
3613 GCCH_debug (ch, *level);
3614 return GNUNET_OK;
void GCCH_debug(struct CadetChannel *ch, enum GNUNET_ErrorType level)
Log channel info.
Types of errors.

References ch, GCCH_debug(), GNUNET_OK, and value.

Referenced by GCT_debug().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GCT_debug()

void GCT_debug ( const struct CadetTunnel t,
enum GNUNET_ErrorType  level 

Log all possible info about the tunnel state.

tTunnel to debug.
levelDebug level to use.

Definition at line 3629 of file gnunet-service-cadet_tunnels.c.

3632#if ! defined(GNUNET_CULL_LOGGING)
3633 struct CadetTConnection *iter_c;
3634 int do_log;
3637 "cadet-tun",
3638 __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
3639 if (0 == do_log)
3640 return;
3642 LOG2 (level,
3643 "TTT TUNNEL TOWARDS %s in estate %s tq_len: %u #cons: %u\n",
3644 GCT_2s (t),
3645 estate2s (t->estate),
3646 t->tq_len,
3648 LOG2 (level,
3649 "TTT channels:\n");
3652 &level);
3653 LOG2 (level,
3654 "TTT connections:\n");
3655 for (iter_c = t->connection_ready_head; NULL != iter_c; iter_c = iter_c->next)
3656 GCC_debug (iter_c->cc,
3657 level);
3658 for (iter_c = t->connection_busy_head; NULL != iter_c; iter_c = iter_c->next)
3659 GCC_debug (iter_c->cc,
3660 level);
3662 LOG2 (level,
3663 "TTT TUNNEL END\n");
void GCC_debug(struct CadetConnection *cc, enum GNUNET_ErrorType level)
Log connection info.
static int debug_channel(void *cls, uint32_t key, void *value)
Call GCCH_debug() on a channel.
#define LOG2(level,...)
int GNUNET_get_log_call_status(int caller_level, const char *comp, const char *file, const char *function, int line)
Decides whether a particular logging call should or should not be allowed to be made.

References CadetTConnection::cc, debug_channel(), estate2s(), GCC_debug(), GCT_2s(), GCT_count_any_connections(), GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap32_iterate(), GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_BULK, GNUNET_get_log_call_status(), LOG2, CadetTConnection::next, and t.

Here is the call graph for this function: